COM 240.40: Interpersonal Communication Winter 2016, T Th 11-12:23 Room 202 - North Campus Mindy S. Maples, M.A. Course Description: Students will learn to improve communication in one-on-one and small group situations. In this course, students will examine basic verbal and non-verbal elements affecting communication between individuals in family, peer group, and work contexts. Specific units of discussion include intrapersonal perspective, conflict resolution, self-disclosure, message generation, intercultural messages and non-verbal communication. Associate Degree Outcomes: Jackson Community College’s Board of Trustees has determined that all of our graduates should develop or enhance a variety of important skills while enrolled in courses. The ADOs for this course include: ADO 2: Speak clearly, concisely and intelligibly (proficient) ADO 9: Work productively with others, recognizing individual contributions to group success (Developing Level) ADO 10: Understand and respect the diversity and interdependence of the world’s peoples and cultures (developing) JetNet will be used a great deal in this course. The following are steps to obtain access to JCC’s JetNet services: 1) Go to JCC Website: 2) Click on a tab at the top titled “online classes” 3) Login: first seven letters of last name, first seven letters of first name, middle initial. Use no spaces, for example Jennifer Ann Smith would login as: smithjennifea 4) Password for JCC Accounts: Your password is your first and lasts initials, the two digit date of your birth, the last two digits of your birth year and the last four digits of your student ID. 5) Click on this Comm 240 located on the bottom, left side of the page 6) On the next screen, click on “Latest News.” You will find all relevant material at this location. Required Course Materials: Spiral bound notebook for journaling Text: Interpersonal Messages: Communication and Relationship Skills, by Joseph A. Devito Assessment of Grades: *All work must be typed in 12-point, legible font. Handwritten work will not be accepted with the exception of journal work.* 1.) Positive Participation and Preparedness (100 points) 2.) Cross-Cultural Presentation (Group Project): Students will be assigned a group. Each group will choose another country’s culture to research and present to the class. Each portion of this assignment will be assigned to different group members. A Power Point presentation is required. At least 3 slides per student. Use concepts and terms for the text. Other visual aids can also be included. (100 points) 3.) Personal Discovery Project: Take an online personality test, either Meyers-Briggs or Four Temperaments. Find a description online. Write about your personality type and your discoveries. (2-3 pages) (100 points) 4.) Scene Analysis: Students will select and show the class a scene from a movie or television show and discuss the verbal and nonverbal miscommunication aspects. Choose a scene from a TV show or movie that you like, one that demonstrates communication problems. The scene should be 3-5 minutes in length; Then the analysis portion should be 3-5 minutes in length as well. First, show the class the scene. Then discuss what is happening in the interpersonal relationships depicted. You must use a minimum of 5 terms or concepts from the textbook. A typed outline or bullet points are due with this assignment. Please bring 2 copies to class. (100 points) 5.) Family Culture Project: Students will create a written document that explores their family culture. They will write about their families based on all of the information integrated within the text regarding family life and family culture. 3-5 pages in length (200 points) 6.) Journal Entries: At the start of each class students will be given a quote or question to which they will respond. A minimum of 3-5 sentences is expected for each entry. In addition, students will be asked to journal about their reactions to articles dealing with interpersonal communication. At times, they will be asked to work in groups on this project. (50 points) 7.) Response Papers Students will analyze interpersonal communication dynamics present within the films viewed in class. In each paper, students should decide whether they relationship present in the film are healthy or dysfunctional. Give concrete examples from the film of verbal and non-verbal messages sent and received between the individuals. This is an analysis paper not a plot summary. 2-3 pages are expected. Reference the text quite often in the paper. The following questions must be addressed: 1) What communication problems are depicted? 2) How are they addressed/resolved/handled, if at all? 3) Are there any communication lessons or tools which could be applied to your life? More specific questions may also be posted on JetNet pertinent to a particular movie. (50 points each = 200 points) 8.) Chapter Notes 2-3 pages minimum (typed, double spaced, 12 point font) is expected per chapter from textbooks. Bullet points or outlines are acceptable. Notes are due the first day the chapter is discussed. See course calendar. Extra credit may be given for superb work. (10 @ 20 points each = 200 points) 9.) Final Exam (200 points) Attendance: Attendance is crucial for success in this course. A significant portion of the student’s grade comes from in-class participation and from pop quizzes. More than 2 absences will result in the reduction of the student’s final grade. An attendance sheet will be passed around at the beginning of class. Students will be responsible for signing this sheet if they arrive late. Missed Assignments: Exams, tests, and major projects may be turned in late or re-scheduled if the student has a legitimate excuse such as serious illness or emergency. (A doctor’s notes will be required.) Students must make arrangements with the instructor for tests and/or exams to be re-taken within a week of the missed class. Office Hours: By appointment only an hour before class or in a local Starbucks Help: Please email me if you need help outside of class. I will be happy to assist you. Remember, no question is a stupid question Furthermore, tutorial services are also available through JCC. Tutors (plus additional services for academic success) can be accessed by calling 7968415 or visit the Center for Student Success, Bert Walker Hall room 123. “Students requiring special assistance (including those affected by the Americans with Disabilities Act) should contact the Center for Student Success. This is the first step in acquiring the appropriate accommodations to facilitate your learning.” Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected of all students. It is the ethical behavior that includes producing your own work and not presenting other’s work as your own, either by plagiarism, by cheating, or by helping others to do so. Classroom Protocol: Please turn off cell phones or place them on vibrate upon entering class. Refrain from texting or accepting calls. If an emergency develops, please step in the hall to use your phone even to text. Nearly every class session, students will be asked to participate in discussions and teambuilding activities. Please refrain from talking or being disruptive in anyway. Come with positive, supportive, and cooperative attitudes. Journals: Students will need a notebook or binder to serve as a journal. Every class session, a journal prompt, somehow relating to communication, will be placed on the board. Students will be asked to journal in response, writing at least one paragraph for every prompt. They will be asked to share voluntarily at random times. Students should bring journals to every class session. It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed journal prompts. Journals will be graded at the end of the semester. Grading scale: 4.0 95%—100% 3.5 90—94 3.0 85—89 2.5 80—84 2.0 75—79 1.5 70—74 1.0 65—69 0.5 64 or under HQVs : Grade 1 – 1/26 Grade 2 – 2/15 Grade 3 – 3/21