GoodbyePaper DeliveringClassroomMaterialsonTablets OnlineLearning2013Conference Session#503 1 #byepaper Pleaseshareatweetortwoonthebenefitsyouanticipate whenmovingclassroomparticipantmaterialsfromprinted, paper-basedmaterialstoadigital,tablet-basedformat. Agenda 1.Problems:Thecost,learnerengagement,andlogisticalchallengesof usingpaper-basedparticipantmaterialsinclassroomtraining 2.Solutions: Theshiftsinmethodsalongwithbenefitsgainedfrom movingtotablet-basedparticipantmaterials 3.Perspectives: Howthemovetopaperlessaffectskeystakeholders 4.Q&A 2 Introductions BenRockwood MattScaggs Ben is an Associate Director at AT&T responsible for training design and development. Over the last eight years he has led teams responsible for systems, product, sales, and leadership training. Ben received his Masters degree in Instructional Design from the University of Georgia and continues to contribute to the educational community by speaking at university seminars, local industry chapter meetings, and industry conferences. Before joining AT&T, Ben worked for a couple small technology incubator companies and this background has influenced his drive for adopting and championing new technologies for corporate training. At AT&T, he has played a leadership role in the adoption of mobile learning, social media in training, and the movement away from paper and towards tablets in classroom settings. He’s driven by the challenge to improve business metrics through the successful implementation of technology in training. Matt is an Lead Designer at AT&T, responsible for a team of designers creating product training for customer facing sales and management employees. Matt has been with AT&T for over 12 years, garnering successful experience initially in multiple inside and outside sales and management roles. For the previous six years, he has been actively engaged with learning and development, initially by facilitating leader led learning to sales, support, and management roles with new hire and strategic product curriculum. Most recently, he has spent the previous three years designing learning to support the deployment of new consumer products and services. Outside of work, Matt cherishes time spent with his beautiful wife and two children. He also enjoys serving on an advisory board for a local school district and outdoor activities in the Rocky Mountains. DownloadthePDF (BestenjoyedwithAdobeReader) 3 Problems StatusQuo BusinessNeeds • • • • • Low seller comfort level with tablets • Low tablet sales results • Difficulty moving from sales of smartphones to combined sales of smartphones with tablets Paper is expensive Management of excess inventories of materials Post course, materials are seldom used User experience is limited: Black and white materials Paper and pen (limited interactivity) Deepthoughts: 4 Solutions 1000Tablets(iPad&Androidmodels) Storageandtransport Replacement/Backups Powerandcleaning Hardware Designers Trainers AdobeInDesign People Logistics(SHI) InternalAdministrator Deepthoughts: 5 Software AdobeDPS Evernote Solutions LearningAdmin Acquire tablet inventory Push contentto tablets Shipto LMT Logistics ManagementTeam (LMT) Configure Tablets Shipto trainers InstructionalDesigner Design materials Upload tocloud solution Trainer CourseParticipants Resetapp atendof eachclass Interact with content inclass Senddigital actionplan tomanager 6 AdobeDPSDemo Deepthoughts: 7 Alternatives AdobeDPS InteractivePDF NearPod LectureTools v v v v v v v v v Withpremium "School" edition v v v OSCompatabilities iPadcompatible Androidtabletcompatible PCwebbrowser UserExperience Note-takingwithinApp Participant/Trainersynchronous Interactivity(Polls,quizzes,etc) Audio/Videocapabilities v Offlineaccessafterinitialdownload Launchotherappsfromwithincontent Launchlinksinwebbrowserfromwithin content v v v v v Drag-and-dropinteractions v v v v v v Web-pages pushedto participantsby instructor AdministratorConsiderations AuthoringTool Contentdistributionmechanismbuiltin UserManagement ReportingTools LicensingModel 8 Adobe InDesign ($699per license)or HTML5 AnyPDFcreator plusAcrobat Pro($449per license) PowerPoint +Nearpod ContentCreator PowerPoint+ LectureTools Interactive Content Creator v v v v v v v v v FreeEdition; MonthlyFee Editionswith morefeatures (“GoldEdition” $120/year/ trainer) "Students" pay$15per "term."Volume licenses available Payper download after enterprise licensefee FreeAdobe Readertablet app Other Perspectives Learners Trainers Designers Clients 9 Costand SustainabilityFigures EstimatedPowerCost/ Consumption • $1.36/year (12kWh/year) – Cost/consumption to power one iPad, assuming charging a fully depleted battery every other day. (Source: Electric Power Research Institute of Palo Alto, California) • $2.72/year (24kWh/year) – Cost/consumption to power one iPad, assuming a daily charge of a depleted battery • $2720 (1000 Tablets x $2.72) - Estimated annual power cost/consumption of tablet inventory OtherChargingEstimates, forComparison • $1.61/year (14kWh/year) – Cost to power one 60watt compact-fluorescent light bulb • $8.31/year (358kWh/year) – Cost to power one laptop PC • $41.17/year (358kWh/year) – Cost to power one 42-inch plasma-screen TV PrintCostComparisons Cost/Participants Black & White Print Materials Color Print Materials $4.05 (average) * $11.50 (estimated) * Participants Totals 50,000 $202,500 50,000 $575,000 * approx 50-page spiral-bound booklet Tablets Cost/Unit Units Totals $330 (average) ** 1000 $330,000 ** Refurbished 10 MyPlantogoPaperless 1 of 2 Hardware Will participants bring and use their own tablets (BYOD)? Y / N (If N above) Number of tablets needed (Number of Concurrent Sessions X Max Seats per Session + 5-10% Backup Units): (If N above) Tablet inventory management / storage plan: People (If N above) Individual responsible for inventory and logistics: (IfN above) Individual/team/vendor responsible for configuring tablets: Software Authoring tool(s) to be used: Training required for designers / developers: Y / N Distribution / content delivery system(s) to be used: 11 MyPlantogoPaperless 2 of 2 Training required for designers / developers: Y / N Training required for trainers: Y / N (If Y on first question) How will implementation of a BYOD strategy impact your authoring and content delivery approach? Are your content authoring and delivery tools compatible with the tablet operating systems your audience uses (iOS/Android/Windows 8)? 12