MSP Round 2 Kickoff Session - GADOE Georgia Department of

MSP FY10-11 Kickoff Session
MAY 11, 2009
Session Agenda
 Welcome and HB280 Update
 General Program Overview
 GaDOE Mathematics and Science Program
Budgets and Grants Accounting
Federal Guidelines
Professional Learning
Test Administration (will end with MOSART)
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 I will be emailing you electronic copies of documents
after today’s session.
 Information will soon be updated on the GaDOE MSP
 US Dept. of Ed MSP website is located at http://www.ed
Info on Title II, B
HB280 Update
Lots to cover, but we will be in touch! We won’t build
MSP in a day!
Calendars, notebooks, bags….
Georgia MSP Kickoff Session
General Information
 MSP = Reimbursement Grant
 Grant Cycle for Yr 1: July 1, 2009– June 30, 2010
 60 hours intensive/20 hours follow-up annually
 On-going EACH project year
 STEM faculty at every grade level
 Renewal for FY11
 Project Effectiveness
 Project Compliance
 Availability of Federal Funds
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
General Information
 Partnership!!!
 STEM (and in addition Teacher Training Faculty)
 Partnership Rubric
 State and Federal Reporting Requirements
 Mid-Year GaDOE Report
Continuation Application
Year-End Report – ED
Handout: “Annual Performance Report”
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 Grants Accounting: Darlene Leslie @404-656-5553
 Fund 414, Program 1823
 Completion reports by September 30, 2010 (earlier is fine)
 Summary & Detail Forms
Due June 12 (preferably earlier)
 Amendments
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Teacher Stipends
Not to exceed $150 per 8-hour day during off-contract time; teacher fringe benefits may
be covered by MSP grant funds. Teachers must be eligible to work in the United
Up to $100/day when training sessions take place during teacher contract time
Project Management Team
Not to exceed 10% of project director’s and 5% of project leaders’ salaries. Teachers
serving on the management team may be paid on honorarium at the same rate
allowable for teacher stipends. DOCUMENT TIME
Coaches’ Salaries
Not to exceed 35% of an instructional coach’s salary DOCUMENT TIME
Consultants and Contracts
Not to exceed $50/presentation hour for consultants or presenters; not to exceed
$35/presentation hour for system/RESA personnel – ½ for planning time for all
Higher Education Faculty
Regular salary per hour of contact time; 50% of salary per hour of planning/preparation
8%-10% of total project budget must be spent on a formal project evaluator. If you’ve
designed a quasi-experimental design an additional $5,000 will be awarded.
Reimburse mileage, meals, and lodging according to state/system guidelines for projectrelated travel
Not to exceed 1% of the total budget. Must be in accordance with state and federal
Management Team Events
Reimburse travel expenses for management team participation in ED and GaDOEhosted MSP events according to state/system guidelines.
Materials and Supplies
Funds may be spent on materials and supplies to facilitate professional learning of
teachers, not on classroom instructional materials.
Indirect Costs
Not to exceed 8% (fiscal agent…total allowed for entire grant)
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
What do I need to document?
 EVERYTHING! Careful documentation is key.
 For a cost to be charged to a federal program, it must
be reasonable as to amount and necessity. It must be
allocable. Is it a cost that a prudent person would
incur under the given circumstances? Is the federal
program bearing its fair share of the cost?
 Time and effort reporting requirements emanate
from the cost principles that apply to grants:
OMB Circular A-21 (universities)
OMB Circular A-87 (governments)
OMB Circular A-122 (nonprofit organizations)
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Federal Guidelines
 OMB circulars can be found at
 The ED web site has a searchable version of EDGAR
( Education Department General Administrative
Regulations). It can be accessed at
Note food guidelines
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
View PPT from MSP Regional Meeting
 Human Subjects Research
 Equitable Participation
 http://www.ed-
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 Teacher rosters
 Elluminate Meetings at 10am
 Regional MSP Meeting
 Mid-Year Report
 Annual Report
 Site Visits
 Audit-type Monitoring (audit fee)
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 Mid-year Report due in December for GaDOE
 We begin to input data into the APR at this time
 See hand-out
 Continuation Application
 See hand-out
 Annual Performance Reports
 You are not yet registered but soon will be.
 You will receive login information for the U.S. Dept. of Ed.
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Professional Learning
 Pre-GCTM, October and Pre-GSTA , February
 Topics for year based on reading applications—seeing obvious
needs often with few deliberate work plan to address the needs
 West Ed, Math Pathways and Pitfalls (ELL)
 West Ed, Science for ELL
 NSDC, Differentiation in the Mathematics and Science
Classrooms (SWD)
 I would like teams to attend, support personnel working with
our MSP teachers, etc….I hope to cover most of cost, but that
may require you to “register” attendees in late August to early
September and project travel costs
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Math Science Partnership Program of Georgia (GaMSP)
Semester I Session Schedule at a Glance: June 2007 – December 2007
Content Focus:
Contact Name:
Math & Science
The following information details the professional learning sessions planned from June, 2007 – December, 2007 for the GaMSP program. The project director will
communicate schedule changes to the GaDOE program coordinator as they occur.
MSP Session Description (including
content and/or pedagogy focus)
Specific Location
# of
IHE Involvement
Role of Evaluator
 Pretest and Posttest Administrator
 LMT and MOSART, High School Math forthcoming!
 Formative Assessment
 Feedback regarding necessary modifications
 Data Collection
 Data Analysis
 Mid-year and Annual Performance Reports
 Site visits
 CLASS KEYS resource, rubric for Standards-Based
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 Classroom Analysis of State Standards
 How Does the Teacher Teach?
Standards-Based Instruction Standard #1: The Teacher
consistently uses research-based practices in the classroom.
 Standard #2: The teacher challenges all earners to achieve high
levels of learning as defined by GPS.
To see the complete document visit
Refer to blue notebooks which contain hard copies.
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Evaluation Instruments
 Learning Mathematics for Teaching (LMT)
Elementary and Middle School Levels:
a) numbers and operations, b) geometry,
c) patterns, functions, and algebra
 Misconceptions-Oriented Science Assessment
Resource for Teachers (MOSART)
Elementary and Middle School: a) earth science, b)
physical science, c) astronomy/space science
 High School: a) physics, b) chemistry, c) earth science, d)
astronomy/space science
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Learning Mathematics for Teaching
Assumptions and aims of LMT work
 To develop items that measure mathematics that teachers use in
teaching, not just what they teach
 To orient the items around problems that all teachers might face
in teaching mathematics
 To produce useable measures:
With items that are not grade-specific
With items that do not represent any single view of teaching (e.g.,
Which can discriminate among teachers’ capability in this area
 To make progress in developing theory of knowledge for
Measures copyright 2005, Study of Instructional Improvement (SII)/Learning Mathematics for Teaching/Consortium for Policy Research in
Education (CPRE). Not for reproduction or use without written consent of LMT. Measures development supported by NSF grants
REC-9979873, REC- 0207649, EHR-0233456 & EHR 0335411, and by a subcontract to CPRE on Department of Education (DOE), Office
of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) award #R308A960003.
 Misconceptions-Oriented Student Assessment
Resource for Teachers
 Mission: provide assessment instruments linked to
the K-12 physical and earth science content of the
national standards and research literature
documenting misconceptions of science concepts.
Probe how teachers’ scientific ideas compare to those of
 Probe for conceptual shift as a result of PD.
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
High School Mathematics
 We are pulling together a committee to work on this
 We still have room if any of you are interested in
helping us select and create test questions.
 We will work to have this test to you as early in July
as is possible…we realize it is a PRE-test after-all
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Our tests are just one piece of the puzzle…
 In the APR, annual performance report, you will
have to record matching pre- and post-tests on these
common assessments.
 However, in the evaluator’s narrative report, you can
expand and explain all other pieces of the
assessment puzzle (formative, instructor –made,
observations, qualitative surveys……)
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
General Testing Procedure
 Project evaluators or MSP Leader administers
Scantron forms:
4-digit ID# left justified
 First 4 letters of lead organization under last name
 Name of test and level written under subject
 Pretests mailed to GaDOE as complete set.
 Scores used to modify instructional plan.
 Project evaluators or MSP Leader administers mid-
Analyze results to evaluate effectiveness of PD.
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Terms of Use
 Copyright information must be included on all
 Measures cannot be used to publicly demonstrate
teachers’ ability or lack of ability in mathematics,
specifically including:
Not publicly discussing raw frequencies or number correct;
Not comparing participants from one project to other participants in
any way that reveals raw frequencies or number correct.
 Measures cannot be used to evaluate individual teachers
for tenure, pay, hiring, or any other use with high-stakes
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
Terms of Use
 The privacy of participants must be safeguarded.
 LMT non-released items cannot be used in any
presentation, paper, article, or other public form.
 Changes may not be made to any assessment item.
 Copies of measures may not be distributed outside of
the Georgia MSP project directors’ circle.
 Test administrators must generally abide by the
standards put forth in the Standards for Educational
and Psychological Testing (AERA/APA 1999).
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
GADOE Terms of LMT and MOSART Use
 GADOE will provide the LMT and MOSART
measures in hard copy to MSP project directors who
may only use them for MSP professional
development assessment purposes.
Participating MSP project directors will administer
the forms as pre and post measures and will not keep
records of teachers’ answers or ID numbers.
Participating MSP project directors will not score the
tests but will instead mail them to the MSP state
Participating MSP project directors will not alter the
forms in any way.
Participating MSP project directors will include the
data collected from pre and post instruments in their
Annual Performance Reports to USED.
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 Double check that participants have not chosen
duplicate identification numbers.
Make sure that answers have been bubbled in
appropriately with a PENCIL.
Send answer forms for scoring in bundles by content
and grade level.
Use cover sheets!
LMT will go on-line…more tomorrow..
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session
 Let the fun begin!
 If you are not administering the MOSART
assessments, because you are doing math only, you
are free to leave. Safe Travels!
 Refer to you calendar and all with any questions!
 If you are working with teachers in the area of
science, 3-12, please take a short break (10 minutes)
and return for a brief training.
Georgia MSP FY10 Kickoff Session