NUD 403 - The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

NTD 403
(1 UNIT)
Sanni, S. A. , PhD
Department of Nutrition & Dietetics
University of Agriculture
Course requirements:
CAT: 30%
Exam: 70%
Class attendance compulsory
*Contact Lecturer ahead of time if any cogent reason will keep you away from lectures.
Present medical reports if absence from lectures/CAT was due to ill health.
 Selection and planning of meals for special occasions
 Special techniques in food preparation
 Planning adequate diets for the family
 Pregnant & lactating mothers
 Infants, adolescents
 Old members of the family
 A good meal should be nourishing and well cooked
with a careful blend of foods and flavours. Our
enjoyment of food is used by many factors such as
appearance, taste and smell: a tasty meal well
presented is more enjoyable than an elaborate but
unattractive one.
 One of the most important aspects of any good meal is
a relaxed happy atmosphere; this help us to enjoy our
food and makes a meal a pleasurable occasion.
Mealtime is often the only time when the whole family
is gathered together and it should be an opportunity
for relaxation and casual conversation.
 The digestion of food is easily affected by
many psychological if we bolt food in a
hurry or if meals are badly cooked without
much flavour, our digestive juices fail to
function normally.
 The occasion
 The number of people being catered for
 The amount of money available
 The ability of the cook
 Equipment available e.g. Type of cooker e.t.c.
 Time available for preparation
 Time of year e.g. foods in season and climactic conditions.
 Individual tastes (within reason)
 Ingredients available and there nutritive value
 Drying facilities.
 A meal should look nice, it should be freshly prepared and served so that it looks its best.
 Colours can be added to food e.g. garnishing; it improved its appearance or use. Slice of
orange or tomato may also be used to improve its appearance.
 A meal should smell good. An appetizing aroma is not only pleasant in itself but it
stimulates the flow of digestive juices and makes digestion easier. This is one reason for
starting a meal with a good smelling soup.
 A meal should be interesting. If the same food appears twice in a meal, interest may be
lost. Interest and variety may be obtained by including food with strong flavours
alongside those with little flavours and by mixing foods with soft ones.
 Meals should take account of the season of the year. In hot weather cold dishes should be
provided while in cold weather hot sustaining foods are in
 Meals should contain some dietary fibre. Although it cannot be digested, fibre prevents
constipation and keeps us healthy.
 All meals should provide a reasonable amount of water. Ideally water itself is best
although it may be provided in the form of hot beverages or juices.
 Meals should be eaten in cheerful and relaxing surroundings.
 Meals should be eaten with clean and attractive utensils.
 Both animal and vegetable protein should be involved in meals regularly.
 Meal preparation is doing many small tasks sequentially and simultaneously to
the end that arrangements for dinning will have been completed and all dishes
of a meal will be at or near the peak of perfection and ready to be served at the
desired moment in time.
 Timing the preparation of meals means to order tasks systematically and to
assign a time for doing each task. Essentially for making a schedule for meal
preparation include:
 Either a cook book or a recipe should be use to estimate time required for the
cooking of different menu items.
 The ability to estimate the time required to accomplish cooking, serving and
completing preparation for dining.
 A pad and pencil for step- wise problem solving and a clock for careful timing.
 It is best to limit things in a schedule to critical moments in food preparations,
too many things are usually.
 Importantly, meals should be planned around the main dish of the main course.
 Desserts should always be planned in relation to the main course. When the
latter is light, the dessert can be sweet and filling; when the main course is
rich and filling, the dessert should be light and possibly tart (acid like). The
first course should be planned in relation to bolt the main and dessert
courses, but it should be light- it should whet the appetite and should
satisfy it !
Sequence of Decisions in Meal Planning:
Decide the main dish of the main course.
Select vegetable(s) for texture, aroma and colour
Decide on a salad (optional)
Lastly, plan the dessert and the first course simultaneously to avoid
repetitions in foods and flavours
Summary, The goal of satisfying meals is not easy of attainment. It must be
achieved within limits imposed by planned uses of money and time.
Not all persons like the same foods and the same meals. Foods and meals are
pre judged by then are tested; they must look good and well presented but
this does not imply generously in planning of meals, art, artifice and sc are
employed to have bolt look and taste good.
 Occasions for entertaining differ from country to country
and from people to people.
 The form of entertaining varies according to customs,
local conditions, socio- economic status and occasions.
 The different occasions may call for a formal or an
informal meal. Special occasions include weddings,
birthdays, naming ceremonies etc.
 During these occasions, the style of dining and the
appointments used on the table may be different from
those we use in our day to day dining. Also, the available
space and the number of persons that can be
conveniently served at a time use to be taken into
 Although, help can be hired to prepare and serve the meals if resources are
available. Usually, decision about meals for special occasions are based on :
 Number of guests, the use of money, the meal service pattern, the use of
time and the menu. A decision that puts limits on the use of money
requires the use of time human energy and whilst a decision to limit the use
of time and human energy requires spending of money.
 Furthermore, the number invited and the style of service decided upon
affect the use of time.
 The meal is best limited to two courses at the table, the main course and the
dessert course.
 The first course can be served in the hiring room or as the guest arrives.
 For effectiveness, consider the guidelines at general menu making. To save
cost and time, your best selections and the dishes you prepare very well will
do; not exotic or new and different dishes that you are not familiar with.
Plan so that you can prepare one or more dishes a day or two days in
advance and then refrigerate until the day of the dinner.
 Generally, plan a first course that follows the local custom.
 Avoid repetitions in foods e.g. do not include same food in the first course,
if it will appear in main course, do not serve tomato if tomato will appear in
the salad.
 Meals exhibit underlying structures which change
little over time.
 Although, experiments and innovations may be
introduced along with new food products, the meals
has to remain recognizably the same.
 Ordinary, most people have an idea of what would be
acceptable as breakfast or dinner or super and are able
to differentiate these meals from snacks.
 This being the first meal of the day, It should be
nourishing and digestible.
 The quantity depends on the requirement of the
 For most people it should be substantial, because the
interval between breakfast and
 the next meal is usually long and during this time a
considerable amount of energy is used up, especially
by children of school going age and by manual
 The size and character will vary with the
individual and the family.
 For many people, lunch is the main meal of
the day and it should be planned so as to be
satisfying meal.
 Whilst evening meals are usually light meals
taken before going to bed.
 Brunch: This is regarded on a late breakfast, an early
lunch or a combination of the two. The meal may be a
very sustained late breakfast or it may be an elaborate
buffet lunch. Any style of meal service may be followed
however; buffet style T table service is commonly used.
 Dinners and luncheons: These are special occasions
held in the late every and noon periods respectively.
Dinners dishers are usually light dishes and usually with
no first courses. However, lunches composed at 3 main
meals Light refreshment parties, Tea parties, Dessert
Parties, Food for late suppers, Cocktail parties
 A meal is composed of courses :
 Starter course or Apetizer, Main Course & After course or desert or
sweet course. Fluids and beverages usually accompany each meal.
 Starter Course: Should be light and not heavy. Should be
stimulating and well seasoned. Portion size should be small.
Should have low – fat content. Examples : thin soup, salads, pasta,
fruits, sea toads etc.
 Main Course: This is the bulk of the food. It should be filling
containing mostly bulky food items. e.g jollof rice, fried rice,
pounded yam & soup, yam porridge, etc.
 After Course: The quantity is usually small. They are dishes to
make the meal interesting and more tasty. Examples are cakes,
puddings, fruit salads, ice- cream, egg custard etc.
 American service
 European service
 English service
 Family or compromise service
 Apartment or Blue parties service
 Buffet service
 Tray service
 Food is a complex mixture of many different chemical
 The study of food preparation modules understanding
the changes that occur in these components during
preparation as a result of their interaction with one
another with the modern of cooking, the technique of
cooking and the environment.
 It is not enough that food be prepared, it has to be
pleasing in appearance and taste so that it can be eaten.
Satisfaction good preparation is an important
prerequisite of food acceptance and appreciation.
 Most foods are accepted when they are
cooked when the food flavour will be highly
 Flavor can be regarded as the sensation
caused by and those properties of any
substance taken into the mouth which
stimulated the sense of taste, smell, texture
receptors in the mouth and /or also the
general pam, and temperature reception in
the mouth.
 The cooking of food involves heating it in a
variety of ways to make it more palatable.
 The heat to cook the food comes from a
variety of sources, including electric
element or hotplates, gas flame from a stove
or grill, the heat from a conventional oven;
 and heat generated by a microwave oven or
in the case of sous vide the heat from the
cooking medium is outside the bag.
 Heat is transferred to the food and cooking
medium (the fat, water, stock or milk) by
means of convection, conduction and
 Most foods are cooked by a combination of
at least two of the processes of transferring
heat not just one.
 Protein
 Protein is coagulated by heat. The process is
gradual. Overheating will harden the
protein, making it tough, unpalatable and
 The characteristic coagulation of protein
when heated is employed in its use as a
coating for deep- and shallow-fried foods
and in the development of crust in bread,
formed by the protein gluten in wheat.
 Carbohydrates
 Moist heat on starch causes the starch grains to soften and
Near boiling point the cellulose framework bursts, releasing
the starch, which thickens the liquid
Dry heat causes the starch to change colour from creamy white
to brown and after prolonged heat, it will carbonise and burn.
Water is given off during heating and the starch on the surface is
changed to dextrin, a form of sugar, as in toast.
Moist heat causes sugar to dissolve in water – more rapidly in
hot water than in cold. On heating it becomes syrup; on further
heating it colours then caramelises and will eventually turn to
carbon and ash.
Dry heat causes sugar to caramelise quickly and burn
 Fats melts to oils when heated. Water is
given off with a bubbling noise as heating
continues. When all the water has been
driven off, a faint blue haze appears; further
heating will result in smoking and burning.
 The unpleasant smell of burning fat is
caused by the presence of fatty acids.
 Vitamin A and carotene are insoluble in water
so they are not lost by moist methods of
cooking, such as boiling and steaming, or by
 Vitamin D is not destroyed by heat or lost by
 Thiamine (Vitamin B1) is very soluble in
water and about 50% will dissolve in the
cooking liquid. High Temperatures (e.g. in
pressure cooking) destroy vitamin B1, and
alkali (e.g. baking powder) will cause some
 Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is soluble in water and will
dissolve out in the cooking liquid; some is lost in
normal cooking but more losses occur in pressure
 Nicotinic acid (niacin) is soluble in water and
dissolve to some extent in the cooking liquid. It is
stable in the presence of heat but is easily oxidised,
which means that the chemical process of the product
is adversely affected by talking in oxygen
 Vitamin C is lost or destroyed very easily in
cooking and care must be taken to preserve it
as much as possible. It is soluble in water and
is easily dissolved in cleaning and cooking
water; therefore vegetables containing vitamin
C should not be soaked in water and cooking
liquid should be made use of. Note: vitamin C
oxidises to form a substance that is useless to
the body – so take precaution while cooking
fruits & vegetable with this vitamin C.
 Boiling is the method of cooking in which
food is immersed in a liquid and cooked at
 Boiling is one of the most common ways
used to cook vegetables in commercial
cookery. However, for large-scale operations,
the steaming process is preferred for
blanching vegetables as this is more
 Makes food pleasant to eat
 Makes food have a suitable texture
 Makes food easy to digest and safe to
 Poaching is the cooking of food in a
liquid at just below boiling point.
 For most foods, poaching liquid is
heated first.
 Poaching liquids include – milk, stock,
stock syrup and court bouillon
 There are two ways of poaching –
shallow and deep
 Steaming is another moist heat method of
cooking. Food is cooked in the steam
produced by a boiling liquid (rather than
placing the food itself in the boiling liquid).
 Methods of steaming are
 Atmospheric steaming
 High pressure steaming
 Combination steaming
 Stewing is a slow, gentle, moist heat method
of cooking in which the food is completely
covered by a liquid.
 Stewing is a cooking method that is nearly
identical to braising but generally involves
smaller pieces of meat, and hence a shorter
cooking time
 Casserole refers to both a baking dish and
the ingredient it contains – meat, vegetable,
beans, rice, etc
 Braising is a moist heat method of cooking larger
pieces of food, on the stove-top or in the oven
where the liquid only half covers the food.
 With braising, food is cooked very slowly, using
very low temperatures, in a pan with a tightly
fitted lid. A combination of steaming and stewing
cooks the food.
 Two methods of braising exists – brown braising
used for joint & portion sized cuts of meat; and
white braising used for vegetables & sweetbreads
 Sous vide is a professional cooking
method that employs plastic oxygen
barriers and precise temperature controls
to reduce oxidisation and extend the
useable shelf life of inventory by
diminishing contact with aerobic
bacteria. The result is a final product
with superior texture, amplified flavours
and enhanced visual qualities.
 Baking is the cooking of food with dry heat in an oven;
steam plays a big part in this method of cookery.
 All products that are baked contain water
 Steam is an important and integral part of the baking
 Types of baking include:
 Dry baking
 Baking with increased humidity
 Baking with heat modification
 Roasting is cooking in dry heat with the aid of fat or oil in
an oven or on a spit.
 Radiant heat is the means of cooking when using a spit
 Oven roasting is a combination of convection and radiation
 Method of roasting are
 Placing prepared foods (meat, poultry) on a rotating spit
over or in front of fierce radiated heat
 Placing prepared foods in an oven with either: applied
dry heat; forced air-convected heat; convected heat
combined with microwave energy
 Pot roasting (poele) is cooking on a bed of root
vegetables in a covered pan. This method
retains the maximum flavour of all ingredients
 This is done by placing the food on a bed of
roots and herbs, coat generously with butter or
oil, cover with lid and cook in an oven.
 Use medium pan (not too large or too small)
 Use the vegetable and herbs with a good stock
as a base for the sauce
 This is a fast method of cookery from
radiant heat, sometimes known as broiling.
 Grilled foods can be cooked:
 Over heat (charcoal, barbecues, gas or
electric heated grills/griddle)
 Under heat (gas or electric salamanders)
 Between heat (electrically heated grill
bars or plates)
 Shallow-frying is the cooking of food in a small
quantity of preheated fat or oil in a shallow pan or
on a flat surface (griddle plate)
 There are 4 methods of frying using a shallow
amount of fat or oil:
 Shallow-fry
 Saute
 Griddle
 Stir-fry
 Deep-frying is classified as a dry method of cookery
because it has a dry effect on the food.
 To deep-fry food, small tender pieces of food are totally
immersed in hot fat or oil, and cooked quickly.
 Most deep-fried foods need to be coated in a batter to
protect them from the effects of the extremely high
temperature of the fat or oil.
 Fatty foods are not suitable to be deep-fried; if the fat
from these foods enters the frying medium used it
must be able to withstand very high temperature
 This is also known as en papillotte
 This is a method of cookery in which food is
tightly sealed in oiled greaseproof paper or
foil so that no steam escapes during
cooking, and maximum natural flavour and
nutritive value is retained
 This is a method of cooking and reheating food using
electromagnetic waves in a microwave oven powered
by electricity.
 The microwave activates the water molecules or
particles of food and agitate them, causing heat by
friction, which cooks or reheats the food.
 Microwave cooking can be used for cooking raw food,
reheating cooked food and defrosting frozen foods
 Tandoori cooking is by dry heat in a clay oven called a
 Heat source is at the base of the oven and the heat is
evenly distributed because of the clay.
 No fat or oil is used
 The food is cooked quickly and the flavour is similar to
that of barbecued food
 Oven temperatures reach 375oc
 Depending on the type, food may be marinated for 20
minutes to 2 hours before being cooked and in some
cases, the food is brushed with the marinade during
 No single food by itself (except breast-milk) provides all the
nutrients in the right amount that will promote growth and
maintain life. To achieve good nutrition therefore, it is
necessary to consume as wide a variety of foods as possible
from the age of 6 months.
 Infants (0-6 months): Start exclusive breast-feeding
immediately after birth and continue for 6 months. There
should be no bottle-feeding.
 Infants (6-12 months): Continue breast feeding. Introduce
complementary feeds made from a variety of cereals, tubers,
legumes, fruits, animal foods and give with cup and spoon.
 Toddlers (12-24 months): continue to breast-feed until
child is 2 years
 Giver enriched pap or mashed foods twice daily
 Give family diet made soft with less pepper and spices
 Give fruits and vegetables in season
 Children (25-60 months): Give diet that contains a
variety of foods in adequate amounts.
Add palm oil or vegetable oil to raise the energy level of
complementary foods. Gradually increase food intake to 4-5
times daily as baby gets older. Provide dark green leafy
vegetables, yellow/orange coloured fruits, citrus fruits, cereals,
legumes, tubers and foods of animal origin. Limit the
consumption of sugary food. Continue feeding even when child
is ill.
 School-Aged Children (6-11 years):
 Give diet that contains a variety of foods in adequate
amounts. Encourage consumption of good quality
snacks, but limit the consumption of sugary snacks.
 Adolescents (12-18 years):
 Continue diet containing a variety of foods. Most of the
energy should be derived from roots/tubers, legumes,
cereals, vegetables and less from animal foods. An
increase in total food intake is very important at this
stage, so is the need to enjoy family meals. Snacks
especially pastry and carbonated drinks should not
replace main meals. If you must eat out, make wise food
 Adults (Male and Female): Total food intake should
take into consideration the level of physical activity.
Individuals who do manual work need to consume
more food than those who do sedentary work.
 Limit the fat intake from animal foods
 Diet should consist of as wide as variety of foods as
possible e.g. cereals, legumes, roots/tubers, fruits, veg,
fish, lean meat, local cheese (wara).
 Limit intake of salt, bullion cubes and sugar
 Liberal consumption of whatever fruits that are in
season is encouraged.
 Pregnant women:
 Eat diet that contains a variety of foods in adequate amounts. Consume
enough food to ensure adequate weight gain. Eat more of cereals,
legumes, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and animal foods. Take iron
and folic acid supplements as prescribed. Avoid alcohol, addictive
substances and smoking.
 Breast-Feeding Mothers:
 Eat diet that contains a variety of available food items like cereals,
tubers, legumes, meat, fish, milk, fruits, vegetables etc. consume more
of foods rich in iron such as liver, fish, beef, etc. Eat fruits in season at
every meal. Consume green leafy vegetables liberally. Consume fluids
as needed to quench thirst. Avoid alcohol, addictive substances and
 The Elderly:
 Eat diets that are prepared from variety of available foods e.g. cereals,
tubers, fruits, vegetables, etc. Increase consumption of fish and fishbased diets. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Eat more frequently.
 King, F. S. and Burgess (2000). Nutrition for
Developing Countries. Second Edition. 461 pp.
 Campbell, J., Foskett, D., and Ceserani, V. (2008).
Practical Cookery, 11th Edition, Hodder Education, UK,
 Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for Nigeria. A Guide to
Healthy Eating. Nutrition Division of the Federal
Ministry of Health, Abuja/WHO. March 1999.