
2013-2014 ASUCM Senate
ASUCM Regular Senate Meeting Agenda
5200 N. Lake Road KL169, Merced, CA 95343 – P: (209) 228-7468
E: asucm@ucmerced.edu W: http://asucm.ucmerced.edu
FALL 2013 Session
Wednesday, November 13th, 2013 at 7:30PM
Chancellor’s Conference Room (KL 232)
Call to Order
a. 7:30
Roll Call
a. Senator Hernandez excused
b. Senator He and Senator Justo absent
Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Wong motions to suspend the legislative by-laws
b. Senator Mondo seconds
c. Discussion
1. Senator Wong: The reason that I am suspending the bylaws is that if the College Republicans do
not have this bill in, the difference in the bill that they are proposing is a ten grand difference.
So it is a time pressing issue and that is why I am asking.
2. Senator Jones: Was it not sent in before the time?
3. Senator Wong: No, I was going to have the bill sent to all committees but that is going to be
done tonight.
4. Senator Jones: Can I ask why it wasn’t sent in that time period?
5. Senator Wong: Right, it was going to be submitted but they wanted to double check the actual
cost. The cost fluctuates since it is a guest speaker. On Monday it is late. I know, personally, I
was spending time with my family and I could not submit it on time.
6. Vote
d. Bylaws suspended
e. Senator Wong motions to add “Bill 26: College Republicans Bill”
1. No discussion
2. Vote
f. Senator Wong motions to approve the updated agenda
g. Senator Mondo seconds
h. No discussion
i. Approved
Approval of Minutes
a. Senator Jones motions to approve last week’s, November 6th 2013, minutes and of October 30th
b. Senator Brown seconds
c. No discussion
d. Approved
Guest Speaker- Mark Greene- Office of OMBUDS Services
1. Senator Brown motions to extend time by 5 minutes
2. Senator Taylor seconds
3. No discussion
b. Mark: Thanks everyone for having him. He is here to represent OMBUDS Services. He
engages with the audience by asking who knows about the department.
(Senator He arrives late.)
He announces that COB 347 is their office. He assures that the office is a safe place to
talk and that no information is shared unless consent is given or harm is prevalent, then it
will be shared. Visitors come to talk, to vent because they are not sure where else to go.
They are an informal office where students may just come in to find resources.
They can help with a variety of issues such as academic dishonesty. What OMBUDS
does not do is advocate for individuals but they do not offer legal advice; they would refer
the student to the UCM law clinic. He leaves the contact information for the office.
1. Questions
a. IVP Flores: How many students use the service?
b. Mark: 196 cases and the percentages are broken down in the annual report online, if
anyone wants to look.
c. Senator Daniel: Does OMBUDS offer positions?
d. Mark: That is difficult because we are still small and there are some issues with
students comfort level with confidentiality. We can discuss trainings if we have
enough students but as far as being in the office, not at this time.
Chair's Report- Ivan Flores
a. (Reads Report)
Hello ASUCM Senate and Members of the Audience,
I hope everyone had a great Veterans Day weekend. Today ASUCM hosted its first
Town Hall event of the year; this was made possible through the hard work of our Director of
Communications Jess Lopez and her staff members. I just want to say thank you to everyone
who showed up and contributed to the success of the event, I’m sure she put in a lot of effort to
do it.
I also want to welcome our temporary adviser, while Steve is on leave, Dr. Charles Nies.
I’m sure he will give brief insight about his experience in ASUCM before Steve was hired, or
not; whatever he chooses to report will be informative regardless.
Yesterday at the Executive Meeting there were some concerns about the image of
ASUCM and how we, as elected officials, contribute to the image of this organization. I want to
advise to all members of ASUCM to be cautious of what you post on social media. The last
thing we want is for students to question the stability of their student government. Let’s try not
to post topics or ideas that make the whole organization look as if it is unstable and try to keep
content neutral. In other words just be careful what you say and how you say it because the last
thing we want to do is ruin the reputation of this organization; just try using more “I” statements
instead of “we” or “us” statements.
Also it has appeared that for the last two or three weeks we have not had a full Senate
table, this is odd. It’s also my fault for not being more assertive with the absences, so from now
if you do not make me aware of an upcoming absence two days prior to the Senate meeting I
will count as you absent. I will no longer be counting same day or one day before Senate
meetings notifications as excused Absences and I hope this will encourage more senators to
attend meetings. As for committee absences, since the heads of the committees haven’t met
with me to discuss absences and lateness, those will be taken into account as unexcused
absences if you show up late to your committee meeting. Some of you are cutting it rather close
and remember you can only have 6 absences before you are up for recall and you’re notified at
4 to meet with Dr. Nies. So please just try to show up and notify me within the appropriate time
Last issue I want to talk about is the timeline between legislation being passed and the
date of the event. Please try not to push legislation last minute or pass a bill two days prior to
the event happening. It puts a lot of stress on Cindy in the OSL to process all of the legislation
and doing all the P.O.’s for the event. So just please take the OSL staff into consideration when
passing legislation and try not to push everything last minute. Give her usually about 3-4 weeks
when passing bills; that gives her enough time to get all the paperwork sorted and have
everything run smoothly.
Thank you that is all. Let’s have a good meeting.
Elected Officers Report
a. No elected officers
Officer Reports
a. Senate Pro-Tempore- Senator Brown
From my list that I gathered last week, our count of repetitive comments were 7 and comments were
8 and it was a short meeting where nothing was discussed. I want to keep these numbers constant to
check progress. Communications need to happen instead of hugging it out. But if you do have a
problem with someone then talk to them about it. Holding it in is not going to do anything for either
of you. Try to respect everyone as an equal person because you all have the same amount of power
and we are a collective organization. DO realize that just because senate does something, doesn’t
mean that you should go around telling people that senate did something bad. You have to at least
recognize that a majority wanted what happened to happen. You’re doing a good job; we just have
b. Sergeant at Arms- Senator Jones
Guess what day it is? Hump Day. We don’t have the cat card scanner today, so scan it on the door
before we leave.
c. Secretary- Senator Gaerlan
I could not open the minutes, so I did not get to read it. I did review last week’s minutes and they were fine.
Also, committees, please tell me your absences. Please tell me about attendance reports so that I can take roll.
No one has approached the four absence mark. If you would like to know your count, please set up an
appointment. We have been having a lot of resolutions, it is great that we do have them, but at the same time,
do not bring others people’s ideas down to say that their ideas “suck.”
d. ICC Liaison- Senator Wong
I could not attend so nothing to report.
e. Court Liaison- Senator Zisser
Nothing to report
Committee Reports
a. Budget and Finance- Senator Mondo
Met at 6pm in KL 232 because Monday was a holiday and most senators could not attend. Senators Gaerlan
and Garai were present. Senator Wong was excused because of a work meeting. Other than that, we are still
trying to find a time to meet to go over the bylaws. We are thinking of having an incredibly long weekend
meeting to have something at the end of the semester. We will be meeting at our normal time on Monday at
12pm in KL 119.
b. Academic Affairs- Senator Brown
Didn’t meet because of time conflicts.
c. Student Activities- Senator Wong
Senator Jones excused because she was sick. For Bill 23, we suggested that the group go to ICC since there is
a lot of funding. For Resolution 7, we thought that it was a good idea but not impactful on organizations in
d. Student Advocacy- Senator Hernandez
Senator Gaerlan: Met, went over resolutions and bills sent and we voted the same way. For the new one,
the one after RAM, the Pre-Optometry trip was not sent to us for committee review.
Advisor's Report- Dr. Charles Nies
Great to be back! I am happy to be back. I used to come to these meetings and then Steve took over last
year. If there are ever any questions of history, please come to me because I’ve been here for all of it. One of the
things that I wanted to talk about is the big picture stuff on campus, like space issues. It is a constant conversation.
I have been advocating for a new office space for ASUCM. I am anticipating change in the spring, so we are
looking at spaces. Same offices are in same space when we had 800 students in 2005. Any time new space becomes
available, everyone wants it because everyone needs it. How we can use flexible space? So one of the things that I
am looking into are several spaces in one area. The moment I need senate’s help, I will let you all know, but it is
not that time yet. Right now we are at the “RFQ” Stage which happens in the spring. Really, all it is we need to
build to get to 20,000 students in 2020. We know that we need this many square feet for this and for that, on that
space we do have 85,000 square feet of the Student union. Right now we are just saying what we need to seek if
there is a company in the market willing to build or have the qualifications to build what we need to build.
I have read through all legislations and referendum and I want to give you all a hypothetical situation.
Let’s say academic senate just passed a resolution. And the resolution was that all ASUCM elected officials must
have a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. that all of the money that you spend must promote nothing but academic excellence,
and all the bylaws and constitutions must be amended to reflect a focus and must be written into every job
description. It is supported by principals of community, regent’s policy supports it and our own pre-amble supports
it. But if they did that, none of you will be happy about it. Because they just demanded that you need to do
something. None of them had a conversation with you about it. First of all, it sounds good to promote excellence
but it might not be the method to go about doing it. I want to make sure to say this to be thoughtful to not do the
same thing to other groups here at the university. ‘Cause they want to work with you. One resolution on the library
does not reflect the history; we used to have 24 hours quiet space in the library. None of the students wanted to
help enforce it. But what they wanted the library to do was hire a bunch of staff to stand around and kick people
out and be library police cops. And so they would love to talk about how you can promote it. I know Jess and Jaron
have talked with them but none of that is reflected in the resolution. I would encourage you to think about the
golden rule to be mindful to really work with university partners.
No questions
President's Report- Jaron Brandon
He greets everyone. He mentions that he is suffering from flu.
He just wanted to start out by congratulating Jess for the town hall event, which he felt was successful. A
lot of students showed up. Also, he congratulates all the staff and the people who went to talk to students for the
whole 2.5 hours.
He wants to welcome Charles because he was Jaron’s advisor, he is “the” dad of ASUCM. He is a great
advisor. It will be awesome having him here even if it means spending time away from his family. He gives great
advice and is a wonderful person.
He wants to mention that there is some transitional issues with bills, ICC and senate actions and how we
email out, like the Bobcat Band and the old bills from ICC. As Steve transfers all the files to the intern, so bear
with him the kinks. If something does not get sent or clubs are asking questions, let Jaron know.
He wants to mention Reach Authentic Media because he has been here for every meeting and it is
important, I have mentioned that it will be valuable to ASUCM. I am hoping that we are expecting the same
standard as the Bobcat Band, which it will soon become a service; it will be an investment for a service. That
would be worth adding and a fair standard.
He wants to commend Darrel. He has been writing tons of detailed resolutions even with the errors, he
should be commended for putting so much effort into doing all of these things. Everyone should talk to him or
contact Jaron to work on them together because he feels it would be great.
Going on to the bylaw amendments that were passed: he is appreciative of being invited back to table.
That was something that was important to him. He did want to mention on the process. One important thing is that,
constitutionally, his role with senate is one sentence and that is to be able to approve or veto all legislative action.
His only issue is that is something that would have to be sent to him. And he also thinks that it would be needed to
be sent to committees as a whole. The rules are weird but he thinks that it is important to remember the process. So
he will be talking about that afterwards so senate can follow right process to change the bylaw amendment process
at a future time. He thinks it is great to send by law amendments to all committees so that students can provide
input, for research, so bills are not done in a 2 day period because it is necessary for that time to be set in to discuss
the ideas and stuff.
Commissioner’s Council had a great meeting like vision, objective, strategy and action plans. So they
basically they are trying to backwards plan, “what are the values that ASUCM leaders practice?” “What do we
want to bring to campus?” “What can we do this year?” They are doing great with recruitment.
Also, there are a lot of projects going on with his staff and if you want to help, please let him know. He
has some great people who are looking for something interesting he is happy to help. Hopefully everyone got the
student union document. The estimates that we were in the ballpark. It was a lot of reassuring stud, it looked great.
It was a nebulous idea, so I think it was a great document. I want to commend a few senators: Jared, Sam and Zach
for working with some of my staff and working to get involved in some of the student union building project. This
is an ASUCM thing and I really think it is awesome. It should be encouraged with other senators and execs.
a. Senator Zisser: So you mentioned that committee meeting, have the top 3 commissions been chosen?
b. President Brandon: no, the last meeting was cancelled so it was our second meeting on Friday. I am going to
be gone so they are focusing on vision planning. It is in the works.
Senator Wong: I just want to clarify, so last year I served on the Sustainability Council and I remember that
part of it I was required to go to that, to make sure things were ok and to see if they were funded. And so I was
wondering if we were delaying in sending senators to their committees to help plan part of their vision.
Because it is one thing to envision this and another to say it was possible.
President Brandon: Exactly, so one thing we have people in the previous Sustainability Council, I think it was
one student and then a senator and a faculty member, it was like a three member voting. It was not a lot of
people. Be it that anyone who comes into the position is fairly new. With the bylaws are two years old so they
are complex and have provided troubles. Same with Neighborhood Relations Commission, both the bylaws are
unclear to understand and are limiting. So they don’t empower them to do more, don’t define what they do, it
confines them. So Noella and Kimberly are focused on recruiting to get students involved to rewrite the
bylaws. I still want to retain that a senator will work on those. Rather than not having them followed, where it
was following them but not moving forward on that, what is more fundamental.
Treasurer's Report- Ken Gaffney
a. Greets and asks public if they enjoyed their weekend. (shows PowerPoint)
Senate Bills: $85,209.10
Carry Forward remains the same as last week: $144,816.79
Total of $230,024.89
He discusses current bills and clubs requests over time. His only concern was that last week
he was given a reimbursement form from Pre-Optometry Club for a trip they went to
Berkley and how they were asking for gas; however, there was no bill or line item that they
could take the money from. It was strange because there was no designation for that money.
b. Questions
1. Senator Gaerlan: I did remember something when speaking to them, because I will be
submitting a bill for them next week. They did do something with Pre-Optometry club
for a Western Conference with another club [the Pre-Dentistry club for iSight]. So that
could be.
2. Treasurer Ken: It was fiscal year last year and we are in a different fiscal year.
3. Senator Gaerlan: I am totally confused.
4. Treasurer Ken: I am not trying to imply stealing, there was just something going on or
Public Forum
a. Youssef, Municipal Relations Commissioner: Next year, summer 2014, Merced will be 125
years old. The kick off planning meeting will be held in the Sam Pipes Conference Room at
678 w. 18th street.
b. Thomas, Sigma Chi Report with American Red Cross: He is here to report on the Saving
Lives event where many students were certified as well as a few faculty. People were
trained on CPR. He shows pictures of bandage techniques and the training of AED and CPR
process. He also shows a budget breakdown of event. Not the whole 120 people showed up
but the money by ASUCM was properly used. The shirt design was shown that included the
two symbols of the club, sponsors were on the back and ASUCM’s logo was on there too.
He thanks the senators for their help.
c. Dungdow, Gracia, H.E.R.O.E.S.: (Present a PowerPoint on Sugared Beverages). They also
share statistics. There are some clubs that have taken the pledge to reduce the intake of
surgery drinks. Their goal is to get ten signatures and they encourage Senate to be the 8th
one. They thank Senate for their time.
Old Business
a. Bill #23- Funding for Reach Authentic Media Equipment (Introduced by Senator Garai)
1. Senator Garai motions to approve
2. Senator Escamilla seconds
3. Committee Reports
1. B&F: Approved
2. Student Activities: If I remember correctly, it was 3 for and 2 against because we believe it is a
great bill but it should be more available for other students and clubs on campus. Also, ask them
to go to ICC because they have several thousand
3. Student Advocacy: Approved
4. Academic Affairs: We approved it.
4. Discussion
1. Senator Garai amends to give credit to Alexander Erwin and Cipriano Taylor.
Also, on the last page I forgot to remove “glow run.”
We discussed this bill two weeks ago. Senator Wong did mention to go to ICC, but I talked to the
club and it was pointless since it was in legislation process and is much easier to take away from
carry forward, along with the Bobcat Band, since it is something that will last many years.
Also, to address a concern, to make it more accessible to clubs. So right now they are partnered
with The Prodigy and they are working with ASUCM; they are attempting to branch out.
Treasurer Ken: when you spend money, it will come out of senate bills then carry forward has to
be replenished.
Senator Mondo: Budget and Finance recommended that we cut any item under 100 on the bill.
Will you accept that? Friendly amendment.
Senator Garai: We can do that.
Senator Garai accepts changes to remove item number 3,4,5 and keep 2
Treasurer Ken: anything that was double digit would be removed
10. Senator Garai: That is what we agreed on.
11. Senator Wong: I was going to ask if this org has an ICC rep and if they go to the meetings?
12. Senator Garai: Do not know
Yields to president and treasurer of RAM.
13. RAM: We have been to not every single one and this semester we have gone to half.
14. Senator Wong: So you mentioned that you have discussed appropriateness of ICC because it’s
easier to get funding, so I was wondering why you want to continue with senate.
15. Senator Garai: We agreed that we like the idea but because we are mid-month and then they need
to wait to get the big ticket items to get their money.
16. Senator Jones: Are we asking to do 20% as well?
17. Senator Garai: Well, if you guys want to go beyond and still do 20%, we could it is up to you.
18. Senator Gaerlan: So all of the things highlighted $397.23. The total after the cuts is: $3,176.65
19. Senator Zisser: Wong was talking to ICC, so I mentioned to things in the past. What are their
future goals or events that need to be filmed immediately?
20. Senator Garai: They love side projects and by having all these things they can do all of the events.
They only have one camera so by getting this, then there are more avenues to get their name out
there. Reducing $300 is hard to fundraise.
21. Senator Gaerlan: so for the whole 10% thing, I multiplied the original total and it is $357.39
compared to $397.23 removed, it is 12%
22. Senator Jones: I just want to make sure that we are being fair and like asking the same for all
23. Senator Rosenberg: I was just curious why you are using a 1500 lighting kit like when there are a
lot cheaper options for that?
24. RAM: It has everything and no additives are needed.
25. Senator Rosenberg: Shot bags cost half as much
26. RAM: The sand bags were recommended by our advisor.
27. Senator Zisser: This is an awesome bill but you mentioned that they needed video cameras but
that is not on the list. Are they going to buy more in the future?
28. Senator Garai: this is for startup equipment to have interest with students, which will allow more
expansion. This is a startup bill.
29. Senator Mondo: this is actually to improve their current process with the single camera that they
30. Senator Gaerlan: Are they an official service to ASUCM or The Prodigy?
31. Senator Garai: I am not sure if they are a service.
32. RAM: there were talks about doing that, but not a service
33. Senator Wong: I do like this bill but this is not a pressing thing, so there are no events to be
filmed, they just want to because it is a hobby type of thing. So I am not sure why ICC is not
available. I don’t understand why we can’t go through ICC and Senate is low on funds. Our focus
is conferences and trips that ICC cannot do. How many people are in this organization?
34. Senator Garai: 8 to 10 members. I see your point with ICC and I think that it is more for on
campus, I just don’t think that they will be committed to something unless they have the proper
tools first. I see your idea but I won’t budge to ICC.
35. Senator Brown: Senator Jones, I like it, but to be fair we would need to take the amount that we
are already have, post the cuts and ask to raise 10% of that.
I motion to amend to fundraise ten percent of cost.
36. Senator Garai: I motion to take it to a vote
37. Senator Brown motions to amend the fundraising of 10 percent
38. Senator Zisser seconds
39. Discussion
40. Senator Gaerlan: As Senator Jones and Senator Brown mentioned, it is fair because we also did
that to Sigma Chi from initially 14 thousand to a little more than half and then ten percent.
41. Senator Brown: I am not doing this because of the amount, I am doing it because of the principle
42. Vote
43. Senator Jones, Senator Escamilla, Senator Daniel, Senator Prado, Senator Tease, Senator He,
Senator Zisser, Senator Mondo, Senator Wong, Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown
44. Senator Rosenberg and Senator Garai oppose
45. Added amendment to fundraise “Be it enacted, that RAM fundraises 10 percent of the final amount.”
46. Senator Garai: Are they going to receive the money and then raise ten percent or fundraise first or
then give them the money?
47. Senator Brown: I am going off of the way that it was stated on the Bobcat Band bill. The way it
seemed there was that they fundraise 10% of cost, it wasn’t clear if that amendment make that
they would be locked to fundraise first or spend the money now and to then cut ten percent.
48. Senator Gaerlan: Would you like numbers before 10% equals? Total is $2,858.99 and ten percent
of value agreed on after cuts was $317.67
49. Senator Mondo: The way I understood it was get the whole value and then pay back ASUCM
back. If it wasn’t stated before, we need to state it and set the precedent. I am not sure what tool
to have that they pay us back. If we just cut 10% then we might as well not call it fundraising?
50. Senator Mondo motions to extend time by 5 minutes
51. Senator Garai seconds
52. No Discussion
53. Extended
54. Senator Brown: I do think it is fair, and I was going off what happened on the other bill. So if I
could I would motion to remove second further be it enacted ad just cut from first, or is that what
you were talking about?
55. Senator Mondo: No, to pay us back the $317 and now this is something that Budget and Finance
will take into consideration.
56. Senator He motions to remove second be it enacted and just cut 10%. He resends his motion
57. Senator Garai calls a Point of Privilege for a 3 minute recess.
58. Senator Brown: That would be the way I wanted it to be worded, though I originally wanted to
cut 10% because it would be easier. The only distinction would be us saying that you need to pay
for everything you said that you would. It seems odd and seems forceful. Plus Ken had concerns
of having to be a collector.
59. Senator Mondo: So this means that when someone comes that we could cut ten percent off?
60. Senator Jones yields to Treasurer Ken
61. Treasurer Ken: I do feel uncomfy saying “by the treasurer’s discretion,” because I do not know
what I could do under the bylaws. We would like the money that you profit plus ten percent.
There is nowhere that describes that.
62. Senator Zisser: We do have some clubs that fundraise so we would cut those who haven’t?
63. Senator Brown: so far since we made investments, future and one-time events, then this 10% is
not being held between every event that comes to us. If this is taken from Carry Forward then it
would be taken from Carry forward. I really don’t think that we should make them pay.
64. Senator Mondo: I guess we have to figure out what would happen with Bobcat band but with this
bill we already cut ten percent but we did that already
65. Senator Jones: I feel if we are “don’t fundraise, we already cut it.” That is something to consider
Senator Garai motions to extend time by 3 minutes
66. Senator Mondo seconds
67. No discussion
68. Extended
69. Senator Mondo: Bobcat Band it is something that we noticed. How will we hold these people
accountable? It is already hard for this club to fundraise, we want to get them things to look
professional and reducing 700 is not fair
70. Senator Prado: I agree that the bill was cut 20 percent. We are being picky and is deducting a lot
they put it there for reference not for you to take away. We only had amount.
71. Senator Mondo: next step should be to remove be it further enacted and edit cuts below to reflect
10%. The first time we cut 397.23 so total 3176.65
72. Senator Mondo: so we cut more than 10% so remove second be it further enacted
73. Senator Brown: In all honesty, it is better
Senator Daniel motions to extend time by 5 minutes
Senator Zisser seconds
No Discussion
Senator Brown continues: I do think that just cutting 10% instead of gridlocking them out of it. It
is the right decision but if you want to cut 10% of this bill, I do not want to take that down
because it sticks with a precedent that was already set.
Senator Zisser to President Brandon: What do you think?
Senator Jaron: All on what the last bill was we cut 10%, we are giving them 2,700 and now they
have to fundraise. But if $3,000 then fundraise have to access 300$. RAM and I had a lot of
meetings over summer but I would like to have things in writing as an investment that they
become a service and for the students and keep true to not charge and for free.
Senator Mondo motions to make an amendment to remove second “Be it enacted”
Senator Wong seconds
Vote to amend and remove 2nd “Be it enacted”
No discussion
All except approve except Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan, and Senator Brown who oppose
10. Senator Wong: wants to state that we remember who our constituents are because they could go to
ICC, and that could be for a club to go to a conference and they can and is not pressing. I
encourage that we should not compare different orgs and we should be neutral.
11. Senator Garai: I did want to add, I am confused how I would add that they would have to be
committed when a service or when the time calls for it.
12. Senator Gaerlan motions to extend time by 5 minutes
13. No Discussion
14. Extended
15. Senator Gaerlan makes a friendly amendment that after a year that they should be a service
16. Senator Garai: They are gradually getting there so by setting a time period they want them to
fundraise and how could it be free we should just note that they will when the time comes up the
time period is not enough for them to be a service. But I like the idea
17. Senator Mondo: you can say that they will commit themselves to working towards being a service
but bills do not extend after fiscal year. But they will find a way.
18. Senator Wong: I don’t see point in that because I do not see who is regulating it in the first place
19. Senator Gaerlan will just make a resolution for everything since they extend past fiscal years
20. Senator Brown: it is legislation, so ends at the end of the year.
21. President Brandon: Bills are not mentioned but they are fiscal allocations, they end at the end of
the year.
22. Senator Wong: I also want to clarify to President Brandon, when we make a service, do we have
to sustain them financially?
23. President Brandon: No, we don’t. But as a service it implies that we would, the language used in
the Bobcat Band bill, they commit to going through, do we want this or not? That language was
fine but it doesn’t commit us explicitly.
24. Senator Gaerlan: because I do not know that future Senates will agree to future service, I would
like to add to commit to being a service
25. Senator Garai: yes
26. Senator Jones: this is becoming dictatorship-ish. I do now know that any of us know how to
become a service
Senator Daniel motions to extend time by 5
27. Senator Jones, Senator Garai, Senator Prado, Senator Teaze, Senator He, Senator Zisser, Senator
Rosenberg, Senator Mondo, Senator Taylor, Senator Gaerlan, Senator Brown approve
28. Senator Escamilla, Senator Daniel and Senator Wong oppose
e. Resolution #06- Kolligian Library Silent Space Policy (Introduced by Senator Justo)
1. Senator Mondo motions to table for a week
2. Senator Garai Seconds
3. Discussion
4. Senator Brown: I do not think we should because it will keep coming to agenda and
should be tabled indefinitely.
1. Senator Mondo: he is not present, so a week is necessary so that he is present and
that motion should be made next week
5. Vote
6. Tabled for a week
f. Bill #24- Funding for Pre-Optometry Club trip to Western University for Preview Day
(Introduced by Senator Jones)
1. Senator Jones motions to approve
2. Senator Garai seconds
3. Committee Reports
Budget and Finance: they are offering to pay for more than 10 percent on their own. Saves us time.
We did suggest to 2 rooms to 3 people to room. Approved.
Academic Affairs: Did not vote.
Student Advocacy: We want to know how much club is benefiting, we didn’t know what gas travel
expenses meant. Then, we really liked that it was equal opportunity. Approved unanimously.
Student Activities: we agreed with Budget and Finance because we do not see that they go with four
people per room to make sure of money. Also, they are staying there for a day so why is hotel
necessary. Good bill.
4. Discussion
Senator Jones: They are going to Pomona for six hours. For travel expenses they are paying for own
registration and gas. Only lodging is asked for.
Senator Wong: rooms?
Senator Jones: we asked the same thing to another club, we did let them have 2 people per room?
Senator Gaerlan: single
Senator Jones: fifteen members, 6 attendees and out of that, 2 are not part of club, and for students
who do not go, some of their meetings will be info sessions to share their experience. One of three
universities to have an optometry school in CA. This club does get their members to be vision
screening so it gives them cutting edge as applicants.
5. Vote
6. Unanimously Approved
g. Resolution #07- Reform for Healthy Drink Choices (Introduced by Senator Zisser)
1. Senator Zisser motions
2. Senator He seconds
3. Committee Reports
1. Budget and Finance: we had concerns, express in resolutions if they have spoken to OSL and other
departments, RCOs are under that department. Though it is non-binding, it does say that a large
amount of students opinion, disapproved
2. Student Activity: 3 for and one against student activities. Resolution is good for health promotion but
controlling because language could affect future senate. How would we manage and what is the
action? Lifestyle is by the individual
3. Student Advocacy: We had a few things to discuss, for any resolution, we decided that there should
be petitions to back up opinion, if you have any signatures bring it to the table. Unhealthy needs to be
define because it alternates from sugar-filled to soda drinks. Also, go to OSL because they have
events with soda and we just had an event with Soda. It is telling them what we can do and what they
want to do. Soda is cheap. How will ASUCM implement this? It passed 3/4ths.
4. Academic affairs: n/a
4. Discussion
Senator Zisser: the resolution says “encourage” and does not tell them what to do. Second, Mondo,
this is the start of the bigger thing. We are not forcing and we are just helping H.E.R.O.E.S.
Senator Mondo: we are saying that entire student population is for this.
Senator Zisser: We are just showing an option and there is a list of cheap healthy drinks
Senator Brown: yes, the first “be it resolved,” so from that wording can we say if they tell us that they
are going to buy soda, they can just say drinks and no matter what they buy, this would be saying that
we can take a stance against soda and we can’t fund the. We would be lying through our teeth. I think
health is an individual thing and should not be a hand down process. Heroes is advocating for health
but are not in the same stance as us when we can deny them for funding
Senator Jones: I feel like you can’t tell them and they have that choice. Someone can bring their own
soda to the event. If we were to pass this, we will have to hound a club who has soda.
Senator Gaerlan: It is targeted toward surgery beverages, everyone has own view and opinion of
surgery drink. I know that we should look at the list and I didn’t so I looked at reference and I would
like to request the PowerPoint because the other link did not give me information.
Senator Mondo: We can say that “We support heroes and health services to provide alternatives…” it
doesn’t bind us.
Senator Garai: I motion to table for a week so he can use the ideas to formulate ideas
Senator Gaerlan seconds
10. Senator Zisser says not to take a vote
Senator Brown: this is close to being finished and only one change needs to happen. The only issue is
the first be it resolved
Senator Gaerlan: Student Advocacy takes a stance so we need petition signatures
Senator Garai: he mentioned that he talked to a handful of people, but just for references a larger
Senator Mondo: I will help you edit and get signatures so that it is less binding and more open
Senator Wong: we need to have a better understanding of a resolution. Because we are different from
Heroes. I do not know the follow up of that so I am not sure why we are tabling this. Even if we do
get 200 students, how are we doing this? How are we working with OSL?
Senator Garai: by tabling we give a week so that you can talk to senators and to understand and gives
room for research
Senator Jones: I think tabling this for a week, let’s not keep talking, let’s bring up our concerns to
him, but during this time we need to understand. Let’s not keep tabling legislation because it hinders
Senator Zisser is there a way to accept?
IVP Flores: just let it happen.
6. Vote
Everyone approves except Senator Brown
7. Tabled
New Business
a. Bill #25- Funding for African Diaspora Club (Introduced by Senator Zisser)
1. Senator Zisser motions to send to all committees
2. Senator Brown seconds
3. No discussion
4. Sent
b. Senate Action: Transferring $18,808.10 from the Carry Forward into the General Fund
1. Senator Brown motions to approve
2. Senator Mondo seconds
3. Discussion
1. Senator Brown: I think that everyone knows what this is about
4. Vote
5. Unanimously approved
c. Bill 26: Funding for college republicans (Senator Wong)
1. Senator Wong motions to send to all committees
2. Senator Brown seconds
3. No discussion
4. Sent
a. Senator Mondo: budget and finance receive a lot of bills and we can’t get to it, we are
swamped and please in the future, send it to us. If it about sugary drinks, we can’t add to
that since it is not money related to reduce clutter
b. Senator Daniel: If there are any senators that will like to collaborate with my RCO, I invite
to help tutor elementary kids.
c. Senator Prado: for SWE we are doing a fundraiser at fusion and hopefully we will have
them on campus on Wednesday
d. IVP Flores: Dhop and TriDelta for a good cause.
e. Senator Zisser: the leadership outreach commissions and open house event so there will be a
table for senate. From 12 to 3:30pm.
f. Senator Daniel: Next week, national hunger and homelessness week. Donate food and
clothes. There is going to be a hunger banquet that is really interesting. It is a great learning
g. Senator Gaerlan: I have two, forewarning I will be submitting two bills next week due to
time constraints and sending to committee as a whole. I do not think I will have birthday
dinner so I am sorry.
h. Senator Jones: LAS and the Salvadorian students are having masquerade ball with a dinner
and a dance and you should support. Tickets are 10 and 15 for both
i. Senator Wong: for student activities we are going back to retreat goals to make it more
transparent, I am thinking in the upcoming week you will choose 12 clubs. We are
organizing to not overlap and extend to all clubs
j. Senator Gaerlan: for next week, unicef tabling outside for Philippine awareness. Most of my
family lives there, it will also hit Vietnam so just letting you know. Pray for them.
a. Senator Mondo motions
b. Senator Prado seconds
c. No discussion
d. Adjourned at 9:47pm