R09710 - Modern Food Processing and Bakery Technology for Lean Production Systems Sponsored by Wegmans Levi Stuck Evan DeCotis Kate Gleason Stephanie Rager Cecilia Enestrom Bruno Coelho Erik Webster Roadmap Description and Overview Mission Statement: The Modern Food Processing and Bakery Technology for Lean Production Systems project roadmap lays out a series of projects for the Wegmans bakery facility that will improve major aspects of the company's processes. Each project may be used as a tool to educate RIT students in Lean process improvement techniques and can be iterated many times in the future to provide additional benefits to both Wegmans and the RIT Senior Design Program. Business Goals and Deliverables Identify specific improvement projects within the facility Develop production metrics to evaluate improvements based on the needs and goals of each production line Implement improvement projects to reduce costs associated with wastes and inefficiencies within the facility Properly document all improvements and process changes as these projects are implemented Create process documentation where it is currently lacking Project Stakeholders Primary Customers: Wegmans Facility and Employees Scott Young, Manufacturing Engineering Manager Chris Isaacson, Industrial Engineer Other Stakeholders: John Kaemmerlen, Faculty Advisor Mark Smith, RIT Senior Design Project Improvement Process TRACK Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Waste Reduction Set-up Time and Changeover Reduction Improve Layout Design Safety Improved Documentation and Safety Analysis Implement 5S: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain Ergonomic Projects at High Risk Areas Ergonomic Projects at Low Risk Areas Material Handling Identify Material Handling Waste Standardize Material Handling Flow Improve and Implement Material Handling Procedures Metrics Track Current Metrics, Implement Current Metric Documentation Create a Tracking System for Metrics Visual Controls and Documentation for Metrics and System Status (Real-Time) Equipment Analyze Current Equipment and Maintenance Procedure Process Improvement Identify Flow and Current State Improve Metrics Create and Implement Update Out-of-Date (bottleneck) Documentation for Equipment Equipment Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Line Phase I Phase II Cookie Line Automation Automated Scaling of Cookies Automated Scaling of other Products Phase III Phase IV Automated Packaging for Cookie Line Integration of Systems Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Project Name Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Project Number P09711 Roadmap R09710- Modern Food Processing and Bakery Technology for Lean Production Systems Start Term 2008-2 End Term 2008-3 Faculty Guide Professor Kaemmerlen (Industrial and Systems Engineering Department) Primary Customer Wegmans Scott Young Chris Isaacson Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Project Summary Wegmans bakes and packages all of their mini cookies at their bakeshop located here in Rochester on Brooks Avenue. Currently the packaging is done by six or seven people who stand around a conveyor and pull the cookies into the clam-shell packages. Employees should be packing 398 grams into a package Employees are packing sometimes up to 450 grams of cookies This is a loss for Wegmans because customers are receiving more cookies than they are paying for. This project will look into building an automated prototype that will separate the cookies into the correct amount by weight, which the employees can then package. Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Mission Statement Create an automated prototype that will separate mini cookies by weight, while preventing cookies from moving on in the process until a specified weight is reached. It will create a clear separation between the sets of cookies that go into each package without substantially slowing down the packaging process. Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Key Business Goals/Project Deliverables Provide an effective design to minimize the packaging wastes Research materials and sensors to be used in automated prototype Produce an automated prototype Test/analyze effectiveness of prototype Present prototype to customer Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Assumptions and Constraints Budget Wegmans’ engineering resources Scheduling of benchmarking/testing time due to production goals Should not substantially slow down the packaging process Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Preliminary Customer Needs 1. Weights Product 1.1 Mini-Cookies 1.2 Mini-Muffins 1.3 Brownie Bites 2. Long Term Solution 2.1 Adjustable 3. Randomization 4. Waste Reduction 4.1 Reduces the amount of excess cookies in package Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Preliminary Risk Assessment Cost/Budget Consequences- could not produce prototype Substantially slows down process Consequences- not useful in line, no implementation Technology- needed technology is not available Consequences- unable to produce effective prototype Reduce Quality- design effects cookies Consequences- design and prototype cannot be implemented Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Staffing Requirements Name Discipline Role John Kaemmerlen Faculty Guide Faculty Guide, will work closely with the team on an on-going basis to facilitate success of project. Stephanie Rager IE Will serve as Project Manager. Assist in identifying the current process for packaging. Perform analysis on current process to be used as a benchmark for testing final prototype. Bruno Coelho ME Will serve as Chief Engineer. Act as main point of contact from an engineering standpoint. Assist in creation and production of an effective prototype. TBD ME Establish an effect engineering design for project. Research materials to be used in prototype. TBD EE Research sensors to use to collect the weight of the cookies. Program sensors to be used in prototype. TBD EE Research proper electronics to be used in mechanical system. Implement electronics in system/prototype. Automation/Improvement of Packaging on the Cookie Line Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure Person Week 0-1 Tasks Week 1-2 Tasks Week 2-3 Tasks Stephanie Rager – Project Manager Meet with Bruno to discuss specific team assignments. Set up first meeting before Friday. Conduct the meeting, and provide each group member with their assignments to be completed by the next Fridays meeting. Organize a site visit to Wegmans for entire team. Conduct a brainstorming session with project team to generate initial design ideas. Review the project schedule with the project team. Compile research performed in various fields by the project team. Organize and conduct a team meeting to monitor individual progress. Address areas of conflict with individual team members as they apply to them. Bruno Coelho – Chief Engineer Meet with Stephanie to discuss specific team assignments. Assist in conducting the meeting and provide overview of project to team members. Conduct a brainstorming session with the project team to generate initial design ideas. Provide each group member with their assignments to be completed by the next Fridays meeting. Generate concept design of mechanical system. Organize and conduct meeting with team to discuss individual concept designs. Provide team members with their assignments to be completed by the next Fridays meeting. ME Familiarize themselves with the project by thoroughly examining the project readiness package located on the EDGE website. Research possible materials to be used in the mechanical system. Brainstorm some individual design ideas. Generate concept design of mechanical system. Continue to researching materials to be used in mechanical system. EE Familiarize themselves with the project by thoroughly examining the project readiness package located on the EDGE website. Research possible sensors to use in collecting weight. Brainstorm some individual design ideas. Generate concept design of researched sensors. Continue researching sensors to use in collecting weight. EE Familiarize themselves with the project by thoroughly examining the project readiness package located on the EDGE website. Research possible electronics to use in the mechanical system. Brainstorm some individual design ideas. Generate concept design of electronics to be used in mechanical system. Continue researching electronics to be used in mechanical system. Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Line Bread and Roll Scaling Room Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Document Identify areas of Design and current process process and implement the flow and work layout new layout practices improvement Design and implement the new process procedures Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Project Name Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Project Number P09713 Roadmap R09710- Modern Food Processing and Bakery Technology for Lean Production Systems Start Term 2008-2 End Term 2008-3 Faculty Guide Professor Kaemmerlen (Industrial and Systems Engineering Department) Primary Customer Wegmans Facility and Employees Scott Young Chris Isaacson Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Current State • All scaling and measuring of ingredients for the bread and roll line is performed in the scaling room • Currently the ingredients are stored in 50-lb bags which are removed from storage racks by hand, measured on the scale, and moved by cart to their respective areas • Double handling of ingredients is occurring at the two scaling locations • There is no process for sifting and screening the dry ingredients. This would help reduce debris mixed into the batter • The layout is less than optimal, processes and work practices are not standardized, and ergonomics is a major concern Current Scaling Room Scale and Bucket Final Scaling Area New Scaling Area Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Mission Statement Document all work practices and processes for the bread and roll scaling operation to promote standardized work, develop a new process and layout for the scaling area that is conducive with Lean practices, and design solutions that will create a sifting and screening process that is ergonomically sound and promotes improved work flow. Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Key Business Goals/Project Deliverables Document all current processes and work practices Develop alternative processes for scaling the dry ingredients Reduce/eliminate redundancies and double handling in the process Develop a process for sifting and screening the dry ingredients Develop the layout for the new scaling area Identify other opportunities for improvement in the scaling area Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Assumptions and Constraints Resources for designing solutions and equipment are limited but available. Budget will be constrained based on decisions made by Wegmans Wegmans’ engineering resources are limited but available Space is limited in the area where the scaling process will be located and existing materials in the area will be relocated or eliminated The bread and roll line will be moving to a new location near the new scaling location in the future Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Preliminary Customer Needs Relocate and redesign the layout for the scaling area near the bread and roll line Improve the safety and ergonomics of the process Develop a process for sifting and screening dry ingredients Eliminate double handling of dry ingredients Document and standardize process procedures Identify and implement Lean process improvements Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Preliminary Risk Assessment Cost/Budget Insufficient funds to design and implement solutions for sifting and screening Customer Approval Wegmans does not approve of the solutions developed by the project team Space Restrictions The area reserved for the new scaling area will not support the process that is developed by the project team Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Staffing Requirements Name Discipline Role John Kaemmerlen Faculty Guide Faculty Guide, will work closely with the team on an ongoing basis to facilitate success of project. Cecilia Enestrom IE Will serve as Co-Project Manager and focus on the design of the new layout. Kate Gleason IE Will serve as Co-Project Manager and concentrate on developing the new scaling processes. Erik Webster IE Will serve as Co-Project Manager and concentrate on the design and ergonomics of the new sifting and screening process. TBD ME Develop new equipment for sifting and screening process. TBD ME Develop new equipment for new layout and scaling processes. Bread and Roll Scaling Room Layout and Process Improvement Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure Person Week 0-1 Tasks Week 1-2 Tasks Week 2-3 Tasks Cecilia Enestrom – Co- Meet to discuss specific Review current layout Project Manager team assignments. and new area available in AutoCAD Take necessary measurements in current and new area Kate Gleason – Co-Project Manager Meet to discuss specific Observe current team assignments. processes and work flow Document current processes and work flow Erik Webster – Co-Project Manager Meet to discuss specific Observe current team assignments. procedures and qualitatively measure ergonomics Quantitatively measure the ergonomics of current procedures ME Read through project located on EDGE website. Gain an understanding of the process Measure parameters that are related to design solutions ME Read through project located on EDGE website. Gain an understanding of the process Measure parameters that are related to design solutions Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction Project Name: Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction - P09712 Roadmap: Modern Food Processing and Bakery Technology for Lean Production Systems - R09710 Start Term: 2008-2 End Term: 2008-3 Faculty Guide: John Kaemmerlen (Industrial and Systems Engineering Department) Roadmap Function Line Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Identify and Focus on the Re-evaluate flow Reiterate process, construct current process of rolls, create a focusing on low state value stream improvement of a new benchmark. cost projects to map specific target area Formal improve line presentation to performance stakeholders Project Summary Commercial Roll Line Shrink Reduction, is sponsored by Wegmans. The project goals are to decrease the amount of wasted dough and baked rolls. Wegmans estimates between $5,000 and $10,000 are lost on a typical day of production on this line. About 8% of the product put into the system will be removed as waste. We will be responsible for analyzing, suggesting, implementing, and recording the overall results of our actions. Our team will be providing support for the Wegmans bakery on Brooks Avenue in Rochester NY. This bakery is responsible for the majority of the baked goods available in the 72 Wegmans stores. Objectives and Project Deliverables Eliminate TIMWOOD Identify and implement flow Move current state towards lean operation Establish metrics Research in house equipment optimization Repair/update bottleneck equipment Project progress presentation Assumptions and Constraints Constraints Budget will be based on ROI Large scale investments will be limited to later iterations The bread and roll line may be moving to a new location in the future Line breakdowns Assumptions Some of the improvements made on the roll line may also be implemented on the bread line Employees will have buy in to the project Operation Introduction High volume Highly automated with human integration Dough pump to shipping dock process Commercial hot dog and hamburger rolls Thursday and Friday operation during off-season 4500 rolls/hr 5% - 10% defect rate $5,000 - $10,000 waste daily Rounding Dough Pump Dough Form and Batch Dough Rest Conveyor Panning Dough drops onto conveyors Dough drops into pans and pans are manually loaded onto rack Proof Box Entrance Exit Oven Entrance Exit Roll removal/cooling Conveyor Suction Rolls From Pans to Cool down Convey to Cool and Enter Packaging Packaging Slicer Bagging Staffing Requirements Name Discipline Role John Kaemmerlen Faculty Guide Faculty Guide, will work closely with the team on an on-going basis to facilitate success of project. Levi Stuck IE Dual project lead. Facilitate project direction. Evan DeCotis IE Dual project lead. Manage task assignment and resource allocation. TBD IE Develop plan to reduce amount of people needed on the roll line. Use knowledge of statistics and Design of Experiments to analyze current/future state. Will also be required to perform basic time studies to help fully understand the process. TBD ME Will be responsible for reducing waste caused specifically by machines. Must understand the mechanical process by which the dough travels through the system, and how it is processed at each machining station. TBD ME Duties will include improving the overall process by which the dough flows through the system. Efforts of improvement should be focused on handling procedures, conveyors, and overall time management. Preliminary Work Breakdown Structure Person Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Levi Stuck Facilitate team growth and ensure project buy-in and participation. Set project goals and perform a preliminary analysis of what steps need to be performed. Prepare for formal presentation with Wegmans. Ensure all stakeholders are aware of what steps will be taken in the next 19 weeks. Evan DeCotis After site visit, lead brainstorming exercise to gather preliminary ideas for improvement. Narrow down list of ideas to a handful of manageable tasks. Create a Value Stream Map of current process. Gather all required documents from team for a project review before formal presentation. IE Become familiarized with process with a site visit. Record observations, ideas, comments, and questions. 2nd site visit, focus on people. Draft project proposals based on data and information gathered. Finish all documentation regarding roll line shrink reduction for presentation and reports. ME Become familiarized with process with a site visit. Record observations, ideas, comments, and questions. 2nd site visit, focus on machines. Draft project proposals based on data and information gathered. Finish all documentation regarding roll line shrink reduction for presentation and reports. ME Become familiarized with process with a site visit. Record observations, ideas, comments, and questions. 2nd site visit, focus on process. Draft project proposals based on data and information gathered. Finish all documentation regarding roll line shrink reduction for presentation and reports. Project Roadmap Line Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Cookie Line Automation Automated scaling of cookies Automated scaling of other products Automated packaging for cookie line Integration of systems Bread and Roll Scaling Room Document current process flow and work practices Identify areas of process and layout improvement Design and implement the new layout Design and implement the new process procedures Identify and Focus on the Re-evaluate flow Reiterate Commercial process of rolls, create a process, focusing Roll Line construct current state value improvement of a new benchmark. on low cost Shrink stream map specific target Formal projects to Reduction area presentation to stakeholders improve line performance Questions?