Four years down the line: Experiences beyond Intel Teach to the Future (ITTF) Mary Reynolds St Stithians Boys’ College Paper presented to the Intel Conference, Bloemfontein, July 2007 Introduction Context: Independent boys’ high school Very good ICT infrastructure 2003 in-house course 5 Intel-trained teacher’s remain ITTF format → learning design How has this happened? curriculum (GETC → FET) Resource-based learning (electronic & print) Help with learning design ITTF format: New Emphasis on outcomes Question-based approach Self-evident & intuitive How do we use ITTF? Saved as word doc c.f. form Acknowledging its origin Focus on essential questions → unit questions Encourages creative approach How does it work? Essential Avoids copy-&-paste Avoids plagiarism Emphasises learning process Provides question-based approach the learner with: Active role Personalised learning Process is scaffolded Content is still covered What does it depend on? Good imagination ‘Real world’ situation (adult/child view?) Multi-media adds value Effective resourcing Core collection Afro-centric Detailed indexing → easy access Global Resource Centre links Collaboration with colleagues Co-design and co-teaching What do the units look like? Grade Content area Essential Question Student role Task 8 Geography: Wetlands Why are wetlands important? Project manager Argue as project manager for the destruction or preservation of any SA wetland 8 LO: Religious leader How do values and beliefs influence a person’s choice of religion? Invite a speaker to address the school Introduce your chosen speaker justifying why this person has influence generally and on your life 8 History: WWI What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on the course of history? Report orally on an event Prepare a poster, OHP transparencies, a model or other form of VISUAL presentation. 9 Geography: Natural disasters How do we keep the balance between man and environment? Role play of UN advisor needing to influence decisions A natural disaster has occurred. You have been sent as a special envoy of the United Nations to compile a report on the situation in order for the UN to organize aid. What have we learned? ITTF easy to use and adaptable Focus on learner & learning process Designing to avoid plagiarism Where are the teachers now? 3 collaborators → ‘pedagogical inventors’ (Sandholz, Ringstaff & Dwyer 1991) → informal collaboration Need to support learning process at system level Learning management system Flexibility in ‘grammar of schooling’ (Tyack & Tobin: 1994) Emphysema unit example How have we used ICTs? Firstly to encourage ICT use → Rethinking curriculum Integration of: Information skills Thinking skills 21st Century skills → improved learning design Focus: ICTs → pedagogy How have we used ICTs? OPAC database Internet (sometimes unsupported) Combes research Access problems Plan for power failures → Solutions: LMS Mobile technology Overall support for curriculum Conclusion Community of practice Resourcing curriculum Scaling up from ITTF → Improved curriculum delivery → Teacher professionalism