1 Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation MSD-II FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION AGENDA Project Status Individual Team Member vs. Norms and Values Deliverables Checklist EDGE Review Rubric Review P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 2 PROJECT STATUS Sensors: Test fixtures are designed and built MCU: Can now record data to microSD card Data can be transferred to PC All sensors were connected and tested for compatibility and function. P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation With additional filtering and signal processing overall accuracy could be much improved. Overall, phase I complete 3 INDIVIDUAL TEAM MEMBERS STATUS What were your personal responsibilities and where are you against your plan (compare to your original plan)? Have you utilized your plan effectively in MSD II and is your current assessment of status realistic? Have you documented all related work and data? What would you have done differently during the quarter (as an individual) knowing what you know now? P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 4 MEMBER VS. NORMS Punctual Thorough Accurate Professional and Ethical Demonstrates the core RIT values of SPIRIT Committed P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 5 DAVID MONAHAN, ME Overall Responsibilities Project Manager Expected MSD2 Responsibilities (from MSD1 Project Review) Start Building Test Fixtures Verify Accuracy of test fixtures with multiple tests Facilitate merging of P10010/P10011 testing efforts Concept Generation: Shock and Impact testing P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Assemble & execute weekly meeting agendas Keep track of what team needs to do on a week-to-week basis Ensure major deliverable compliance- all bases covered? 6 DAVID MONAHAN, ME Status Continued project manager role First 5 weeks: mostly individual testing/construction Final 5 weeks: much heavier schedule & management Brainstormed alternative fixtures during weeks 1-3 Goniometer & Flex Fixture delivered Week 5/6 Led Technical Paper efforts Performed Flex Fixture & Shock Testing Developed Pendulum model & MATLAB code Ultimately did much more data manipulation than expected during final two weeks Mostly due to late introduction of Pendulum fixture P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Documentation Fixture Manufacturing Plans Fixture Procedures MATLAB Code & Figures 7 DAVID MONAHAN, ME Recommendations Future leaders: Test Fixture: Controllable input Tighter management during first 5 weeks Ensure all deadlines are met! Ripple effects undesirable Labview? GUI: both actual model and measured sensor data tracked & analyzed simultaneously Provides variety of scenarios Take advantage of Sara’s spine fixture if possible! MATLAB Better way of integration for non harmonic data Trapz function? Simulink model? Consult with resident MATLAB experts (Crassidis)? Utilize alternative programming methods- C? P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 8 JAMES STERN, ME Responsibilities Sensor Interface Lead: Limb Kinematics, Sensor Placement, Sensor Configuration. Liaison with Human Interface Team. Sensor Technology Assistant. Enclosure Assistant. P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 9 JAMES STERN, ME MSD2 Plan Order parts for Test methods Start Building Test Fixtures Verify Accuracy of test fixtures. Help with testing sensors Integrate sensors and microcontroller and repeat tests. Include Human Interfaces enclosures with sensors testing Test sensors for durability with cycle testing and shock tests. Status Parts were received and tests fixtures were built (modifications needed to be mad to original plans) Test fixtures were verified Flex sensors were tested, and data was analyzed to correlate voltage to angles using Trendline in excel Flex sensor was tested using p10011 under-armor sleeve. Flex sensors went through cycle analysis (1000 cycles) Ordered 2 * DE-ACCM3D2 to complete shock testing. Could withstand of 500G’s of shock (Test included p10011 enclosure). P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 10 JAMES STERN, ME Recommendations P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Start building of test fixture in MSD1, would have given more time for testing. Implement rotational servo motors on fixture so the tester can rotate sensors at a set rotational speed. Make fixture out of non metallic material, or at least cover it with a rubber. Design a easier and more universal way of attaching sensors to test fixture. Should have thought about acceleration test methods in MSD1 Impact Test, Not Shock test to see if enclosure could withstand an impact and keep sensor safe. 11 CORY LAUDENSLAGER , EE Responsibilities P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation MCU/Sensor Interface Lead: Ensure Sensor Technologies can Interface to MCU Sensor Selection Assistant MCU Selection Assistant Battery Analysis BOM Creation / Ordering Parts Sensor Testing / Test Plan 12 CORY LAUDENSLAGER, EE P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation MSDII Plan BOM Creation / Select Vendors / Order Parts Soldering of Headers on Sensors DE-ACCM2G2 Test / Test Procedure / Data Analysis / Future Recommendations Ultra-Thin IMU Test / Test Procedure / Data Analysis / Future Recommendations Status All Parts Ordered and Received on Time All Sensors Soldered and Powered Up DE-ACCM2G2- Steady State/Position Analysis Completed and Sensor Document Created Ultra-Thin IMU- Steady State/Rotation/Position Analysis Completed and Sensor Document Created 13 CORY LAUDENSLAGER, EE Recommendations Future Data Analysis is Required -Point by Point Integration for Both Rotation and Position A More Efficient Means to Display Data for the User Kalman Filtering to Account for Drift in Gyroscopes P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 14 JANVI GAUTHAMAN, EE(BIOMED) Responsibilities Sensor Technology Lead Documentation Lead Ensuring that all documents are on EDGE Taking minutes during meetings, updating agenda (MSDI) P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Sensor research, Sensor selection, Sensor Evaluation, Sensor review (with Dr. Phillips), Final Sensor Selection Test plan (MSDI) sensors (on a component level) Execution (MSDII) of testing for sensors (on the sub-system level- integrating with the MCU) Testing the Atomic 6DoF IMU, and the Flex Sensor. 15 JANVI GAUTHAMAN, EE MSDII Plan Test the Atomic sensor for basic functionality Check the Atomic sensor for Accuracy Test the Atomic with the MCU for integration. P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Test the Flex sensor for basic functionality Check the Flex sensor for Accuracy Test the Flex sensor with the MCU for integration. Test the Flex sensor for accuracy at different bend positions. 16 JANVI GAUTHAMAN, EE Status MSDI: Extensive research on market solutions and technology solutions, Final sensors were chosen bought, Sensor Feasibility for every sensor was done, risks were updated consistently. Feedback from previous presentations were considered and action items were added as needed MSDII: All documentation of knowledge, data, results, writeups are thoroughly uploaded to EDGE. Atomic IMU was tested for its basic functionality on three fixtures. All data was analyzed –pendulum, was most useful. Flex sensor was tested for accuracy bend position life cycle With P10011 interface MCU interface (possibly adding noise) P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 17 JANVI GAUTHAMAN, EE Recommendations P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Test the Atomic with a constant acceleration, velocity, position fixture/ motor – so as to lessen some of the variables. Build fixtures beforehand. Find more applications of, and documents, go through source codes of the Atomic to better understand it. (Lot of functions, poor marketing/documentation). Flex sensor- better interface. Try the more expensive flex sensor for highly accurate applications. 18 BRIAN GLOD, CE Responsibilities Data Lead Sensor Interface Assistant Assist EE’s with sensor/MCU interface circuitry Communication Assistant Assist with storage of sensor data Assist with PC/MCU communication P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Interpret and filter sensor data Convert data to desired format for storage Design PC user interface Analyze sensor data (degrees, angles, etc) EDGE/SVN janitor Assist David with organization Fix it when it’s broken 19 BRIAN GLOD, CE MSD2 Plan Order MCU components (before break) Become familiar with the Arduino IDE MCU, cables, power supplies, etc (see Electrical BOM) Write small programs for testing interrupts, ADC and DIO operations, microSD card read/write operations Work closely with Assis in designing the MCU software Break down the programming into small blocks Assign programming tasks to Assis and myself Maintain communication with EE’s for sensor integration Assist in testing and sensor data analysis P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Continue to keep the Risk Assessment document up-todate 20 BRIAN GLOD, CE Status MCU logs data to microSD card Developed PC / host software that reads the sensor data file and converts the digital values back into analog voltages Helps tremendously in data analysis – using these values, angles may be calculated (Cory / discrete integration) Assisted with sensor data acquisition Debugging of circuitry and code P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Selectable inputs from 0 to all 16 analog channels Worst-case sample rate of 240 Hz for all 16 channels Comma separated values (CSV) format Contains raw acceleration data, may be converted to other formats as necessary (ie: C3D) 21 BRIAN GLOD, CE Recommendations Use interrupts for sampling ADC channels May be able to use a plane old data logger Allows for other operations while waiting for a sample Write to micro-SD, on-chip data analysis, etc Much smaller; but…ADC inputs? Speed? Filter the digitized ADC values through a calibration curve to improve accuracy Currently off by as much as 50 mV – tens of degrees Full curve (1024 values?); or subset, say 512 values? Smaller MCU with more ADC inputs (if possible) External / more accurate ADCs P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation May have to deal with custom PCB layout and high-frequency considerations 22 ASSIS NGOLO, CE Responsibilities Communications Lead Microcontroller Assistant Assist EE’s with interfacing MCU to Sensos Assist EE’s in running sensor tests on MCU Data Assistant Develop storage solution Interface SD card to MCU Design file format for storage for PC accessibility Capture and Coordinate Data Analyze collected sensor data Assist with general MCU programming P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Project Plan Manager Keep tasks on schedule Fix it when it’s broken 23 ASSIS NGOLO, CE MSD2 Plan P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Perform research on storage interfacing methods Look for an appropriate C/C++ libraries to use with micro SD card Modify selected library for use with the ATmega1280 Create a CSV file format that make sit easy to identify data from each sensor along with a timestamp Perform analysis on acquired data, to obtain velocity and displacement from acceleration 24 ASSIS NGOLO, CE Status Micro SD card interfacing successful Data logging successful Data analysis successful Matlab analysis with double integration successful Velocity determined from acceleration Displacement determined from velocity P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation CSV file can be written and read from with ease FAT16 formatted SD card can be plugged into PC easily Matlab and MS Excel can access the CSV files easily 25 ASSIS NGOLO, CE Interrupts Avoid polling Improve performance Dedicated data logging MCU Have more analog channels More precise Calibration curves to ADC values to increase accuracy P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 26 EDGE https://edge.rit.edu/content/P10010/public/Home P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Review as a team: 27 DELIVERABLES CHECKLIST & ONLINE STATUS Customer Needs- Done Engineering Specifications- Done Risk Assessment- Done Test Plan- Done Previous Presentation Documents- Posted Project Plan- Done Other Deliverables?? P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation 28 CONCLUSIONS DE Sensor Good for linear movements in determining position from acceleration Atomic Razor Least accurate in determining position from acceleration. Very accurate in determining rotational angles. Flex Accurate in lab, but in reality best for repeated motions where accuracy is not main function Cheap, durable, easy to use, portable-satisfies all major customer needs (at least JJ) P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Moderately accurate in finding position from acceleration. (<DE sensor, >Razor) Has internal processor- not documented well Does not meet portability requirement 29 RUBRIC REVIEW Go over rubric elements as a group Concerns? P10010: Motion Tracking Technology Evaluation Questions? 30