Helpful Ideas for a Science Fair Project, by Grade Level

Kindergarten Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
How do liquids of various densities interact with each other?
Can plants live and grow when “watered” with juice, soda or milk instead of water?
Can plants live and grow when “watered” with juice, soda or milk instead of water?
Can you identify the four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter? Can you recognize these
tastes in a variety of foods?
See what happens when two fluids that have different densities get together.
Ist Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
To see what kind of food, left un-refrigerated, will mold first.
Examine whether people’s perceptions of taste are influenced by their sight.
Make a “ghost” appear in a test tube, and learn about what happens when hot water and cold
water interact.
Microwave Candy: Do Some Colors of M&Ms Melt Faster than Others?
How does a penny change when it’s left in a container of soda overnight?
2nd Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
How to make a lemon battery.
Why doesn't the ocean freeze?
Which Cup Best Prevents Ice from Melting?
How does soap interact with water?
Which is more powerful: gravity or magnetism?
3rd Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
How much shaking would you have to do to a can of soda to get it to explode?
Discover if a longer paper airplane flies farther than a wide one.
How does smell affect taste?
How to separate salt from water.
This project theme was selected to observe the concept of dissolving substances and crystal
4th Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
What happens when you mix an acid and a base? Start a chemical reaction that will make a
balloon inflate itself!
Start a chemical reaction that will make a balloon inflate itself! Diy hovercraft.
Which liquid do you think will prevent the food from turning brown the best? Why? Why do
apples turn brown?
Why does the sound of a car going by change from high-pitched to low-pitched?
Will a disproportionately high percentage of people, when asked to randomly choose a number
between one and 20 inclusive, select the number 17?
5th Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
Does mint, known for its cooling effect, really lower temperatures, or is it just a sensation?
How to make the perfect shot in basketball?
How to make lightning!
How can hydropower be used to lift an object?
Which type of sponge holds the most water?
6th Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
Do All Liquids Evaporate At The Same Rate?
Does tea stain your teeth?
What happens to light as it passes through glass? Why are the edges of the glass still
slightly outlined? Making glass completely invisible.
Does chewing gum make you smarter?
Does hair color affect perception of intelligence?
7th Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
Does aspirin help plants grow?
How does stress affect your body?
What are the effects of caffeine on plant growth?
Is sensitivity heightened on your dominant side?
Does music affect your mood?
8th Grade Science Fair Project ideas
Project Questions/objectives:
Are men or women easier to trick?
Do plants respond to music?
How does temperature affect the stretch of rubber bands?
Does name influence personality?
How heavy is a bubble?