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Microsoft Word Trading Card
Center #1
Developed by: Lenore Carroll
Maplewood/Molo Gifted Algebra I and Math
13.Translate between the characteristics defining a line (i.e., slope, intercepts, points) and both its equation
and graph (A-2-H) (G-3-H)
14. Graph and interpret linear inequalities in one or two variables and systems of linear inequalities (A-2-H) (A4-H)
In order to completely understand graphing, it is necessary to understand the vocabulary associated with it. This center
will allow you to explore the necessary vocabulary and its use in graphing. You will also look at associated symbols and
their relationships to the vocabulary.
Big Question – What vocabulary do you have to understand before you can graph an equation, inequality, or create a
box and whisker plot?
Your class has been hired by Glencoe Publishing to create digital definitions with examples for their new textbook series.
The new book will have a sports theme so they want to use trading cards to teach vocabulary. The Chapter 1 vocabulary
will be the vocabulary necessary for graphing. Microsoft Word will be used to create the final product of trading cards.
To accomplish this task, you and your team will complete the following step-by-step instructions):
1. Your team will create trading cards using the vocabulary associated with graphing of linear equations and
inequalities and box and whisker plots.
2. Use the following websites to assist you in understanding more about graphing vocabulary.
 http://www.mathsisfun.com/definitions/index.html
 http://www.mathwords.com/index_algebra.htm
 http://mainland.cctt.org/mathsummer/JosephBond/vocabulary/vocabulary_std.htm
3. The team will research the assigned terms using the suggested websites or any other sources (textbook,
vocabulary handbook, or any additional websites). In addition to a definition, you will need to have a picture,
drawing or other example of the term. The product will be created on the computer so your example must be
available to put on the final project as an electronic file.
4. Individual team members will gather resources and/ or investigate your area of expertise to complete your
individual portion of this task …
 Member 1: The terms you will research are - axis, x intercept, y intercept, coordinate plane, inequality,
 Member 2: The terms you will research are - slope, slope intercept form, line of best fit(regression
line), origin
 Member 3: The terms you will research are - median, range, interquartile range, measure of central
 Member 4: The terms you will research are - outlier, five number summary, quartile, limit
5. Now that you've become an expert in your assigned vocabulary, the time has come to rejoin your group for the
next phase of your project.
Each team member should compile their assigned information to create trading cards of each vocabulary word
using the Trading Card template. Each person will complete the trading card for their vocabulary. All group
members will then share their vocabulary with the group.
As a team, review final project for accuracy. Be sure all team members are acknowledged for their work.
Save your project using one team member’s first.lastname plus the hour (ex. jane.doe_3rd)
Save the final project to your group folder on the desktop.
Trading Card Rubric
Reflective Question:
Upon completion of this learning center, you should be able to use the vocabulary you have learned to complete the
projects in the other centers. You should also understand the vocabulary and its relationship to creating a graph.
Create an example of your own using two or more of your vocabulary words that shows their relationship.
Name your file with your first.last name and put it into the drop box in Blackboard.
Adapted from resources found at the following website
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page