1 BBB4M Exam BBB4M Exam Review 2015 Exam Breakdown: Part A – True/False – 40 marks Part B – Multiple Choice – 15 marks Part C – Fill in the Blanks – 25 marks Part D – Thinking questions: Essay: You will answer 3 questions. Each question is 15 marks each Total Exam Marks – 125 Parts A and B will be on Scantron. Please bring a Pencil and Eraser. NO SHARING OF SUPPLIES DURING EXAM. Exam Review: For Multiple Choice, True/False and Fill in the Blanks Review all of your tests, class notes and power points. Some of your test questions are on the exam! (T/F, M/C and Fill in the blanks) The exam is very comprehensive. You essentially need to know EVERYTHING we studied and discussed in class. Great, just what you wanted to hear! I would really, really, highly recommend, absolutely before anything else, review your past tests Okay, so if you want more, you can always practice the end of chapter multiple choice quizzes. These quizzes include extra information that we did not study, however, they are a very good study aid. (these will be handed out on Tuesday Jan 12). For the Essay Questions It is strongly suggested, and highly, extremely highly recommended that you are able to answer all of the questions noted on the Exam Prep for Essay questions handout (see me if you did not receive one). Some important topics we covered (chart on next page) Suggestion: Review your notes + ppt for chapter one, then go to the following chart (next page) and ensure you can at least say a sentence or two about each bullet point. Then review your test for that chapter. Make sure to go over the questions you answered incorrectly. Continue this process for each of the 8 chapters we studied in this course. Suggested study time is 10 hours: 1 hour per chapter plus review essay questions and chapter quizzes. I would study the essay questions separately – make sure you have enough things to say on each topic (at least 5 different valid points for each). Your exam is Tues. Jan 27. 2 BBB4M Exam BBB4M Exam Review 2015 Chapter 1 What is Trade Definition of International Business. History of Canadian Trade. Globalization: what is the effect on business as a result of globalization? What does Interdependence mean? International Business: How does it help and hurt Canadians? Chapter 2 Trade in the Modern World Chapter 3 What is Culture Explain the International Business Practices (foreign portfolio investment, Importing, Exporting, licensing agreements, franchising, joint ventures. Explain the trade barriers – tariffs, quotas, embargoes, foreign investment restrictions Winners of a High Canadian dollar: importers, Canadian travellers, major league sports team. Losers of a High Canadian Dollar – exporters, Canadian tourism, Canadian retailers Factors affecting the exchange rate: economic conditions in Canada, trading between countries, politics, psychological factors Do you agree or disagree with Protectionism? Distinguish between culture, subculture and counterculture. Some cultural differences between Canada and Japan; Canada and Saudi Arabia Differences in business practices between Canada and other countries: Time perception (monochronic and polychromic), spatial perception, business etiquette. Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity vs. Femininity, Individualism vs. collectivism, orientation. Chapter 4 Economics and Politics Chapter 5 International Trade Agreements and Organizations Economic Systems: market economy, centrally planned economy, mixed economy Political Systems: democracy, autocracy Developed vs. undeveloped countries – based on literacy rates, access to health care and technological advancement The business cycle: recession, trough, expansion, peak Leading, lagging and coincident economic indicators Economics of trade: comparative advantage vs. absolute advantage. (no calculations!) Corporate influence on governments - lobbying List the 5 positive effects of globalization NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement What are the advantages and disadvantages of NAFTA? EU = European Union WTO = World Trade Organization APEC – Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation G8 – Group of eight IMF = International Monetary Fund UN = United Nations 3 BBB4M Exam BBB4M Exam Review 2015 Chapter 6 Social Responsibility and NGO’s Chapter 7 Marketing Chapter 8 Logistics The Trade Agreements and Organization are mainly parts of the fill in the blank (with word bank) section. You have to have an idea of what each organization is responsible for. What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSO) Difference between Ethical imperialism (absolute truths) or Cultural relativism Environmental issues: pollution and resource depletion – companies must make sure to be ethically responsible in regards to these issues Sweatshops seen as cruel now-a-days and customers don’t want to invest in companies that employ these Corporate corruption (Ponzi schemes) NGO = Non-governmental organizations – such as Free the Children, Ten Thousand Villages (fair trade) ISO – International Organization for Standardization – they set the standard for high quality The 4 P’s of marketing: Product, Price, Place, Promotion The 2 C’s of marketing: Consumers and Competition Trade Show: collection of manufacturers and distributors of similar products who rent space, set up display booths, and sell products Brand Equity – the value of a product’s brand in the marketplace (i.e. Klenex, iPod) Explain the importance of understanding consumer differences in international marketing – ie. Cultural norms, disposable income, spending habits – not all countries have the same consumer market What did you learn in your IBP about labelling, pricing and advertising requirements in your country? Define Logistics Define Supply Chain What are the methods of physical distribution in the supply chain? What are issues in the supply chain? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different modes of transportation for distributing a product to different world markets?