Christianity and Judaism: The beginning of the world

Wiltshire RE Starter Stimulus
Starter ideas for the following key question from the 2011 Agreed Syllabus:
KS1 02 The beginning of the world: what can we learn
from Jewish and Christian stories?
This resource aims to provide some stimulus images and ideas to help pupils
begin to address the above question.
It links to the following learning outcomes from p35 of the syllabus:
Pupils can:
• Retell in simple terms the story of creation from the Bible and talk about how
important this is for Christians and Jews
• Ask and respond to questions arising from the creation story
Many of the slides have notes to give suggestions for use. Look at the slide
show in Normal mode and look for the notes at the bottom of the page.
Marked images © Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos, used under license
clever, tidy, patient,
big, cold, imaginative,
skilful, furry, friendly,
caring, funny, shiny,
strong, sad, worried,
angry, technical,
creative, loving,
cuddly, slim, wise,
Images © RE Today
© Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos
The story at the start of the Jewish and Christian Bible
tells about God creating the earth.
Listen to the story and look at the pictures.
From what you hear, what would you say this Creator
might be like?
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In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. God said ‘let there be
light,’ and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated
the light from the darkness. God called the light ‘day’ and he called the
darkness ‘night’ and there was evening and morning – the first day.
© Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos
And God said let ‘there be an expanse between the waters, to separate water from
water’… And it was so. God called the expanse ‘sky’ and there was evening and
morning – the second day.
© Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos
And God said ‘let the water under the sky be gathered in one place, and let dry
ground appear.’ And it was so. God saw that it was good. God said ‘let the land
produce vegetation, plants, seeds and trees.’ And it was so. And God saw that it was
good. and there was evening and morning – the third day.
And God said ‘let there be lights in the sky, marking day and night and the
seasons of the year’ and it was so. God made a great light to rule the day, a
lesser light to govern the night and the stars. And God saw that it was good.
And there was evening and morning – the fourth day.
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© Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos
And God said ‘let the water teem with living creatures, and birds fly in the sky.’ And it
was so. God blessed them and said ‘be fruitful, increase in number, fill the waters and
the sky’. And there was evening and morning – the fifth day.
© Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos
And God said ‘let the water teem with living creatures, and birds fly in the sky.’ And it
was so. God blessed them and said ‘be fruitful, increase in number, fill the waters and
the sky’. And there was evening and morning – the fifth day.
© Focus Multimedia 30000 Photos
And God said ‘let the dry land produce living creatures, animals, insects and wild creatures’. And it
was so. Then God said ‘let us make humans in our own image.’ Male and female God created
them. God blessed them, and gave them all the fruits of the earth for food. And it was so. And God
saw all that was made, and it was very good. And there was evening and morning – the sixth day.
By the seventh day, God had finished the work he had been doing,
and God rested. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy,
because he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
Creative ideas for Genesis Chapter 1:
1. The last slide didn’t have a picture on. What picture
might you use to show the 7th day and God resting?
2. In the story, God says several times that creation is
good – even very good. Which part of creation do
you think God would be most pleased with?
3. Have a look at 6-year old Laurence’s picture,
showing the part he thinks God is most pleased
4. Ask children to draw/paint the part of the story showing
where God is most pleased.
5. Choose some music to express the idea of creation.
Some classical pieces work well (e.g. Ravel, Sunrise from
Daphnis and Chloe ; or look at the
suggestions on the NATRE site ) Get
children to move and dance to the music, making up
movements to reflect the different parts of the creation
6. Look at some the following images. How might your
children express something of the content of the Genesis
account? Can they express how this story is important to
many believers because it talks about how amazing God
must be?
In a Y3 / 4 class, the
pupils made lego
models to show one
day of the story from
Genesis 1.
This is day 3: the dry
land and the trees.
This is day 2: separating
the waters from the land.
Here’s another child’s version of
day 2 – painted in the style of
Kate Neal, from the Biblical text.
Day 6: the creation of
humans and animals