Able, Gifted & Talented (AG&T) Departmental provision At St Mark’s Church of England Academy, we believe that all children are entitled to an education that will enable them to develop their full potential, be that intellectual, physical, aesthetic, creative, emotional, spiritual or social, finding appropriate challenge in our learning environment. All students have individual needs, which put personalised learning at the heart of our teaching and learning. St Mark’s Church of England Academy is committed to providing a sufficiently challenging curriculum for all students. In addition, we will provide opportunities to identify and in turn nurture those who are more able and their abilities. What is Able, Gifted and Talented? Able pupils These are pupils who achieve, or have the ability to achieve, above average (compared with the attainment of other students in their year group at St Marks) in one or more of the National Curriculum subjects. Gifted pupils These are pupils who have the ability to excel significantly above average (compared with the attainment of other students in their year group at St Marks) in one or more academic subject areas. (English, Mathematics, Science, RE, History, Geography) Talented pupils These are pupils who have the ability to excel significantly above average in a practical skill such as sport, leadership, art. These students may follow a vocational training pathway. In providing for its Able, Gifted and Talented students the Academy will seek to: Develop an ethos where its 'cool', accepted and sought after to be bright and/or talented. Recognise and reward achievement. Provide a wide range of extension and enrichment opportunities and in so doing Ensure that attainment targets reflect the ability and potential to secure appropriate pace and challenge in learning. Ensure students are working at an appropriate level and are provided with resources to support their learning and progression. English KS3 -big push on level 7 and level 8 activities in all lessons abstract tasks to complete which require higher level thinking skills. progress book work-doing that after each assessment done-two per half term -evaluation- copies made for each classroom: activities for reaching level 6,7,8s and works towards training these students to mentor students of other abilities in these skills. -Fi on Film: Yesterday Futures for KS3 and KS4 on the Tuesday 11th November 2014. KS4 -they are in sets, first two sets do most stretching work abstract tasks to complete which require higher level thinking skills. students. They are currently being trained as speaking and listening examiners and coursework mentors - Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge for public speaking-Y10- CDK - Enrichment session to improve controlled assessments and for revision-once a week U has launched the ‘A team’ in her top set year 11 class- and imitative which comes with a display aimed at motivating students to achieve the highest grades. involved writing, directing and filming their own film. This will be shown at the Wimbledon Curzon with parents invited to attend in September 2014 KS5 on Gothic literature Mathematics • AG&T provision is outlined in each separate scheme of work for each module as extension tasks. • Setting within the department identifies the more able Maths students and these are taught in different set. • AG&T Maths club every Thursday after school • More able students are given the opportunity to take part in several competitions: - The Intermediate Maths Challenge group which comprises of students from year 9, 10 and11 have their exams in February 2015 - The Junior Maths Challenge group which comprises students from year 7 and 8 have their exams in March 2015 - There is a master Classes for 3 year 9 students with Kingston University starting January 2016 and these students are registered for the UK Maths Challenge • The AG&T students are used to model answers and doing Investigation and presenting to the whole class. • In KS4 AG&T students are entered for statistics. • Aimhigher Collaborative Conference for Year 12 Science AG&T students, Wednesday November 12th 2016 at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), Camden • More AG&T trips to be confirmed. Science Fun Science club (all KS3) Tuesday 3-4pm – Students will be given the opportunity to conduct fun science practical’s which are not normally delivered with the curriculum. KS4 Medical Lecture. AG&T students who are interested in a career in medicine or nursing will have the opportunity to visit Kings College University to take part in a number of medical activities as well as a tour of the campus in spring term. St Georges Medical students. St Georges medical students will visit the academy through this academic year to deliver a number of sciences based road shows related to the medical and nursing field in summer term. Science week It will include whole quizzes and games for coaching time, lesson starters and plenaries for science lessons and a programme for a whole school assembly during this week. AG&T students will be used to deliver practical activities to lower years or to coach groups. Trips and excursions. • There will be a summer term trip to the science Museum for year 7 and year 8 AG&T students. Enterprise and Technology (Business studies, Computing, Catering and Resistant Materials) Business Studies Year 10 GCSE Business and Communication Systems: • Students are being asked to design a website that can be used by the whole class. It should contain useful information to help students with the course. As part of this ongoing activity, students will work with others as part of a team and they will lead the team, making a range of decisions and coordinating the activities of the team. They will also feedback to their teachers about the success and development of the website. Year 11 Business Studies: • Students are being asked to create resources for a Business Studies lesson or series of lessons that include a range of teaching strategies including a starter, main activities and / or a plenary. These students will play a significant part in developing resources and contribute to lesson outcomes including playing the role of student envoy, teacher and facilitator. • In addition to the above projects, G&T students are given extension activities; they are also encouraged to play a significant role in lessons including leading starters or plenaries, checking student understanding and progress in lessons and developing resources. Technology KS4 • G&T students are encouraged to excel within their controlled assessment. • Differentiated modules for G & T students. • Students are encouraged to think of original and unique approaches to their product • Past paper questions provided with opportunities to sit a mock exam • Opportunities for G&T students to mark past students work and compare their work. • Plan to set up a sustainable project where students customise existing clothing • Plan to set up a catwalk show which showcases students’ designs and products Computing KS3 • Extension work for the G&T students • Differentiated tasks for the more able • G&T student are used to lead learning KS4 Year 10: • Students are being asked to design an app that could be used by students to support their learning in Computing. They need to present their ideas to the class and get feedback. As students receive feedback they continue to develop and adapt their app and create further apps for use in the classroom and for other groups of students, possibly in Year 6 or 7. Year 11: • Students are being asked to share their ideas and/or tips on how to improve their understanding of ICT and Business Studies. They are being asked to provide advice to other students on how to complete a range of coursework tasks at a higher grade. This can be in the form of resources, a presentation or talk to other students. The information they provide can be used to support other students’ learning and can be used to develop the teaching of ICT and Business at Key Stage 4. • In addition to the above projects, AG&T students are also encouraged to play a significant role in lessons including leading starters or plenaries, checking student understanding and progress in lessons and developing resources. Creative Arts (Drama, Music and Art) Art • Extension tasks are built into all schemes of work for AG&T students • AG&T students support less able students in lessons • AG&T students demonstrate different techniques and processes during lessons to consolidate understanding • School trips to the Tate Modern, Globe Theatre and National Gallery • AG&T students are currently working on art displays throughout the academy to promote our Christian ethos and core values: Love, Hope and Trust Music • Students are given extension tasks to challenge and stretch them in lessons. • Students are given extra homework to complete in order to further their learning. • Students have the opportunity to practice their instrument skills at lunch times. • Music enrichment clubs run after school with opportunities for the students to help lead them. • A singing group runs for gifted singers, leading to performances at the Albert Hall. • Free guitar lessons for gifted musicians. • Keyboard club on Tuesday and music club runs after school on Thursday for talented musicians. • Opportunities to perform inside and outside of school, such as the Christmas Concert, MMF journey Project and Mitcham Carnival. Drama • AG&T students in Drama are always given harder tasks and extension activities to enable them to achieve higher grades. • Theatre trips and workshops with professionals are organised for AG&T such as recent collaborations with the Brit School of performing Arts. • The Drama enrichment group is targeted for AG&T students. Here they can develop and further their knowledge and understanding of Drama whilst working with other likeminded students. • Public performances for the Enrichment students – representing the school in many theatre events such as Shakespeare for Schools’ festival • AG&T students are used to lead others in supporting them in class and modelling creative ideas. • The Carol North Trophy for Excellence in Drama recognises outstanding achievement in the subject. • Talented student are used as leaders during lessons – students leading learning – Brumer’s pyramid of learning (90% retained if teaching to others) • All schemes of work throughout KS3 & KS4 have differentiated activities depending on the tasks given. All AG&T pupils are expected to produce high and individual standards in their work. Students are expected to complete any extension tasks given in performing, composing, listening and appraising. •Year 10 AG&T students are given the opportunity to do their work experience placements within the department Extra-curricular work with members of staff, for example, during lunchtimes and after school (by arrangement with the subject teacher) Modern Foreign Languages • Differentiation during lessons to stretch the most able students. • Leadership opportunities within lessons where students are used to lead part of lessons starters or plenaries. • Year 8 and year 9 AG&T Pen pal project with a school in Paris. • Year 9 AG&T French project when students go to a local primary school to teach year 5 students in summer term. • AG&T students in Years 7 and Year 9 have a differentiated AG&T workbook which provides extension/supplementary work for homework. • The Year 10 and year 11 option group use AG&T differentiated textbook and extension materials is given for homework. • Trips: - French film approchoaches: a GCSE study Day Physical Education • Differentiation during lessons to stretch the most able students – G&T students will be given more challenging tasks that will involve higher level of skill or tactics. • Leadership opportunities within the lesson – Pupils to lead groups in activities and help other pupil’s progress with certain skills or techniques. • Opportunities to gain leadership qualifications within certain sports – Junior football Organiser, Sports leader Level 1. • AG & T workshop days • Extra-Curricular clubs available for students in a range of sports – The activities we provide cover a broad range of activities that range from team games to individual games, and core areas of outwitting opponents and accurate replication • Year 8 AG&T sports leaders’ academy. Humanities (Geography, History, RE, PSHE, Sociology, Travel and Tourism and Psychology) Geography Provision KS3 Explanation Levelled assessments Evidence To encourage pupils to All assessments have achieve the highest printed level criteria grade possible, with (accessible on the R: students encouraged to Drive). go for higher grades. G&T pupils given specific advice to reach level 7 and 8. Individual research G & T pupils encouraged to Students presentations (e.g. Year complete their own research and 8 Africa presentations) present to the class. Student-leaders G & T pupils have specific roles Specific lessons: e.g. Year 7 within groups (e.g. DecisionMitcham Common lesson; Year 9 makers for Mitcham Common t-shirt factory enactment. task). Student-teachers G&T pupils learn about a specific E.g. Year 9 G&T students topic and then teach it to small teaching about different groups. development indicators. Young Geographer of the Year Competition where G&T pupils Young Geographer of the Year are encouraged and given competition (October 2013). support to enter a national contest Winning entries to be displayed to find the UK’s Young around the department. Geographer of the Year for KS3. The department also runs its own contest with rewards for outstanding work. Trips G&T pupils going on a trip to Trip. Westminster Abbey where they will do a presentation on a country of their choice KS4 Higher tiered papers G&T pupils encouraged Practice exams next to challenge themselves term for year 11 with with the hardest extension questions for questions to gain the G&T pupils. highest grades. Extension tasks G&T pupils asked to make Mt Pinatubo posters – year 10. detailed posters on specific case studies (e.g. Mt Pinatubo volcano). Young Geographer of the Year Competition where G&T pupils Young Geographer of the Year are encouraged and given competition (October 2013). support to enter a national contest Winning entries to be displayed to find the UK’s Young around the department. Geographer of the Year for KS3. The department also runs its own contest with rewards for outstanding work. Student-taught case studies G&T pupils asked to research a Year 10 and 11 lessons (e.g. particular case study and then Kashmir earthquake, 2005). teach it in an interesting way to the rest of the class. KS5 Aspirational trips Trip to the Geography Trip around Easter time department at Oxford University planned for later this year to raise student aspirations and Trip to make them aspire for the highest possible grades. Project-based learning based on Trip in Nov 2013 information and a talk at the Thames Barrier, which will