Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report Request for X (number) (Tender name) (Date) Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................. 3 1.1 SELECTION STRATEGY ................................................................................ 3 1.2 RESPONDENT SELECTION............................................................................ 3 1.3 RECOMMENDATION ..................................................................................... 3 1.4 LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. 4 2. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 5 2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 5 2.2 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 5 2.3 ROLE, SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES AND CODE OF CONDUCT ................................. 5 2.4 CONFIDENTIALITY ....................................................................................... 6 2.5 SECURITY ................................................................................................... 6 2.6 COMMUNICATION WITH ANY EXTERNAL PARTIES ........................................... 6 2.7 COMMUNICATION WITH THE MEDIA .............................................................. 6 2.8 STEERING COMMITTEE .............................................................................. 6 2.9 TENDER EVALUATION TEAM ....................................................................... 7 3. EVALUATION PROCESS ................................................................................ 8 3.1 VARIATIONS TO EVALUATION PLAN .............................................................. 8 3.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA WEIGHTINGS ............................................................ 8 3.3 EVALUATION METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 8 4. OUTCOME OF THE EVALUATION PROCESS ............................................. 12 4.1 RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................... 12 (1) ALIGNMENT WITH AGREED OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. (2) NOTIFICATION OF THE OUTCOME ................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. (3) DEBRIEFING OF UNSUCCESSFUL TENDERERS ............. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. (4) DESTRUCTION OF DOCUMENTS ................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. (5) PROBITY AUDITOR ..................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 2 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <Provide a short description of the tender, including tender no and name, date of evaluation, and other relevant information. Below is an example.> The Tender Evaluation Team (TET) has completed the evaluation of responses to the Request for X <No. ><Name>. The evaluation was conducted on <date/s>. Referee reports were satisfactorily obtained for the <no.> preferred supplier/s <service provider/s> on <date/s>. Based on the outcome of the evaluation process, and in line with the intent of the Selection Strategy (see below), the <no.> preferred supplier/s <service provider/s> are: 1.1 <company name> <company name> Selection Strategy <Explain the Selection Strategy – information from the approved Evaluation Plan.> The following selection strategy was used during the evaluation of the RFx response selection process: 1.2 Preference to have a minimum of <no.> supplier/s <service provider/s>, which will be selected based on value-for-money. Respondent Selection <Describe the final rank order of respondents based from evaluation results.> The final rank order of respondents, based on the value-for-money score, is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 <company name> <company name> <company name> <company name> <company name> ABN xx xxx xxx xxx ABN xx xxx xxx xxx ABN xx xxx xxx xxx ABN xx xxx xxx xxx ABN xx xxx xxx xxx Recommendation <Explain the TET recommendation.> The TET recommends that: <Company Name/s> be awarded a contract for the <indicate requirement>. <Indicate the tendered price, and any conditions set for the award.> <Select one of the following: The tendered price of $Z is within the budgeted funding of $X approved at the initiation of the project The tendered price of $Z is $Y more than the $X approved as funding at the initiation of the project. Before negotiations start approval for the additional funding will need to be provided.> <Describe the company results, following is an example.> Company A is the highest-ranked respondent with the highest value-for-money score. It is fifth-ranked in non-price (staff and relevant company experience) score and has the second-lowest hourly rate. Company B is the second preferred respondent based on it having the second highest value-formoney score. It is the highest-ranked in non-price score, and fifth lowest in hourly rate. Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 3 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> Both Company A and Company B provide xxx services for procurement projects for Commonwealth and State agencies and local councils. They have demonstrated adequate experience in the provision of xxx services. In the unlikely event that entering into a contract with either Company A or Company B fails, TET recommends that either Company C or Company D, equal third-ranked, be considered for the award of contract. <Describe the attributes of the top-ranked respondents by using the table below, as an example.> The positives, negatives and other attributes of the <no.> top-ranked respondents are: Summary of Respondents Categories of Evaluation <Include all factors/criteria as these justify the decision> Over-all cost effective solution Positives Pricing Negatives Non-Price Factors <Include all factors/criteria as these justify the decision> All staff proposed by the respondent meet the skill sets required by the SOR The respondent addressed all requirements in the SOR to a high standard The respondents transition plan met the objectives of the Department and was well constructed to minimise risk <Include all factors/criteria as these justify the decision> Examples: The respondents submission meet the minimum capacity requirements for the SOR, provisions for implementation were not well explained <Include all factors/criteria as these justify the decision> <Summarise risk assessment results, if applicable> Example: Implementation costs are not well defined this may need inclusion as a negation point <Summarise risk assessment results, if applicable> Example: An implementation risk has been applied to the respondent’s submission. $30,000 pa has been added to the overall price evaluation. Refer to Price normalisation factors. Risks Company A Respo ndent Note: The table above is repeated to include all Top rank respondents 1.4 List of Appendices Appendix 1 – Evaluation Plan Appendix 2 – Tender Opening Report Appendix 3 – TET Consolidated Final Scoresheets Appendix 4 – Financial Assessment Reports (if applicable) Appendix 5 - <add as applicable) Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 4 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Introduction <Insert purpose of the Report, RFx number and name, selection strategy, and short details of the Evaluation Plan, see example below.> The purpose of this Evaluation Report is to document the results of the evaluation of the responses received for Request for X <No.> <Name> and to make recommendations for the award of contract to the <no.> highest-ranked respondents providing the best value-for-money. The recommendation follows the conclusion of a <i.e., single-stage, multi-stage> sourcing strategy. The evaluation of responses was carried out in accordance with the Evaluation Plan (Appendix 1), which was approved by the <Chief Procurement Officer / Category Manager> prior to the opening of responses. The procurement methodology for this RFx aims to identify <no.> respondents who best meet the specific requirements in accordance with Part xx of the RFx. Background <Insert information on need identification, date the RFx was issued, number of responses received, names of respondents, whether addendum was issued, etc.) Example: On 6 December 2010, following the submission of a completed Agency Application Form, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), granted blanket approval to the Department for the engagement of Probity Auditors for a series of anticipated procurement projects for twelve months. On <date>, an RFx was issued using the government e-tendering website with a closing date of <date>. A total of <no.> responses were received from the following companies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 <company name> <company name> <company name> <company name> <company name> Objectives <Insert primary objective of the Evaluation Report, including evaluation methodology.> The primary objective of the Evaluation Report is to document the outcomes of the evaluation process, the TET determination and recommendation, for the DEC Delegate's <i.e., Commercial Director/SC/CPO> approval, that will lead to a solution which meets the requirements of the Department. The objectives of the evaluation methodology were to: <insert Evaluation Methodology text from Evaluation Plan> 2.3 Role, Scope of Activities and Code of Conduct <Describe the actions taken in relation to Conflict of Interest Declaration, Code of Conduct, etc.> The TET members were asked to declare any organisational or personal association with, ownership of, beneficial interest in, and like matters, relating to respondents who responded to this RFx. Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 5 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> Team Members considered if they had a potential conflict of interest that affected, or could be perceived to affect, their ability to conduct an unbiased evaluation. No team members declared potential conflicts of interest to the Chairperson of the TET. All persons involved in the evaluation process signed and abided by the Code of Conduct. 2.4 Confidentiality <Describe the actions taken in relation of confidentiality.> The TET members were instructed not to discuss or review the RFx evaluation with persons outside the TET. 2.5 Security <Describe the actions taken in relation to the security of RFx documents, including responses and evaluation working papers.> All RFx responses and evaluation working papers were kept in a locked cabinet when not in use. Electronic files including Scoresheets were saved in a secure file share. Following completion of the evaluation, all paper working documents were securely destroyed, and all computer files not forming part of this Report were deleted. 2.6 Communication with any external parties <Describe any communication/contact between the TET and respondents and any external parties.> Any questions or clarifications to external parties were documented and signed by the <TET Chairperson/SC Chairperson> before being emailed to the respondent. Responses to clarifications were compiled with the tender responses. No contact between any Team Member and a respondent occurred during the evaluation, other than via the process described above. 2.7 Communication with the Media <Describe any communication/contact between the TET and the media, if any, see example below.> No media enquiries were received by any member of the TET during the evaluation process. 2.8 Steering Committee (if applicable, otherwise delete this table) The Steering Committee consisted of the following members: Member Name Position Title Chairperson Member Member Member Member Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 6 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> 2.9 Tender Evaluation Team The TET consisted of the following members: Member Name Position Title Chairperson Member Member Member Member Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 7 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> 3. EVALUATION PROCESS <Described the evaluation process followed, see example below.> The evaluation process is defined in the Evaluation Plan (Appendix 1). The documented processes were followed throughout the evaluation phase. 3.1 Variations to Evaluation Plan <Describe any variations made to the Evaluation Plan, if any, see example below.> No variations were made to the Evaluation Plan at any time after the tender closed. 3.2 Evaluation Criteria Weightings <The following table is an example. Complete the information below from the approved Evaluation Plan.> The weighting scheme shown below was identified in the Evaluation Plan. Table 1 – Weighting Scheme Evaluation Criteria RFx References SubWeightings Non-price factors XX% Price XX% 100% 3.3 Evaluation Methodology <Describe the evaluation methodology applied in accordance with the Evaluation Plan, see example below.> The overall evaluation process involved the following sequence: Pre-Evaluation The Tender Opening Committee, following downloading from the e-Tendering system, checked that all responses were lodged and received prior to the closing time. A Tender Opening Report was prepared and delivered to the TET Chairperson together with one CD containing the copies of the electronic responses. Stage 1: General RFx Compliance <Describe the process observed in determining compliance of general RFx requirements, see example below. Include if late responses were received, and describe how these were treated.> The TET commenced the evaluation by reviewing the <no.> responses to check compliance to the following: Lodgement of the response by the closing date and time; Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 8 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> Legal identity of the tenderer; Conditions of tendering; and Submission in correct format and all required documents were received. Any other compliance requirements (examples Licence requirements, registered status (Not for profit) or qualifying requirement (registered RTO)). <no.>responses that were found to be compliant were progressed to Stage 2. Stage 2: Scoring of Non-Price Responses <Describe the process/results/activities undertaken in the evaluation of the non-price factors, see example below.> Example: Responses were evaluated individually by each member of the TET. The TET scored the x responses against the non-price factors to develop a total score for each respondent. The evaluation criteria, together with the individual sub-weightings and weightings are shown in table 2. Detailed Scoring of Responses The set of responses were evaluated by each member of the TET. The Non-Price Weighted Scores in the table below were reached by (consensus or by taking the mathematical average of the total individual TET member’s scores – delete which is not applicable) for each criterion. The results of the weighted scoring for non-price factors are as follows: Table 2 – Weighted Scores for Non-Price Factors Evaluation Criteria Respondent Evaluation Criteria 3 Evaluation Criteria 3 Evaluation Criteria 3 Total nonprice score <company name> 35 20 34 89 <company name> 36 25 27.5 88.5 <company name> 36 30 24 90 Note: Evaluation Criteria will be specified in the Evaluation Plan and the result in the table must be consistent with the guidance in that Plan. Any respondent scoring lower than 61 must not proceed to the next stage. All <no.> tenderers proceeded through to Stage 3. (Note: If the Evaluation Plan identifies a secondary cull based on the Non-Price criteria the reasons for the cull of suppliers should be noted.) Stage 3: Evaluation of Price Responses <Describe the process/results/activities undertaken in the evaluation of the tendered price/s, see example table below.> The price evaluation should be guided by the specifications in the RFx and responses received. Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 9 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> Table 3 - Tendered Price Respondent Tendered Price ($) Factors to be considered in Price Evaluation <company name> <company name> <company name> <company name> Note: the factors to be considered in price may relate to price risks such as conditions that the suppliers raise in their submission. The TET should ensure that the price submitted by each respondent is defined by the scope of deliverables. All items required under the SOR should be included in the respondent price. Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) requirements The NSW Government’s Small and Medium Enterprises Policy Framework includes requirements for considering SMEs in Government procurement. You must ensure that any SME opportunity or participation requirements from the Evaluation Plan are applied. Normalisation of Price Factors <Describe the adjustments applied to normalise the tendered prices. The TET may add factors to the submitted price where there have been omissions by the respondent. Any normalisation required must be conducted with an experienced procurement professional and explained in detail.> Stage 4: Consolidation of Results Clarification <Describe the clarifications requested during the evaluation process. Clarifications can only be related to a respondent’s submission and questions on facts. Clarifications cannot add content to a respondent’s submission or adjust price unless to resolve any obvious omissions required to ensure accurate and fair comparison (refer below for example). If clarifications are required the nature of the clarification is to be recorded together with the reply from the respondent.> Example: (Price) Respondent Clarification A clarification question on the tendered price was sent by email to three (3) of the respondents whose price did not appear to include GST. The clarification question and tenderer’s relevant response are as follows: Clarification Question: Please confirm if you have included GST in your tendered price? Clarification Answer from Respondent X: The price submitted includes GST. Consolidation of Results The results of non-price and price evaluations from Stages 2 and 3 were consolidated to determine the overall assessment for each Tenderer using the Price Weighted Method. Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 10 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> The non-price score contributed 60 per cent to the total score and the price score 40 per cent. The tender with the highest combined non-price and price score is considered to offer the best valuefor-money. Example: The table below summarises the results (in rank order based on the highest total score): Table 4 – Consolidated Results Respondent Non-Price Score Tendered Price ($) Weighted Non-Price Score Weighted Price Score Total Weighted Score Final Ranking <company name> 88 185 52.8 40.0 92.8 1 <company name> 90 220 54.0 33.6 87.6 2 <company name> 88.5 215 53.1 34.2 87.5 3 <company name> 89.5 220 53.7 33.6 87.3 4 Due Diligence <Confirm the activities undertaken to complete the evaluation. Examples include: site visits, referee checks, supplier presentation, technical assessment of material or goods, financial assessment, etc.> Stage 5: Post-Evaluation Activities <Confirm the activities undertaken following the completion of the evaluation. sensitivity analysis, risk assessment, financial assessment, etc.> Example include: Sensitivity Analysis <In the event that sensitivity analysis was considered appropriate, detail the results and impact of the analysis with regard to any uncertainty surrounding the criteria weighting and evaluation scoring.> Risk Assessment <Detail the results of the risk assessment undertaken relating to the terms and conditions of contract, warranty, service levels, etc.> Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 11 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> 4. OUTCOME OF THE EVALUATION PROCESS 4.1 Recommendation <Describe the TET’s recommendation/s, see example below.> Example: The TET recommends the following respondents be included in the negotiations for establishing a contract: Company A Company B This recommendation is conditional on negotiation of contractual terms satisfactory to the Department. The TET recommends that, should contract negotiations fail with either of the recommended respondents, contract negotiations be undertaken with either of the third-ranked service providers, Company C or Company D. Recommendation by the tender evaluation team Member / Title Name Signature Name Signature Chairperson Title Member Title Member Title Member Title Member Title Procurement Endorsement: Procurement Title CPO / Category Manager Noting: This recommendation aligns with the original objectives and strategies as noted in the Strategy Approval Submission (SAS): <Copy and paste content from Evaluation Plan items 1.5 and 1.6> Probity Advice was provided by <Indicate if PSD or an external a Probity Adviser was engaged, if an external Probity Adviser or Auditor was required indicate why and provide details of the company and attach their report> Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Page 12 of 13 Evaluation Report RFx <DETPR-xx-xx><RFx Name> Business Manager – Approval of recommendation and next steps: Following approval by the Business Manager below, Tick or N/A Timing / Sequencing / Comment if applicable Action Negotiation with successful respondent <Briefly describe requirements of negotiation and conduct – refer Negotiation Plan> Contract executed under Delegation PWP03 <Describe who is required to execute> Minister Briefing to Note <Describe nature of information for noting> Unsuccessful respondents notified in writing <Who, how, what, when> Debriefing of Unsuccessful Tenderers – on request <Describe the conduct of debriefing, who.> Communications / Media / Announcements <Do the details of the contract need to be communicated? If so described details to who, why, when, who will manage this and how.> Public disclosure of the contract/s <who, how> Within 45 days of contract execution (legal requirement). Records A single set of electronic documents will be retained by the DEC Procurement Solutions as archival records. All other documentation is to be destroyed by <Indicate how RFx-related documents, including electronic copies and evaluation worksheets are to be handed back, deleted, shredded, etc.> The undersigned confirms that funding and financial delegation to commit funds in line with the outcome has been obtained and approves the recommendation and commencement of the above actions: Title Name Department of Education and Communities – Procurement Solutions Directorate Evaluation Report template – DOC13/20314 V1.6, 9 October 2014 Signature Page 13 of 13