2. that video games are not responsible for a child's motivation and

English II
3rd Six Weeks Writing Product
How to Dissect A Prompt
How To Attack A Writing Prompt
Info and
Re-read the
prompt and
dissect what
is being
asked of you
Plan your
before you
These steps will help you plan and write a successful paper
Read Background Info and
Read, Comprehend, Understand
The Full Prompt
• At a recent conference at the University of Chicago , David Walsh of the National
Institute on Media and the Family presented a paper titled “ Video Game Violence and
Public Policy.” The paper stated that “79% of American children now play computer or
video games on a regular basis. Children between the ages of 7 and 17 play for an
average of 8 hours a week.” The subset of games that feature violence, gore, and
antisocial behavior has corrupted this generation of children. Because of these video
games, all children will participate in some sort of gang violence, armed robbery, and
aggravated assault.
Compose an essay arguing that video games are not responsible for a child’s motivation
and ambition to lead a life of criminal activity.
Getting Started – The Background
Read the background
information and
summarize what is
At a recent conference at the University of
Chicago , David Walsh of the National Institute
on Media and the Family presented a paper
titled “ Video Game Violence and Public Policy.”
The paper stated that “79% of American
children now play computer or video games on
a regular basis. Children between the ages of
seven and 17 play for an average of eight hours
a week.”
The subset of games that feature violence,
gore, and antisocial behavior has corrupted
this generation of children. Because of these
video games, all children will participate in
some sort of gang violence, armed robbery, and
aggravated assault.
Getting Started – The Prompt
Now, read the prompt.
What is your TASK?
Compose an essay
arguing that video games
are not responsible for a
child’s motivation and
ambition to lead a life of
criminal activity.
Understanding the Reading
Go back and read the prompt. Make sure you understand what
is going on, and what is being communicated.
Compose an essay arguing
that video games are not
responsible for a child’s
motivation and ambition to
lead a life of criminal activity.
*What is the main idea?
*What is going on?
*Who is
Enrich Your Understanding
Read, Analyze, Apply
It’s not just about understanding
what you read, but understanding
what is being asked of you.
Let’s see.
1. What will your paper be about?
2. What genre will you be writing?
3. What do you need to include?
4. How does the background information help you?
Let’s see… What is my TASK?
Compose an essay arguing…
I have to write an essay arguing something. What am I arguing?
2. that video games are not responsible for a child’s motivation and ambition…
I have to argue that video games are NOT responsible for motivating children.
Motivating them to do what?
3. to lead a life of criminal activity.
I have to argue that video games are NOT responsible for making
kids, or motivating kids to get involved with crime. How am I going
to do this?
Understanding the Reading
Once you understand what you are being asked to do, start making
the connections between what has been read (Background Info),
and what the is being asked of you (Prompt).
Compose an essay arguing
that video games are not
responsible for a child’s
motivation and ambition to
lead a life of criminal activity.
How are you going to use the
background info?
*What does the author claim?
*What reasons does the author
give for his claim?
*What evidence does the
author give for his reasons?
What will your
argument be?
Let’s see…What do I have?
“79% of American children now play computer or video games
on a regular basis.
Children between the ages of 7 and 17 play for an average of 8
hours a week.”
The subset of games that feature violence, gore, and antisocial
behavior has corrupted this generation of children.
Because of these video games, all children will participate in
some sort of gang violence, armed robbery, and aggravated
How can I use this?
• *What does the author claim?
Because of these video games, all children will participate in
some sort of gang violence, armed robbery, and aggravated
• *What reasons does the author give for his claim?
The subset of games that feature violence, gore, and antisocial
behavior has corrupted this generation of children.
• *What evidence does the author give for his reasons?
“79% of American children now play computer or video games
on a regular basis.
Children between the ages of 7 and 17 play for an average of 8
hours a week.”
Plan Your Essay
Using the information given, outline your paper.
Lets Do This!
I. Thesis
II. Point 1
III. Point 2
IV. Point 3
V. Counter Argument/Opposing View
VI. Main Argument
Example Outline:
Thesis- Although many psychiatrists and psychologists believe that video games
Point 1- Games do not encourage children to join gangs.
are responsible for a life of criminal activity, this is not true; video games do not
encourage children to join gangs, games do not motivate them to commit an
armed robbery, and nor do they glamourize aggravated assault.
A. Not all games are geared around gangs, in fact, many games are centered around one person carrying out the
task at hand.
B. Most of the games that call for teens to operate in groups are military based; therefore, the game is encouraging
patriotism, not gang violence/activity.
III. Point 2- Games do not motivate children to commit an armed robbery.
Yes, some games to allow the player to commit an armed robbery during the game; however, game makers
have ensured that the player realizes the consequences of his/her actions.
The game has law enforcement in place to make chase down and reprimand the player for his/her bad
IV. Point 3- Aggravated assault is not glamourized during game play
A. Many of the games out are violent; however, the games are usually some sort of respected version of fighting. For
instance, wresting and UFC fighting.
Counter/Opposing- However, some people believe that video games are the sole
reason for teenage violence.
A. TV shows are more of a culprit than video games when it comes to showcasing teenage violence. Unlike the video game, TV
shows are made to appear as though they are reality; therefore, the sense of right and wrong detachment comes more from TV
than it does video games.
Main Argument- Although many parents, psychiatrists, and psychologists believe
that video games are to blame for the up rise in teenage violence, video games are not
a contributing factor.
What’s Your Message?