Sport Curriculum Mental Model & Year Long Curriculum for Football Andrew Burke TTMM for FOOTBALL: ELITE ATTACKING DEFENDING - MAINTAIN POSSESSION - REGAIN POSSESSION - CREATING A GOAL SCORING OPPORTUNITY - STOPPING A GOAL SCORING OPPORTUNITY COUNTER ATTACKING PLAY Maintaining Possession against an opposition: Technical ON THE BALL - Dribbling - Running with the ball - Shielding/ Protecting the ball - Passing Long/ Short Chipped Driven Looped - Skill Tricks Deceipt - Receiving the Ball Adjust body position Approach the ball - Ball Control Parts of the body: Chest, Quadricep, foot Inside Outside Top (laces) Sole OFF BALL - Long/ Wide - Scanning the pitch/ area - Checking Off - Unselfish/ purposeful runs: -Take away Opponents/ defensive support - Positions Beyond, Between and Around Opposition - Sharp movement - Blind side runs - Stand still in space - Move against flow of play - Supporting player in possession: (support play) - Create angles and distances - Timing of movements/ runs - Creates Space and Time - Releases pressure on the ball - Able to receive the ball or allow another player to receive the ball Maintaining Possession against an opposition: Tactical The ability to keep possession of the ball under varied amounts of pressure from the opposition with the understanding and production of accurate movements and technical skills to transfer through the pitch at the team’s desired intensity. ON BALL - Combination of types of passes to keep possession of the ball in the thirds of the pitch - Dictate the pace of the match - Patience with the ball to move forward towards opponents goal - Control and protection of the ball in different intensities of opponent pressure OFF BALL - Continuous support in a position off the ball from team members either near, seeable, far and within space - creative and fast movement to create options in tight and wide areas: Between and around defenders In front and beyond defenders - Change of pace to get away from defenders to receive the ball - Timing of check offs and runs to receive the ball - Provide Width, Depth and Angles - Positioning In relation to role Blocking passes to - Clearing Blocking Regaining Possession against the opposition: Technical teammates Heading towards a player ON THE BALL Long pass into striker/ corners of pitch - Tackling Block tackle Slide Tackle Heading challenge for the ball - Using body weight forceful tackle Body between ball and player ( Barge ) Attack the ball in the air ( control/ pass) Pressurising Denying space Delaying play Show opponent one way ( OFF THE BALL allow teammates to anticipate where the ball will travel) Intercept the ball - Marking Track and follow players movement Requires great agility and sharpness Is the opponent a danger in effecting play - Supporting deny Positions combine to Force into negative area From front, side and behind ball By Applying pressure ( front/ Shut down player - track ball and player Force a mistake - Force away from goal - behind) Steal the ball Tracking Opposite numbered Regaining Possession against the opposition: Tactical The awareness and capability to identify the right time to reduce the opponents space and apply pressure on the ball in the attempt to intercept, challenge (tackle) or force a mistake upon the opponent ON BALL: - Speed and agility to reach the ball first or tackle upon the attacker quickly - Technical execution consistent and efficient - Adjust body to movement of the ball and react quickly e.g touch by attacker or spin of the ball OFF BALL: - Working together in pairs and packs relative to their positions to produce high pressure at appropriate situation e.g LB and LM - high intensified movements - Shutting down opponents space on the ball to cause a mistake and give away the ball - As a team keeping narrow and compacting the play to reduce time and space for the opposition - Anticipate when to perform ‘on ball’ technical and tactical capabilities e.g Indicator - loss of balance on the ball Creating a goal scoring opportunity against the opposition: Technical ON THE BALL - Dribbling to create a yard for an action beat a defender into space - Running with the ball into attacking areas of the pitch ( wide and exploiting space ) - Passing Crossing within areas of box, aiming towards a player, varied pace and swerve Through ball lay off, to set up a shot Individual Skill on the ball Tricks Faints Disguise Dropping the shoulder, All equaling to beat a defender or gain a yard to create a goal scoring opportunity OFF BALL - Using width and depth - Scanning pitch - Tracking flight/path of the ball - Checking Off opponents - Unselfish/ purposeful runs: -Take away Opponents/ defensive support - Positions Beyond, Between and Around Opposition - Sharp and fast movement - Blind side runs/ movement - Stand still - Move against flow of play - Supporting player in possession: (support play) - Create angles and distances - Timing of movements/ runs - Creates Space and Time - Releases pressure on the ball - Able to receive the ball or allow another player to receive the ball to score Creating a goal scoring opportunity against the opposition: Tactical A shooting opportunity in the final third. The players showing high intense movements and ball manipulation using sharp passing or attacking dribbling to cause an opening for the chance of a shot against an opposing defensive shape. Penetrative passing and movement is used throughout the thirds to create an opening. ON BALL - Be expressive and creative within technical demands of attack - sharp speed and precision within short and long passing, dribbling and running with the ball - penetrating space and gaps in the defence - consistency and accuracy in the last third within technical execution and timing OFF BALL - Supporting the player on the ball by exploiting space with runs off the defender: Intensity and sharpness of movement Timing of the runs - Understanding the best area of space to exploit in relation to the position of the ball on a consistent basis - Pressurising Support fromopposition Limit/ Stopping a goal scoring opportunity against the attacking teammate - Clearing Blocking Position Related (e.g ON THE BALL OFF BALL Heading ( control/ pass) LB/LM) Long pass into striker/ corners of Front pitch Behind - Tackling Block tackle Side Slide Tackle - Recovery Runs Pace Heading challenge Into defensive - Pressurising Deny opponents space space Tracking Delay attacker/ players forward opponent play Front - Covering Read the flow of Behind ball/play Sharp reaction to danger Shut down player - Jockey/ track ball Beaten fellow player and player - use tackle/ block - clearing - Marking Relation to position Relation to threat in situation - Limit Space and Time to play/ shoot - Increase pressure on opponent with the ball Limit/ Stopping a goal scoring opportunity against the attacking opposition Anticipating and reacting to the danger on the team’s goal by using fast and agile movements to reach the player on or approaching the ball; and instinctively use the appropriate technical execution to cancel out a goal threatening situation or opponents goal scoring efforts ON THE BALL - Apply instant pressure in a strong forceful manner to attempt to protect the goal or dangerous area of the pitch - Consistent execution of technical defensive skills in various goal threatening situations - Use speed and power to reach the ball or player in possession OFF THE BALL - Ability to track the ball and appropriate player(s) who provide a threat to their goal - Able to position themselves to react, reach or effect the ball in the aim of protecting the goal - Capable to identify a goal threatening opportunities for the opposition Counter Attacking Play: Technical Dribbling ON THE BALL PACE CONTROL DRIVE POWER FEINTS/TRICKS Running with the ball DEFENDER PIN SPEED EXPLOIT SPACE Passing loft short, long, chip, driven, PACE ACCURACY PRECISION EXPLOIT SPACE (beyond, wide, infront) OFF THE BALL Running EXPLOSIVE PACE DRIVE IN TO SPACE TIMING OF RUN REMOVING OPPONENTS FROM PLAY Positioning SPACE TO RECEIVE AVOID DEFENDERS BLINDSIDE/PULL OFF ABLE TO SCORE READY FOR REBOUND Counter Attacking Play: Tactical Identifying the opportunity to intercept the ball and break away from the play at pace and power with supporting players; who become available in different parts of the middle and final third to provide an option quicklyON to create BALLa goal. - Accurate and penetrative passes through the opponents defence with accuracy and pace - Running with the ball and dribbling at pace towards defenders, to be able to: Pin the opponent as they approach the player in possession Capable to make the correct choice the right pass at the right time or beat the defender ( offloading the ball ) - Passing the ball quickly with short and long distances between and beyond defenders OFF BALL - Exploiting space with movements in the quickest way possible - Technical movement patterns used such as blind side runs, pulling off defender, overlaps and drawing defenders out to create a crucial amount of space to receive the ball -High speed and agility to keep up with counter attack play to reach an advancing position to receive the ball or be an option - Creative movement and runs Summary: Recurring Attacking Attributes PHYSICAL - Speed - Agility - Power - Strength MENTAL - Creativity - Identify attacking or penetrating opportunities - WHEN & WHERE TECHNICAL - Consistent, accurate and pace of: - Range of passing - Dribbling - Running with the ball - Ball control - Protection - Disguise/ Feints - Movement patterns TACTICAL - Dictate/control play - Consistent application of specific movements/ runs off the ball - HOW to beat the defensive opponents Summary: Recurring Defending Attributes PHYSICAL - Speed - Agility - Power - Strength MENTAL - Awareness - Identify threat on goal and opportunity to retrieve the ball - Anticipation - WHEN & WHERE TECHNICAL - Consistent, accurate execution of: - Tackling - Clearing - Pressurising (front/ behind) - Body position - Blocking - Intercepting TACTICAL - Force and cause attacking failure - Consistent anticipation of attacking indicators - HOW to deny attacking opportunities Age/ Stage Curriculum: Context Under 13s - Age ( 12/13 ) Grassroots - Garforth Junior League Mixed Gender and Abilities Goals ( FA and Your own feedback ) 1 session a week ( 1hr 30mins ) 1 match a week START - Sep. 14th to May. 27th AGE/STAGE CURRICULUM: The FA LTPD Model ( Adapt from LTAD Balyi ) STAGE 2, 3 & 4 2. Learning to Train 8 - 11 3. Developing Practice ( Training to Train ) 11 - 14 4. Training For Competition ( Training to Compete 1 14 - 16 The learning and practice of basic sport skills transferring from fundamental skills in a predominantly training environment, with heavy focus of physical movement skills such as ABC/ multi skills to support the learning attainment football skills. The FA emphasises theand importance of this stage of development; particular focus on the ratio and use of training and competition: 60% Train 40% Compete. Containing too much attention upon training will not allow competitive skills to be developed where too much competition will not allow an environment to develop fundamental and sports skills. Within this stage practising/ refining technique and in turn applying these skills into competitive matches from a training environment to deal with tactical components is the aim of development of this age The progression within this stage is focusing within training category. conditions a competitive structured environment or activity conditions; preparing for competition in realistic and game related sessions where practising application of technical and tactical abilities combine, linked and understood towards the end of the stage. Fitness, health and diet become a factor of aiding player performance. NESTED PLANNING (Abraham and Collins, 2004 ): Context M AC R O - Grassroots - Participation, learning and improving performance M E SO - Training with teammates and coaching linked themes - Match against teams in the league M I C R O - Training with teammates through topics with Objectives that link to the sport with coaching and activities Under 12s 11-12 Under 13s 12 - 13 Under 14s 13 - 14 Weeks 1-5 6 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 20 21 - 25 26 - 30 7 8 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY 9 10 STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY Spiral Curriculum 26 - 30 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY 21 - 25 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY Review upon progress and goals 16 - 20 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY 11 - 15 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY Review upon progress and goals 6 - 10 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY 1-5 MAINTAIN RETAIN CREATNG GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING COUNTER GOAL ATTACK OPPORTUNITY AGE/ STAGE CURRICULUM : CREATING GO Extension of Spiral across all age/stages 16 Training For Competition ( Training to Compete 1 ) 15 14 - 16 14 Developing 13 Practice ( 12Training to Train ) 11 11 - 14 10Enjoying Practice ( Learning to Train ) 9 8 - 11 8 TECHNICAL - TACTICAL MAINTAIN RETAIN POSSESSION POSSESSION STOPPING COUNTER GO ATTACK DEFENDING CA TECHNICAL - TACTICAL CREATING MAINTAIN RETAIN O GOAL POSSESSION POSSESSION OPPORTUNITY STOPPING GOAL COUNTER OPPORTUNITY ATTACK TECHNICAL TACTICAL CREATING STOPPING MAINTAIN RETAIN POSSESSION POSSESSION ATTACK GOAL GOAL OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY DEFENCE TECHNICAL - TACTICAL - Greater the boldness of the word ( technical / tactical ) the greater emphasis and predominance within curriculum - As the age increases so does the number of areas of the sport to learn, apply and revisit Technical and Tactical: Age appropriate In terms of balance and cooperation between the two areas during the year long curriculum for under 13s; evidence, research and stage definition provides guidance and effects opinion to create the annual plan: - At the age of 12 children find it difficult to use tactical information and apply within a competitive environment ( North et al, 2012). An introduction and practice technique and tactical alignment in 12/ 13 ages. - Deliberate play factors of a play approach to learning the sport (Bridge and Toms, 2012) but with understanding of rules of the game. - Deliberate practice is particularly used to improve performance; (Pachman, Sweller and Kalyuga, 2013) however less enjoyable environment (Law et al 2007) due to a far structured content of activities. Technical and Tactical: Age appropriate - DMSP Model can aid the content of the Curriculum and context (Cote, Baker and Abernethy, 2007) - Relate to late specialised sports ( football ) - Deliberate practice and play balance from the age of 12 to 14/15 - Several soccer related studies suggest: - A gradual increase of deliberate practice content - Informed to create a balance/ combination for 12/13 year old participation based players. ( Ward, et al, 2007) (Ford et al, 2012) YEAR LONG CURRICULUM: TTMM Context - Learning Outcomes PROCESS GOALS 1)To be able to understand and demonstrate technical execution ( On/ Off Ball) within a training environment: - short, long, chip pass - running with the ball - Dribble - Ball control ( foot quad, chest) - Block - Tackle - Movement ( angles, width, depth) PERFORMANCE GOALS 2 a) To attempt the practice and application of technical understanding withi tactical situations in a game realistic environment: - Training game - Competition ( League/ Cup/ Friendly) 2 b) To Increase technical aspect areas (1 above) of performance as a grou of Individuals by 5% in terms of application to defence, midfield and attack positions during competition YEAR LONG CURRICULUM: Breakdown of content 1. 2. MAINTAIN POSSESSION - To understand and practice keeping possession using passing direct to a player and movement off the ball to receive the ball REGAIN POSSESSION CREATING GOAL OPP. To understand and practice range - To learn and practice on ball technical - and speed of passing to feet and aspects of behind pressure opponent, with off the ball movement to mark opponents Range of techniques Angles/ Agility and speed Paired and small group activities Technical breakdown Marking a player Speed and Agility STOPPING GOAL OPP. 4. 3. To understand and practice tackling technical aspects ( Blocking the ball ), with off the ball movement marking opponents Technique Marking attacking players paired and small group practices quick movements to receive the ball in creating a goal scoring opportunity Passing Techniques Angles/ Speed Paired and Small Group Activities COUNTER ATTACK To Introduce, learn and practice key elements of passing and movement within a counter attack: Type of passes Movements to receive Dribbling ( pace ) Against passive obstacles 5. 6. 7. MAINTAIN POSSESSION 8. REGAIN POSSESSION CREATING GOAL OPP. - To understand and practice keeping possession by the use of - To learn and practice on the ball in passing to into space for front pressure with an opponent on the To understand and practice range teammate. Practice positioning to ball, with off the ball tracking of players and speed of passing into space/ run on to a pass. the quick movements to reach the Technical Breakdown ball in an area to score a goal Range of techniques Speed and Agility Angles/ Speed Player to track Paired and Small Group activities STOPPING GOAL OPP. 9. COUNTER ATTACK To understand and practice blocking away To understand and practice short and long from the goal, with off the ball movement passes and sharp movements against tracking opponents passive defenders: Technique execution Speed and reaction Player to track Technique execution Appropriate movements Small Groups of 4 10. 11. 12. 13. MAINTAIN POSSESSION REGAIN POSSESSION CREATING GOAL OPP. - To understand and practice - To learn and understand on ball Practice Individual skill Ball Control and Protection three player groups 2v1 3v1 Marking Side pressure To understand and practice the execution of dribbling to create dribbling techniques to enter space; technical aspects of behind pressure on space individually and the use of and using movement off the ball to opponent, with off the ball movement to support by team players to produce support players support defender a goal scoring opportunity STOPPING GOAL OPP. 14. Ball Control Creativity Width (Side) and Depth (infront/ behind) COUNTER ATTACK To understand and practice pressurising To understand and practice the use of to force player and ball away from the dribbling in counter attacks; and support goal, with off the ball movement the player on the ball supporting defender occupying the ball Speed / Agility Deny Space 3v1 4v2 3 v 1 ( passive ) 4 v 2 ( passive ) Technique and pace Width and angles 15. 17. 18. MAINTAIN POSSESSION REGAIN POSSESSION CREATING GOAL OPP. - To introduce and practice To learn and understand, on the ball in front pressure with an opponent on the ball, with off the ball movement to support defender To understand and practice the execution of dribbling to reach desired space to create a goal scoring opportunity 2v1 4v2 Tracking Side support Ball Control Creativity Width (Side) and Depth (infront/ behind) 16. ‘When’ and ‘Where’ to pass when under control of the ball (dribbling)/ support the player on the ball using width and depth Transfer through thirds Width and Depth Challenge mental capabilities 19. STOPPING GOAL OPP. COUNTER ATTACK To understand and practice pressurising to create a challenge ( block/ tackle), with off the ball movement supporting defender occupying the ball To introduce practice and use ‘When and Where’ with control of the ball ( dribbling)/ support the player using width and depth Tracking Occupying space (support) 3v1 4v2 3 v 1 ( live ) 4 v 2 ( live ) Width (Side) Angles ( Between ) Depth ( Beyond ) 20. 21. 22. 23. REGAIN POSSESSION CREATING GOAL OPP. To understand and practice applying on the ball behind pressure on opponent and the marking of players in different positions and roles: To relate and practice applying technical skills and movement patterns to roles and positions: MAINTAIN POSSESSION - To understand, relate and apply passing and movement off the ball to roles and responsibilties of positions: Defence, midfield and attack Width, Depth and angles in positions Passing, control and dribbling techniques Constraints games 4 v 2 to 6 v 3 situations Team game - 7 v 7 STOPPING GOAL OPP. 24. To relate and practice applying technical skills and movement patterns to roles and positions: 4v2 5v3 Defence / Midfield Defence, Midfield and Attack Width/ Depth 7v7 Goals available COUNTER ATTACK To relate and practice applying roles and position to counter attacking against defenders Reach two targets Defence role Midfield role Attack role: within activities 25. 26. 27. MAINTAIN POSSESSION - To practice and apply the types of passing and movement techniques to reach a desired target ( area of the pitch ) Formations Change of positions Goals/ Challenges REGAIN POSSESSION CREATING GOAL OPP. To understand and practice applying To understand, practice and apply on the ball in front pressure on to roles and responsibilities of opponent and the tracking of players in positions within constraints based different positions and roles games and match environment Constraints games 4 v 2 to 6 v 3 situations Team game - 7 v 7 STOPPING GOAL OPP. 29. 28. To understand, practice and apply to roles and responsibilities of positions within constraints based games and match environment 7 v 7 - constraints based progressions defence / midfield challenges Goals available Progressions/ challenges COUNTER ATTACK To relate and practice applying roles and position to counter attacking against defenders in a constraints based environment and match 3 v 1 ( live ) 4 v 2 ( live ) 7v7 Different goals and progressions 30. Maintaining Possession: Example Transferring through weeks On Ball 1. Range of passes TO a player/ Teammate Off Ball Movement off the ball to receive: ANGLES 2. Range of passes INTO SPACE for a player/ teammate Movement off the ball to receive: ANGLES (start)POSITION Maintaining Possession: ExampleTransferring through weeks On Ball Off Ball Dribbling INTO SPACE SUPPORT for the player/ ball: ANGLES SIDE/ IN FRONT OPTIONS Dribbling: ‘WHEN’ & ‘WHERE’ to pass SUPPORT for the player/ ball: WIDTH - SIDE DEPTH - IN FRONT/ BEHIND 3. 4. Maintaining Possession: ExampleTransferring through weeks On Ball 5. Off Ball Apply and perform passing and dribbling relating to positions: DEFENCE MIDFIELD ATTACK Apply and perform supporting movements ( A/W/D) relating to positions: DEFENCE MIDFIELD ATTACK Apply and perform to reach a desired target ( Game Related ) Apply and perform to reach a desired target ( Game Related ) 6. Goals/ Progressions - Keep the ball for 1) 30sec 2) 1 min 5v5desired target Gate / small goal Ball reach Ball reach this area of the pitch Goals/ Progressions - Keep the ball for 1) 30sec 2) 1 min 7v7desired target Gate / small goal Ball reach Ball reach this area of the pitch Formation 44-2 How constrained and small sided games with topic purpose links to positions and game situations where participants eventually reach the age to compete at 11 v 11; but also use such activities in their own aged category of format e.g 5 v 5 and no GK ( 2D, 2M, 1A ) to a 7 v 7 competitive format ( 1 GK, 2D, 3M, 1A ) References - Bridge, M. W., and Toms, M. R., (2012). The specialising or sampling debate: a retrospective. Journal of Sports Sciences. 31 (1), 87. - Cote, J., Baker, J., and Abernethy, B., (2007). Practice and Play in the development of Sport Expertise. In Eklund, R., and Tenenbaum, G., (Eds). Handbook of Sport Psychology. 3rd edition. - Ford, P. Carling, C. Garces, M. Marquez, M. Miguel, C. Farrant, A. Stenling, A. Moreno, J. Le Gall, F. Holmstrom, S. Samela, J. and Williams, M. (2012) The developmental activities of elite soccer players aged under-16 years from Brazil, England, France, Ghana, Mexico, Portugal and Sweden. pp. 1654 1662 - Hughes, M. and Franks, I. (2008) The Essentials Of Performance Analysis: An Introduction. pp. 127 134 - Level 2 Coaching Handbook. (2013). Burton Upon Trent: FA /learning. pp. 54-59 - North, J. Morgan, G and Rongen, F. (2012) Matching player & coach competencies in association football across age categories 5 -11, 12 - 16 & 17 - 21 years. - Pachman, M., Sweller, J., and Kalyuga, S., (2013). Levels of knowledge and Deliberate Practice. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 19 (2), 108. - Piggott, D. (2012). 'SPIRALLING’ OUT OF CONTROL? GETTING A GRIP ON YOUR COACHING CURRICULUM. Available: Last accessed 3rd Dec 2013. - Youth Leagues. (2012). Available: Last accessed 9th Dec 2013. -Ward, P. Hodges, N. Starkes, J. and Williams, M. (2007) The road to excellence: deliberate practice and the development of expertise, pp. 119 - 153 - Weinberg, R. and Gould, D. (2011) Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. pp. 344