BASELINE PROJECT PLAN REPORT: 1.0 Association of Wine Makers of New Mexico Introduction A. Project Overview — The Association of Wine Makers of New Mexico provides benefits to its members by organizing wine festivals throughout the state. The association handles the advertising for each festival. They provide a newsletter to members and hold association meeting twice a year in the north and once a year in the south. Jessi Jackson, has requested a database to better keep track of information such as: wineries, festivals and vendors. The Wine Makers Management System (WMMS) will be an Oracle Apex system that clients can use to manage information about wineries, festivals, and vendors. The management system will help maximize planning and coordination of festivals, provide reliable information to members, and free up employee time. The scheduled completion date of the WMMS is April 29, 2013 with approximately 140 man-hours of work invested in the project. B. Recommendation — Our planning process has convinced us that the management system is not entirely necessary but would greatly increase workflow if implemented. Winery management is the most crucial aspects of the program. Some wineries are members of the association and required pay dues. The management system must be able to notify when dues should be paid. The following information should be available: contact information, hours open to the public, type of wine produced, etc. With all of this information about wineries the management system should be able to report this data to the public. 2.0 System Description A. Alternatives — The current system is large detailed spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet is difficult to navigate and parse through resulting in delayed response to members of the association to the general public. Another feasible alternative is outsourcing the development of the application but that route may result in large expenses. B. System Description—The Wine Makers Management System will be a web based application created in Oracle Apex that will maximize planning and coordination of festivals, provide reliable information to members, and free up employee time. The system will provide accurate data so that the association can track of information easier. 3.0 Feasibility Assessment A. Economic Analysis — By making winery information easily accessible, reliable and less errorprone, the WMMS will increase the overall productivity of the work environment. As of now Jessi and Carla invest 20 hours a month in planning and coordinating wine festivals. Of the 20 hours, 10 hours is used to update and parse through the information in the Excel spreadsheet. After the initial onetime development cost and employee training there will be no great ROI. The true return will be a significant decrease in the amount of time using the Excel spreadsheet. B. Technical Analysis — The technical risk of the projects are low. The system development team members have extensive experience with Oracle Apex. All the work can be done in-house without outside consultants. C. Operational Analysis — The system solves the associations problem of slow data processing. With the WMMS to eliminate most tedious Excel component, members will be able to retrieve information faster and member of the association will be granted to focus on the planning and coordination wine festivals. D. Political Analysis — The WMMS benefits the three main stakeholder groups involved: members, employees, and investors of the association. Members will be able to obtain reliable information. Employees have time to process more information about wineries and spend more time coordinating events. Investor will see an increase in the quality of vendors at wine festivals making them far more prestigious! E. Legal and Contractual Analysis — The information contained in the system will not be confidential however the integrity of the data must be kept. A login will be implemented to protect particular information about wineries. We plan to use a free version of Oracle Apex for the application; the only concern is determining the exact specifications of a license. 4.0 Project Management Issues A. Team Configuration and Management — At present, one member will assume project management roles. A. Communication Plan — The customer will be notified of our progress and updated on any concerns that may arise on a weekly basis, as well as more often if other issues develop. B. Project Standards and Procedures — The customer will evaluate and critique deliverables as they are produced as part of our three day progress reports. The customer will also be notified as concepts for the deliverables are made more concrete so that their input can be incorporated. Project documentation and user documentation will be created in Microsoft software such as Word, Excel, etc. Diagrams created in Visio or other software will be available in PDF and JPG format for easy access on the project web site. 5.0 Project Deliverables Deliverables in addition to these may be created as the project develops; also, some of the names may change. Input functions: Capture Vendor data Capture Point of Contact data Capture Winery and Wine List Capture Winery/Vendor area Tables: Vendor Vendor Main Type Vendor Sub Type Wine category Wine List Zip Code Point of Contact Forms and Reports: Vendor Vendor Main Type Vendor Sub Type Wine category Wine List Zip Code Point of Contact Estimated Project Duration: Total project estimated duration is 2 months.