Jacob Weiss PDS Assignment #7 5/1/11 Safety Management Plan My Safety Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Identify and manage safety risks Minimize risks for students and the environment Exemplify location of first-aid, eye showers, and hand washing facilities Create proper lighting for students to safely work on the smallest of objects Minimize noise amplifications and develop methods to protect hearing Organize space efficiently so the lab is not overcrowded and each student has sufficient room for operating, storing material, and maneuvering Secure heavy objects that are raised Arrange proper ventilating and dusk collecting systems Note the location of various phone and emergency contact resources List required safety equipment such as earplugs, safety glasses, dust coats, shoes, and gloves and note were each of these items is located and stored Identify the machines and operations that have risks and explain how to avoid potential hazards to the students Demonstrate all potentially hazardous, dangerous, and lethal operations to students and observe individual student experience with each operation Determine methods for general waste disposal and hazardous waste disposal Comply with any current legislations that protect and ensure the safety of students Set up accident recording, evaluating, reporting, and investigating documents Develop procedures for emergencies such as fires, chemical spills, and natural disasters Correctly and distinctively identify machine controls by developing a color code system Minimize tripping hazards and ensure a steady platform or floor for operations Plan for students who have special needs My Safety Contract Student Safety Contract To the parent/Guardian of _________________________________(printed students name) Your child is in the technology education program and will be using various machining operations and tools in the lab. Supervision and instruction of these operations will ensure safety at all times. However, risks are always involved when working with power tools and machinery. I am asking you to encourage your son/daughter to be alert and cautious in the lab. This will support and reinforce the instructions of safety within the lab. I welcome you to visit our technology education program or to contact me with any questions or concerns. Contact info. Email= weissja@uwplatt.edu Phone=608-333-3388(office) 920-889-0000(cell) Technology Education Student Safety This is to certify that I,____________________________, have been instructed in and developed an understanding of the following safety rules and elements of Mr. Weiss’ lab. Safety Rules 1. Use the lab only under the instruction and supervision of the instructor 2. Use equipment only after passing equipment safety tests 3. Always wear eye protection in the lab 4. Absolutely no “horseplay” or throwing of objects 5. Report accidents and unsafe situations to the instructor 6. Confine long hair and loose or baggy clothing when operating machines 7. Clean up after yourself and cooperatively at the end of class Safety Procedures 1. Chemical Spills 2. Bodily Injury 3. Eye emergency 4. Fire 5. Natural Disasters Power Tool Use 1. Pass with a test score of 100% to operate each machine and power tool in the lab 2. Illustrate safe experience of working with each machine or power tool to the instructor 3. Abide by all safety rules Location of Safety Equipment 1. Fire extinguisher___________________________________ 2. Eye protection_____________________________________ 3. Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS)_____________________ 4. First-Aid Kit________________________________________ 5. Emergency Telephone/Resources___________________________________________________ 6. Eyewash Shower____________________________________ 7. Hand Wash Station___________________________________ 8. Heat Sources________________________________________ 9. Electric Circuit Breakers_______________________________ 10. Electrical Shut Offs___________________________________ 11. Dust Collection System________________________________ 12. Ventilation Systems__________________________________ 13. Lighting_____________________________________________ Please review this with a parent/guardian and bring the signed contract to class -I have read this documented contract and understand the program safety guidelines implicated. I will reinforce these safety practices and encourage the positive participation of my child in the lab. Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________ Date___________________ Phone_____________________________Email___________________________ -I agree to observe and abide to all safety rules and procedures in the technology education lab. Student Signature_____________________________________ Date____________________ Safety Presentation Outline Safety Systems -Tools and Equipment -Practices -Materials -Environment -Safety Rules 1. Tools and Equipment a. Hand Tools b. Cutting Tools c. Power/Mechanical d. Automation/Robotics e. Shock/Torsion Tools f. Heat Tools g. Tool Safety -safety zones -machine safeguards -color codes 2. Practices a. assembling -hazards -PPE b. conditioning -hazards -dust collection -PPE c. forming -hazards -PPE d. separating -hazards -risks -dust collection -PPE e. casting/molding -hazards -PPE f. finishing -ventilation -hazards -PPE Materials a. Storage -rigid solids/sheets -flexible solids/sheets 3. 4. 5. -small solids -liquids b. Hazardous Materials -solvents and chemicals -airborne materials -disposal -examples Environment a. lighting -welding b. sound control -hearing protection c. safety zones/color codes d. storage e. fire control/prevention f. space management e. first-aid Safety Rules Safety Quiz Technology Education Safety Quiz (student must complete this safety quiz with a 100% score to participate in lab activities/operations) 1. T F Safety Glasses are to be worn only when operating machinery 2. T F Machines can be used without the safeguards in place 3. T F You can operate a machine without the instructors permission or supervision if you know how to operate it 4. T F It is ok to work with tools and machines if you are tired or fatigued 5. T F The edge of a product can be just as sharp as the tools used to produce it 6. Which of the following should be secured with a vise or clamp? a. A material being ripped on the table saw b. A material being drilled or milled c. A material being finished with a stain d. A material being run through the surface 7. What is the correct color code for stopping a machine or an emergency shut off switch? a. Yellow b. Green c. Red d. Color doesn’t matter in the lab 8. What is the appropriate practice for operating the table saw while ripping a product? a. Using the miter gauge to assist the feed b. Using a partner to receive the material only c. Using the fence to assist the feed only d. Using the fence to assist the feed and a partner to receive the material e. Using the miter gauge and the fence collectively 9. What is the appropriate action to take when a peer become injured? 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. Cover the injury with a band-aid b. Ignore the injury and let the peer deal with it c. Report the injury to instructor d. Secure all operations and report the injury to the instructor Name the seven safety rules and apply one of the rules to a situation that you might experience in the lab. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Rule applied to a situation __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________