A COMPARISON OF INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF GANYMEDE AND TITAN. Dunaeva A.N., Kronrod V.A., Kuskov O.L. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Ganymede Titan Ganymede and Titan: are the two largest satellites in the Solar System; were formed in the outer zones of their central planets (Jupiter and Saturn); are regular satellites (their orbits and rotation are the same as the rotation of associated central planets); satellites rotation is synchronous with their orbits; low density of the satellites suggests that they could contain remarkable amounts of H2O. The main differences between Ganymede and Titan "Galileo", "Voyager" and "Cassini-Huygens" spacecraft missions to Jupiter and Saturn showed that Ganymede and Titan are different both external and internally: Ganymede Titan Atmosphere Trace oxygen atmosphere Dense nitrogen atmosphere (~400 km): – N2 - 98.4%, CH4 and Ar - 1.6%, – CO2 and other trace organics. – Free oxygen is absent. Magnetic field A relatively strong intrinsic magnetic field and magnetosphere. Intrinsic magnetic field is absent. Climate Exogenous climatic processes (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, cycle of substances, seasons) are not available. The seasonal weather patterns are similar to Earth, but governed by methane cycle (including winds, rains, seasons change, etc.). Surface features Two types of terrain: – Very old, highly cratered, dark regions; – Younger (but still ancient), lighter regions marked with an extensive array of grooves and ridges; Criovolcanism insignificant but important in the formation of the bright terrain. The surface is "complex, fluid-processed, and geologically young" (c): – Ridges, valleys, riverbeds, dunes, stable lakes of liquid hydrocarbons; – Minor amounts of relatively young impact craters; – Clearly defined criovolcanism. Models of Ganymede and Titan. Titan: Ganymede: Mitri et al., 2009 Sohl F. et al., 2003 Grasset et al., 2005 Ganymede’s general image from NASA, JPL Sohl F., 2010 Titan’s general image from NASA Phase diagram of water and the temperature distribution in the Ganymede’s and Titan’s icy crust. 325 T, K 50 100 150 300 250 200 300 350 400 450 500 H, km L T,o C 0 250 200 175 150 125 100 75 550 25 275 225 50 III Ih V II VI H Ih =80 km -25 H L =310 km -50 H Ih =95 km H L =230 km H Ih =150-160 km (models without internal ocean) -75 -100 -125 -150 Straight thin lines - conductive temperature profiles through the Ganymede's surface conditionss external (ice-Ih) crust. -175 Titan's Dashed lines – adiabatic convective heat transfer in the water subcrustal ocean and in high-pressure ices. H, HIh, HL - the distance from the satellite's surface (depth), the P, kb 2 4 thickness of the6external ice-Ih crust 8 and of the inner 10liquid ocean respectively. Calculation of the Ganymede's and Titan’s heat flux F(mW/m2) = [o(RSat - НIh) /(Н Ih RSat)]ln[T2 /Т1] F,mW /m 2 400 20 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 H w , km o = 567 W/m - thermal conductivity of ice Ih, RSat – satellite’s radius, 15 НIh – thickness of the icy crust, F=7 mW /m 2 [2] 5 F=3.3 mW /m 2 Т1 – satellite's surface temperature, M elting points L-Ih 10 Triple point L-Ih-III 251.15 K / 2.07 kbar F=5 mW /m 2 [1] Т2 – the temperature at the ice-Ih liquid phase boundary, Hw - the thickness of internal ocean, F – heat flux. F=2.9 mW /m 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Í Ih , km The thickness of the icy crust and internal ocean of Ganymede (blue) and Titan (black) via the heat flow through the satellites ice-Ih crust. [1] Bland, M.T., et al., 2009 [2] Mitri G., Showman A., 2008 Initinal data for modeling, problem setting and methods of solution Physical characteristics of the satellites Ganymede Pressure at the surface, P[bar] 1.0e-06 1.467 Temperature at the surface, T [K] 110.0 93.0 Gravity acceleration, 1.428 1.35486 Radius, R [km] 2634.0 2575.0 Average density, g/cm3 1.936 1.88202 Mass, M [kg] 0.14819e24 0.1346e24 Normalized moment of inertia, I/MR2 0.3105 0.3419 g R [m/s2]; Titan Models of the satellites internal structure described by the system of following equations: Equations of hydrostatic equilibrium: dg 4 G R 2 g R R dR dP R g R , dR The equations of the satellites mass and moment of inertia: n 8 I 15 i 0 i R R 5 5 i i 1 , 4 n M 3 i 0 i R R 3 3 i i 1 R density of the water-ice shell, ice,m average density of ice in mantle, Fe Si density of the rock–iron component, The equation for calculating ice component concentration in mantle: ice,m Fe Si m Cice Fe Si = 3.15 - 3.62 g/cm3 (LL-chondrites) m Fe Si ice,m High-pressure water ices equations of state. m average density of mantle Ganymede's surface 2500 liquid ocean ~465 km Ih (~95 km) ~230 km V (~55 km) ~530 km VI 1500 core= 5.15 g/cm3 core= 5.7 g/cm3 core= 6.5 g/cm3 Fe-Si mantle 500 Fe-FeS core 820 840 860 880 900 0.388 0.392 0.396 I/MR 2 for rock–iron core 3.5 3.55 3.6 3.65 Mantle density, g/cm 3 Titan's surface 2500 1500 Ih (80 km) liquid ocean (~310 km) V+VI (~120 km) rock-ice mantle 500 rock-iron core 400 440 480 520 Thickness of the water-icy shell, km Thickness of the w ater-icy shell, km 0.384 Distance from Titan's center, km Distance from Ganimede's center, km The internal structure of Ganymede and Titan. 0.4 In general three-layer models of satellites including the outer water-ice shell, mantle (rock or rock-ice) and the inner core (Fe-Si or Fe-FeS) can be made. Moreover, two-layer models (without inner core) could be realized. In this case satellite has significant large outer water-icy shell, but a) its inner core not forms. On this model the maximum possible thickness of the water-ice shell is about 900 km and 500 km for Ganymede and Titan respectively. Water content and density gradients in large icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. 3.6 60 Io 3.2 Ganymede Europa Callisto H2O, wt % density, g/cm3 Titan 40 20 2.8 2.4 Titan Ganymede 2 Callisto Europa Io 1.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 Orbital distance (in Rplanet) 30 5 10 15 20 25 Orbital distance (in Rplanet) The total water content in Ganymede is 46-48% , in Titan - 45-52% . 30 Conclusion. Ganymede and Titan are the similar in size and chemical composition: the density of the satellites’ rock material is typical for the hydrated L/LL chondrites. The satellites do not differ in terms of bulk water content which in average is about 50 wt.% (water/rock ratio is close to 1). Ganymede and Titan both may have subsurface oceans. – Internal ocean in the satellites not forms when the heat fluxes less than 3.3 mW/m2 and 2.9 mW/m2 for Titan and Ganymede respectively. Internal structure of the satellites can differ fundamentally: – Ganymede is a completely differentiated body, with the inner region formed by separating of the original L/LL-chondritic substance into the silicate mantle and metallic core. – Titan is differentiated only partially: its inner areas are represented by a mixture of rock and ice components. Equal content of bulk H2O and the same density of the satellites’ rock material allow to have assumption that Ganymede and Titan could have been formed from the planetesimals with similar composition corresponding to the ordinary L/LLchondrites. Different conditions of the satellites’ formation from accretion disks led to major differences in their internal structure.