CHAPTER 32: A Conservative Era

The Big Picture: Ronald Reagan won the presidency
in 1980 by appealing to a discontented electorate
with the promise to return to a simpler time and
conservative values. Reagan and his successor,
George H.W. Bush, presided over the end of the
Cold War and huge changes in economic and social
MAIN IDEA: In 1980 Americans voted
for a new approach to governing by
electing Ronald Reagan, who
powerfully promoted a conservative
A Nation Ready for Change
America in low spirits
The 1980 election
• Americans lacked confidence in
their government after Watergate
and Vietnam
• Many saw Carter as blaming
Americans for economic and
foreign policy problems
• Meanwhile, a conservative
movement was growing across the
• Republican nominee Ronald
Reagan promoted a smaller
government and more prosperity
for the nation; he was optimistic
about the future of the nation
• Reagan won in a landslide and
Republicans took control of the
The Reagan Revolution
From Actor to governor
Reagan’s Conservative Support
• Reagan was very optimistic and
believed he could change both the
US and the world
• He started as an actor in Hollywood
and joined the Republican Party in
• He was a big advocate of free
enterprise and limited government
and a great opponent of
• After a speech for the 1964
Republican national convention, he
became a rising star in the
Republican Party and became
governor of California in 1966
• Reagan was a hero of the New
Right: coalition of conservative
media commentators, think tanks,
and grassroots Christian groups
• These groups opposed liberal
social causes like abortion rights,
civil rights, and welfare
• Reagan’s eloquent defense of
conservatism won him many
mainstream supporters
The Reagan Revolution
A Powerful Personality
Reagan’s Presidential Agenda
• Reagan is known as the Great
Communicator for his ability to
explain complex ideas in a way
most Americans could understand
and was very persuasive
• Chief goals were to reduce the
federal government, deregulate
industry, cut taxes, increase
defense spending, take a hard line
with the Soviet Union, and appoint
conservative to the federal courts
• For the most part, Reagan was
successful in achieving his goals
Reagan’s Economic Plan
Supply-side Economics
Recession and Recovery
• Regan’s economic plan had two
goals: reduce taxes to stimulate
growth and cut the federal budget
• Budget director David Stockman’s
budget was based on supply-side
economics: cutting taxes for the
rich and business would lead to job
growth, which would stimulate the
economy and help all Americans
• Many warned that increasing
defense spending while cutting
taxes would result in huge deficits
(spending more than the
government makes)
• 1981-1982: US suffers from worst
recession since the Great
• Unemployment and the federal
deficit rose
• The Federal Reserve made the
recession worse by raising interest
rate from 1979-1982 in an attempt
to slow inflation
• The lowering of interest rates and
a collapse of OPEC’s ability to set
high oil prices ended the recession,
although most gains went to the
MAIN IDEA: President Reagan
took a hard line against
communism around the world.
Reagan and the Cold War
The “Evil Empire”
Military Spending Soars
• Reagan rejected containment and
détente when dealing with the
Soviet Union
• He believed a strong show of force
would help destroy it
• Some people like the Pope and GB
Prime Minister applauded he
approach; others thought it was
reckless and could start a war
• Urging ‘peace with strength’,
Reagan increased the military
budget by $100 billion in 4 years
• Reagan also attempted to build a
new defense weapon called
Strategic Defense Initiative (also
know as Star Wars) that would
shoot down incoming Soviet
missiles from space
• It was not successful
Reagan and the Cold War
A weakened Soviet Union
• Power of USSR starts to decline
under Brezhnev in the late 1970s
• The economy began shrinking and
corruption rose
• 1980: USSR was unable to contain
protests in Poland with Lech
Walesa’s Solidarity movement to
get independence from the USSR
US-Soviet Relations Warm
• 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev comes to
power in USSR and wants a better
relationship with the US
• Reagan is more interested in
negotiations after his re-election in
• A series of meetings eventually
resulted in the IntermediateRange Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty:
reduced the number of nuclear
weapons that each nation had
Trouble Spots Abroad
Upheaval in Latin America
• US begins to get involved in regional
• In Reagan wanted to support anticommunist forces around the world,
even if the other side was
• In El Salvador, the US supported the
moderate in a civil war that lasted
until 1992
• Also a civil war in Nicaragua;
Sandinistas were communists, so the
US supported the Contras (CIA given
$20 million to aid the group) in 1981
• When Congress found out about,
they cut off funding
• The White House continued to send
Tragedy in Lebanon
• US wants stability in the Middle
East; civil war in Lebanon between
Christians and Muslims threatened
peace in the region
• 1983: international peacekeeping
force including Americans
• Oct. 1983: 241 US marines killed
when their base in Beirut is
• 1st terrorist attack on Americans
• US withdraws troops
Trouble Spots Abroad
Victory in Grenada
Apartheid in South Africa
• A few days before the attack in
Lebanon, a communist coup
overthrew the government in
Grenada in the Caribbean
• Worried about the safety of
Americans on the island, Reagan
sent 5,000 marines
• They took back the island in 2 days
(this victory helped Reagan win reelection in 1984)
• Reagan was less active in the
movement to end apartheid in
South Africa
• Apartheid was legalized racial
segregation South Africa
• American companies helped keep
the white minority in power and in
the 1970s, Americans started to
demand that the US cut off trade
relations with South Africa
• Reagan preferred incentives for
change, but in 1986, Congress
overrode his veto to impose trade
restrictions and sanctions
The Iran-Contra Affair
• Even though Congress banned aid to the Contras in
Nicaragua, Reagan’s national security staff continued to send
them funds
• American civilians in Lebanon were kidnapped by pro-Iranian
• They demanded that the US sell weapons to Iran for their war with
Iraq to release hostages
• Publically, Reagan refused, but privately he sold the weapons to
Iran and gave the money to the Contras
• Plan was carried out by John Poindexter and Oliver North
• Scheme discovered in 1986: Reagan denies knowledge of plan and
many of the documents were destroyed
• Oliver North sent to prison, but later released on technicalities
MAIN IDEA: In 1988 Reagan’s vice
president, George H.W. Bush, won
election to a term that saw
dramatic changes in the world.
The Election of 1988
• Public was largely disengaged from the election in 1988
• The major news of the election was the success of African American
Jesse Jackson in the Democratic primary early in the campaign
(eventually defeated by Michael Dukakis)
• Campaign was very negative and voter turn out was low (50%)
• Bush won largely due to his economic promises: “Read my lips: No
new taxes”
The Opening of the USSR
• For 70 years, citizens of the Soviet Union had no freedom of speech
or religion and dissent was harshly punished
• Gorbachev began opening Soviet society: glasnost was a policy
giving citizens free speech, including the right to criticize the
• Perestroika: restructured the economy to allow more competition
and cut down on corruption
• Major exception to the new open policy was the cover-up of a meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plan near Kiev, Ukraine
The Soviet Empire Collapses
Eastern Europe Crumbles
• Glasnost and perestroika led to calls
for independence throughout the
Soviet empire
• Throughout Eastern Europe, groups
began breaking away
• Czechoslovakia: velvet revolution:
non-violent revolution that swept
communists from power in 1989
• 1990: Lech Walesa elected president
of Poland
• Revolution in Romania turned
The fall of the Berlin Wall/End of the Soviet
• November 9, 1989: Berlin Wall torn
• October 3, 1990: East and West
Germany reunited
• Communists attempt a coup
against Gorbachev in 1991; he is
aided by Boris Yeltsin and
continues reforms
• By late 1991 the Soviet Union
collapsed and Gorbachev resigns
• President Yeltsin of Russia signs
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
(START) with US
Other Bush-Era Conflicts
China: Democracy crushed
Panama: A Dictator Falls
• Inspired by new freedoms in the
former Soviet Union, students in
China began calling for reforms
• April 1989: pro-democracy
demonstrators fill Tiananmen
Square and demonstrate for 2
• June 1989: tanks roll into the
square and gun down hundreds of
protesters in the Tiananmen
Square Massacre
• Bush announces an arms embargo,
but doesn’t cut off trade
• During the 1980s, Dictator Manuel
Noriega runs Panama and brutally
suppressed opposition
• Indicted in US court for drug
smuggling in 1988
• Noriega declares state of war with
US in 1989 and kills a US marine
• US troops arrest Noriega and take
him to Florida where he is
convicted of drug trafficking
Other Bush-Era Conflicts
The Persian Gulf War
South Africa: new freedom
• August 1990: Saddam Hussein of
Iraq invades Kuwait
• UN imposes sanctions and
demands Hussein pull out of
Kuwait by Jan 15, 1991
• Saddam remained defiant; UN
troops attack and push Iraq out of
Kuwait by the end of February
• Called Operation Desert Stormmost of the fighting was from the
• F.W. de Klerk elected president of
South Africa in 1989 and starts to
reform South African society
• He releases Nelson Mandela from
prison and works with him to end
• 1994 new elections held: Nelson
Mandela elected- 1st black
president; both men win the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1993
4: LIFE IN THE 1980S
MAIN IDEA: The 1980s and early
1990s saw major technological,
economic, and social changes that
produced both progress and intense
The Space Shuttle Blasts Off
• NASA develops a space shuttle that could be reused for space
• April 12, 1981 the Columbia is the first launch of the shuttle
• January 28, 1986, the Challenger explodes shortly after liftoff killing
everyone on board
• Many space missions focused on scientific experiments in space
that led to things like infrared cameras and treatments for brain
The Economy of the 1980s
Uneven economic growth
Rising Deficits
• 1980s: longest peacetime
economic growth up to that time
• A recession in 1982 cut inflation
• Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan was very active in
raising and lowering interest rates
in an attempt to control inflation
• This growth was concentrated
primarily among the rich
• Farmers and traditional industries
begin to decline in the 1980s
• Tax cuts and increased military
spending led to huge budget
deficits (government spent more
money than they made in taxes)
• Deficit rose from $74 billion in 1980
to $221 billion in 1986
• National debt rose to $5.7 trillion
• US also had a huge trade deficit
The Economy of the 1980s
Financial Deregulation & the Savings &
Loan Crisis
• Regulations (rules) on financial
institutions were relaxed to
increase investment in business
• Declining companies were bought,
restructured, and sold at a quick
• Deregulation of the savings and
loan industry caused these
companies to loan out more
money than they should to people
who could not pay it back
• The US taxpayer eventually had to
bail out the industry for $152 billion
Bush and the Economy
• The savings and loan crisis forced
Bush to break his ‘no new taxes’
• The tax hike did not do enough to
help the economy (deficit rose to
$271 billion in 1992)
• Unemployment and poverty rose
and Bush lost his re-election bid
Changes and Challenges in American Society
Changes in immigration law
• Women began to outnumber men
on voter roles and tended to vote
• Sandra Day O’Connor: 1st female
Supreme Court justice
• 1984: Geraldine Ferrarro 1st women
to run for vice president on a
major ticket
• 1990 Americans with Disabilities
Act: banned discrimination against
Americans with disabilities in
education and public life (required
“reasonable accommodations”)
• Refugees enter the US from
Southeast Asia and Latin America
• legal immigration limits were
raised and 3 million undocumented
immigrants were granted legal
• Also toughened penalties for
employers who hire illegal
Changes and Challenges in American Society
Court Battles over social issues and
Supreme Court Nominees
• New Jersey v. T.L.O: schools have the
right to search student belongings
without a warrant
• Reagan was able to appoint 3
justices to the Supreme Court
• He and Bush attempted to put as
many conservatives on the bench as
• Bork and Kennedy both were
appointed by Reagan
• Bush nominated Clarence Thomas,
who faced a tough confirmation
hearing where he was accused of
sexual harassment (eventually was
A deadly disease
• 1981: AIDS discovered
• Many who contracted the virus
were discriminated against
because it first appeared among
homosexual men and intravenous
drug users
• There is still no cure for AIDS