Contractual Savings and Financial Markets Gregorio Impavido, Alberto R. Musalem, and Thierry Tressel Financial Sector Development Department Financial Sector Vice Presidency The World Bank Definition and Importance of Contractual Savings Funded pensions plans: accumulation period Annuities: pensions pay out Life insurance Funded unemployment benefits, gratuity, end of service indemnity Other contingencies - down payment for a house, education, weddings, funerals Supply long term savings 2 Financial assets of contractual savings, selected countries (% of GDP) Countries Switzerland 1970 51.00 1980 70.00 life pension United Kingdom 43.00 life pension The Netherlands 45.00 life pension United States 40.00 life pension Chile 40.00 life pension Malaysia* 18.00 life pension Singapore* 17.00 life pension 1993 106.82 1998 131.01 /1 32.29 56.22 39.81 67.01 49.44 81.57 38.81 86.91 137.36 167.85 17.77 21.04 36.87 50.04 65.22 72.14 87.79 80.06 66.90 108.11 130.46 166.45 21.13 45.77 36.06 72.05 47.25 83.21 60.34 106.11 43.01 69.20 82.07 113.59 17.72 25.29 25.85 43.35 31.10 50.97 31.85 81.74 1.00 29.28 45.61 54.12 /2 5.59 23.69 8.60 37.01 12.13 41.99 life pension South Africa 1990 88.51 39.27 78.13 111.87 109.31 17.20 22.07 43.94 34.19 72.25 39.62 63.49 45.82 20.08 47.18 50.25 59.82 3.26 16.82 7.02 40.16 9.04 41.21 9.17 50.65 41.00 115.13 102.39 116.58 8.44 106.69 12.00 90.39 14.36 102.22 Notes: * Prior to 1990, the data do not include the funds invested directly by individual workers in housing and other approved assets . /1 1996; 2/ 1997. Source: 1970 data from Davis (1995) and national central banks, as quoted by Vittas (1998); all other data from World Bank database and OECD 2000 Institutional Investors Statistical Yearbook 3 ou th N Af e t ric he a rla n U Ic d s n i el U ted a n ni d te St at d e K in s gd om C S in h ile ga po C re an a S da S wed w itz en er l D and en m a Fi rk nl A and us tra l Fr ia an N ce K or or w ea ay ,R M ep al . ay si a Ja p G a er n m a B ny el gi um G N r ew e e Ze ce al an d S pa A in us tri a Ita P or ly tu H ga un l g Th ar y ai la n Tu d rk ey S Contractual savings and M2 as percentage of financial assets (1996) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% m2% ctr% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 4 CONTRACTUAL SAVINGS % OF CAPITAL MARKETS (STOCKS AND BONDS) Comparing Two Years During the 1990s 5 Social and Financial Risk Mitigation Effects Beneficiaries improve management of longevity, death and other risks Reduce debtors refinancing risks, including governments, by lengthening the maturity of debts Reduce pressure on banks to engage in excessive term transformation risks Reduce enterprise vulnerability to interest rate and demand shocks due to improved financial structure (higher equity/debt ratio) 6 Government long-term to total debt ratio and contractual savings assets, 1996 (% GDP) DEU .97 ZAF GBR NLD SGP AUT JPN FIN AUS ISL SWE DNK KOR NOR USA CHE NZL FRA HUN CAN GRC .32 TUR .003 Financial Assets of CS over GDP 1.482 7 Banks’ Short Term to Total Loans vs Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation Regression Line: STL = -6.03 (4.58) * Log(Csfa,%GDP)+37.5 ( R2=0.18) STL Fitted values 96.0695 .00062 -7.48757 .517491 LogCSfa,%GDP(-1) 8 Banks’ Net Interest Margin (NIM) and Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation Regression Line: NIM = -0.60 (-10.78) * Log(Csfa,%GDP)+1.47 (R2=0.35) NIM Fitted values 11.8842 .565787 -7.48757 .517491 LogCSfa,%GDP(-1) 9 Banks’ Credit Risk (Loan Loss Provisions to Total Assets) and Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation Regression Line: LLTA = -2.8 E-3 (-3.23) * Csfa,%GDP + 0.6 ( R2 = 0.043) LLTA Fitted values 4.17727 .025104 .056 167.781 CSfa,%GDP(-1) 10 Debt-equity ratios of listed companies and contractual savings assets, 1997 (% GDP) T o ta l D e b t o v e r E q u it y 4 .1 4 34 1 TH A ILA N D K O R E A (S FR A NC E ITA LY B R A ZIL S R I LA N K U N ITE D K G E R M AN Y S P A IN M EG X IC O R TU G A L AR EP NO TIN N E W ZEA L C H ILE N E THE R LA U N ITE D S C A N AD A A U S TR A LI S O U TH A F .2 3 0 17 1 IN D IA .0 1 3 97 6 1 .9 C S F in a n cia l A sse ts, % G D P 11 U N IT E D S .8 0 5 6 0 3 NEW ZEAL CANAD A AU STR ALI M E X IC O o v e r T o ta l D e b t Long-term to total debt ratio of listed companies and contractual savings assets, 1997 (% GDP) NE THE RLA C H IL E U N IT E D K D e b t IN D IA G E R M A N Y B R A ZP I LO R T U G A L FR ANC E SO U TH A F L T IT A L YK O R E A ( S S P A IN ATRHGAEILNATNIND .3 0 5 5 0 7 SR I LAN K .0 1 3 9 7 6 1 .6 9 4 3 6 C S F in a n c ia l A s s e ts , % G D P 12 Firms’ Leverage (TDTE) vs Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation - Market-based Financial Structure U n e x p la in e d R e s id u a l ( T D T E ) Residual = -1.16 * (CS Fin. Assets, % Sec. Market) (t-stat = -2.47) Pooled reg., 82 obs. 6.70387 -2.30492 .122694 1.14333 CS Financial Assets, % Sec. Mark 13 Firms’ Leverage (TDTE) vs Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation - Bank-based Financial Structure U n e x p la in e d R e s id u a l ( T D T E ) Residual = 4.0 * (CS Fin. Assets, % Sec. Market) (t-stat = 2.37) Pooled regression, 74 obs. 5.48049 -1.6972 .029634 .608034 CS Financial Assets, % Sec. Mark 14 Firms’ Debt Maturity vs Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation - Market-based Financial Structure U n e x p la in e d R e s id u a l ( L T D T D ) Residual = -0.09 * (CS Fin. Assets, % Sec Mkt) (t-stat = -3.84) Pooled regression, 82 obs. .1 1 5 2 4 -.1 8 6 2 1 .1 2 2 6 9 4 1 .1 4 3 3 3 C S F in a n c ia l A s s e ts , % S e c . M a rk 15 Firms’ Debt Maturity vs Contractual Savings: Conditional Correlation - Bank-based Financial Structure Residual = 0.28 * (CS Fin. Assets, % Sec Mkt) (t-stat = 5.28) Pooled Regression, 74 obs. Unexplained R esidual (LTD TD) .180361 -.156052 .029634 .608034 CS Financial Assets, % Sec. Mark 16