LORD TRANSFORM ME New Approach to Evangelism in Jamaica Union ACTS 1:8 NKJV • But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Evangelism: Primary Function of the Church • The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, (2015, p. 129) says, “The Gospel commission of Jesus tells us that making disciples, which includes baptizing and teaching, is the primary function of the church (Matthew 28:20). It is, therefore the primary function of the board, which serves as the chief committee of the church.” Evangelism: Primary Function of the Church • Six of the nine functions of the church board relates directly to evangelism (Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, 2015, pp. 131-132). Evangelism: Primary Function of the Church • “The board should permit no other business to interfere with planning for evangelism. Should other business be too time consuming, the church should appoint committees to care for specific areas of church business, such as finance or church building projects” (p. 132). Evangelism: Primary Function of the Church • In Testimonies Volume 9, pages 19 and 20 Ellen White writes: In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To them has been committed the last warning for a perishing world. On them is shinning wonderful light from the Word of God. They have been given a Work of the most solemn import – the proclamation of the first, second and third angels’ messages. There is no other work of so great importance. They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention.” Lord Transform Me/JAMU 6 The SDA Church has the Answers to society’s ills • George Knight writes: • “One of the greatest strengths of Adventism is the lifestyle and doctrinal commitments that set it apart as a unique movement. It stands for something biblical, something true, something worth living for. That is part of the attraction of the Adventist message for people who are looking for the answer to life’s most perplexing problems” (Knight, Lest we Forget, p. 366). Joseph G. Smith 7 QUESTION TO CONSIDER • What is the new Strategy to Achieve a Transformed individual and Church? Lord Transform Me/JAMU 8 QUESTION TO CONSIDER What does a Transformed Church look like? What does it sound like? Lord Transform Me/JAMU 9 THE STRATEGY THEME & LOGO Lord Transform Me/JAMU 10 Implications of LORD TRANSFORM ME God has to first work on us before He can effectively work through us. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 11 Implications of LORD TRANSFORM ME Lord Transform me calls for total membership involvement (TMI) Lord Transform Me/JAMU 12 Implications of LORD TRANSFORM ME ‘Lord Transform Me’ based on Romans 12:1 & 2, is also a prayer; it is expected to result in genuine conversion and greater levels of spirituality in the churches. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 13 Implications of LORD TRANSFORM ME ‘Lord Transform Me’ is expected to result in transformed Seventh-day Adventist Christians who then become agents of transformation and positively impact their community. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 14 The strategy requires a coordinated approach to MINISTRY & MISSION • Lord Transform me “calls for the collaboration of all ministries, departments and institutions, working harmoniously to fulfill the heart of our mission. We desire to see faithfulness to the tenets of our beliefs as a church on the part of every member” – Dr. Balvin B. Braham Chair, Growth and Consolidation Strategic Planning, IAD. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 15 Strategic Imperatives • Lord Transform Me is a deliberate attempt to strengthen the spiritual life of the members and engage all members in Christian service, thereby fulfilling the mission of the organization in winning souls for Christ, as well as coordinating the various ministries and departments to influence the faithfulness of all members. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 16 Departments & Ministries • All departments and ministries of the Church will be working collaboratively to engage all members in ministry and mission. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 17 Assistant to the President for Evangelism • 1. Equip Adventist Pastors and Elders with appropriate skills and competencies to organize their members to effectively connect and share with others, build strong social relationships, increase the membership of their congregations annually, and consolidate all members through appropriate methods, as well as eliminate or significantly reduce the high percentage of inactive membership of the church, so that everyone becomes active and faithful disciples of Christ – Total Membership Involvement (TMI). Lord Transform Me/JAMU 18 Ministerial Association • 2. Nurture Pastors and Elders to grow spiritually, faithfully attend to the needs of their families, and each member of their congregation, build strong collegiality among themselves and provide training and motivation that enable them to remain committed leaders of the Church. • Equip them to train their members to remain loyal to the doctrinal beliefs of the Church. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 19 Sabbath School • 3. Nurture and retain all members of the faith through intentionally organized Bible study programmes, especially those made available through the Sabbath School Ministries and other needs based Bible study initiatives. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 20 Stewardship • 4. Affirm and Cultivate where necessary, the spirit of faithfulness in each member, to consider returning tithe and offering faithfully as an integral part of their transformed life in Christ that must be lived. • Strongly encourage all, and affirm members who utilize their talents and spiritual gifts to connect and share with others. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 21 Personal Ministries • 5. Every member of the church must live a transformed life in Christ and be an instrument for the saving of souls. They must be equipped to determine social and spiritual needs both within and outside the Church and be trained to connect and share with others. Their skills and competencies in lay preaching, lay bible work, bible instruction and lay witnessing should influence others to Christ and disciple them not only to remain within the faith but also to share their faith with others as well. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 22 Education • 6. Educate and encourage students in Adventist educational institutions to know and understand the doctrinal beliefs of the church, accept Christ as their Savior and participate in leading others to the faith and to support them in maintaining their faith. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 23 Public Campus Ministries • 7. Guide Adventist students and professionals who are studying and or working at non-Adventist Colleges and Universities to know and understand the doctrinal beliefs of the church, accept Christ as their Savior and participate in leading others to the faith and to support them in maintaining their faith. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 24 Youth Ministries • 8. Nurture the youth of the Church to develop a personal relationship with the Lord, wisely and biblically evaluate current trends, embrace wholesome social relationships within the Church, train them to connect with Non-Seventh-day Adventists and influence them to develop and maintain relationships with the Lord and membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 25 Family Ministries • 9. Assist members in developing strong spirituality within their biological and church families, train them to reach other Non-Adventist families with the gospel of Christ, provide inspirational messages to encourage both Adventist and Non-Adventist families to live and share their faith in Christ and to maintain strong family cohesion. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 26 Spirit of Prophecy • 10. Devise means to educate the members of the Church to appreciate and embrace the ministry of Ellen White in the SDA Church and to study her writings and make personal applications as well as to connect and share with others important messages from her writings that will nurture and build faith in Christ, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the mission of the Church. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 27 Communication • 11. Develop and nurture interest of members of the Church to utilize all available media; print, digital and all other forms of mobile devices to share the gospel. Direct them on how to access available content information to share their faith and influence others to Christ. Provide them the appropriate training to explore, learn, connect and share. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 28 Church Planting • 12. Equip members to establish Adventist presence in un-entered territories within the Union/Conference is a priority for evangelizing people in unreached territories, primarily in the cities. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 29 Women Ministries • 13. Organize and nurture the women of the Church to grow their relationship with the Lord, develop strong social relationships with others both within and outside the Church through effective connect and share initiatives, and train them to reap and disciple other women through intentional initiatives. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 30 Children Ministries • 14. Organize and nurture the children of the Church to grow their relationship with the Lord, develop strong social relationships with others both within and outside the Church through effective connect and share initiatives, and train them to reap and disciple others through intentional initiatives. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 31 Health Ministries • 15. Impaired physical and mental health is a great issue both within and outside the Church. Help members to develop trust and confidence in the Lord, determine what are their state of social, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing and address deficiencies, while helping others along similar lines, thereby assisting them to become God’s channel in finding the path to health and happiness in Christ. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 32 Publishing Ministry • 16. Distribute Adventist beliefs, lifestyle and practices through the printed pages has been a primary missiological approach of the Church since 1848. It has contributed to the exponential growth of Adventism around the world. To motivate Colporteurs to develop and live a transformed life in Christ, organize them to fulfill special connect and share initiatives and train them for effective participation in such initiatives, will continue and increase the membership growth of the Church and pass on the legacy of the church to succeeding generations. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 33 Adventist Disaster & Relief Agency (ADRA) • 17 Organized and trained groups of volunteers within the church to connect and share with governments and NGOs to address felt needs and also to share their faith. By addressing developmental and social needs, these volunteer Adventists must point the beneficiaries to Christ. There must be such initiatives in place that the members are trained to deliver in order to guide both beneficiaries and donors to a saving relationship with Christ. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 34 Religious Liberty • 18. Very often it appears that some civic, community and business leaders are quarantined and cannot be reached by those who carry the gospel. While it is true that many of the members may not be effective in reaching them through issues of proximity and social visibility, there are those within the church who, by virtue of their visibility are able to reach them. There should be initiatives of the church to recruit and train volunteers to connect and share with civic, community and business leaders on both social and spiritual levels. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 35 Health Institutions • 19. Impaired physical and mental health is a great issue both within and outside the Church. Effective Adventist health care institutions help all of their employees and volunteers to develop a strong relationship with the Lord, connect with their patients socially, emotionally and spiritually and share compassion with them. They also address deficiencies and help them to find the path to health and happiness in Christ. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 36 Education Institutions • 20. Intentionally plan programmes to build faith as well as lead non-members into a saving relationship with Christ, while challenging and preparing committed workers who will passionately advance the mission of the Church. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 37 LORD TRANSFORM ME [LTM] • LORD TRANSFORM ME is an intentional effort on the part of the SDA Church in the Inter-American Division to live Christlike lives, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in harmony with Romans 12:2... Through a renewal of the mind, they experience reformation in the way they live, interact and serve; resulting in the influencing of others through deliberate means to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord and become His disciples. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 38 FIVE PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS OF “LORD TRANSFORM ME” • 1. • • • • TRANSFORM AND LIVE 2. EXPLORE AND LEARN 3. CONNECT AND SHARE 4. PROCLAIM AND REAP 5. CONSERVE AND DISCIPLE Each of the five components carries its own strategic objectives and requires an elder/leader to give leadership to it and a committee to give overall supervision. A reporting structure and incentive plan are also in place from the local church to the GC Lord Transform Me/JAMU 39 TRANSFORM AND LIVE • This involves all spiritual initiatives (Bible study, Sabbath School Lesson, Prayer & Fasting, etc.) to aid each member to become transformed by the Spirit of the Lord to live Christ-like lives, shadowing the righteousness of Christ, exemplifying faithfulness to the Lord and His cause and participating faithfully in the mission of Christ. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 40 EXPLORE AND LEARN • This includes all the educational approaches for building relational skills and to address specific opportunities for effective connecting, reaping and consolidation of members. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 41 CONNECT AND SHARE • This is the deliberate, contextualized initiatives undertaken to initiate contact with others on a social level that leads to friendly relations, study of the Word of God and interest in the Seventh-day Adventist message. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 42 PROCLAIM AND REAP • This includes all the evangelistic activities, both personal, and public (tent, church, small group, cottage, one-to-one, etc.) that motivate individuals to find security in Christ and make decisions to accept Him as their Savior and become members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 43 CONSERVE AND DISCIPLE • This includes the social and spiritual activities deliberately administered to disciple new members into the advent faith by providing them affirmation, love, assurance and support. Also by equipping them to effectively share their faith with others thus influencing them to accept Christ as their Savior. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 44 TRAINING FOR IMPLEMENTATION • Provision is made for those who will be executing the programme to be trained. • Members will be asked to do a Spiritual Gifts Inventory and there after they will be trained in their areas of giftedness so that they will be equipped to used their talents and abilities in ministry and mission. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 45 Annual Proclaim and Reap Campaigns (April 16, 2016) • There will be an annual Proclaim and Reap campaign at the local Church/Pastoral district, local field, Union and Division levels each year. The Proclaim and Reap campaign shall cover relevant topics that will enable pastors/evangelists to connect with their congregants through preaching, connect the people to Christ, present testing truths, address the social and spiritual needs of congregants, present hope and reap decisions for baptisms. These Proclaim and Reap campaigns shall be for duration of not less than two weeks. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 46 Lord Transform Me Initiative • The implementation of the Lord Transform Me initiative, with its five components is expected to result in an annual increase of eight percent (8%) in baptisms, a conservation of eighty percent (80%) of membership and an active involvement of eighty percent (80%) of church members in the ministries and services of the Church. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 47 Appreciation/Recognition • Member Recognition Banquet/Formal Dinner • Each District Pastor is expected to plan a special appreciation and recognition programme for those members who have fulfilled their commitment in the LTM Mission Initiatives. This may be an annual banquet, a formal dinner or some other appropriate activity. At that occasion, the local Conference should send a representative who will express appreciation to the members on behalf of the Inter-American Division, the Union and the local field administration. Both the Union and the local field will contribute financially to the programme. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 48 SPECIAL DATES TO NOTE • • • • • • • January 9 – Lord Transform Me Prayer Emphasis February 1 – 29 – Lord Transform Me Emphasis month April 2 – Lord Transform Me initiative launch in every church April 16 – Proclaim & Reap Baptism Union-wide June 1 – December 31 – Righteousness of Christ special Study December 1 – 31 – Lord Transform Me Members’ Appreciation month December 3, 2016 – Lord Transform Me Members’ Mobilization Sabbath in all churches Lord Transform Me/JAMU 49 WHAT DOES A TRANSFORMED CHURCH LOOK LIKE? SOUND LIKE? 1. Rich, inspiring worship services 2. Praying church 3. Actively sharing the gospel 4. Busy serving community 5. Loving, sharing, caring, empathetic 6. People immersed in the Word 7. Converted people 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Great singing, joyful United people – upper room experience Boldness in confronting evil Miracles being wrought – Fraser Less crime and violence in society More baptisms – “Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” 15. Increased tithe and Offering 16. A more gentle and caring society 17. People ready for Christ’s return 8. Great preaching Lord Transform Me/JAMU 50 QUOTATIONS • Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary – Christian Service, p. 9 • God expects personal service from everyone to whom He has entrusted a knowledge of the truth for this time” – Testimonies volume 9, p. 30. • To save souls it to be the life-work of everyone who professes Christ – Testimonies volume 4, p. 53. Lord Transform Me/JAMU 51 QUOTATIONS • Not upon the ordained minister only rests the responsibility of going forth to fulfill this commission. Everyone who has received Christ is assigned to work for the salvation of his fellowmen – Acts of the Apostles, p. 110 • The conversion of souls to God is the greatest work, the highest work in which human beings can have a part – Evangelism, p. 292 • “Time is short, and our forces must be organized to do a larger work.” Christian Service, p. 72 Lord Transform Me/JAMU 52 Reference • (Adapted from) INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION GROWTH AND CONSOLIDATION STRATEGIC PLAN 2015-2020 Lord Transform Me/JAMU 53