Climate Change Science and Engineering


CE 401



Climate Change Science and Engineering

geologic past and evolution of climate change since the industrial revolution

3 February 2011 http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.



m/solar-activity-sunspots-global-wa rming.htm h/glob-warm.html

Robinson paper for HW6 couple of pdf’s on the HW website on solar stuff – read the Robinson article to page 8 and figure out what their arguments are, and then look around for support or nonsupport

HW 6 now due next Thursday quiz from last time:

• nearly everyone like the ppt style; more emphasis on the myriad of graphs of what is really important; I have been replacing the ppt on the web with the actual class one

• HW: some of the problems have not been clear as to what is expected and that has caused frustration ; do examples in class

• class interaction – I need to just keep pushing for more

• general thoughts – class will be graded on a curve; go over math more before HW;

TA office hours to twice/week; other resources

– use web

where are we in the syllabus: latest version always on website

interesting new web site:

climate change in the geologic past no human influence










The atmospheric concentration of CO


, N


O, and CH

4 now exceeds by far the natural range of the last 650,000 years - current changes have occurred all in a few hundreds of years


time (thousands of years before present)



Current level is higher than any time in past

600,000 years.

150,000 years ago to present

this graph  dramatic evidence that CO

2 drives climate: more CO


 higher temperatures. YES?

Here is Al Gore on this graph: “Here is an important point. If my classmate from 6 th grade were to see this, he would ask, “Did they ever fit together?”. The answer from the scientist would be, “Yes, they do fit together.” It’s a complicated relationship, but the most important part of it is this: When there is more CO

2 in the atmosphere, the temperature increases because more heat from the sun is trapped inside. There is not a single part of this graph – no fact, no date, or number – that is controversial in any way or is disputed by anyone.”

What is cause and effect? The implication here, honestly stated by Gore, but implied , is more CO


, higher T

Yet, many scientists think the opposite: large changes in CO

2 were a result of the warming, not the cause. Changes in temperature in this graph were driven not primarily by CO the Earth.

2 changes, but by changes in the orbit and axis of

Caillon et al, 2003, Science 299, 1728  CO


lags behind temperature changes by about

800 years + 200 years (why 800 years?)

Some climate scientists now doubt the order.

Richard Muller (Physics for Future Presidents, 2008) 

“The fairest statement that can be made is that the issue is unsettled”. “Many people see the plot and come away believing that CO

2 has been established as the main driver for past climate change. That is very likely a correct conclusion for small (1 ° C) changes attributed to the present


2 increase, but not clear for the dramatic temperature variations of ancient data shown in the plot”

Antarctic and Greenland Ice Core and N. Atlantic Sed. Temp. Data

North Atlantic

10 ° C


10 ° C


5 ° C

150 source: Jouzel et al. 1994


age (thousands of years ago)

note how stable temperature has been for the last 10,000 yrs

Mann et al, 1998



Concentrations (ppm) 1860 - 1995



concentrations are increasing due to industrial activity

Conclusions from the Climate Record preindustrial to 650k years ago (no human influence)

• temperatures have varied by approximately 7 ° C

• highest observed CO

2 is about 300 ppmv (current 385 ppmv)

• highest observed methane is about 0.7 ppmv (current 1.7 ppmv)

• temperature, CO

2 and methane follow each other closely in time

• changes have generally occurred over long time periods

• past 10K years have been remarkably stable in temperature

• this period marked the development of civilization

• most “equable” climate of the past many millions of years

• rapid (decadal) changes in surface temps of 5-6 ° C have occurred in the past

Global CO

2 distribution in ppm


380 parts / million

372 ppm

continuing now to the present

– the rest of the diagram shown earlier hockey stick plot

hockey stick:

• published in 1998

• NH remarkably constant showing cool years 1000-1900 with significant global warming occurred

• 2001 IPCC report included it – 5 times in the summary volume alone

• prominently featured in Al Gore’s film

• showed the modern fossil fuel era was unprecedented in increased temperature

• just like the CO

2 rise plot  patently obvious that humans were causing warming

• Canadian gov’t sent a copy to every household in Canada

• every politician in DC was familiar with it

• 14 th century COLD period appears nowhere in the plot (it was European only?), but that cold period is well established

• the graph is wrong – the analysis has proved to be faulty and really only represents western US, not the northern hemisphere

• US National Academy of Sciences was asked by Congress to review  confirmation of error

• does it matter that the hockey stick plot was wrong?

• yes, it reinforces misconceptions

• to a scientist, it is wrong, but it is just another step in the process

• IPCC consensus did not depend on the hockey stick graph of temperature vs time

• it is embarrassing for sure

• scientists usually reach the truth, but sometimes it takes a while

US surface temperature record

Global Mean Temperatures

Annual mean

Smoothed series

5-95 decadal error bars

11 of the past 12 years are the hottest on record source: IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007

NASA Global Temperature Record 1880 - 2008 source: GISS, 2010

• last decade is the warmest decade on record

• increase in past 25 years is ~ 0.2

° C/decade

• why the leveling off/cooling in the 50’s? – CO

2 record is very smooth – no big bumps and wiggles

IPCC 2007

During the 1950s and 1960s, average global temperatures leveled off, as increases in aerosols from fossil fuels and other sources cooled the planet.

I will put the IPCC technical summary and frequently asked questions/answers onto the class website today
