Cell energy project Bio I

Cell Energy Project
100 Points total
Biology I: Cellular Respiration Picture
30 points Total
Step 1: The circle given to you is an animal cell. Using your cell notes or the book, draw and
label the following organelles using BLACK pen or colored pencils. Keep all of the organelles
small because the mitochondria is very large.
 Nucleus
 Cell membrane (Just label the border of the circle as the CM)
5 points
 Golgi apparatus
 Rough ER
 Cytoplasm (cytosol)
Step 2: Color the mitochondrion parts orange. Label all the parts in orange.
a. Label the inner membrane
b. Label the outer membrane
c. Label the matrix
d. Label the cristae
e. Label outside the mitochondria the cytosol in black
5 points
Step 3: Label where glycolysis takes place in black. Draw an arrow going into the mitochondria
in red and put IF O2 IS PRESENT next to it. Write down how many ATP are produced in the
box in yellow.
3 points
Step 4: Draw an arrow in blue to show where the end product of glycolysis will go if oxygen is
not available. Write if O2 NOT PRESENT and label it FERMENTATION in blue.
3 points
Step 5: Draw and label the Krebs cycle (Citric acid cycle) in the appropriate location in red. You
do not need to include the electron carriers NAD(H) or FAD(H). Draw an arrow in blue showing
that CO2 in coming out of the Krebs cycle. Write how many ATP are produced from the Krebs
cycle in yellow in the box at the bottom of the page.
4 points
Step 6: Draw a box inside the mitochondria where the electron transport chain (ETC) should be.
Inside the box, label the electron transport chain in purple. You do not need to show the electron
carriers NAD(H) or FAD(H). Write down how many ATP are produced in yellow in the box
below it.
3 points
Step 7: Below the mitochondria, write how many total ATP occurs from cellular respiration in
yellow. Next to the box, list the three stages of cellular respiration.
4 points
Step 8: After drawing and color coding your mitochondria, look at the
equation below and explain how the reactants produce CO2, H20, and energy as ATP as byproducts
C H O + 6O  6CO + 6H O + ATP Energy
3 points
Biology I: Photosynthesis Picture
30 points Total
Step 1: The circle given to you is a plant cell. Using your cell notes or the book, draw and label
the following organelles using BLACK pen or colored pencils. Keep all of the organelles small
because the chloroplast is very large.
 Nucleus
 Cell wall (Make a thick layer outside of the cell in black)
6 points
 Cell membrane (Just label the border of the circle as the CM)
 Mitochondria
 Vacuole
 Cytoplasm
Step 2: Color dark green around the giant chloroplast. Use green when labeling the parts.
a. Label the outer and inner membrane
b. Label the granum
5 points
c. Label the thylakoid
d. Label the stroma
e. Label the light reactions/light dependent reactions
Step 3: Draw the Calvin cycle next to the light reactions. Use grey to show the arrows in the
circle. Label it the Calvin cycle/Light independent reactions in grey.
2 points
Step 4: Add the reactants and products to the picture with the following colors. Reactants are those
going into the picture, and products are what come out.
Draw the light hitting the thylakoid in yellow
Draw the water entering the light reactions in blue
Draw the oxygen coming out in red
Draw the CO2 entering the Calvin cycle in purple
Draw the sugar leaving the Calvin cycle in pink
10 points
Step 5: In orange, draw the ATP going into the Calvin cycle and the ADP coming out of it into
the light reactions.
2 points
Step 6: After you finishing drawing and color coding it, look at the photosynthesis equation
below and explain how the reactants produce oxygen and sugars as a by-product.
6CO2 + 6H2O + Light C6H12O6 + 6O2
3 points
Step 7: Look at the products. List where the glucose (sugar) goes after it leaves the chloroplast.
List where the oxygen goes and why it’s important to living things.
What organelle does the sugar go to for energy? ________________________________
Where does the O2 go and why is it important to us?_____________________________
2 points
ATP/Fermentation Questions and Coloring 25 Points Total
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy molecule used
by all cells to do work. It is a nucleotide consisting of a nitrogencontaining base (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine), a 5carbon sugar, and 3 phosphate groups. ATP is able to store for a
short time and transport chemical energy within cells. The LAST
TWO phosphate groups (PO4), are joined by HIGH-ENERGY
bonds. When these bonds are broken, energy is released for cells
to use and ADP forms. Enzymes help to break and reform these
high-energy bonds.
6 points
1. What does ATP stand for?
2. What three main things make up an ATP molecule?
3. How many high-energy bonds does ATP contain?
4. Where are these high-energy bonds found in ATP?
5. What helps weaken these bonds so energy can be released
and then later help reform them?
6. When ATP loses a phosphate group __________ is released
for cells and a molecule of _________ forms.
No color needed for this picture
In Figure 4, COLOR the 5-carbon sugar RED and LABEL it
RIBOSE. COLOR the nitrogen-base DARK BLUE. COLOR the 3
phosphate groups YELLOW, and COLOR the 2 high-energy
bonds GREEN.
5 points
Nitrogenous base
Phosphate Groups
Energy bonds
5 Carbon sugar =
Before glucose can enter the mitochondria, it is split into a compound called
Pyruvate acid in the process called Glycolysis, yielding 2 net ATP. Color all
the ATP bubbles yellow. Glycolysis (glyco-sugar, lysis- to split) occurs
without oxygen. Color the glucose and pyruvate acid light purple. If it
occurs without oxygen, it is considered Anaerobic respiration. Color the
anaerobic box light green. If oxygen is present after glycolysis, then the
pyruvate acid enters the mitochondria. This is known as Aerobic respiration
that occurs inside the mitochondria. Color the aerobic respiration box and
mitochondria oval light blue.
Fermentation takes place in the absence of oxygen. In animals, the
process called Lactic acid fermentation converts the pyruvate acid into ATP
and lactic acid. This can occur in humans while exercising strenuously since
sufficient oxygen isn’t provided to muscle cells. This keeps cells fueled with
ATP. However, this does not cause soreness. The cause of muscle soreness
is the damage of muscle fibers while exerting them during exercise. Color
the lactic acid box dark purple.
Alcoholic fermentation occurs in yeasts and some bacteria. After
glycolysis, they covert the pyruvate acid into ethyl alcohol and CO2. Since
bacteria do not have mitochondria, this is the primary source of ATP. Color
the alcohol/CO2 box dark purple. This process make beer, wine, and bread
in yeast, and cheese/yogurt in bacteria.
Finally, color the background of the cytosol light blue, and the
6 points
background of the mitochondrion light green.
8 points
7. What is the process called that splits glucose into pyruvate acid, yielding 2
net ATP?
8. What is the process called that does not require oxygen?
9. What is the process called that requires O2?
10. What type of fermentation occurs in the absence of oxygen in animals?
11. What causes muscle soreness in humans after exercising?
12. In what type of organisms does alcoholic fermentation occur in?
13. Since yeast are eukaryotic, do you think they have mitochondria?
14. Name three products that can be used by humans from alcoholic
Enzyme FUN!
15 points Total
PART A- Enzyme Basics
We talk a lot in biology about the kinds of reactions that happen in your body (DNA,
Protein synthesis, Cellular respiration, etc.) and how molecules can change. You should know
that it doesn't happen on its own. If you leave a blob of protein in a petri dish will it just break
down to the amino acids? NO. What will break down proteins? Enzymes!
Enzymes are protein molecules that act as biological catalysts. A catalyst is a substance
that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by reducing the amount of energy needed to start
that reaction. Cells contain thousands of different enzymes to control the functions of the cell.
Enzymes must physically fit a specific substrate(s) to work properly (like puzzle pieces). Some
enzymes have a second site where a coenzyme attaches to help make the substrate better fit the
active site of the enzyme. Color the enzyme purple, the substrate yellow, and the coenzyme
green. Color the active site red by tracing the edge of the substrate and enzyme where they meet.
There are four steps in the process of an enzyme working:
(1) An enzyme and a SUBSTRATE are in the same area. The substrate is the biological
molecule that the enzyme will work on. NOTE- enzymes can have more than one
substrate, but they only work on ONE reaction- that reaction may simply involve
more than one molecule.
(2) The enzyme grabs onto the substrate with a special area called the ACTIVE SITE.
The active site is a specially shaped area of the enzyme that fits around the substrate.
In order for the substrate to bind to the enzyme, it must bump into the active site.
(3) A process called CATALYSIS happens. Catalysis is when the substrate is changed.
It could be broken down or combined with another molecule to make something
(4) The enzyme lets go. Big Idea - When the enzyme lets go, it returns to normal, ready
to do another reaction. The substrate is no longer the same. The substrate is now
called the PRODUCT.
Enzyme-Substrate Complex
5 points
10 points
Questions (use the information above to answer):
1. Cells have
of enzymes to act as biological
2. What is a catalyst?
3. How does a coenzyme help an enzyme?
4. Enzymes have an attachment site called the
site for the
to join.
5. In order for the substrate to bind to the enzyme, it must
the active site.
6. Once an enzyme is finished catalyzing a reaction, does the enzyme change?
7. After an enzyme catalyzes a reaction, the substrate is now called a
PART B- Changing Enzymes
In general, enzymes are protein molecules which must be folded in a specific
three-dimensional shape in order to function properly. Excess heat, a change in pH from
neutral, etc. change the shape of enzymes and their active sites so the enzyme is unable to
work. If an enzyme's shape changes significantly and it can no longer function, the
enzyme is said to have become denatured. Once an enzyme has been denatured, it can no
longer perform its job and the process is NOT reversible.
The enzyme pancreatic amylase is manufactured and secreted by the pancreas into the
small intestine. Pancreatic amylase breaks down starch into maltose, a disaccharide.
Pepsin is an enzyme that is released by the cells of the stomach and functions in the
stomach to break down proteins into smaller polypeptide units. The following graphs
show the activities of various enzymes under various environmental conditions.
Remember, different enzymes function best at different pHs and temperatures, depending
on the environment that they work in. For example, enzymes in your blood work best at a
pH around 7 because that is the pH of your blood, but enzymes in your stomach work
best at a pH around 2-3, because that is the pH within your stomach. For the graph,
enzyme activity means how well or fast the enzyme is working, so the taller the line, the
better the enzyme is functioning. Notice on Figure 2 that when an enzyme becomes
denatured due to high temperatures, the activity rapidly declines.
Questions (use the information and graphs above to answer):
8. What can change the shape of an enzyme?
9. What does denatured mean?
10. Is denaturing reversible?
Total ATP=
Three stages of cellular respiration