CRCT Online Retest System - GADOE Georgia Department of

Georgia CRCT 2011
Enrollment System
and Online Retest
Webinar Etiquette
• Please use the Audio Setup Wizard in the Tools Menu to configure and
test your audio settings before the presentation begins
• Please leave the Talk Button (lower left of the Elluminate window) on
mute if you are not speaking
• Due to the number of participants, please submit all questions via Chat
 Georgia Department of Education
– Tony Eitel, Director, Assessment Administration
– Joe Blessing, Assessment Program Manager
 CTB/McGraw-Hill
– Dee Choudhary, Sr. Program Manager
Will Fredricks, Supplier Management Specialist
Nadia Greer, Program Office Coordinator
Madalina Papacica, Online Systems Project Manager
Ed DeGuire, Implementation Services Manager
Suzanne Milton, Director, Professional Development Presenter
Enrollment System Overview
CRCT Online Program Overview
Important Dates
Support Resources
Questions and Answers
Enrollment System Overview
• Georgia Systems will use CTB’s Enrollment System to:
– Verify shipping addresses and contact information
– Provide CRCT and Retest testing dates, spring break dates
and materials pick-up dates
– Request Braille (Contracted and Uncontracted) materials
– Request Large Print materials
– Link to enrollment for the summer online retest
• Enrollment window:
– December 8, 2010 – January 14, 2011
• Can be accessed at
Enrollment System
NEW - ES Enhancements for 2011
• Date validation pop-up when CRCT windows are
not 9 working days
• Date validation pop-up when Retest windows
are not 5 working days
• Pop-up calendar to select CRCT test dates
• System overage drop-down box
ES Demonstration
• Key highlights of system
Enrollment System Q&A
Georgia CRCT 2011
Online Retest
CRCT Online Retest Overview
Fall 2007 CRCT Online Retest Pilot
Summer 2009 CRCT Online Retest Pilot
Summer 2010 Online Retest
Summer 2011 Online Retest
Future Goals
CRCT Online Retest Scope
 Tests: Online Practice and CRCT Online Retest
 Test Administration Key Dates:
 Practice:
May 9, 2011
 CRCT Online Retest: May 16 – July 29, 2011
 Systems select up to two 5-day testing windows
 Reading: grades 3, 5, 8
 Mathematics: grades 5 and 8
 Student Data: Pre-loaded in the system using Spring 2011
student PreID (option to opt out during registration)
 Reporting: 5-day turn around based on paper pencil
What’s Unique About Online Testing
Test Administration Online
Student Experience: Text Reader, Large Font, Timer
Site Readiness
Practice Sessions
Test Tickets – 1 per Student / test type
Test Proctoring
Invalidating Student Results
Technology Coordinator Role
Test Administration: Accommodations
 Accommodations available on Online
Large Print
Oral reading of test questions (Text Reader)
Audio amplification device
Basic function calculator
Extended time
Flexibility in the order of administration for content areas
 Accommodations not available with Online
Color overlays, templates, or place markers
Oral reading of reading passages
Low vision aids
 All other accommodations are administered same as
Paper/Pencil mode
Top Reasons for CRCT Online
Saves Time
Less Concern for Test Material Security
Kids Love It!
Easier Test Administration
Go Green
Aligned with the new direction in assessment.
How to Register for CRCT Online
 Registration Period
 December 8, 2010 – February 4, 2011
 Longer registration period than spring CRCT which ends Jan 14
 Find survey
 Login ES – Online Retest 2011
 Registration documentation and instructions in the CRCT Enrollment
section of
 Complete Online Retest Survey
 Contacts for: System, School / Test Sites
 Technology Survey
 Email completed survey to
Registration for Online Retest
Technology Survey
Technology Survey
Technology Survey
CRCT Online Training
 Staff Training
Elluminate for Test Coordinators
Recorded Sessions for Makeup
Elluminate for Tech Coordinators
*Pre-Recorded demo of key administration features
Recordings posted on
Student Training
 *Pre-Recorded Student Demo
 Practice Test
*Available now in 2011 CRCT Retest Online section of
CRCT Online Retest System - Admin
CRCT Online Retest System - Admin
CRCT Online Retest System - Admin
CRCT Online Retest System - Student
CRCT Important Dates
December 8, 2010 –
January 14, 2011
System Test
Enrollment System CRCT 2011 Registration
December 8, 2010 –
February 4, 2011
System Test
Enroll in CRCT 2011 Online Retest
February 17, 2011
System Test
Receive email confirmation of CRCT Online Retest
March 2, 2011 and
May 9, 2011
CRCT Online Retest Webinar Training
February 24, 2011
System Test
Additional Q&A Session for CRCT Online Retest
May 3, 2011 and
May 10 , 2011
System Test
CRCT Online Retest training session
May 3, 2011
All Staff
Receive CRCT Online Retest system accounts
Starting April 25, 2011
Complete CRCT Online Retest site readiness activities
Submit site certification email
May 16 –
July 29, 2011
All Staff
Administer CRCT 2011 Online Retest Sessions
CRCT Online Resources
 Documentation
 Product Support
CTB\McGraw-Hill Product Support
Phone: (866) 282-2249 Option 2
Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST
 Administration Policies and Procedures Assistance
Joe Blessing, CRCT Program Manager
Georgia Department of Education
Phone: (404) 656-2859