The Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

The Circulatory
Respiratory Systems
Learning Goals
By the end of this unit you should be able to:
 Identify and describe the main functions of
the circulatory and respiratory system
 Identify and describe the different types of
blood cells and give examples of their function
 Identify how the circulatory and respiratory
systems affect performance and participation
 Understand how activity and exercise develop
and effect the efficiency of the circulatory and
respiratory systems
 Understand the difference between aerobic
and anaerobic activity
The Circulatory System
The circulatory system
involves the heart, blood
vessels and blood.
Its functions are
• Transport of oxygen and
• Remove waste
• Control body temperature
• Protect and fight disease
The circulatory system
The heart is the
pump in a double
circulatory system.
The pulmonary
circuit carries
deoxygenated blood
from the heart to
the lungs.
The systemic circuit
carries oxygenated
blood from the
heart to the rest of
the body.
The Circulatory System
There are three types of blood
vessels in the circulatory system.
1. ARTERIES – these carry blood away
from the heart, work under high
pressure and are thick and elastic.
Usually carry OXYGENATED blood
2. VEINS – these carry blood to the
heart, work at a lower pressure,
have valves, thinner walls and are
less elastic. Usually carry
3. CAPILLARIES – the smallest of all
blood vessels with walls one cell
thick to allow nutrients to pass
through one way and waste another.
The Circulatory System
 Blood is the transport
system of the body. It carries
materials from one organ to
another. It takes oxygen
from the lungs to the heart
and then to the tissues. It
takes carbon dioxide from
the tissues to the heart and
then to the lungs. It also
takes soluble food from the
intestines and waste
products from the kidneys.
Red blood cells. (Erythrocytes)
Millions of cells float in yellowish
liquid called plasma. They are disc
shaped and orange but in a large mass
appear red. The pigment that gives
them the red colour is called
haemoglobin. This attracts oxygen. It
picks up the oxygen in the lungs and
delivers it to the tissues.
One cubic millimeter of healthy blood
contains about 5 million red cells.
Blood Plasma
It is pale-straw coloured liquid consisting of 90% water. It
contains inorganic salts, glucose, antibodies, urea and
other waste products. It also contains substances that are
important for maintaining circulation between cells and
tissues called plasma proteins
White blood cells.
They have an important
function and the defence
system of the body as they
destroy pathogens which
cause disease. Some of these
cells completely engulf
bacteria or viruses in the
blood to digest them others
destroy pathogens with
chemicals called antibodies
Blood Platelets.
These are tiny specialized
particles that are actives
whenever blood clotting
or repair to vessels is
necessary. They are made
in the bone marrow and
are much smaller than red
blood .
Factors that affect blood
Living at altitude - . People born at high altitude where there
is less oxygen have a higher cell count. This means that
when they come down to a lower altitude they are able to
transport more oxygen to their muscles. This is beneficial to
aerobic sports like long distance running.
Anemia - Hemoglobin contains iron and its lack of iron that
causes anemia. A low cell count causes you to be breathless
and lacking in energy. This will in turn affect how effective
you are doing sport.
Haemophilia – a hereditary genetic disorder that impair the
body's ability to control blood clotting, which is used to stop
bleeding when a blood vessel is broken. Being a hemophiliac
will restrict participation in sport incase injury occurs.
The Respiratory System
The respiratory system
involves the air passages,
lungs and diaphragm.
Its functions are
• Help get oxygen into the
• Remove carbon dioxide
and waste products
The Respiratory System
Air passages
 A series of linking tubes that
create a pathway for air to get
into the lungs.
 When air enters through the
nose it is warmed
 There are hairs and mucus in
the nose which filter the air
stopping larger particles of dust
getting into the lungs.
 The nose also moistens the air
so it can be absorbed by the
alveoli more easily
The Respiratory System
The Lungs
 Positioned in the chest cavity and
protected by the ribs.
 Breathing means that the lungs
constantly move in and out.
 Air enters the lungs from the trachea.
This splits into two bronchi which
subdivide into smaller bronchioles.
 At the end of bronchioles are alveoli
which are air sacs covered in
 It is here gaseous exchange takes
The Respiratory System
The Diaphragm
 A sheet of muscle dividing
the chest cavity and
abdominal cavity.
 When we breathe in –
inspiration – the
diaphragm pulls down
enabling air to be sucked
 When we breathe out –
expiration – the
diaphragm relaxes into a
dome position reducing
chest size and forcing air