NAME: Cellular Respiration Project: Due: Friday December 19th

Cellular Respiration Project: Due: Friday December 19th 2014
The following will be completed on a piece of paper which is provided on the back of this paper is the
set-up for the paper. Be sure to follow the instructions and color each part!
Divide your poster board the following way:
1. In the upper left hand corner:
a. Write in color the overall equation for Cellular Respiration p. 146 (Figure 7-13)
i. Make sure to include the molecular drawings, the formulas, as well as the
names of each reactant and product
ii. Label the reactants and the products
b. How many molecules of ATP (net) can be produced from cellular respiration?
2. In the upper right hand corner:
a. Draw, label, and color a mitochondrion p. 148
i. This organelle is found directly above figure 7-16 and is labeled
b. Explain the purpose of the mitochondrion
c. Explain why its structure (the many folds) is so important to how well it functions.
3. In the area below rectangle two:
a. Draw, label and color the entire process found on page 152 (Figure 7-20)
b. Indicate the number of ATP molecules that are produced at each stage and overall
4. In the lower portion of the paper:
a. Draw, label and color the stages of cellular respiration p. 149, p. 150, and p. 151
b. Answer the questions asked under each of the stages on the front of your paper.
c. Include:
i. Stage 1: Glycolysis (page 149) - bottom of page
1. Where in the mitochondria does this stage occur?
2. How many ATP’s does it release (total)?
3. How many ATP’s does it “INVEST”?
4. How many ATP’s does it release (net)?
5. What are the roles of the electron carriers (NADH and FADH2)?
ii. Stage 2: The Krebs Cycle (Page 150) – top of page
1. Where in the mitochondria does this stage occur?
2. What molecules enter the cycle (5 different ones in total)?
3. What molecule must be present for the Krebs Cycle to occur?
4. What is the net production of ATP during the Krebs Cycle?
5. Why is the Krebs Cycle considered a “cycle”?
iii. Stage 3: Electron Transport Chain (Page 151) – top of page
1. Where in the mitochondria does this stage occur?
2. How many molecules of ATP are produced from just the electron
transport system?
3. Describe where ATP synthase gets its energy and what it does with
4. What is the net production of ATP molecules in cellular respiration?
Area For Section #1
Area For Section #2
Area For Section #3
Area for Glycolysis (i)
(Part #4)
Area for Krebs Cycle (ii)
(Part #4)
Area for ETC (iii)
(Part #4)