Investigating sources of organic carbon and tracking transpacific transport: Integrating aerosol observations and models Colette L. Heald Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Toronto November 21, 2005 GROWTH IN EAST ASIA IS THE MAJOR DRIVER FOR GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC CHANGE Asian CO ↑ 60% Will influence hemispheric air quality and radiative forcing TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT OF ASIAN AEROSOLS Despite their short lifetimes, aerosols can be transported across the Pacific and can affect North American air quality standards and visibility. Most documented cases consist of transport of dust: Visibility reduction at Glen Canyon, Arizona due to transpacific transport of Asian dust April 16, Day 2001 Clear BUT Model simulations suggest that anthropogenic aerosols from Asia can ALSO be transported to the United States [Park et al., 2004] Asian contribution is comparable to “natural” standard set by EPA Haze Rule (0.12 µgm-3) AEROSOL CONCENTRATIONS IN THE U.S.: contributions from natural sources and transboundary pollution Annual regional means from GEOS-CHEM standard and sensitivity simulations Ammonium Sulfate West East Ammonium Nitrate West East Elemental Carbon West East Organic Carbon West East Baseline (2001) 1.52 4.11 1.53 3.26 0.27 0.66 1.77 3.07 Background 0.43 0.38 0.27 0.37 0.08 0.06 1.30 1.22 Natural 0.11 0.11 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.04 1.25 1.17 Transboundary 0.28 0.26 0.18 0.23 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05 Asia 0.13 0.12 -0.02 -0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 Canada & Mexico 0.15 0.14 0.20 0.25 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 EPA natural defaults 0.12 0.23 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.47 1.40 Regional Haze Rule objective for 2064 in parks and wilderness areas • EPA default natural concentrations are too low by factors of 2-3 except for OC in eastern U.S. – quantifying fire influences is critical • Transboundary pollution influence from Asia is comparable in magnitude to that from Canada + Mexico [Park et al., 2003, 2004] TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT OF ASIAN AEROSOLS We have observations of outflow from Asia (can verify emissions) Aerosol Precursor gases SOx NOx NH3 VOCs Direct Emission OC BC Dust Need to verify that we accurately predict transpacific transport SATELLITES We can compare simulated aerosols with ground station observations over NA Transport Deposition Subsidence EPA Haze Rule ASIA PACIFIC NORTH AMERICA MODIS OBSERVATIONS • • • • • Aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites Measuring radiance in solar to IR wavelengths (0.43-14 um) Retrieve total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm Pixel resolution of 1km, swath width 2330 km global coverage in 3 days Different retrieval algorithms over ocean and land MODIS Aerosols Land (difficult to characterize reflectance) GEOS-CHEM GLOBAL CTM OXIDANT-AEROSOL SIMULATION Bey et al. [2001], Park et al. [2003], Park et al. [2004], Alexander et al. [2004], Fairlie et al. [2005] Dust Black Carbon Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) over the Pacific (during Spring) is dominated by dust and sulfate Organic Carbon Seasalt AOD (550 nm) DIFFERENTIAL TRANSPORT OF AEROSOLS AND CO OBSERVED FROM SPACE Anthropogenic plume, similar for CO and aerosols (allowing for aerosol scavenging) March 2001 Biomass burning plume for CO – Not observed for aerosols TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT (2001) MODIS AOD GEOS-Chem AOD Sulfate AOD Dust AOD peak Asian dust ALSO substantial anthropogenic aerosol transport GEOS-CHEM underestimates MODIS observations by factor of ~2 in Spring WHAT CAN AERONET OBSERVATIONS TELL US? Is the model/MODIS bias primarily a model underestimate or a satellite retrieval bias? MODIS AERONET GEOS-CHEM AERONET sites indicate a possible MODIS retrieval bias (not correlated with cloud cover). AN EXAMPLE OF TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT OF ASIAN AEROSOL POLLUTION AS SEEN BY MODIS April 25, 2001 April 26, 2001 April 27, 2001 TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT EVENTS AT SURFACE SITES Midway Island (central North Pacific) IMPROVE Sites (NW United States) IMPROVE obs GEOS-Chem GEOS-Chem (Asian) 4 transpacific events tracked at surface sites IMPACT OF ASIAN SULFATE ON U.S. AIR QUALITY Observed NW US: 0.72 μgm-3 Simulated Asian NW US: 0.18 μgm-3 Observed during Asian events NW US: 1.04 μgm-3 Asian events NW US: 0.60 μgm-3 Asian aerosols preferentially impact ground sites in the NW US. Observations at IMPROVE sites are elevated from mean when simulated Asian influence is high [Heald et al., 2005b] PROJECTED SOx EMISSIONS IN ASIA One projection suggests that emissions of SOx will more than double in China between 1995-2020 [Streets & Waldhoff, 2000] courtesy: David Streets Increasing SOx emissions from Asia could degrade North American air quality and present a further barrier to attainment of domestic air quality regulations in the United States (eg. EPA Haze Rule) ORGANIC CARBON AEROSOL *Numbers from IPCC [2001] Reactive Organic Gases Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA): 8-40 TgC/yr Nucleation or Condensation OC Oxidation by OH, O3, NO3 Monoterpenes FF: 45-80 TgC/yr BB: 10-30 TgC/yr Aromatics Direct Emission Fossil Fuel BIOGENIC SOURCES Biomass Burning ANTHROPOGENIC SOURCES FIRST SUGGESTIONS OF HIGH ORGANIC CARBON AEROSOL CONCENTRATIONS IN THE FREE TROPOSPHERE High organic loading in the FT High organic loading in the UT Single particles over NA [Murphy et al., Science, 1998] TARFOX (E US) [Novakov et al., JGR, 1998] ACE-ASIA: OC AEROSOL MEASUREMENTS IN THE FREE TROPOSPHERE (ACE-Asia aircraft campaign conducted off of Japan during April/May 2001) Seinfeld group Huebert group Russell group What is the source of this FT organic carbon aerosol? + Mean Observations Mean Simulation Observations High Levels of OC were observed in the FT during ACE-Asia by 2 independent measurement techniques. We cannot simulate this OC with direct emissions DO WE UNDERSTAND OTHER AEROSOLS? Secondary production Scavenging Scavenging Mean Observations Mean Simulation (GEOS-Chem) GEOS-Chem simulates both the magnitude and shape of sulfate and EC concentrations throughout the troposphere what is different about OC? ANY INDICATION THAT DIRECT EMISSIONS ARE UNDERESTIMATED? Biomass Burning: • Satellite firecounts show no active fires in Siberia • OC aerosol from agricultural burning in SE Asia emitted earlier in the season, at lower latitudes and is not injected into the FT Pollution: • Although the highest aerosol observations are associated with elevated CO, there is a free tropospheric background of 1-3 μg sm-3 that is not correlated with CO or sulfate. IS SECONDARY ORGANIC AEROSOL (SOA) THE EXPLANATION? Secondary Organic Aerosol Condensation of low vapour pressure ROGs on pre-existing aerosol Reactive Organic Gases Oxidation by OH, O3, NO3 SOA is a good candidate because can condense more easily with colder temperature (i.e. higher altitude) GEOS-CHEM April Biogenic SOA [Chung and Seinfeld, 2002] mechanism Biogenic VOCs (eg. monoterpenes) FT observations ~ 4mg/m3 Biogenic SOA far too small! IMPLICATIONS FOR TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT Observed Simulated Asian air masses Sulfate: 0.24 µgm-3 OC: 0.53 µgm-3 ASIA High concentrations of OC aerosols measured in the FT over Asia (not captured by models) [Heald et al., 2005a] PACIFIC NORTH AMERICA Twice as much OC aerosol as sulfate observed at Crater Lake [Jaffe et al., 2005] CARBON CYCLE AND POTENTIAL RADIATIVE IMPLICATIONS 4 ug/sm3 (ACE-Asia) AOD @ 50% RH: 0.057 TOA Radiative Forcing = -1.2 W/m2 OC AEROSOL 1 µg/sm3 from 2-7 km globally = 105 TgC/yr VOC EMISSIONS 500-1000 TgC/yr [IPCC, 2001] DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON IN RAINWATER 430 TgC/yr [Willey et al., 2000] [Heald et al., 2005a] ICARTT: COORDINATED ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY CAMPAIGN OVER EASTERN NORTH AMERICA AND NORTH ATLANTIC IN SUMMER 2004 Multi-agency, International Collaboration MOPITT Observations of CO Transport (July 17-19) [Turquety et al., in prep] 2004 fire season in North America: • worst fire season on record in Alaska Emissions derived from MODIS hot spots [Turquety et al., in prep] OC: 1.4 TgC OC emissions from biomass burning were 4 times climatological average! UNDERESTIMATE OF OC AEROSOL DURING ICARTT Observations GEOS-Chem Simulation NOAA ITCT-2K4 flight tracks WSOMCx2 SOA (R. Weber’s PILS instrument aboard) OMC WSOMC Same underestimate in OC aerosol observed over North America. Note: biomass burning plumes were removed INCLUDING ISOPRENE AS A SOURCE OF SOA Recent study: yield of SOA from isoprene is 0.9-3.0%[Kroll et al., 2005]. Isoprene oxidation products have been observed in the particulate phase [Matsunaga et al., 2005] GEIA Emissions July/August 2004 3% yield = 0.4 Tg SOA 10% yield = 0.8 Tg SOA Applying smog chamber estimates [Kroll et al., 2005] to isoprene emissions inventories suggests a 50% increase in the SOA source over NA. IS SCAVENGING OF OC AEROSOLS OVERESTIMATED IN MODELS? Hydrophillic aerosols are wet scavenged assuming 100% solubility. Recent analysis of cloud events at Puy de Dome suggest scavenging efficiency of OC is much lower [Sellegri et al., 2003] Observations GEOS-Chem Simulation GEOS-Chem Simulation (with scavenging e=0.14) A large decrease in scavenging efficiency increases OMC concentrations throughout the troposphere, however discrepancies remain in the BL ORGANIC CARBON IN THE FT: AN ONGOING QUESTION Chemistry leading to SOA production is not well understood! Global Models currently do not include: 1. SOA formation in clouds [Lim et al., 2005] VOC Oxidation by OH water-soluble Evaporation products dissolve into cloud droplets 2. SOA from isoprene [Claeys et al., 2004; Kroll et al., 2005; Matsunaga et al., 2005] 3. Uptake of carbonyls on aerosols [Liggio et al., 2005] 4. Multi-stage oxidation of long-lived oxidation intermediates Further Investigation Required: 1. Chamber study yields overestimate yields at low NOx 2. Chamber study yields performed at room temperature chemistry at cold T? 3. Do very reactive BVOCs inferred over forest canopies [Goldstein et al., 2004] produce appreciable SOA? 4. Do models over-estimate scavenging? BEFORE: ORGANIC CARBON AEROSOL *Numbers from IPCC [2001] Reactive Organic Gases Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA): 8-40 TgC/yr Nucleation or Condensation OC Oxidation by OH, O3, NO3 Monoterpenes FF: 45-80 TgC/yr BB: 10-30 TgC/yr Aromatics Direct Emission Fossil Fuel BIOGENIC SOURCES Biomass Burning ANTHROPOGENIC SOURCES ORGANIC CARBON AEROSOL Cloud Processing SOA: ?? TgC/yr ROG Nucleation or Condensation OC Heterogeneous Reactions Oxidation by OH, O3, NO3 Isoprene Monoterpenes FF: 45-80 TgC/yr BB: 10-30 TgC/yr Aromatics Direct Emission Fossil Fuel BIOGENIC SOURCES Biomass Burning ANTHROPOGENIC SOURCES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CO-AUTHORS • Daniel Jacob (Harvard), Rokjin Park (Harvard), Becky Alexander (formerly Harvard, now U of Washington), Duncan Fairlie (Harvard/Langley), Bob Yantosca (Harvard), Allen Chu (GSFC), Lynn Russell (Scripps), Barry Huebert (U of Hawaii), John Seinfeld (Caltech), Hong Liao (Caltech), Rodney Weber (Georgia Tech) SCIENCE TEAMS/CAMPAIGNS • The ACE-Asia Science Team • The TRACE-P Science Team • The MODIS Science Team • The MOPITT Science Team FUNDING: • NASA Earth System Science Fellowship and ACMAP • Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada SUMMARY TRANSPACIFIC TRANSPORT OF ANTHROPOGENIC AEROSOLS • Annual Asian contributions to sulfate in the W US exceed the “natural” visibility objectives of the EPA Regional Haze Rule [Park et al., 2004] • During the spring (2001) ¼ of the sulfate observed at ground site in the NW US comes from Asia (0.18 μgm-3 ± 50%) • MODIS and ground observations corroborate the transpacific transport of aerosols simulated by GEOS-Chem, despite quantitative differences in observed and simulated AOD ORGANIC CARBON AEROSOL • Organic carbon aerosol observed in the FT off of Asia (~4 μgm-3) during spring 2001 is a factor of 10-100 higher than currently simulated by a global model • Concentrations of OC are also underestimated over NA during summer 2004 • These discrepancies highlight an incomplete understanding of formation and loss processes of OC and SOA in the troposphere • The high loading of OC aerosol in the FT is likely to have important implications for intercontinental transport and radiative forcing