Applying to College Tips and Tools for High School Seniors Registering for the SAT/ACT Paper Registration Forms are available in the Counseling Office. Online Registration SAT: ACT: Cost SAT: $47.00 ACT: $33.00 (no Writing); $48.00 (Writing) ** Register by the regular deadline to avoid paying a late registration fee. Follow the directions carefully!! How should I prepare for the SAT/ACT? Full-length practice tests and testtaking strategy booklets are available in the counseling office. SAT and ACT websites offer practice questions and assessments. Prep books offer tips, strategies and lots of opportunities to practice questions. #1 Tip: Be familiar with the test format! testGEAR Prep Program ELCO students have FREE access to the testGEAR program. Access testGEAR at After students create an account and take a diagnostic test, a program of study will be specifically developed for the student. A handout with detailed instructions on how to access testGEAR is available in the counseling office. College Search Resources Websites (refer to handout) College Catalogs and Viewbooks Books • • College Guides College Board “Book of Majors” College Reps visiting ELCO (check schedule on bulletin board) School Counselor Where should I apply? Factors to consider: Size of the Institution Location/Distance from Home Academics/Commitment to Major Student Body/Diversity Financial Situation/Financial Support Public vs. Private Religious vs. Non-Denominational College Visits • A critical part of the college selection process. • Complete a pink “school visitation” form to have an excused absence from school. (This form must be submitted to the main office prior to your visit.) • Attend Open House programs offered by the colleges but also take an individual tour. • Be prepared… know what you want to ask, find out, explore. The Application Process Complete the application (either online or on paper). Gather any required supplemental info (teacher recommendations, institutional forms, essays, activity statements, etc.). Bring the entire package (everything that needs to be mailed), with the correct postage and a completed transcript request form, to the counseling office. Make a note if your counselor needs to complete a form or enclose a recommendation letter. Typical Parts of an Application Application Form Transcript Essay Letters of Recommendation Activities Summary/Resume Application Fee Application Forms Paper – Traditional method of applying but decreasing in popularity. Online – Apply directly on the college’s website. – Most institutions prefer to receive online applications. – PA’s public universities have established a collaborative agreement (complete info on one school’s website, transfers to other schools’ websites within the PASSHE system). The Common Application • Universal application form accepted by nearly • • • 300 colleges. Complete it once, photocopy, send to multiple schools OR Complete online, send to multiple schools via the Common Application website ( Check the specific requirements of each school to see what additional forms are required. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Requesting a Transcript Virtually every post-secondary school and scholarship for which you apply will require a transcript, which is a record of your final grades, class rank and GPA. Complete an orange “Transcript Request Form” in the counseling office. Parents must sign this form. Also, be sure your dates are accurate. If the counseling office is mailing your transcript, attach 2 stamps for postage. (Transcripts sent to colleges must be mailed directly from the counseling office.) Give your completed “Transcript Request Form” to Mrs. Moyer or your counselor. Writing the Application Essay The purpose of the application essay is to provide the admissions committee with additional insight into who you are as a unique individual and also your writing skills and abilities. The essay should directly address the prompt provided by the school. Be sure to adhere to specific word count guidelines. Sample essays and strategies may be found in the guidance office. The essay should NOT provide a general overview but focus on specifics and what you have learned from your unique experiences. Letters of Recommendation Some college applications and scholarships require students to submit letters of recommendation from teachers and/or their counselor. Give teachers/counselors plenty of time to write a letter of recommendation (at least 2 weeks). Schools generally prefer letters from teachers in an academic subject area and within your intended major area. Provide recommendation writers with information create a resume or complete the form available in the counseling office. Application Cautions Watch deadlines! • Each school establishes its own deadlines. Students are responsible for knowing the deadlines and following the deadlines. • We recommend that students mail applications to colleges in September and October. Complete your applications carefully! • Accurate information. • Clean handwriting if completing a paper application… correct typing if completing online. • If completing a paper application, use the same pen throughout the application. • Check spelling, grammar, etc. (Do a rough draft first!) • Presentation counts! Your application is the first impression you are giving to a college. What Colleges Look for in an Applicant… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Grades in academic courses SAT or ACT scores Grades in all courses Class rank Essay or writing sample Teacher recommendations Counselor recommendation Interview Work/Extracurricular Activities Student’s demonstrated interest The Community College Option Offer diverse programs that lead to a certificate or associate’s degree OR complete the first two years of a four-year education and then transfer to a four-year college. Typically costs less than a four-year college. If you plan to transfer to a four-year college, meet with an academic advisor to discuss how credits transfer to different institutions. May be the solution for students who are not quite ready for a four-year college for academic and/or personal reasons. Considering HACC? Francis J. Dixon Foundation Scholarship $1,000 scholarship for students who enroll full-time at HACC immediately following their high school graduation - students must have graduated from a Lebanon County high school and submit an application by the deadline date (usually April) Contains information about the five campuses, various courses of study, and the admissions process. NCAA Clearinghouse All prospective student-athletes planning to compete on the Division I or II level must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. Students must go to and complete the “Student Release Form” (cost to register is $60). Students must meet minimum academic eligibility standards (CP/Honors courses, GPA, SAT/ACT scores). SAT and ACT scores must be sent directly to the NCAA Clearinghouse (code 9999). They will not accept scores from a transcript. Print out authorization form - bring to guidance office - we will then mail your transcript to the NCAA Clearinghouse. Resources for Athletes… The National Directory of College Athletics contains contact information for all athletic programs in the country. An information packet for students planning to compete in collegiate athletics is available in the guidance office. Inform your coach of your interest… he or she will be a source of advice and may assist you in the process of contacting college coaches. Financial Aid The official process of applying for financial aid essentially begins after January 1. At that time, students and parents are able to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), which determines a student’s eligibility for financial aid. The FAFSA should be completed online at A worksheet to help you complete the “FAFSA on the Web” will be available in the guidance office in December. The FAFSA is required to be completed in order to be considered for any type of financial aid (including student loans and federal work-study). In addition - Check to see if the schools to which you are applying require the PROFILE… if they do, this form will be available online on October 1, 2010. The FAFSA4caster is a great resource to give you an early estimate of your eligibility for federal student aid. Students who complete the FAFSA4caster will have all of their data directly transferred to the FAFSA on the Web, making the application process faster in January. This website is also a great introduction to the financial aid process for both students and parents. A PIN allows students and parents to electronically sign their FAFSA on the Web. The PIN can be used each year to apply for federal student aid and to access your federal student aid records online (in other words… do not lose your PIN!). Both the student and a parent should request a PIN. This may be completed NOW! Do not wait until January! Scholarships Scholarship announcements are posted on the bulletin board in the guidance office. Other scholarships are available, but you have to be proactive and look for them (websites, publications, parents’ employers, community organizations, etc.). Applying for scholarships does take time - you have to put in the effort in order to get the rewards! Helpful local websites: Mark your calendar… December 8th - Financial Aid Night at ELCO Representatives from lending institutions and a college financial aid office and will be here to discuss the financial aid application process and options available to finance the cost of higher education. Do you want to be “in the know?” Visit our Wiki and access updates throughout the year on college reps visiting ELCO, scholarships, financial aid, and more! Click on the Wiki icon next to Ms. Haas on the ELCO High School home page. A Final Word… Planning for after graduation is YOUR responsibility. We are here to help you and support you, but YOU need to come to us when you need our assistance. YOU are responsible for ensuring that deadlines are met and all the documents are filed. This is YOUR future - be proactive and true to yourself.