Romans 12:1-2
“And do not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your
Renewed View Biblical Unity
Unity Of The Spirit: Eph. 4:1-6
 Created By The Spirit
 Maintained By Brethren
 Takes Characteristics From
 Formed By Truth Of Gospel
Uniform Teaching Of Scripture
1 Cor. 1:10
Jude 3
Jn. 17:20-21
2 Tim. 1:13
2 Tim. 4:1-5
1 Pt. 4:11
1 Cor. 4:17
Unity: An Impossible Dream?
Division Is Fact Today
 Among Denominations
 Among Churches of Christ
Compare: Acts 2:42; 4:32-33
Early Problems Existed
 Acts 5; Epistles
 Doctrinal, Immorality, Etc
 Epistles Written To Correct
Early Efforts In America
In Matters Of Faith: Unity
In Matters of Opinion: Liberty
In All Things: Charity
Result Of Those Efforts
Common Savior
Common Faith, Plan of Salvation
Common Worship
Common Work
Common View Of Scriptures
When Divisions Arose, Appeals To
Scripture Was Final Appeal
A New Approach Suggested:
“Unity In Diversity”
“If unity is a matter of seeing the Bible eye
to eye, then believers will never be united,
for they never have and never will see the
Bible alike. And if believers ever have
been united, such as in the early centuries
(and other times as well) when they died
together for their faith…...
“….it was not because of doctrinal
agreement upon the Bible but because of
their common devotion to Jesus Christ.”
(Leroy Garrett, Restoration Review, Dec. 1987)
• Doctrinal Unity Not Possible
• Unity Only Possible Toward Jesus
• A New Unity Movement Based On A
“Gospel - Doctrine” Distinction
• Gospel: Facts About Jesus’ Deity
• Doctrine: Accept All Beliefs
“Like it or not, we are brothers and sisters
in Christ. That brothers differ on the
millennium, work of the Holy Spirit,
church organization, instrumental music,
having a glass of wine, the role of women
in church leadership, and a dozen, dozen
other issues does not change the fact that
they are all children of God.”
Rubel Shelly, “A Call To Action,”
p. 5)
Grace Covers Sin
“The present frontier is the frontier of a
grace-based fellowship with all our
brothers and sisters in Christ. A truth
began to dawn on us in the 1960’s and 70’s
and increasingly through the 1980’s. That
truth is that God’s grace extends not only to
our moral imperfections but also to our
doctrinal short-comings.” (Gary Pearson, “Image Magazine”
Sept/Oct, 1993 p. 32)
Right About Christ --- Wrong About Doctrine
“What is the basis of one’s hope before God?
Is it not that we sustain a right relationship
with God through Christ? …In other
words - if one is right about Christ, then
that one can be wrong about some
doctrinal instruction without being lost,
can he not?”
Arnold Hardin, “The Persuader”
“On what basis do we establish the bounds
of Christian unity? That is the crucial
question that lies before us. Are individual
fellowship and congregational unity based
on total agreement? Historical reality
denies that unanimity existed in New
Testament congregations or that it exists
today. Is there, then, a scriptural basis for
maintaining unity when brethren
“…If so, what are the limits of the concept of
unity in diversity?”
(Ed Harrell, The Bound of Christian Unity (2),
Christianity Magazine, March 1989, p. 6
Doctrinal Unity Did Not Exist In NT
 Doctrinal Unity Does Not Exist Today
 Only Unity In Diversity Is Possible
 Provides Toleration For Error
Recall Acts 2:42; 4:32; 1 Cor 1
“There should be room in the Christian
fellowship for those who believe that
Christ is the son of God, but who differ on
eschatological theories such as
premillennialism, ecclesiological matters
such as congregational organization, on
soteriological matters such as whether
baptism is ‘for’ or ‘because’ remission of
Carrol Osburn, “The Peaceable Kingdom, 1993, pp 90-91)
Misuse Of Romans 14
Focal Point Of Error
“It is obvious that Christians sometimes
disagree about spiritual instruction even
in matters of considerable moral and
doctrinal import. That behavior
uniformly practiced throughout the
history of Christianity is, I believe, the
issue addressed in Romans 14.”
Ed Harrell, “The Bounds of Christian Unity,” CM)
Toleration Of Error?
“Romans 14 tolerates contradictory
teachings and practices on important
moral and doctrinal questions.”
Ed Harrell, “The Bounds of Christian Unity,” CM)
Tolerate Contradictory Teachings and
 Cover Differences By Romans 14
Why Has Romans 14 Been Perverted?
• Teaching of Error on MDR
• Attempt to Justify Continued Fellowship
with Those Teaching Error vs. 2 Jn. 9-11
• James 2:1-9 - Sin of Partiality
• Issue Has Spread to Other Areas
 Social Drinking
 Immodesty, Gambling, Doctrines
Is Unity Possible In Our Time?
• Remember Teaching Of Bible
• Apply To Every Bible Subject
• Use Patience, Longsuffering
 1 Thess. 5:14
 Jude 20-23
 Eph. 4:1-3
Is Unity Possible On:
Plan Of Salvation? (Fellowship?)
Identity Of Church? (Fellowship?)
Work and Worship Of Church? (“)
Moral Living? (Fellowship?)
All Will Not Believe 1 Jn. 2:19
Remember 1 Cor. 1:11-13
Christ Is Not Divided. Let Us Be One!
Uniform Teaching Of Scripture
1 Cor. 1:10
Jude 3
Jn. 17:20-21
2 Tim. 1:13
2 Tim. 4:1-5
1 Pt. 4:11
1 Cor. 4:17