The challenge of helping students find their own sense of


Place and Promise: The UBC Plan

Tuesday, March 15 8:30-9:45

David Farrar, Provost and VP Academic

Brian Sullivan, VP Students

Deborah Robinson, Enrolment Strategy

2011 NASPA Annual Conference s Philadelphia, Pennsylvania s March 12–16, 2011


Educating for Lives of Purpose

Introducing UBC

Place and Promise: the UBC Plan

Enabling Infrastructure

Outcomes to Date: Illustrations

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Educating for Lives of Purpose

The link with strategic planning:

The challenge of helping students find their own sense of purpose is that much easier in an environment that evinces a consistent set of values and beliefs relating to the real world.

Who We Are

The University of British Columbia

Established in 1908

Four year public, research-intensive, medical/doctoral

Two campuses: Vancouver and Kelowna

Unique model: one Board, one President, two Senates, one Degree

Separate budgets

System-level units (e.g. Enrolment Services) and campus-specific units (e.g. most Faculties)

Total student population of 54,675 HC; 47,347 FTE

7,653 international students (graduate and undergraduate)

Among the top 40 research-intensive universities worldwide

The Vancouver Campus

Student population of 47,582 HC; 40,349 FTE

37,944 undergraduates; 9,638 graduates

4,488 international undergraduate students

30% live on campus

Deep applicant pool; fully enrolled

The Okanagan Campus

Established in 2005 by the BC Government

Evolved from Okanagan University College

Small (max. 7,500 FTE) research-intensive university

Student population 7,093 HC; 6,269 FTE

6,552 undergraduates; 541 graduates

414 international undergraduate students

25% living on campus

Enrolment more than doubled since 2005

A History of Strategic Planning

TREK 2000 (1998)

“. . .to be the best university in Canada . . . to provide students with an outstanding and distinctive education. . . .”

TREK 2010 (2004)

“The University of British Columbia, aspiring to be one of the world’s best universities, will prepare students to become exceptional global citizens, promote the values of a civil and sustainable society, and conduct outstanding research to serve the people of British Columbia, Canada and the world.”

A New Strategic Plan: Redefining UBC’s Purpose

2006: Installation of new president Professor Stephen

Toope, a distinguished legal scholar, focus on human rights

2007: “Given the global scale of the growing social and environmental crises, universities have an obligation to engage with some of the most challenging issues of our time, and to do so in a spirit of participation and partnership with their external communities.”

Stephen Toope, Submission to UN Secretary-General’s Global Colloquium of University

Presidents, New York University, Nov 28-29, 2007

The Strategic Planning Process

April 2008: Launch of the planning process for a new strategic plan to build on TREK 2010

By October 2008, more than 1400 participants had completed a community-wide survey, resulting in a vision, values and commitments; consultation continued and working groups developed commitment-specific plans

By July 2009, more than 19,000 unique visitors from 99 different countries had visited the strategic planning website

December 2009, Board of Governors presents new strategic plan, Place and Promise, to the community

Place and Promise: Vision

As one of the world’s leading universities, The

University of British Columbia creates an exceptional learning environment that fosters global citizenship, advances a civil and sustainable society, and supports outstanding research to serve the people of British

Columbia, Canada and the world.

Place and Promise: Values

• Academic Freedom

The University is independent and cherishes and defends free inquiry and scholarly responsibility.

• Advancing and Sharing Knowledge

The University supports scholarly pursuits that contribute to knowledge and understanding within and across disciplines, and seeks every opportunity to share them broadly.

• Excellence

The University, through its students, faculty, staff, and alumni, strives for excellence and educates students to the highest standards.

• Integrity

The University acts with integrity, fulfilling promises and ensuring open, respectful relationships.

• Mutual Respect and Equity

The University values and respects all members of its communities, each of whom individually and collaboratively makes a contribution to create, strengthen, and enrich our learning environment.

• Public Interest

The University embodies the highest standards of service and stewardship of resources and works within the wider community to enhance societal good.






Aboriginal Engagement

Alumni Engagement

Intercultural Understanding

International Engagement

Outstanding Work Environment


… towards global citizenship and a civil and sustainable society …

Enabling Infrastructure

• A new budgeting framework that allocates resources based on strategic goals, including enrolment

• Collaborative senior leadership: problem-solving oriented, forward-thinking, fast-moving, open to debate and dialogue

• New organizational structures that foster collaborative leadership and decision-making (e.g. Strategic Enrolment

Management Planning Council; University Sustainability

Initiative; Aboriginal Strategic Plan Steering Committee)

Outcomes to Date: Illustrations

• The Campus as Living Laboratory

• Building the Class

• Transforming Student Learning

• Changing How We Work with Students

Campus as Living Laboratory of


• Concept embraces all 3 dimensions of sustainability: social, economic and environmental

• Combines campus operation and administration with education, research and outreach (USI: University

Sustainability Initiative)

• Involves students and faculty developing and applying sustainability research and teaching in collaboration with university staff and/or community partners

• Directly impacts achievement of campus GHG and related targets

• Budgetary sustainability achieved for the near term

Centre for Interactive Research on


Building the Class

• Clarifying the University’s expectations of students

• Identifying students who will benefit from and contribute to UBC

• Intentional discussions about the size and composition of the new student body and optimum institutional capacity

• New award programs to reinforce institutional values

• A new holistic approach to admission

Strategic Enrolment Matrix

Undergraduate Enrolment

Vancouver Okanagan

Manage enrolment down to provincially funded level (currently approx. 1000 FTE over government funded level)

Maintain growth rate of 5%. Continue to progress toward Ministry target (6750 undergraduate FTE and 750 graduate FTE)

National Enrolment

International Undergraduate

Enrolment (ISI)

Transfer Enrolment

Graduate Enrolment

Grow to 20% of new first year intake annually

Undergraduate Enrolment

Grow to 30% of new first year intake annually

Increase international students to 15% of total undergraduate population

Encourage maximum growth; goal is 15% of total undergraduate population. Currently at 6%

Gradually reduce intake; focus on partnership agreements

Continue to encourage transfer student enrolment

Funding dependent; goal is to grow graduate student numbers to 25% of total population

Continue to grow graduate enrolment to

750 FTE or 10% of total population.

Transforming Student Learning

• Rethinking curricula

• Committed to enhancing the quality and impact of teaching and pedagogy

• Every student guaranteed at least two enriched “high impact” educational experiences

• More innovative summer programming

• Rapid expansion of student housing, renovation of classrooms, new informal learning spaces

• Aligning University rewards and recognition with student learning

(e.g. new “teaching professors”)

• Reworking student systems technology to support longitudinal learning plans, retention efforts and transition after graduation

Changing How We Work With Students

• Preferencing and supporting student-driven initiatives

• Collaborative approach to advising based on a shared belief that all student advising is in support of student learning; includes: health and well-being, counseling, academic advising, financial advising, career services, study abroad, community service learning, etc.

• Service partnerships with Faculties

• Learning Plans for each student: individualized and accessible

Challenges and Lessons Learned

• Focus on concrete commitments as well as aspirations

• The importance of “enabling infrastructure”

• Recognize that strategic planning is a process not a document

• Quantify and measure progress; dashboard metrics matter

• Report back regularly and be willing to rethink strategies in response to changing environments

• Senior administrators need to model collaborative leadership

• Create opportunities for diverse groups (faculty, staff, students and alumni) to do meaningful work together

Questions and Reflection

Moving towards more purposeful institutions

1. What are your strategic plan motivators?


2. What are the governance challenges?

3. Is there a big win you can personally help achieve?

4. Name one or two things you can do to heighten purposeful “strategic doing” at your institution.

Changing How We Work with Students

A. Strategic Enrolment Management (Building the Class)

B. Economic Sustainability (Taking Care of Business)

C. Transformative Student Learning (Delivering on our Promises)

D. Service Partnership Models (Getting by (in) with a Little Help from My Friends)

E. Surveys and Dashboards (Can’t Get No Satisfaction)

F. Communication with Students (Hello Operator)

G. Talent Development (Should I Stay or Should I Go?)

H. Technology Platforms (Sharing Knowledge)

From Brian Sullivan, “Professional Ownership to Intentional Co-production: New

Competency Demands,” excerpted from Exceptional Senor Student Affairs

Administrators’ Leadership: Strategies and Competencies for Success
