Chinese Economy at a Crossroads

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Chinese Economy at a
Spring 2007
Washington & Lee University
Michael Smitka
© Michael Smitka 2007
• Starvation in living memory
– Staggering economic mismanagement under Mao
• Extreme decentralization
• Extreme politicization
– Reforms 1978- Deng Xiaoping, who brought
stability (lots of details of what / when / how)
• Now only shards of the old system
• SOEs (state owned enterprises)
• Rural China (esp. land rights)
• China is now a fully modern economy
• With lots of problems on the appropriate govt role
© Michael Smitka 2007
General indicators
– Population (in billions)
40% urban
– Gross national income (US$ trillion)
• now 1.4
– GNI per capita (US$)
• now $1,100 before price corrections
Adult literacy rate (% ≥ age 15)
Total fertility rate (births per woman)
Life expectancy at birth (years)
Cell phones per 1,000 (2000 vs 2005)
© Michael Smitka 2007
The modern China
• Shenzhen golden skyscrapers
© Michael Smitka 2007
• Walmart sign
© Michael Smitka 2007
The Fast Life
• KFC and McDonald's in Shenzhen
© Michael Smitka 2007
What does the future hold for her?
• Little girl on outing with McDonald's kids
meal (Xiamen)
The urban girl
© Michael Smitka 2007
On her way to an outing
• View of downtown Xiamen
© Michael Smitka 2007
Xiamen, Fujian 福建省厦门市
Or leisurely dining
• Family eating at outdoor plaza,
© Michael Smitka 2007
In an outdoor plaza
• Outdoor plaza, kunming
© Michael Smitka 2007
Or the backbreaking work of
peasant life
• Woman lugging fertilizer, Baisha Village
(Lijiang), Yunnan
© Michael Smitka 2007
at least for women…
With makeshift recreation
• Playing mahjong, Baisha, Lijiang,
© Michael Smitka 2007
And lonely vegetable sellers
• Vegetable sellers, mud street, Baisha,
Lijiang, Yunnan
© Michael Smitka 2007
But even sleepy mountain
• Tibetan men squatting on street corner,
Shangrila, Yunnan
© Michael Smitka 2007
With one street
• Main street (only street!), Shangrila
© Michael Smitka 2007
• Vegetable market
• Shangrila, yunnan
© Michael Smitka 2007
may have
a decent
• ditto
© Michael Smitka 2007
With treats for kids
• Kids eating treats on skewers, ditto
© Michael Smitka 2007
Though some peasants make
out OK and can afford a foyer
• Peasant mansion, Lin Village, Xiamen
© Michael Smitka 2007
So what is china's place in the
• Geography
– You just saw geography-based contrasts
• Trade
• Economy
– What does 11% growth mean?
• For a formerly "socialist" society?
© Michael Smitka 2007
If China is the
place to watch
in the 21st century
Who are its
© Michael Smitka 2007
China in Asia Factoids
• Chinese tourism to Japan and Korea will
surpass 1 million visitors in CY2007
– Over 1 mil for Singapore and Thailand in CY2006
• We represent a flow in the opposite direction
– Overseas tourism to an economist is an import of
services; we're adding to the US trade deficit
– But China runs a net trade deficit in goods and
services with much of Asia
• US-China trade is not representative!
© Michael Smitka 2007
Japan's #1 trading partner
FY2006 (April 2006-March 2007)
Auto parts
Y11.3 tril
Y14.1 tril
Y25.4 tril
-2.8 tril
Y17.1 tril
Y 8.0 tril
Y25.1 tril
+9.1 tril
X 0.4 tril
X 1.0 tril
M 0.1 tril
M <0.1 tril
China is #1 foreign source of Japanese auto parts, with values
rising rapidly. However, what will happen to exports as local
assembly in China by Toyota, Honda and Nissan rise?
© Michael Smitka 2007
Yen vs Yuan: a 20+% appreciation
© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
Economic overview
– Growth
– composition
• Inflation
– Consumers
– Farm prices (good for farmers!)
• Consumption
– Goods and services
– Savings
© Michael Smitka 2007
"Rule of 72"
A single number (GDP) captures only part of the story
But it's still a useful reference point
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© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
Issues (2)
• Macroeconomic control
– Immature financial system
– Local government - bank ties
• Regionalization: national market
– Legacy of extreme decentralization
• Compounded by sheer size
– Blatant local protection ended
• No more toll barriers at provincial borders
– Transport infrastructure and sheer distance
© Michael Smitka 2007
Issues (2)
• Externalities
– Negative
• Water use
• Pollution
– Positive
• Urbanization
• Education
• Health care
© Michael Smitka 2007
Issues (3)
• Urban political economy
– Government has "delivered the goods"
• Links between politics, other areas still muddy
– Results in inefficiency
• But political careers competitive
– Increased rule of law
• Irregularities but can no longer be blatant
• Land plays require that development works
© Michael Smitka 2007
Issues (4)
• Rural political economy
– Poor / spotty delivery of the fruits of growth
– Poorly enforced property rights
• In many places no political voice
• Muddy rules for landholding exacerbate
• Inequality
– Huge regional differences
– Growing interregional differences
• Good locations vs bad
• migrants vs locals
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© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
Long-run prospectus
supply side
• Demographics still favorable
– Working age population will stop growing by 2015
• But plenty of rural would-be migrants
• Universal literacy among the young
• Investment chaotic
– But high with high savings
• At 10% pa growth, can tolerate inefficiency
– Real darwinian process of corporate selection
• Technology improving rapidly
– Lots of engineers, unlike US and Japan
– Lots of entrepreneurs, too
© Michael Smitka 2007
Long-run prospects
demand side
• Trying to "rebalance"
– Less trade more consumption
– Less investment more consumption
– But strong incentives to save
• Uncertainties about pensions, health care
• Can no longer rely on children
• How will government role evolve?
– Underfunded public services, esp rural
– Underfunded social welfare
• How to provide for farmers? Price supports & protection
everywhere else (Korea, Japan, US, EU)
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© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
Long-run prospects
factor markets
• Labor markets fluid
– But can migrants & peasants accumulate skills?
• Will their children have access to the urban elite system?
– The US does that poorly
• Capital markets too fluid
– Weak systems amidst huge shifts in economy
• Need credit analysis in banks, accounting in firms
– Stock market may be of modest importance
• Caveat emptor - firms need banks, but what's wrong with
fleecing shareholders, esp for "state owned enterprises"?
– US execs do it all the time, why shouldn't Chinese!
© Michael Smitka 2007
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© Michael Smitka 2007
Political transition
Environmental collapse esp agriculture
Financial crises of some sort likely
• As economy matures imbalances between
savings and investment will worsen
• Compounded by structural shifts in industries
and firms that grow and those that don't
© Michael Smitka 2007
Not the end
But a glimpse at the future
© Michael Smitka 2007
Addenda: Time Permitting
• Geopolitics
– Competition for oil supplies
• Also aluminum, steel scrap, iron ore….
– Chinese companies active in these fields
• With apparent central government support
– Perception in US that need to control
Persian Gulf
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© Michael Smitka 2007
Arguments are flawed
• Neither logic nor empirical foundation
– Previous embargoes failed
– Price fixing failed
• Nor operationally possible
– Over the centuried the following have all tried and
failed to control the Persian Gulf:
• Greeks, Iranians, Turks, British, Russians and Americans
• Why should China be different?
• For example:
© Michael Smitka 2007
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US-Canada: +3,570,000 b/d
If there is a villain, why look at China?
© Michael Smitka 2007
China: +3,064,000 b/d
• Protectionism in the US
– But until recently, Japan ran a trade surplus with
• Korea still does
• As does the rest of Asia
– More issues on the US side than China's
• And where do my turtlenecks come from?
– Cambodia!!
– China is now priced out of key markets
• So demagoguery -- hitting China won't help US trade
© Michael Smitka 2007
Rural Reforms
• In 2007, rural tuition free for compulsory
education (= 150 million children!)
• Rural co-operative health care experiment
– Test in 2007 in about half of China
– Extend thereafter
• But starting expenditures only Y20 per person
• Minimum land sale prices & usage fees
– Try to limit confiscatory policies & abuses
© Michael Smitka 2007
SOE, other reforms
• SOEs must now pay dividends
– Better macro control and less waste
• Lots of environmental reforms
– "full cost pricing" for coal (2007 in one province)
– Electric power plants
• Problems remain with local government
– Electric power good, central can control & monitor
– Sewage treatment bad, local emissions not…yet?
© Michael Smitka 2007
China: Millennium Development
• 2015 target = halve 1990 $1 a day poverty and
malnutrition rates
• 2005 target = education ratio to 100%
• 2015 target = reduce 1990 under 5 mortality by 66%
• 2015 target = reduce 1990 maternal mortality by 75%
• 2015 target = begin to reverse AIDS, other diseases
• various others
© Michael Smitka 2007
1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Population below US$1 a day
33.0 16.1
Poverty gap at US$1 a day
Share of poorest 20 percent
Prevalence of child malnutrition
17.4 10.0
Share of population below minimum level of dietary
energy consumption
16.0 9.0
© Michael Smitka 2007
2 Achieve universal primary education 2015
target = net enrollment to 100%
• Net primary enrollment ratio (% of relevant age
97.4 93.2
• % of cohort reaching grade 5
86.0 (93.8)
• Youth literacy rate (ages 15-24)
95.3 97.9
© Michael Smitka 2007
3 Promote gender equality
• Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary
87.0 97.6
• Ratio of young literate females to males (ages 15-24)
95.5 98.1
• Share of women employed in the nonagricultural
37.7 39.2
• Proportion of seats held by women in national
21.0 22.0
© Michael Smitka 2007
4 Reduce child mortality
• Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000)
• Infant mortality rate
(per 1,000 live births)
• Immunization, measles
© Michael Smitka 2007
5 Improve maternal health
• Births attended by health staff
50.3% ... 70.0
• Now 97%
• Contraceptive prevalence
(women ages15-49)
• Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)
• no current data, at 60 in 1995 (almost 0 in US)
© Michael Smitka 2007
6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, other diseases
Prevalence of HIV, female (ages15-24) est 0.1%??
Number orphaned by HIV/AIDS
Tuberculosis (per 100,000 people)
116.5 104.4
Tuberculosis cases detected under DOTS
14.9 now 42.9
© Michael Smitka 2007
7 Ensure environmental sustainability
Forest area (% of total land area)
Nationally protected areas (% of total land area)
GDP per unit of energy (PPP $/kg oil equivalent)
CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
Access to an improved water (% of population)
Access to improved sanitation (% of population)
Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to
safe drinking water. By 2020, to have achieved a significant
improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers.
© Michael Smitka 2007
8 Develop a Global Partnership for Development
• Youth unemployment (15-24)
• Fixed and mobile telephones
(per 1,000 people)
now over 500
• Personal computers
(per 1,000 people)
now double
© Michael Smitka 2007