
2013 H&R Block At Home Lab Instructions, Whittenburg & Altus-Buller
Appendix D, Arc
Open H&R Block 2013, and update it.
Select the Start a Return button.
Select the Forms button, and select Show All Forms. Start by filling in a Background Worksheet,
found under Form 1040. Only fill in the information you have, but you will need to enter dates of
birth. Enter the occupations as nouns.
Select Close Form, and then fill in a Dependents Worksheet, found under Form 1040, for Billie
Bob and Mary Sue. Enter dates of birth for Billie Bob and Mary Sue.
Select Close Form, and then fill in a W-2 Worksheet, found under Form 1040, for Joan. Be sure
to enter her state income tax withheld.
To record the estimated federal income tax payments, open the Background Worksheet, and for
line 5a, enter 4/15/2013 and the amount.
For the estimated state income tax payments, open a State and Local Income Tax Payments
Worksheet, found under Schedule A, and in Part I, on line 1, enter 4/15/2013 and the amount.
The Arcs have dividend income, so fill out a separate Form 1099-DIV for each amount.
For Schedule C, open a Schedule C and at the top, select Self or Spouse, depending on whether
you listed Noah as the taxpayer or as the spouse on the Background Information Worksheet.
Enter a description for A. For B, choose Retail Stores and Dealers, and for Code, choose Pet &
pet supplies stores. For G, check yes. Check box 33a Cost and 34 No. Enter the information and
amounts. Since the beginning and ending inventories are both 10,000, you can enter the 62,000
cost of sales as the purchases.
The Arcs itemize. For Schedule A, open a Charitable Donations Worksheet and enter the amount
of their contribution to the church.
The real estate taxes can be entered directly on Schedule A, on the Mini-Worksheet for Line 6,
Real Estate Taxes, on line d i.
Enter the home mortgage interest on the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet. For Description of
property, enter Principal residence, and answer Yes to the question about paying this interest to a
financial institution. Enter the amount in Part A, on line 1.
Enter the income tax return preparation fee directly on Schedule A, on line 22.
For Joan's uniforms, on Schedule A, find the Mini-Worksheet for Line 21, Employee Business
Expenses (right above line 21), and enter the amount on line b. Enter the description in the
description box for line 21.
For the stock sales, open a Capital Gains and Losses Worksheet and record the information for
each sale. Answer yes to the questions about Form 1099-B and Box 6b. To enter the long-term
capital loss carryover, open a Last Year's Data Worksheet, and enter the amount on line 21.
For Schedule E, open a Schedule E Rentals and Royalties Worksheet. In Part I, line 1a, enter the
address. Check the dwelling box. In Part II, enter 365 on line 1a. In Part IV, check box 4 for
active participation. In Parts V and VI, enter the amounts of income and expenses in the first
column. For depreciation, in Part VI, line 6, right-click in the first amount column, select
Override, check the Override box, enter the amount and select OK.
Close Forms Central.
To get the Child and Dependent Care Credit, rather than opening forms, go through a section of
the interview. Select the Federal tab, and then Credits. Next to Child and Dependent Care
Expenses, select Go To. In the Child and Dependent Care Expenses window, select Yes and then
Next, and in the next window select No and then Next. In the next window, select Next. In the
Child and Dependent Care Providers window, select Add Provider, and then in the next window
select My care provider is a business. Select Next and make up a name and Tax ID# in one of the
formats shown - 91-1111111 works. Enter the expenses paid and select Next. In the next window
check Mary Sue Arc and select Next. In the next window confirm the care provider's information
and select Next. In the next window select Finished.
This is a Form 1040, so you don't need to choose the Form - Form 1040 is the default.
Save the file by selecting File/Save from the menu.
Then File/Save As PDF. The software will save two returns - one For Filing and one For
Records. Review the Tax Return for Filing.
The software will not generate a Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet as part of
the return, but you can view it if you'd like - open a Schedule D, and see the Schedule D Tax
Worksheet below line 22. The software will not generate a Schedule B because it is not required.
Appendix D, Clifden
Open H&R Block 2013, and update it.
Select the Start a Return button.
Select the Forms button, and select Show All Forms. Start by filling in a Background Worksheet,
found under Form 1040. Only fill in the information you have, but you will need to enter dates of
birth. Enter the occupations as nouns.
Select Close Form, and then fill in a Dependents Worksheet, found under Form 1040, for each of
the Clifdens' three sons. Enter their dates of birth.
Select Close Form, and then fill in a W-2 Worksheet, found under Form 1040, for Lulu. Be sure
to enter her state income tax withheld..
To record the estimated federal income tax payments, open the Background Worksheet, and for
line 5a, enter 4/15/2013 and the amount.
For the estimated state income tax payments, open a State and Local Income Tax Payments
Worksheet, found under Schedule A, and in Part I, on line 1, enter 4/15/2013 and the amount.
The Clifdens have interest and dividend income, so fill out a separate Form 1099-INT/OID for
each interest amount, and a separate Form 1099-DIV for each dividend.
The interest from the City of Atlanta bonds is municipal, tax-exempt interest, so be sure to enter
it in the right spot.
Since the amount of taxable interest is over 1,500, a Schedule B is required. Open a Schedule B,
and in Part III, on the Mini-Worksheet for Part III, check Y for Yes. On line 7a, check Y for Yes
for the first question, and then N for No for the second question. On line 7b, check N for No and
on line 8, check N for No.
For Schedule C, open a Schedule C and at the top, select Self or Spouse, depending on whether
you listed Gregory as the taxpayer or as the spouse on the Background Information Worksheet.
Enter a description for A. For B, choose Accommodations, Food & Drink, and for Code, choose
Travel accommodation. For F, check 1. Cash, and for G, check yes. Enter the information and
amounts. For depreciation, in Part II, line 13, right-click in the first amount column, select
Override, check the Override box, enter the amount and select OK.
To enter Gregory's retirement income, open a 1099-R Worksheet and enter the income on lines 1
and 2a, the federal income tax withheld on line 4 and the state income tax withheld on line 12.
The Clifdens itemize. For Schedule A, enter the dental expenses directly on Schedule A, on the
Mini-Worksheet for Line 1, Medical Expenses (Other than Mileage and Transportation), on line
For the state income taxes paid in 2013 (for 2012), open a State and Local Income Tax Payments
Worksheet, found under Schedule A, and enter the amount in Part V, on line 9.
Open a Charitable Donations Worksheet and enter the amount of their contributions.
Enter the home mortgage interest on the Home Mortgage Interest Worksheet. For Description of
property, enter Principal residence, and answer Yes to the question about paying this interest to a
financial institution. Enter the amount in Part A, on line 1.
The real estate taxes can be entered directly on Schedule A, on the Mini-Worksheet for Line 6,
Real Estate Taxes, on line d i.
For the investment interest, check the box for Line 14: Form 4952 Not Needed? in the area above
line 14, and enter the amount on Schedule A, line 14.
To enter the deductible portion of the automobile registration fees, on Schedule A, on the MiniWorksheet for Line 7, enter the amount on line b.
Enter the income tax return preparation fee directly on Schedule A, on line 22.
To enter the alimony paid, open an Attachments Worksheet, found under Form 1040, and enter
the information on Page 2.
For the stock sales, open a Capital Gains and Losses Worksheet and record the information for
each sale. Answer yes to the questions about Form 1099-B and Box 6b.
To report Gary's interest income, open a Form 8814, and enter the information for A and B.
Enter the amount on line a of the Mini-Worksheet for Lines 1a and 1b, Interest Income, in Part I.
Close Forms Central.
This is a Form 1040, so you don't need to choose the Form - Form 1040 is the default.
Save the file by selecting File/Save from the menu.
Then File/Save As PDF. The software will save two returns - one For Filing and one For
Records. Review the Tax Return for Filing.
The software will not generate a Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet as part of
the return, but you can view it if you'd like - open a Schedule D, and see the Schedule D Tax
Worksheet below line 22.