70-208: Regression

70-208: Regression
Spring 2016
Lecture 1: Introduction to Regression Analysis
John Gasper
What is Regression?
Why should we care?
What can we do with it?
How much do sales increase with every advertisement placed?
How do wages of employees depend on education?
How will the price of a stock change?
Estimating demand (optimal pricing)
Estimating effects and Prediction/Forecasting
Teaching staff:
• Who am I?
• Who are you? Stop by my office.
• Office hours: To Be Announced this week.
• And by appointment
• Teaching Assistants for the course:
• TA: Aniish Sridhar (aniishs@andrew )
Office hours: TBA
• Undergrad Course Assistants: office hours TBA
Yousuf, Anas, and Zehni
Course Details
• Textbooks:
• Statistics for Business (main text; you should have it)
• Next Generation Excel (supplemental text – in the Library)
• Attendance and participation
• Required. Clickers – bring them to every class.
• Blackboard + Piazza discussion site
• Cell phones and laptops
• Turn off your phones.
• Computers OK for for taking notes and working through data.
NOT OK to check news, facebook, twitter, youtube…
• Seriously. If I or a TA sees you, odds are that I’ll ask you to leave. It’s
disrespectful to me and other students.
Course Details
• Grades: (aka what you stress over but shouldn’t)
• How do you get a good grade in this class?
 The only way to learn the material is to do it.
• Homework Exercises = 10%
• Problem Sets graded on Check System.
• Lab Quizzes (x5) = 4% each (20%)
• Attend 90% of classes and scored best 4 of 5.
• Midterm Exams (x3) = 15% each (45%)
• Final Exam = 25%
Academic Integrity
I take academic integrity very seriously
• I know all professors say that – but trust me…
• I do my best to make sure that it doesn’t make sense for you
to cheat:
• Homeworks
• Exams
• If I suspect a violation, I will report it.
• Before you copy someone’s homework (that won’t increase
your grade), remember that violations can include suspension
or even expulsion
Why Excel?
• The wisdom of Willie Sutton
• Who is Willie Sutton?
• “…because that’s where the money is.”
• There are lots of great statistical packages (I’m a fan of R)
• But there are many benefits of being comfortable with Excel
• IMO those benefits outweigh the pain of using Excel for
something it wasn’t really designed to do.
• If you’re unfamiliar with Excel, I would highly suggest
reviewing videos via Lynda.com:
• http://www.cmu.edu/lynda/
Course Details
• Warning: There is a lot of material in the course and we’ll
move quickly.
• Any questions?
Data: what is it?
• Types of measurements: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio
• Categorical data
• Measures of Centrality: mode, median (if data are ordered)
• Cross tabulations often useful
• Numerical
• Measures of Centrality: median, mode, mean
• Measures of Spread: variance/standard dev, range,
interquartile range, etc
Review: Describing Data
There are many ways to describe and examine data, and that at
a basic level is what we’ll be doing in this class – summarizing
relationships between variables.
• You should be familiar with and know how to calculate:
• Categorical
• 1 variable: bar charts, pie charts, etc.
• 2 variables: Contingency tables (x-tabs); Chi-sq tests
• Numerical
• 1 variable: histograms, boxplots, cumulative
• 2 variables: scatterplots, correlation, t-test, etc…
Common Plots
• Histogram, PDF and CDF of exam scores:
• Scatterplot of Exam 1 and Exam 2:
(correlation = 0.39)
Review: Graphical summaries
Review: Graphical summaries
Review: Graphical summaries
Center: Median?
• 3.5
Review: Graphical summaries
Inter quartile range?
• First to third quartile
Review: Graphical summaries
Center: Mean?
• 3.8 Why?
Review: Graphical summaries
Center: Mean?
• The mean is greater than the median here because the data are
slightly skewed 3.8 vs 3.5
Excel example
Dataset: cars1.xlsx
Probability Review
• What does ‘P(heads) = .5’ mean?
• What about ‘P(“Alice will get an A in Regression”) = .75’?
• Frequentist vs Bayesian interpretations. Differences don’t
matter for this class and I’ll use language from both.
• Basic properties:
0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1
P(A) = 1 – P(Ac)
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B)
Events A and B are independent if the occurrence of one
doesn’t tell you anything about the occurrence of the other.
Conditional Probability
P(A and B)
P(A and ~B)
P(~A and B)
P(~A and ~B)
• P(A and B) is often called the “joint probability”
• P(A) is the “marginal probability”
• P(A and B) + P(A and ~B) = P(A)
• The conditional probability
• P(A|B) = P(A and B) / P(B)
• P(A|B) is very different than P(B|A).
More review:
Normal Distribution
What is the Normal distribution?
• Often called the “Bell Shaped Curve.”
• This isn’t quite right. It is bell shaped, but there are many
bell shaped distributions that aren’t the Normal dist.
Normal, or Gaussian, distributions are going to be very important
for us.
• Often we’ll need to assume that a random variable X is
Normally distributed, denoted X ~ N(μ,σ2)
Normal Distribution
Different μ
Different σ
Random Variables
• Random doesn’t mean haphazard. Consider an uncertain investment: X
X could lose 1000 (with probability = .3)
X could gain 10000 (with probability = .2)
X could gain 100 (with probability = .5)
• X is a Random Variable. What is the expectation of X?
E(X) = p(x1)x1 + p(x2)x2 + …p(xn)xn
E(X) = 0.5*100 + 0.2*10000 + 0.3*-1000 = 1750 = μ
• Variance of X?
Var(X) = E(X – μ)2 =σ2
= (x1 – μ)2 p(x1) + (x2 – μ)2 p(x2) + … + (xn – μ)2 p(xn)
= (100- 1750)2 * 0.5 + (10000 – 1750)2 * 0.2 + (-1000 – 1750)2*0.3
• And higher order moments Skew, Kurtosis, etc.
• Regression is basically about Conditional Expectation: E(Y|X)
• I.e., what do we expect about Y given we have some information X
More on the Normal Dist
• Why assume Normality? The Central Limit Theorem tells us that
we’re often OK:
 The probability distribution of a mean (or sum) of IID random
variables of tends to a Normal distribution (asymptotically)
• Several versions of the CLT but we won’t go through the proofs
here (they can be a little nasty)
• So why are we OK?
Observed data are often (not always) the accumulation of many
small factors (e.g., the value of the stock market depends on
many investors, or scores on an exam)
Quantile Plots
• A visual check on Normality
• Why wouldn’t just looking at the density or histogram work?
Sometimes skew, kurtosis, etc, is easy to see but often it is not
unless you look at a quantile plot
If data track the diagonal line,
you can safely assume it’s a
Normal distribution.
Standardizing a Variable:
What is a z-score?
• Transforms a variable to standard deviation units away from
the mean. Centered at 0.
• Why would we use it?
Probabilities and Percentiles
1. What is P(X = 600)?
2. What is P(X >= 600)?
• The lifetime (in km) of a certain brand of automobile tires is a
normally distributed random variable,
• X ~ N(μ=40,000 km, σ=2000 km)
• In a shipment of 3000 tires how many tires are expected to
have a lifetime that is less than 35,000 miles?
• E(# of tires) = P(X < 35000) * 3000
• So how do we calculate P( X < 35000)?
• Z-scores. Or very easy in Excel: NORM.DIST()
norm.dist(x, μ, σ, Cumulative?)
norm.dist(35000, 40000, 2000, TRUE) = .0062
E (# tires) = .0062 * 3000 = 18.6 = 19
Next time
• If any of the topics today seem hazy, review those chapters
(take note of chapters 4, 12, and 15).
• Problem Set 1 due next Monday 9am.
• First quiz next Wednesday
• Pick up your clicker this week
Must have it by next Monday’s class