Environment and the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial
Revolution in Britain;
history and workers
What, why and how
What was the industrial
Unprecedented change from an
organic economy with accompanying
growth limits to an inorganic one
Organic economy has limitations i.e.
land used for agriculture cannot be
used to provide housing, a craftsman’s
output is limited
Inorganic economy does not have
these limitations i.e. manufacturing,
use of coal
Slow and cumulative in Britain; faster
in countries that followed Britain
Why did it first occur in
Large free-trade area from 1707
 Deforestation but resource environment
with abundant and easily accessible coal
led to change
 Politically freer (laissez-faire), rich
intellectual climate and less bureaucracy:
enabled group of inventors and
entrepreneurs to thrive outside the
establishment: Newcomen, Watt, Boulton
 Fortuitous geography: close to sea, lots of
rivers, largish population relative to size
Why did it first occur in
Necessity of providing for growing
population (no longer a Malthusian
check to growth)
 London major financial centre
 Cotton industry first outlet for
 Trade and dominance of British navy
 Scientific advances starting with
Francis Bacon
Newcomen‘s steam engine
Steam engine first developed for mining
industry 1712. Improved by James Watt
in 1776 who was able to apply it to a
variety of applications such as grinding,
milling and weaving
Textile innovations
Textile innovations demonstrate cumulative
nature of first part of the industrial
 flying shuttle 1733 was manual
 spinning Jenny 1764 mechanized but helped
home-based industries
 water frame 1768 that started the move to
factory-based production
 mule (steam powered) 1780’s
 power loom 1780’s but mechanized on a
large scale in 1815
Flying shuttle and power
Further developments
Development of transport infrastructure to
serve industries. Poor communications had
kept Britain divided into self-contained
Canals were first: one horse could draw 80
times as much weight by pulling a barge
Roads: private, turnpike roads were first
Rail – indicative of second, faster phase of the
industrial revolution and the most
transformative. Established quickly 1830-50
The second phase – capitalism
Dominated by development of capital goods
industries: coal, iron, steel
Limited liability 1855-56 led to rise in larger
companies and greater risk tolerance
Production for overseas markets needed greater
Simple ideas could no longer produce outstanding
Division of labour: Smith’s pin, and button
Factory work became the norm
Urbanization and creation of the “working class”
“In such an age, the inequalities of life are apt
to look less like calamities from the hand of
heaven and more like injustices from the hand
of man”. Hammond and Hammond.
19th century brought permanent change to the
entire population, not simply the working
Growing middle and artisan class in new
industries: journalism, engineering
Apogee Great Exhibition of 1851
Beginnings of social reform
Start of municipal infrastructure, legislation
The working person and the
industrial revolution
Life before the industrial revolution had not
changed exponentially for centuries; change
occurred but was not transformative
 People produced sufficient for their own
needs, with consumer goods made by local
craftsmen. Way of life!
 As the industrial revolution happened first in
Britain the shift from an agrarian to an
industrial society was without precedent and
was largely unlegislated
 Move from cottage industries/agriculture
partly due to enclosures of land
Post 1789 upper class fear of Jacobinism and
Radicalism – held back reform?
Lack of a social safety net: poor relief
responsibility of parishes
Poor Law 1834 exacerbated problem
Loss of outdoor relief led to workhouses
Loss of independence and community
Depersonalization of the employment process –
profit became sole basis of working relationship
Lack of advancement opportunities for many
factory workers or miners
The textile industry
First inventions helped cottage industries
but power loom destroyed home-based
Women and children could no longer
remain at home – forced into factories
The Luddites; weavers whose wages were
being reduced due to mechanization
Weavers eventually starved out of their
First employment legislation applied to
cotton mills
What brought about change?
Need for educated workforce with industrialization
Smithian law became inadequate in the Victorian
Previous repressive laws no longer sustainable –
trade unions became legal 1830’s but still periodic
Earl of Shaftesbury; Owen; Place; Peel – awakening
of social conscience
Rise in popular press, literacy, visibility of working
Dickens; Eliot; Disraeli; Wordsworth; Coleridge;
Godwin and Wollstonecraft
Peterloo Massacre 1819 when public opinion
gradually began to turn
Second generation of industrialized workers
Alienation between the classes: no common
interest and it became clear there was to be
no alliance with employers
Workers started to educate themselves –
corresponding societies, friendly societies,
trades unions, cooperative movement
Reforms eventually carried out as concessions
to pressure
How Britain fell
behind/what’s next?
Easier for other countries to catch up once
move made to capital goods industries and
sources of growth became technological
Education in Britain liberal arts rather than
science and engineering-based?
Victorian complacency
Rise of the US
Has the industrial revolution ever stopped?
Trends we see today
Move away from union representation; dilution
of employment rights
Lowering of wages and race to the bottom for
Maximization of profit at all costs
Government subsidizing low wages in some
economies (UK)
Child labour in developing world
Technological innovations resulting in job losses
Political and social power in the hands of a
smaller number of individuals: oligarchy vs
Social Responsibility
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
No Corporate Social Responsibility
A firm focuses on one thing and one thing only its profit
This creates pressure to reduce costs by cutting
costs internally
The owners, managers and labour make their
own personal charity decisions.
 Is
this is more or less democratic than forcing the
firm to give?
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
The Firm without Corporate Social Responsibility
The Law & Governmental
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
The Firm
The Nation,
Corporate Social Responsibility
A firm giving to charity reduces its ability to
reinvest, and its profit
This creates pressure to reduce costs by cutting
costs internally – this essentially represents a
tax on labour
Do the owners and / or the manager of the firm
make the charity decisions?
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
The Firm with Corporate Social Responsibility
The Law & Governmental
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
The Firm
The Nation,
The Protestant Ethic
Stuff = Money
Money = Labour
Labour ≠ Free Time
Stuff ≠ Free Time
Free Time ≠ Stuff
Where does charity fit into this equation?
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
Self-Interest and Selfishness
“Fellow Feeling“ is crucial = sympathy
Bi-directional and inter-dependent sense of wellbeing
Self-interest = When you feel good, I feel good
The butcher takes care of his own self-interest,
but because he is not selfish he takes care of his
Not all human actions are selfishly motivated;
but he understands that:
Altruistic actions are driven by a deep desire within
the self; and not by reason alone
This applies to all individuals
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
Relationship Between the
Individual and the Entity
Is business as an entity of men really different
to the church, academia, military?
What is the purpose the Church & Academia
"Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production;
and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to,
only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the
consumer.” Smith: The Wealth of Nations (Page 286)
To fund environmental studies? Homeless shelters?
What about negative eudæmonia
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
Relationship Between the
Individual and the Entity
 Structure
of laws and administration limit
all human endeavours:
 Lag
between innovation and legislation
 Conversely
creates a stable environment in
which it can grow due to predictability of
some facets – The Navigation Acts were in
place for 200 years.
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
On Defense
Defense of the nation state is not just military in nature
More to do with “public interest”
Spending on the military nationally was good locally; and
business spending on infrastructure was good for military and
for business
Of course, it is too bad that periodically the military has to be
Defense is dependent upon local capital
Surely, the more local the capital the better for a
Boundary between public good and individual good
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
On the Nation
Local government and County
government was about to be radically
restructured; but largely ineffective
Closed communities all dependent upon
a single business for profit
 The
Wentworth Estate
What is good for the nation is good for
the community and vice versa
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
Social Responsibility
- An Alternative -
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
Smith gone wrong ……!
Since the late 1970s the American middle
and working classes have fallen further
and further behind economically because
policy changes in government favor the
rich and super-rich
Given little to no growth, skimming off
some of the proceeds of growth to
service the disadvantaged no longer
1% vs 99%
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
The Individual Richest
All together the 400 wealthiest
Americans are worth $2.29 trillion - up
$270 billion from a year ago:
 Same
as the gross domestic product of
Brazil, a country of 200 million people.
The average net worth of list members
is $5.7 billion, $700 million more than
last year and a record high.
Forbes 400 (2014)
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
…and there are the business hypocrites
(and we can’t get enough of them …..)
Yoko Ono Net Worth - $500 million. Tweeted: "I love #OccupyWallStreet. As John said, "One hero
cannot do it. Each one of us have to be heroes." And you are. Thank you. love, yoko."
Russell Simmons Net Worth - $325 million The founder of a high fee credit card company called
UniRush Financial Services visited the protests with Kanye West
George Clooney Net Worth - $160 million Says he also supports the movement against corporate
greed, but admits he needs to educate himself more about the specifics.
Samuel L. Jackson Net Worth - $160 million While on “The View,” the 62-year-old Pulp Fiction
star said: “I’m really glad when I look at those kids on Wall Street and I think, ‘Finally, someone
got up and did something’. We used to be on the streets in the ’60s.”
Sean Penn Net Worth - $150 million Speaking on “Piers Morgan Tonight,” he says, "It resonates a
great deal and in many ways. I applaud the spirit of what's happening now on Wall Street. I hope
that increased organisation can come to it.
Jane Fonda - $120 million
Roseanne Barr Net Worth - $80 million Tweeted: "The working class of this country were
destroyed by wall street as the middle class was encouraged 2 jeer at them & call them lazy"
Deepak Chopra Net Worth - $80 million
Kanye West Net Worth - $70 million Arrived to the protests in $1,000 jeans and a $300,000 car.
Alec Baldwin Net Worth - $65 million Also the spokesperson for Capital One credit card
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
A Possible Solution:
 Don’t
wait until the $$ have been earned
and then distribute.
 Distribute
the earnings beforehand they
land on a pay cheque.
 Focus
on the voiceless middle classes.
 Engineer
markets to create fairer
outcomes from the beginning.
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
How to reinvigorate the
Jacob Stewart Hacker: Director of the Institution
for Social and Policy Studies and Stanley B. Resor
Professor of Political Science at Yale University
Written works on social policy, health care reform,
and economic insecurity in the United States
Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the
Richer Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
The Precursor to
 James
Meade: Nobel prize-winning
economist, in his 1964 book Efficiency,
Equality and the Ownership of Property
 older
and more radical approach to
 called
a "property-owning democracy"
 Looks
to fundamentally to change individuals'
economic power within markets
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
 Focus
on the economic
engine of the middle class
 Fix the macro economy
 Provide quality public
 Empower the workforce
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
 Acknowledges
 The
state cannot do everything
 Vital
place for active governance in
the 21st century economy
 More
than just softening the sharp
edges of capitalism by creating a
positive role for the state (contrary
to Hayek’s thinking)
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
More on education and training to foster greater selfrespect and economic agency
Greater capital stake gives people the kind of
independence that comes with being less in thrall to the
vagaries of the labour market
Encourages those with a more secure economic position
(since they are freer) to refuse demeaning or badly paid
this in turn bids-up wages and reduces inequality
Martin Addison - LS812 - 30 March 2015
Environment and
the Industrial
how business, science, and religion led to the
degradation of the planet
Pre-Industrial Revolution
I – Attitudes
II – Timber and Coal
III – Science
IV – Agricultural Revolution
V – Changes in European Culture
Industrial Revolution
I – Canals
II – Industry/Air Quality
III – Case Study – Alkali Acts 1863
Post-Industrial Revolution
I – Sewage and Waste Disposal
Changing Image of Nature
Nurturing Mother Earth
(culture restricted
destructive human
interaction with the
Mastery and Domination
(culture allowed for the
destruction of nature)
Mazatlan Wetlands - Mexico
Deforestation in
Highland Valley Copper – Logan
Lake, BC
Domination or Stewardship?
Sacrifices to Greek gods to gain
Sacrifices or offerings were often
given to ensure that the weather was
in favour of the people
Poseidon for safe water passage
Demeter for the harvest
Hades for wealth (precious metals come
from within the earth)
Domination or Stewardship?
Genesis 1:26-28 New International Version (NIV)
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our
likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the
birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild
animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the
ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the
image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in
number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the
sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that
moves on the ground.”
Genesis 9:1-5 New International Version (NIV)
Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful
and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of
you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in
the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all
the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything
that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you
the green plants, I now give you everything.
Pre-Industrial Revolution
Britain – subsistence agriculture
Early modern period = soil fertility
maintained through
crop and animal rotation
Woodlands are the source of fuel for
the community
Each family farmed their own lot,
but natural resources were shared
Medieval landlords did not strive to
maximize their gains
Pre-Industrial Revolution
1100/1200s – problem with the ownership of woodlots
Landowners want to sell the wood to the companies
building the ships
Mature oak of 80-120 years was necessary for the hulls,
and firs were used for the masts
Industries also reliant on timber
Iron/Copper refineries
Docks, bridges, barges, locks (canals)
Brewing industry
By the 1200s, there is a shortage of timber for fuel and
coal is used instead.
Coal as fuel
In Elizabethan times, the use of coal had created a major
pollution problem – travelers when visiting the capital
would have the smog greet them as their first visual
The coal burned in the early modern period contained
twice as much Sulphur as coal used today
By the 18th century, statues of Stuart kings were
covered in soot
The production of English coal rose
1560 - 210,000 tons
1690 - 2,982,000 tons
Royal Edicts
“It was said that Queen Elizabeth was “so grieved
and annoyed with the taste of the smoke of sea
coals” that in 1578 she asked the brewers of
London and other industries not to use any coal in
their operations, but to rely only on wood.”
This was not likely to happen
because wood was very
Francis Bacon – formulated empirical
methodologies (the scientific method)
Moves away from theological and
metaphysical thinking (religion)
By examining natural causes one could
overcome the harsh inconveniences of
nature (and politics)
The world could now be controlled instead of
Echoes the principles of domination
Agriculture Revolution
Uncultivated land was seen as “uncivilized”
‘wild and vacant lands encumbered with bushes [and] briars were
like a defamed chaos’
Some saw the decision to have Otmoor (a wetland) unenclosed as
“scandal to national policy”
Improvements to agriculture was designed to improve the
farmer’s status
This prompted a shift to “scientific agriculture focused
on land management and increased yields.” – CM 56
More food = more profit
More food = less people needed on farms = more people available
for factory work
Changing Landscape
With improved farming
technology that created
higher yields, people
began to look for new
areas that could be
Wetlands were drained in
an effort to create more
Affected the poor, and
nature (birds and fish
were a source of food)
Dry land
used for
food stock
can be
Changes in Culture
“changes arising within human culture
affected and were affected by the natural
environment” - CM 43
“rise and fall in population”
“conflict between landlord and peasant
over control of natural resources” change from subsistence to profit model
“technological innovation”
“spread of capitalist market”
Industrial Revolution - Canals
The first “true” canal was built in the UK – 1741
“The rendering of these rivers applicable to the purposes of
commerce forms one of the most important features in the history of
our inland navigation.” – Joseph Priestly, 1831
In a petition from 1698, it was stated that if the “Rivers Ayre and
Calder [were] made navigable…[it would lead to the] preservation of
the highways, and a great improvement of trade…sometimes roads
are unpassable”
“much damage happens through the badness of the roads by the
overturning of the carriages”
Industrial Revolution
“Thirty of forty factories rise on the tops of hills I
have just describes. Their six stories tower up; their
huge enclosures give notice from afar of the
centralisation of industry…the soil has been taken
away, scratched and torn up in a thousand
places…heaps of dung, rubble from buildings,
putrid, stagnant pools are found here and there
among the houses and over the bumpy, pitted
surfaces of the public places…a sort of black smoke
cover the city. The sun seen though it is a disc
without rays. – Alex de Tocqueville 1835
Industrial Revolution Disease
“That such disease, wherever its attacks are frequent, is always found in
connexion with the physical circumstances above specified [damp, filth,
overcrowding], and that where those circumstances are removed by
drainage, proper cleansing, better ventilation, and other means of
diminishing atmospheric impurity, the frequency and intensity of such
disease is abated; and where the removal of the noxious agencies
appears to be complete, such disease almost entirely disappears.”
“habits of cleanliness [are] obstructed by defective supplies of water”
“the annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation is greater than the
loss from death and wounds in any wars in which the country has been
engaged in modern times”
– Edward Chadwick, Parliamentary Papers, 1842
The Economist 1849 – on Cholera
Argument – that sanitary measures are
not necessary because the disease is
spread from person to person – not due
to poor sanitary conditions
“After inflicting much suffering –
particularly on the lower classes - the
cholera seems to have entirely departed.
All the nuisances of unflushed sewers ,
interamural burials, coffins bursting and
pouring forth poisonous exhalations are
“it would be most unphilosophical to
ascribe cholera to them, and to proceed
to create new institutions, or create new
laws, to get rid of them”
Industrial Revolution - Air
“ The sturdy Hawthorne makes an attempt to look
gay every spring; but its leaves…dry up like tea
leaves and soon drop off. The farmer may sow if
he pleases, but he will only reap a crop of
straw…the human animals suffer from smarting
eyes, disagreeable sensations in the throat, and
irritating cough, and difficulty of breathing.”
Chemical News, 1862
The cause of this: hydrochloric acid, particularly from
alkali trades
Alkali Acts – 1863-1884
Consumed 1,834,000 tons of raw materials
Employed 19,000 men
Earnings: ~871,000 £ (45.84 per person)
Produced finished good worth 2.5 million £
Contributed to secondary trades
But, in manufacturing, clouds of HCl gas were
released into the atmosphere, and rained down as
acid rain
Attempts to fix the problem were made
 Make
the chimneys higher = no good
 Smoke
was just spread over a larger area instead
(they thought it would be diffused in the air, thus
having a less potent effect)
The landed gentry were the most upset –
especially if they were downwind from the
Attempts to mitigate the effects were not
made because there was no incentive to do
so (difficult to lay blame, no $$ incentive)
1863 – Lord Stanley of Alderly brought in a
private bill
 “all
alkali works be subjected to a fixed standard
of ninety-five per cent condensation; setting
penalties of fifty and a hundred pounds for first
and subsequent offences, and authorizing the
Board to Trade to appoint an inspector with the
sole powers of prosecution and appeal.”
 Manufacturers
were not pleased with this
they insisted the problem had only recently had a
scientific solution.
 Complained
that if earlier stages had been subject to
inspection, they never would have arrived at this
‘present position’
After the Act is passed:
Acid was reduced from 13,000 tons to 43 tons per year
Enthusiasm for inspection increased once it was discovered that
HCl acid (a waste product) could be turned into hypochloride and
into commercial bleach (no more urine!)
Only HCl gas could be reported on – not the other noxious
1875 – Queen Victoria complains about the smells
1876 – A royal commission was established
“to inquire into the working and management of works and
manufactories from which sulphurous acid, sulphuretted hydrogen,
and ammoniacal and other vapours and gasses are given off, to
ascertain the effect produced thereby on animals and vegetable life,
and to report on the means to be adopted for the prevention of injury
Result = inspection is extended beyond Alkali plants
Post-Industrial Revolution
1948, the Tyne, Tees and Wear Rivers were in
some parts “little more than open
sewers…the crude sewage of several towns
goes untreated into the river” – Kempster
1940s “Darlington, in the 1940s still poured 3
million gallons of sewage a day, in addition to
it receiving the effluent from coke ovens
higher up and chemical works lower down”
Victoria – currently only does primary screening for
sewage treatment
There is a misnomer that the effluent will be diluted, and
therefore okay – however that does not remove what is IN
the sewage
Been dumping since 1894
Scientific data used for
supporters and opponents
to treating waste
From 1908-1958, municipal garbage was dumped into the
BC Ferries dumped waste into the ocean for another 25
years, ending the practice in the 1980s
Pascal’s Wager – with the Environment
GCC is
GCC is
“Yes” we
take action
Cost $
“No” we don’t
take action
In the end…
We shouldn’t resort to NIMBYism, or claim
ignorance when considering the
We all have choices to make – what will
yours be.