Persuasive letter assignment sheet/rubric

Name ___________________
English Composition
Persuasive Letter Assignment
Rough Draft Due: 5/5
Final Draft Due: 5/9
Task: Write a persuasive letter to Dr. Briscoe
NOTE: We will brainstorm a list of possible topics as a class. Your topic must be approved
by Ms. Trudeau.
Objectives: To convince or persuade readers to agree with your point of view, to take
action, and/or to change their opinion. You will also demonstrate your understanding of
counter-argument and your ability to provide valid reasoning.
Your persuasive letter must include a(n):
 Introduction (Paragraph 1): a short introduction will hook the reader and funnel
towards the thesis
 Thesis Statement (Last sentence of paragraph 1): your position/argument
 2 supporting ideas (Paragraphs 2 & 3): facts and examples to support your
 Counter-Argument (Paragraph 4): the opposing point of view (including this
shows your understanding of the other side and makes you more credible as a source.)
o Concession: a statement that says the opposing point of view has validity
 Refutation (Paragraph 4): your response to the counter-argument (Give proof—
emotional and factual—to support your argument. Show what is weak in the counterargument, why your position is stronger, and address any doubts a reader may have
about you/your position.)
 The 4 Persuasive Appeals (All paragraphs): Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Kairos
 Conclusion (Paragraph 5): Give the “so what?” of your letter. Why do we care? End
on a powerful note that gives a “call to action.”
Aspects of Persuasion
Logos: logic/reason (What statistics, facts, or other research supports your claims?)
Pathos: emotion (What is the emotional appeal of your essay?)
Ethos: credibility (What makes you believable? What/who are your sources?)
Kairos: time (Why is your issue important now? You want your readers to act/change now.)
Name ___________________
Persuasive Letter Rubric
A = Advanced; P = Proficient; B = Basic; NS = Not Sufficient
Format (5)
 Letter follows the formal letter format.
 750 word minimum.
Introduction (10)
 “Hook” grabs the reader’s attention.
 Effectively funnels the reader into the thesis.
 Thesis is narrow, focused, debatable, strongly worded, and
may forecast the letter’s main reasons.
Body Paragraphs (40)
 Body paragraphs have topic sentences that link to the thesis.
 Supporting sentences utilize specific examples, data, or
quotations to illustrate the point.
 Explanations of examples are analytical and thorough.
 Body paragraphs are tightly organized.
 Counterargument(s) presented fairly; concessions were made.
 Refutation directly argues against counterargument(s).
Conclusion (10)
 Returns to the larger picture: the topic’s importance, value, etc.
 Answers “So what?”
 Ends with a “call to action”
Persuasive Technique (10)
 Logos, ethos, pathos, and kairos are all represented.
 Persuasive techniques used effectively.
 Persuasive techniques are not in their “perverted” forms.
Unity (8)
 One main idea from beginning to end.
 All sentences are on topic.
 Style is consistent throughout (e.g. no large digressions from
genre, conventions, etc.)
Coherence (8)
 Paragraph “holds together,” has a smooth and logical flow.
 Key nouns are repeated.
 Pronouns are consistent.
 Transitions are used.
 Sentences (and ideas) are in a logical order.
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (8)
 Words are spelled correctly.
 Correct grammar is used (e.g. subject-verb agreement, no
comma splices, etc.)
 Words and phrases are used correctly.
 Syntax is grammatically correct and varied.
 Four sentence types are used correctly, effectively, and are
highlighted appropriately.
Turning in Your Paper (1)
 This rubric was turned in with your paper.