Ben's slides

Engineering Large Evolving Systems
Ben Potter
Department of Informatics and Sensors,
Cranfield University
• The case study – Network Enabled Capability
• Challenges for engineering
• Discussion
What is NEC?
• The attainment of a Network Enabled Capability in UK Defence
• Sometimes also referred to as Capability Enhanced by
Networking – not as snappy but perhaps more descriptive!
• UK MOD Joint Service Publication JSP 777 says:
– ‘The achievement of military effect will, in future, be significantly
enhanced through the networking of existing and future military
capabilities, under the banner of NEC’
What is NEC ?
Working definition (from MOD website):
"Linking sensors, decision makers and weapon systems so that information can be
translated into synchronised and overwhelming military effect at optimum tempo"
What is NEC ?
“NEC is about the coherent integration of sensors, decision-makers and
weapon systems along with support capabilities”
A Navy view?
An Army view?
An aside
• 1976 Networkshop…
Some questions:
Given (say) a 12 year horizon for NEC:
1. Who can describe the military threats to be met?
2. Who can imagine the technologies to be used?
3. How can ‘traditional’ systems engineering help, given that:
– 1 above suggests we can’t write the requirements
– 2 above suggests we can’t describe a solution which
will not be obsolete
– First – a definition: Engineered Large Yet Evolving
Systems – ELYES. NEC is an ELYES.
– This leads us to appeal to the origins of systems
engineering for help – or, at least – guidance
What is a ‘System?’
System as a set of interacting parts
“A system is an open set of complementary, interacting
parts with properties, capabilities, and behaviours
emerging both from the parts and from their interactions.”
Hitchins, Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering and Management, 2003
System as a way of conceptualising
“… the concept of ‘system’ is used not to refer to things in
the world but to a particular way of organising our
thoughts about the world. [..] we consider the notion of
‘system’ as an organising concept …”
Flood and Jackson, Creative Problem Solving – Total Systems Intervention, 2004
Different ‘organising concepts’
Family Person
Chancellor of
The System Boundary
“… the scientist has to have a way of thinking about the
environment of a system that is richer and more subtle than a mere
looking at for boundaries. He does this by noting that, when we say
that something lies ‘outside’ the system, we mean that system can
do relatively little about its characteristics or its behavior.
Environment, in effect, makes up the things and people that are
‘fixed’ or ‘given’, from the system’s point of view. …”
Churchman, The Systems Approach, 1968
A system’s emergent properties
“Emergence is the phenomenon of properties,
capabilities and behaviours evident in the whole system
that are not exclusively ascribable to any of its parts.”
Hitchins, Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering and Management, 2003
Summary: a system is …
A organising concept – a way of structuring a concept or problem or a
thing from a particular perspective.
A system is made up of a set of interacting parts
The system has properties and behaviour that emerge from the
interaction of the properties and behaviours of the individual parts.
The system has a boundary defined in terms of ‘things that affect it but
that it cannot affect.’ – but the boundary can be broad and permeable.
How do we analyse ‘Systems’?
How we analyse systems
“… This is the basic principle of ‘classical’ science, which can be
circumscribed in different ways: resolution into isolable casual trains, seeking
for ‘atomic’ units in the various fields of science, etc. The progress of science
has shown that these principles of classical science – first encountered by
Galileo and Descartes – are highly successful in a wide range of
Application of the analytical procedure depends on two conditions. The
first is that interactions between ‘parts’ be non-existent or weak enough to be
neglected for certain research purposes. Only under this condition, can the
parts be ‘worked out’, actually, logically and mathematically, and then be ‘put
together’. The second condition is that the relations describing the behaviour
of the parts be linear; only then is the condition of summativity given …”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
How we analyse systems
“… This is the basic principle of ‘classical’ science, which can be
circumscribed in different ways: resolution into isolable casual trains, seeking
for ‘atomic’ units in the various fields of science, etc. The progress of science
has shown that these principles of classical science – first encountered by
Galileo and Descartes – are highly successful in a wide range of
Application of the analytical procedure depends on two conditions. The
first is that interactions between ‘parts’ be non-existent or weak enough to be
neglected for certain research purposes. Only under this condition, can the
parts be ‘worked out’, actually, logically and mathematically, and then be ‘put
together’. The second condition is that the relations describing the behaviour
of the parts be linear; only then is the condition of summativity given …”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
How we analyse systems
“… This is the basic principle of ‘classical’ science, which can be
circumscribed in different ways: resolution into isolable casual trains, seeking
for ‘atomic’ units in the various fields of science, etc. The progress of science
has shown that these principles of classical science – first encountered by
Galileo and Descartes – are highly successful in a wide range of
Application of the analytical procedure depends on two conditions. The
first is that interactions between ‘parts’ be non-existent or weak enough to be
neglected for certain research purposes. Only under this condition, can the
parts be ‘worked out’, actually, logically and mathematically, and then be ‘put
together’. The second condition is that the relations describing the behaviour
of the parts be linear; only then is the condition of summativity given …”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
How we analyse systems
“… This is the basic principle of ‘classical’ science, which can be
circumscribed in different ways: resolution into isolable casual trains, seeking
for ‘atomic’ units in the various fields of science, etc. The progress of science
has shown that these principles of classical science – first encountered by
Galileo and Descartes – are highly successful in a wide range of
Application of the analytical procedure depends on two conditions. The
first is that interactions between ‘parts’ be non-existent or weak enough to be
neglected for certain research purposes. Only under this condition, can the
parts be ‘worked out’, actually, logically and mathematically, and then be ‘put
together’. The second condition is that the relations describing the behaviour
of the parts be linear; only then is the condition of summativity given …”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
How we analyse systems
“… the method of classical science was most appropriate for
phenomena that either can be resolved into isolated causal chains, or
are the statistical outcome of an ‘infinite’ number of chance
processes, as is true of statistical mechanics, the second principle of
thermodynamics and all the laws deriving from it. The classical
modes of thinking, however, fail in the case of interaction of a large
but limited number of elements of processes. Here those problems
arise which are circumscribed by such notions as wholeness,
organisation and the like, and which demand new ways of thinking.”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
How we analyse systems
“… the method of classical science was most appropriate for
phenomena that either can be resolved into isolated causal chains, or
are the statistical outcome of an ‘infinite’ number of chance
processes, as is true of statistical mechanics, the second principle of
thermodynamics and all the laws deriving from it. The classical
modes of thinking, however, fail in the case of interaction of a large
but limited number of elements of processes. Here those problems
arise which are circumscribed by such notions as wholeness,
organisation and the like, and which demand new ways of thinking.”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
How we analyse systems
“… the method of classical science was most appropriate for
phenomena that either can be resolved into isolated causal chains, or
are the statistical outcome of an ‘infinite’ number of chance
processes, as is true of statistical mechanics, the second principle of
thermodynamics and all the laws deriving from it. The classical
modes of thinking, however, fail in the case of interaction of a large
but limited number of elements of processes. Here those problems
arise which are circumscribed by such notions as wholeness,
organisation and the like, and which demand new ways of thinking.”
Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory, 1969
‘System space’
Statistics and dynamics
relating to very large
numbers of well defined
nodes and couplings.
number of
Nodes that have
‘adaptive’, non-trivial
Decoupled or very well
defined couplings between
relatively few nodes.
Increasing intricacy
of the ‘couplings’
Coping strategies
number of
Tendency to
treat ‘complex’
systems within
‘comfort zones’
Tendency to try to
extend ‘comfort
zone’ techniques
Increasing intricacy
of the ‘couplings’
Example Systems
Gas in a container
Flock of birds
number of
Termite hill
Space shuttle
Increasing intricacy
of the ‘couplings’
Detailed example systems
Emergent behaviour:
ride comfort,
Emergent behaviour:
… and is very
… and can be
determined through
statistical and
probabilistic analysis
Gas in a
Detailed example ELYES
… and cannot be
determined to any
degree of
Military Capability
Example Systems
Gas in a container
Flock of birds
number of
Termite hill
Space shuttle
Increasing intricacy
of the ‘couplings’
Architecting an ELYES
ELYES Architecture is concerned with optimisation at the global level,
sometimes necessarily at the expense of local considerations
In pursuit of this goal, the ELYES Architect may be tempted to over-simplify
• Adopt a one-size-fits-all approach
• See more homogeneity in the ELYES than there really is
• Assume linear, predictable systems
• Focus on static, structural elements, while ignoring dynamic interactions
While this response is understandable, is it reasonable?
The problem
• Changing environments require systems/ELYESs to change:
• Either to reflect the changes in the environment or anticipate them.
• The unpredictable nature of the environment includes:
• Dynamic entities (threats and contributors) within the environment.
• New entities that are constantly evolving and old ones disappearing.
• Relationships between the entities that are constantly changing.
• The overall behaviour exhibited by inter-related entities are emergent.
• The characteristics of the system/ELYES have to be at least as complex as its
Thesis / Premise
• Traditionally we design systems by identifying the ‘static’ customer
need, using a top-down, reductionist approach. This single mode of
analysis struggles to cope with:
• Dynamic interactions within the system
• Non-functional requirements (e.g. agility and flexibility)
• Complex emergent properties and behaviours
• We argue that for ELYESs to operate it requires appropriate
developmental and operational environments in which traditional
systems can be developed and used.
Systems and ELYESs
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realised to meet a single, pre-conceived
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived
for the ELYES. The ELYES has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The ELYES has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of
system realisation
ELYES development never ends – the ELYES
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system
into its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The ELYES is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed
before use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for
utility and feasibility in the evolution of the ELYES.
Development ends when unwanted sources of
internal friction (competition for resources, differing
interpretations of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The ELYES depends on both internal cooperation
and internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in
Systems: Implications for development
Implications for Development
System is reproducible
Once the design is fixed the production can be
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived
The design can be fixed, the ‘need’ does not
change once it has been agreed. There is an
agreed ‘product’.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
Development and production can be decomposed
into sub-products with well defined behaviours,
which can then be composed to form the whole.
Development always ends for each instance of
system realization
No further development once the product is handed
over to the user.
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system
into its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The user cannot change the product.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed
before use of the system
The behaviour of the delivered product is bounded
and known.
Development ends when unwanted sources of
internal friction (competition for resources, differing
interpretations of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The product is not delivered until the user knows
how to use it.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Design, production and use can be treated as
totally separate phases with mechanised processes
and well defined boundaries and products.
ELYESs: Implications for development
Implications for Development
No two instantiations are alike
The ‘design’ cannot be fixed and the production
cannot be ‘mechanized’.
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived
for the System. The system has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
The need for the ELYES is continually changing.
The ELYES can only evolve through use.
System has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
System development never ends – system
System is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
New possibilities are constantly assessed for
utility and feasibility in the evolution of the system
System depends on both internal cooperation and
internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Development, production and use all run in
Not all sub-units can be identified and some may
not be controllable. Achieving the desired behaviour
is about creating the appropriate environment and
influencing sub-units.
An appropriate environment has to be developed
that lets the system evolve through use.
The user has freedom to re-integrate as required.
The ELYES must be designed to be ‘modular’ with
configuration ‘rules’.
The ELYES is never completed and the role of
development and production is to provide the user
with the means for evolution.
The ELYES is heterogeneous and relies on conflicts
and collaborations to evolve. These must not be
‘designed out’.
The development, production and use lifecycle must
be adaptable and not prescriptive.
System acquisition
Ability to
do stuff
ELYES Acquisition
Ability to
do stuff
? Principles ?
Implications for engineering
It’s about setting the right environment NOT
designing top down.
Designing the ELYES
Cap 1
Cap 2
Cap 3
Operational Environment
Cap n
Evolving the ELYES
ELYES Architecture
‘Big Picture’
Development Environment
Cap 1
Cap n
Operational Environment
Implications for engineering
• Capability development is enabled by providing the appropriate
development environment.
• Number of and definition of capability building blocks
– Cannot be predetermined
– Will evolve independently
– Will have overlapping functionality with one another.
– Redundancy, i.e. variety, in the system is desirable
• Operational use of the capability is defined by orchestration rules
which will encourage appropriate ‘usage’ philosophy.
• The orchestration rules are defined during development and will evolve.
• Evolution during operational use must drive development.
A Bridge
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the ELYES. The ELYES has to continually evolve
to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The ELYES has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
ELYES development never ends – the ELYESr
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The ELYES is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the ELYES
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The ELYES depends on both internal cooperation
and internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the ELYES. The ELYES has to continually evolve
to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The ELYES has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
ELYES development never ends – the ELYES
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The ELYES is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the ELYES.
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The ELYES depends on both internal cooperation
and internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
Space Race
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the ELYES. The ELYES has to continually evolve
to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The ELYES has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
ELYES development never ends – the ELYES
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The ELYES is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the ELYES
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The ELYES depends on both internal cooperation
and internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
My kitchen
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the ELYES. The ELYES has to continually evolve
to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The ELYES has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
ELYES development never ends – the ELYES
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The ELYES is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the ELYES
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The ELYES depends on both internal cooperation
and internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
(Range of uses)
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
No two instantiat6ions are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the ELYES. The ELYES has to continually evolve
to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The ELYES has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
ELYES development never ends – the ELYES
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The ELYES is self-integrating and re-integrating in
order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the ELYES
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The ELYES depends on both internal cooperation
and internal competition to stimulate its evolution.
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
Summary: Lifecycles
Ability to
do stuff
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the Enterprise. The Enterprise has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the Enterprise. The Enterprise has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The Enterprise has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
Enterprise development never ends – the
Enterpriser evolves
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The Enterprise is self-integrating and re-integrating
in order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The Enterprise has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
Enterprise development never ends – the
Enterprise evolves
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The Enterprise is self-integrating and re-integrating
in order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the Enterprise.
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the Enterprise
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The Enterprise depends on both internal
cooperation and internal competition to stimulate its
The Enterprise depends on both internal
cooperation and internal competition to stimulate its
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
Ability to
do stuff
Space Race
Ability to
do stuff
(Range of uses)
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the Enterprise. The Enterprise has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The Enterprise has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
Enterprise development never ends – the
Enterprise evolves
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The Enterprise is self-integrating and re-integrating
in order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the Enterprise
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The Enterprise depends on both internal
cooperation and internal competition to stimulate its
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
No two instantiat6ions are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the Enterprise. The Enterprise has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The Enterprise has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
Enterprise development never ends – the
Enterprise evolves
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The Enterprise is self-integrating and re-integrating
in order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the Enterprise
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The Enterprise depends on both internal
cooperation and internal competition to stimulate its
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.
System is reproducible
No two instantiations are alike
System is realized to meet a single, pre-conceived need
No single, or set of needs can be pre-conceived for
the Enterprise. The Enterprise has to continually
evolve to meet the changing need.
Ability to
do stuff
System is reproducible
System has well-defined boundaries and behaviour.
The Enterprise has ambiguous boundaries and
unpredictable behaviour.
Development always ends for each instance of system
Enterprise development never ends – the
Enterprise evolves
External agents (i.e. not the users) integrate system into
its final form, to meet a prescribed need.
The Enterprise is self-integrating and re-integrating
in order to meet the changing need.
Unwanted possibilities and unknowns are removed before
use of the system
New possibilities are constantly assessed for utility
and feasibility in the evolution of the Enterprise
Development ends when unwanted sources of internal
friction (competition for resources, differing interpretations
of the same inputs, etc.) are removed
The Enterprise depends on both internal
cooperation and internal competition to stimulate its
Very clear distinction between development/design,
production and use.
Development, production and use all run in parallel.