The G0 Experiment: Parity Violation in e-N Scattering Colleen Ellis The University of Maryland The G0 Collaboration: CalTech, Carnegie-Mellon,William & Mary, Hendrix, IPN-Orsay, LPSC-Grenoble, JLab, LaTech, NMSU, Ohio University,TRIUMF, U Conn, UIUC, U Manitoba, U Maryland, U Mass, UNBC, U Winnipeg, VPI, Yerevan, Zagreb Hall C Meeting 18 January 2008 1 0 G Graduate Students Carissa Capuano : W&M, USA Maud Versteegen: LPSC, France. Alexandre Coppens: Manitoba, Canada Mathew Muether: Illinois, USA Colleen Ellis : Maryland, USA John Schaub : NMSU, USA. Juliette Mammei Virginia Tech. USA. 2 Overview • Physics Introduction • G0 Forward Angle • G0 Backward Angle--Elastic Electron Scattering – – – – Experimental Set-up Analysis Overview Preliminary Data Detector Performance • Other Backward Angle Physics Topics – Inelastic e-p measurement to measure parity violation in N- transition – Elastic e-p scattering with transverse beam polarization to investigate 2 photon exchange – PV pion photoproduction on the resonance 3 Strange Form Factors How does s quark contribute to electromagnetic properties of the nucleon? G ,p E,M Qq G q E,M q u,d ,s Z ,p GE,M 2 u, p 1 d , p 1 s, p GE,M GE,M GE,M 3 3 3 Electron scattering involves EM and Weak interactions q 2 q 2T 4Q sin G 3 q W E,M q u,d,s Assume: Isospin symmetry u,p d ,p u GE,M GE,M GE,M d ,p u,n d GE,M GE,M GE,M s,p s,n s GE,M GE,M GE,M s ,p ,n Z ,p GE,M 1 4 sin 2 W GE,M GE,M GE,M Known G0 measures 4 Model Independent Form Factors M M Z A M 2 { AE AM AA 0 PV asymmetries from EM and weak interference terms } AA (1 4sin 2W )'GAe GM Q2 4M2 1 1 2(1 )tan 2 2 0 (GE ) 2 (GM ) 2 ' AE GE G Z E AM GM GMZ 1 1 2 can be varied between zero and unity for a fixed Q2 by varying the beam energy and electron scattering angle. Two kinematics, two targets gives 3 linear combinations of EM and weak form factors proton APV GEs (Q2 ) ( 5,10) proton s 2 APV ( 110) GM (Q ) deuterium e 2 ( 110) APV GA5(Q ) G0 Forward Angle Experiment • Forward angle measurement completed May 04 • LH2 target, detect recoil protons • Q2 = 0.12-1.0 (GeV/c)2, E=3.03GeV • Spectrometer sorts protons by Q2 in focal plane detectors (16 rings in total) • Detector 16: “super-elastic”, crucial for measuring the background • Beam bunches separated by 32 ns • Time-of-flight separates protons from pions • Results published in : D.S. Armstrong, et al., PRL 95, 092001 (2005) 6 G0 Forward Angle Results • Forward Angle – – – – 700 hrs of data taking 101 C. 18 Q2 measurements Good agreement with other experiments (HAPPEx and PVA4) • Backward Angle – Two Q2 measurements 0.23 and 0.62 GeV2 (GeV2) GEs GMs p2 E p E – Required for complete separation of G Es and G Ms p 2 M (0) phys V 4 2 G G GF Q2 G 1 R A ANVS 7 G0 Backward Angle • Hydrogen and deuterium targets • Electron beam energy of : – 362 MeV : Q2=0.23 (GeV/c)2 – 687 MeV : Q2=0.62 (GeV/c)2 • Detection of scattered electrons ~ 108º Backward Angle Configuration CED + Cerenkov FPD e- beam e- beamline • Particle detection and identification : – 16 Focal Plan Detectors – 9 Cryostat Exit Detectors elastic and inelastic electron separation – Additional Cerenkov detectors electron and pion separation target 8 G0 Backangle Superconducting Magnet (SMS) Target Service Module G0 Beam Monitoring Detectors: Ferris Wheel (FPDs) Detectors: Mini-Ferris wheel (CEDs+Cerenkov) 9 Collected Data • Longitudinal – – – – LH2 362MeV 90 C LD2 362MeV 70 C LH2 687MeV 120 C LD2 687MeV 45 C •Transverse –LH2 362MeV 3.6 C –LD2 362MeV 2.1 C –LH2 687MeV 1.0 C •Special Runs Types •pion matrix •random matrix •magnet scans 10 G0 Backangle Analysis Approach Raw Yields and Blinded Asymmetries by target and Q2 Blinding Factor Q2 Determination Forward Angle G G S E S M Aphys G S E G S M Rate Corrections for Electronics --Deadtime and Random Coincidences Helicity Correlated Beam Corrections G Ae Corrections from inelastic electrons Background from target walls Pion Asymmetry Contamination Unblind Beam Polarization Correction EM Radiative Corrections (via Simulation) 11 Forming Asymmetry measure raw yield for each helicity state (+ or -) apply rate corrections (electronic deadtime and random coincidences): Ym Yc 1 f R f R 7% f R 9 13% LH2 LD2 correct for beam correlated effects : Ycc i Yc Pi Pi form asymmetry : Pi x, y, x , y , Q, E Ycc Ycc Am Ycc Ycc Afalse < 4 ppb Am ~ 10 ppm correct for background contribution : Am fel Ael fb Ab 1 fel fb fb < 10 % correct for beam polarization (P) Ael ao a1GEs a2GMs a3GAe(T 1) P 12 Electron Yields (Hz/uA) Elastic Elastic Inelastic 90 C 120 C LH2, 362 MeV LH2, 687 MeV Quasi Elastic Inelastic 70 C LD2, 362MeV Inelastic 45 C 13 LD2, 687 MeV IHWP IN OUT LH2 362 LD2 362 14 PRELIMINARY RAW BLINDED Elastic Electron Asymmetries LH2 687 LD2 687 15 PRELIMINARY RAW BLINDED Elastic Electron Asymmetries G0 Backward Angle : Beam Specifications Beam Parameter Charge asymmetry 0.09 +/- 0.08 2 ppm x position difference -19 +/- 3 40 nm y position difference -17 +/- 2 40 nm x angle difference -0.8 +/- 0.2 4 nrad y angle difference 0.0 +/- 0.1 4 nrad Energy difference 2.5 +/- 0.5 34 eV Beam halo (out 6 mm) • • Achieved (IN-OUT)/2 “Specs” < 0.3 x 10 -6 -6 10 Beam parameters specifications were set meas to assure:APfalse 5%.Astat i Helicity correlated beam properties All Møller measurements during run) P=85.78 +/- 0.07 (stat) +/-1.38 (sys) % false asymmetry Correction : linear regression Acor Ameas - i 1 Y Pi 2Y Pi 16 LD2 687 Field Scan (Octant 1) Random subtracted Electron Yield vs SMS Current (2 sample cells) •Ramped SMS from 1900A to 4900A •Cell by cell fits made using a Gaussian (blue) for low momentum “background” and 2 Gaussians (with shared width) (red) for the elastic peak. A constant (lt. green) is also added to the fit to remove any field independent rate. Cell by Cell dilutions extracted as: f e @ 3500A YBackground YConstant YBackground YConstant YElastic @ 3500 A 17 Cerenkov Efficiencies • Electron detection efficiency • Determined using three different techniques • Does not change asymmetry Four Cerenkov Detectors CED/FPD Coincidence electron pion 18 Measured Cerenkov Efficiencies 19 EM Radiative Effects •Net effect is to reduce the energy of the scattered electron so elastic peak now has a low energy tail due to events which have “radiated” out of the peak. •Follow process of Tsai [SLAC=PUB-848] 1971. •Compute asymmetry [ ] based on the kinematics at the reaction vertex after the radiative emission. •This is compared to Born asymmetry calculation [ ] with 20 LH2 687 RC Yield Simulations Without RC Effects Without RC Effects With RC Effects 21 Expected G0 Results 22 G0: N → Measurement: Parity-violating asymmetry of electrons scattered inelastically ANΔ gives direct access to GANΔ Directly measure the axial (intrinsic spin) response during N →Δ+ transition First measurement in neutral current process GF Q 2 Ainel (1) (3) (3) 4 2 (1) 2(1 2sin 2 W ) 1 (Standard Model) (2) non - resonant contribution (small) (3) 2(1 4 sin 2 W )F(Q 2 ,s) (N resonance) IN Asymmetry (ppm) Asymmetry (ppm) vs Octant (LH2 @ 687MeV) OUT BLINDED Data: Inelastic electrons Scattered from both LH2 and LD2, each at two energies (362MeV & 687MeV) Octant Raw Asymmetry (averaged over inelastic region) 23 Transverse Polarization 2-Exchange An M Im M M 2 •When a transversely polarized electron scatters from a proton, the scattering rate has an azimuthal dependence arising from two-photon exchange contributions •This beam normal single spin asymmetry is of the same order of magnitude as the PV asymmetry; it can introduce a background asymmetry if the beam polarization has a transverse component 24 G0 362 MeV LH2 Transverse Asymmetry • BLINDED ---no corrections for helicity correlated beam parameters, deadtime, … Octant 25 Parity Violating Photoproduction of - on the Delta Resonance • PV asymmetry for pion photoproduction A may be as large as 5 ppm (based on hyperon model) with several ppm statistical uncertainty • Can access this from inclusive -asymmetries at kinematics. (Zhu et al, Phys. Rev. Lett.) • Electroweak radiative corrections generate a nonzero asymmetry at Q2 = 0. (Siegert’s theorem) 27 Pion Yield Measurement Analysis well underway LD2, 687 MeV CED Rate corrections : • fr ~15% (2/3 deadtime, 1/3 random coincidences) • Longitudinal A is small Pion Yields Hz/uA FPD 28 Summary • G0 Forward Angle and G0 Backward Angle Measurement allows model independent determination of GMS GES GAe • Analysis underway; good progress • Above specification beam and well-understood detector performance • Other Backward Angle Physics Topics Analysis well underway 29 30