AP Physics B Syllabus

AP Physics B Syllabus
SY: 2013-2014
Course Overview
Advance Placement Physics B is an algebra-based physics course equivalent to
university level general physics course. It is offered to high school students who have
taken Pre-AP Physics, Algebra, and Geometry in the previous years. Students in this
course are required to concurrently take Pre-Calculus in order to increase their
mathematical ability in problem solving. This course will cover two semesters. The
students are expected to understand the concepts of physics, use scientific problem
solving, and conduct laboratory investigations in safe, environmentally appropriate, and
ethical practices.
Textbook and Resources:
Textbook: Physics by Cutnell/Johnson, 5th ed.
AP Review Materials: Five Steps to a 5; New York State Regents; online AP released
The course content outline includes a planned timeline. The time was divided
according to the percentages listed in the AP Physics course description for coverage
on the AP exam. The chapter column relates to the textbook, Physics by Cutnell and
Johnson, 5th edition.
Course Outline
The course content outline includes a planned timeline. The time was divided
according to the percentages listed in the AP Physics course description for coverage
on the AP exam. The chapter relates to the textbook, Physics by Cutnell and Johnson,
5th edition.
I. Mechanics (10 Weeks) ………………………………………………. 35%
A. Kinematics ……………………………………………………… 7%
1. Motion in One Dimension - Chapter 2
2. Motion in two dimensions - Chapter 3
Projectile Motion
B. Newton’s laws of Motion – Chapter 4 ………………………… 9%
1. Static Equilibrium – First Law
2. Dynamics of a single particle – Second Law
3. Systems of two or more bodies – Third Law
C. Work, Energy, Power – Chapter 6……………………………...5%
1. Work and the work-energy theorem
2. Conservative forces and potential energy
3. Conservation of energy
4. Power
D. Systems of particles, linear momentum – Chapter 7 ……….. 4%
1. Impulse and momentum
2. Conservation of linear momentum, collisions
E. Circular motion and Rotation – Chapter 8 ……………………...4%
1. Uniform circular motion
2. Torque and rotational statics
F. Oscillations and Gravitation – Chapter 10 …………………… 6%
1. Simple harmonic motion
2. Mass on a spring
3. Pendulum and other oscillations
4. Newton’s law of gravity
5. Orbit of planets and satellites – Chapters 4 & 5
a. Circular
II. Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics (4 weeks) …………………. ….15%
A. Fluid mechanics –Chapter.. ………………………………………6%
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Buoyancy
3. Fluid flow continuity
4. Bernoulli’s equation
B. Temperature and Heat – Chapter 12 …………………………… 2%
1. Mechanical equivalent of heat
2. Heat transfer and thermal expansion
C. Kinetic theory and thermodynamics …………………………… 7%
1. Ideal gases
a. Kinetic model
b. Ideal gas law
2. Laws of thermodynamics
a. First law (including processes on pV diagrams)
b. Second law (including heat engines)
III. Electricity and magnetism (8 weeks) …………………………………. ……..25%
A. Electrostatics ………………………………………………………… 5%
1. Charge and coulomb’s law
2. Electric field and electric potential (including point charges)
B. Conductors, capacitors, dielectrics ………………………………… 4%
1. Electrostatics with conductors
2. Capacitors
a. Capacitance
b. Parallel plate
C. Electric circuits …………………………………………………………. 7%
1. Current, resistance, power
2. Steady-state direct current circuits with batteries
and resistors only
3. Capacitors in circuits
a. Steady state
D. Magnetic fields ………………………………………………………….. 4%
1. Forces on moving charges in magnetic fields
2. Forces on current-carrying wires in magnetic fields
3. Field of long current-carrying wires
E. Electromagnetism ………………………………………………………..5%
1. Electromagnetic induction (including
Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law)
IV. Waves and Optics ..………………………………………………………. ……. 15%
A. Wave motion (including sound)……………………………………… 5%
1. Traveling waves
2. Wave propagation
3. Standing waves
4. Superposition
B. Physical optics ………………………………………………………….5%
1. Interference and diffraction
2. Dispersion of light and the electromagnetic spectrum
C. Geometric optics ………………………………………………………..5%
1. Reflection and refraction
2. Mirrors
3. Lenses
V. Atomic and Nuclear Physics. ……………………………………………………10%
A. Atomic physics and quantum effects ………………………………… 7%
1. Photons, the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, x-rays
2. Atomic energy levels
3. Wave-particle duality
B. Nuclear physics …………………………………………………………3%
1. Nuclear reactions (including conservation of mass number and charge)
2. Mass–energy equivalence
Laboratory Activities
In this school, science classes meet for 50 minutes, five times a week. Laboratory
activities in this course are scheduled after school once a week, allowing for two hours
to complete the labs. Each of the following laboratory investigations will be presented to
the students in the form of a problem. Based on a demonstration of a physical
phenomenon, students are lead in a guided discussion to formulate a hypothesis and
test it. Provided with equipment and materials, they will be required to design and carry
out an experiment to test their hypothesis. They shall make observations, gather data,
analyze data and form conclusions and write it down in their journal as they perform the
investigation. Formal typewritten lab report will then be turned in the following week.
Students will be required to keep all typewritten reports in an organized portfolio.
The following is a list of hands-on laboratory activities, some of which will utilize TI84/CBL programs.
1. Height Versus Time (open-ended lab)
Given a meter stick, stopwatch and a basketball, students are to design an
experiment to show the relationship between height and time of a bouncing ball.
Students should be able to follow and write a laboratory report using scientific
method with emphasis on dependent, independent and control variables.
2. Graph Matching
Using CBR/CBL/TI-84, the students will create, analyze and interpret graphs that
a partner must match with actual motion.
3. Diluting Gravity
Measure the acceleration due to gravity using an air track, photogates and a
motion detector.
4. Projectile Motion (open-ended lab)
Using the CPO marble launcher with photogate, timer and marble, predict the
range of the projectile and test their prediction. Also, prove the learned theory
that complimentary angles will result in the same range on a flat ground.
5. Addition of Forces Using Force Table (open-ended lab)
Given a force table, set of weights, protractor and strings, design a lab that will
determine the equilibrant force. Illustrate and practice analytical solution for
addition of vectors.
6. Newton’s Second Law
Verify Newton’s second law using Atwood’s machine/smart pulley/CBL/ and a
photogate .
7. Coffee filter and Air drag
Measure terminal velocity and determine the power function and the drag
8. Conservation of Momentum (open-ended)
Verify the law of conservation of momentum for elastic and inelastic collision,
using dynamic carts and track.
9. Uniform Circular Motion
 Determine the relationship between centripetal acceleration, radius and angular
velocity using a motorized rotating object on a string.
10. Specific Heat Capacity
 Using a calorimeter, students determine the specific heat capacity of four
unknown metals. Their values will then be compared to a list of specific heat of
metals to identify them.
11. Torque Lab (open-ended)
 Provided with a meter stick, stand, holder and set of unequal masses which can
be hung on a meter stick, find an equation which will describe static equilibrium.
determine the mass of an unknown.
12. Hooke’s Law (open-ended)
 Using sets of weights and a meter stick determine the spring constant of
calibrated springs and construct and analyze a graph.
13. Buoyancy
 Using Pasco spring, table clamp, pendulum clamp, hooked cylinder (Aluminum
density specimen), beaker, water and ruler, the students will explore how
buoyant forces affect the stretched length of a spring.
14. Speed of Sound (open-ended)
 Determine the speed of sound in air, given tuning forks of known frequency,
graduated cylinder, PVC pipes longer than the cylinder, and a rubber hammer.
15. Diffraction and Interference of Light
 Use a laser through single and double slits of different widths to compare
patterns to measure the wavelength of light.
16. Snell’s Law
 Calculate the speed of light in a medium and index of refraction of a material
using a block of glass, protractor, pins and ruler.
17. Geometric Optics
 Construct a ray diagram and use the thin lens equation to calculate image
distance and magnification with the use of double convex lens, candle and optic
18. Ohm’s Law (open-ended)
Given, resistors, wires, bulbs, switches and multimeter, design and carry out a
lab that will prove Ohm’s law.
19. Magnetic Field of a Solenoid
 Using magnetic field sensor, slinky, multimeter, CBL and TI84, determine the
relationship between magnetic field and the current in a solenoid.
20. Photoelectric Effect Virtual Lab
 Use photoelectric effect simulation available on the web to analyze and interpret
graphs that are generated to understand particle-nature of light.
Reference: http://phet-web.colorado.edu/web-pages/simulations-base.html
Choose Photoelectric effect