THE BLACK-SCHOLES-MERTON MODEL 指導老師:王詩韻老師 學生:曾雅琪(69936017),藍婉綺(69936011) Contents Lognormal property of stock prices The distribution of the rate of return The expected return Volatility Concept underlying the Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation Derivation of the Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation Risk-neutral valuation Black-Scholes pricing formulas Cumulative normal distribution function Implied volatilities Dividends Assume Define S :in a short period of time(Δt) S S :normal distribution S μ:expected return on stock per year σ:volatility of the stock price per year s t z s Wiener process ΔS ~ μΔt , Δt S ΔS ~ μΔt , Δt S G ln S ItÔ’s Process 2 G 1 dx a, ( xG , t )dt 1b,(xG, t )dz 0 t 2 S S S S t ST ln ST ln S 0 ln S0 ItÔ’s Lemma G G 1 2G 2 2 G dG S S dt S dz 2 S t 2 S S 2 ~ T , T 2 2 T , T ln ST ~ ln S 0 2 2 T , T ln ST ~ ln S 0 2 Example 13.1 A stock with an initial price of $40 An expected return of 16% per annum A volatility of 20% per annum Ask:the probability distribution of the stock price in 6 months? ST 40 Thus, 0.16 there is a 95% probability 0 .2 that the stock Tprice 0.5in 6 months will lie between $32.55~$56.56 0.05 0.2 2 ln ST ~ ln 40 (0.16 ) 0.5,0.2 0.5 2 ln ST ~ 3.759,0.141 3.759 1.96 0.141 ln ST 3.759 1.96 0.141 e3.7591.960.141 ST e3.7591.960.141 32.55 ST 56.56 Lognormal distribution A variable that has s lognormal distribution can take any value between zero and infinity. E ( ST ) ? Var ( ST ) ? X ln( V ), X ~ (m, s ) 1 f (X ) e 2 s h(V ) 1 2 sV n V h(V )dV ( X m)2 2s2 e 0 n 1 E (V ) n 2 E (V 2 ) Var (V ) [ln(V ) m )]2 2s2 E ( ST ) S 0 e T 2 2 T 0 Var ( ST ) S e (e 2T 1) The nth moment of V X ln( V ), X ~ (m, s ) f (X ) h(V ) 1 e 2 s 1 2 sV ( X m) 2s2 e 2 0 [ln(V ) m )] 2s2 nx e e x 2 se 2 V ex 1 x x de ln e x 0 e x [ x m ]2 2s2 nx e e 2 s 1 e 2 s 1 e 2 s de x [ x m ]2 2s2 dx [ x m ]2 2 s 2 nx 2s2 ( x m ns 2 ) 2 2s2 n2s 2 nm 2 2 1 e e 2 2 2 2 ( x m) 2s nx x 2mx m 2s snx e dx 2 mns2 n 2 s 4 2s2 ( x m ns 2 ) 2 2s2 dx dx ( x m ns ) x 2mx nm 2s nx 2mns n 2 s 4 V h(V )dV e 2 2 2 2 2 n2s2 2 nm 2 n V h(V )dV e nm n2s2 2 0 ln ST ~ [ln S0 ( n 1 E (V ) e 2 2 m n 2 E (V ) e 2 )T , T ] m ln S0 ( 2 2 )T , s T s2 2 2m2 s 2 Var (V ) E (V ) [ E (V )] e 2 2 E (V ) E (ST ) e Var (V ) Var (ST ) e ln S0 ( 2 2[ln S0 ( 2 )T 2 2 2m2 s 2 2T 2 e s2 2( m ) 2 S0e )T ] 2T T 2T [e e 2m s 2 2T 2T 2 2 [e 1] s2 S0e T 2 2 T 1] S0 e 2T (e 1) E ( ST ) S 0 e T 2 2 T 0 Var ( ST ) S e (e Example 13.2 A stock where the current price is $20 An expected return of 20% per annum A volatility of 40% per annum Ask:the expected stock price, and the variance of the stock price, in 1year? 2T 1) S 0 20 0. 2 0.4 T 1 E ( ST ) 20e 0.21 24.43 Var ( ST ) 20 e 2 20.21 (e 0.4 2 1 1) 103.54 The distribution of the rate of return Information Define The probability distribution of the continuously compounded rate of return earned on a stock between times 0 and T. ST e xT S0 whenT ST S 0 e xT S ln T xT S0 x s tan dard 1 ST x ln T S0 1 ST ln T S0 ST ~ [( )T , T ] S0 2 2 ln X:the continuously compounded rate of return per annum realized between times 0 and T. x ~ ( 2 2 , T ) T 0 x ~ ( 2 2 , T ) Example 13.3 A stock with an expected return 17% per annum A volatility of 20% per annum Ask:the average rate of return(continuously compounded) realized over 3 years? 0.17 Thus, we can be 95% 0.the 2 average confidentthat return realized T 3 over 3 years will be between 0.05 -7.6%~37.6% 0.2 2 0.2 x ~ (0.17 ), 2 3 x ~ 0.15,0.1155 0.15 1.96 0.1155 x 0.15 1.96 0.1155 7.6% ST 37.6% The expected return ΔS ~ μΔt , Δt S Expected return=E(R)= μ 2 , ) ST x ~ ( 2 ln( ) ( )T E[ln( 2ST )] Tln S0 ( )T S0 2 2 2 2 T E ( SExpected return=E(x)= ln E ( ST ) ln S0 T T ) S0e 2 E ( ST ) S 0 e T ln[ E ( ST )] ln S 0 T Assume ln[ E ( ST )] E[ln( ST )] In fact ln[ E ( ST )] E[ln( ST )] ln[ E ( ST )] ln( S 0 ) T E[ln( ST E[ln( )] T S0 E ( x) Geometric mean E ( R) Arithmetic mean ST )] T S0 ( E ( x) 2 2 ) Arithmetic mean>geometric mean E ( x) 2 2 Example 13.4 (0.1772) 2 Initial investment of a mutual fundisE ($100 x) 0.14 12.43% 2 The returns per annum report over the last five years: 15%, 20%, 30%, -20%, 25% Arithmetic mean Geometric mean E ( R) 15% 20% 30% 20% 25% 5 14% FV5 100 (1.14) 192.54 5 E ( x) (1 15%)(1 20%)(1 30%) 1 (1 20%)(1 25%) 5 12.4% FV5 100 1.15 1.2 1.3 0.8 1.25 179.4 Volatility a. b. Estimating volatility from historical data Trading days vs. calendar days σ:a measure of our uncertainty about the returns provided by the stock x ~ ( 2 2 , T Between 15%~60% The standard deviation of the return ) The standard deviation of the percentage change in the stock price ΔS ~ μΔt , Δt S With the square root of how far ahead we are looking The standard deviation of the stock price in 4 weeks is approximately twice the standard deviation in 1 week. Estimating volatility from historical data Define n+1:number of observations Si:stock price at end of ith interval, with i=0,1,2……,n τ:length of time interval in years ui ln( s Si ) Si 1 1 n 2 ( u u ) i n 1 i 1 1 1 n n 2 2 u ( u ) i n(n 1) i1 i n 1 i 1 S ln T S0 2 ~ T , T 2 standard deviation (ui ) Var (ui ), s s Standard error( ) 2n s 1 n 2 ( u u ) i n 1 i 1 2 1 n 2 (ui 2ui u u ) i 1 n 1 1 n n 2 [i 1 ui 2i 1 ui ( n 1 i 1 ui n n ) i 1 n ( 1 2 1 n n n 2 2 [i 1 ui (i 1 ui ) (i 1 ui ) 2 ] n 1 n n 1 1 n n 2 [i 1 ui (i 1 ui ) 2 ] n 1 n 1 1 n n 2 2 u ( u ) i n(n 1) i 1 i n 1 i 1 n u i 1 i n )2 ] Trading days vs. calendar days Research 1. The variance of stock price returns between the close of trading ‧ Volatility is muchon higher when on one day and the close of trading the next day when there are the exchange is open for trading no intervening nontrading days. than when it is closed. ‧Practitioners ignore days between the close of 2. The variance of the tend stocktoprice returns the exchange tradingwhen on Friday and closeisofclosed. trading on Monday. Reasonably expect The first is a variance over a 1-day period. We might reasonably expect the second variance to be three times as great as the first variance. In fact The second variance to be, respectively, 22%, 19%, and 10.7% higher than the first variance. Volatility per annum Volatility per trading day Number of trading days per annum Number of trading days until option matutity T 252 The number of trading days in a years is usually assumed to be 252 for stocks. 20 u 0.09531 i 1 i 20 20.10 20.00 ln 1.00500 1 1 n n 2 2 u ( u ) i i i 1 n 1 i 1 n(n 1) 0.00326 0.095312 0.01216 20 1 20(20 1) ln 0.99282 20.90 20.90 u 0.00326 i 1 i s 20.75 20.90 2 s ln 1.00000 0.01216 0.193(year) 1 252 Standard error( ) 2n 0.193 0.031 2 20 Concepts A riskless portfolio stock derivation No arbitrage opportunities Return(portfolio)=risk-free interest rate(r) Example p.290 △c=0.4 △S →1. a long position in 0.4 shares 2. a short position in 1 call option △ c=o.5△S →1. an extra 0.1 share be purchased 2. for each call option sold Assumptions The stock price follows the process developed in CH12 with μ and σ constant The short selling of securities with full use of proceeds if permitted. There are no transactions costs or taxes. All securities are perfectly divisible. There are no dividends during the life of the derivative. There are no riskless arbitrage opportunities. Security trading is continuous. The risk-free rate of interest, r, is constant and the same for all maturities. Define f:the price of the call option or other derivative contingent on S →f must be come function of S and t. π:the value of the portfolio equation S St Sz f f 1 2 f 2 2 f f S S t S z 2 S t 2 S S portfolio -1:derivative f :shares S process f f 1 2 f 2 2 f f S S t S z 2 t 2 S S S f S S St Sz S f f S S f f f 1 2 f 2 2 f St Sz S S t S z 2 t 2 S S S S f f f 1 2 f 2 2 f f f St t S t S z S t Sz 2 S t 2 S S S S f 1 2 f 2 2 S t 2 t 2 S This equation does not involve △z The portfolio must instantaneously earn the same rate of return as other short-term risk-free securities. rt △π=rπ△t f S S f 1 2 f 2 2 S t 2 t 2 S f f 1 2 f 2 2 f S t r f S t 2 S t 2 S f 1 2 f 2 2 f S rf rS 2 t 2 S S f f 1 2 f 2 2 (Black-Schiles-Merton rf rS S 2 differential equation) t S 2 S f f 1 2 f 2 2 rf rS S 2 t S 2 S Example 13.5 f rKe r (T t ) t f 1 S 2 f 0 2 S f S Ke r (T t ) rf rKe r (T t ) P.108_equation(5.5) 1 1rS 0 2 S 2 2 rf rS rKe r (T t ) r f S Ke r (T t ) Risk-neutral valuation Application to Forward Contracts on a Stock Risk-neutral valuation It is the single most important tool for the t: time analysis of derivatives. S:the current stock 2 f f 1 2 2 f rS σ S rf 2 t S 2 S price : stock price volatility rf: the risk-free rate of interest They all are independent of risk preferences If the expected return,u,involved in the above eqution. Independent of risk preferences Risk-neutral valuation Assumption: All investors are risk neutral The expected return of all investment asset is the risk-free rate of interest, r . the expected return = r Why? Risk-neutral valuation Reason: 1. r=rf + s The risk-neutral investors do not require a premium to induce them to take risks. 2. Any cash flow Discount by present value r expected value How to use risk-neutral valuation A derivative provides a payoff at one particular time. step1 Assume: the expected return from the underlying asset is the risk-free interest rate, r. Step2 Calculate the expected payoff from the derivative Step3 Discount the expected payoff at the risk-free interest rate. Application to Forward Contracts on a Stock A long forward contract Maturity: time T DeliveryStep3 price: K step1 Calculate: the value at maturity ST - K ST : stock price at time T Step2 Equation13.4 Calculate: E(ST) = S0erT the value at time 0 e-rT f = E(ST – K) = e-rTE(ST) –Ke-rT (13.17) step3 E(ST) = S0erT (13.18) Substitute equation(13.18) into (13.17) f = S0 – Ke-rt European Option Pricing c=European call Price Formula P=European put Price S0=the stock price at time zero rT c S0N(d1) Ke N(d2) K=the strike price r=risk-free rate p Ke-rT N(d2) S0N(d1) =stock price volatility 2 ln S0/K r σ /2 T T=time to maturity of the option d1 N(X)= σ T the cumulative probability ln S0/K r σ 2 /2 T d2 d1 σ T distribution function for a σ T standardized normal distribution Black-Scholes pricing formulas f f 1 2 2 2 f rS σ S 2 rf t S 2 S Deriving the Black-Scholes formulas,we can use a. solve the differential equation(13.16) b. use risk-neutral valuation An European call option Emax ST K ,0 ST>K, the expected value of a rt c e Emax ST K ,0 variable is equal to S(T) ST<K,0 ce rt S N(d1)e 0 rt The probability that the option will be exercised in a riskneutral world KN(d2) Derivation Key result If ln V~ N(m, w) E [max(V − K, 0)] = E(V )N(d1) − KN(d2) where d1 ln[E(V)/K] W 2 / 2 W d2 ln[E(V)/K] - W 2 / 2 W E : expected value Derivation Step1 Define g(V) as the probability density function of V . It follows that Emax V - K,0 (V - K)g(V)dV (13A.2) K • ln V ~ N(m, w) m=ln[E(V)] - w2/2 (13A.3) Derivation Step2 Define a new variable lnV m Q w (13A.4) Q ~ N(0,1) Denote the density function for Q, h(Q) h(Q) 1 Q 2 /2 e 2π Derivation Step3 Using equation(13A.4) to convert the expression on the right-hand side of equation(13A.2)from an integral over V to an integral over Q Emax V K,0 (lnK m)/w Emax V K,0 (lnK m)/w e (e Qw m Qw m K)h Q dQ hQdQ K (lnK m)/w h Q dQ (13A.5) Derivation step4 e Qw m 1 Q 2 2Qw 2m /2 e 2π h Q 1 Q w 2 2m w 2 /2 e 2π e e Emax V - K,0 e m w2 / 2 m w 2 /2 2π m w 2 /2 (lnK m)/w e Q w /2 2 h(Q w) h(Q - w)dQ K (lnK m)/w hQ d Q (13A.6) Derivation N(X): probability that a variable with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1 is less than x. Step5 h (Q w)dQ ln K m = 1 NlnK m/w w /w = N lnK m/w w Substituting for m from equation (13A.3) ln EV /K w 2 /2 Nd1 N w Emax V - K,0 e m w 2 /2 N(d1) KN(d2) Properties of the Black-Scholes Formulas When stock price becomes very large d lnSO/K r 2 / 2 T 1 T d lnSO/K r 2 / 2 T 2 T N(-d1)=1-N(d1) d1.d2 become very large N(-d2)=1-N(d2) N(d1)1 N(d2)1 N(-d1)0 N(-d2)0 c S0N(d1) Ke N(d2) p Ke rT N(d2) S0N(d1) So- Ke-rt price p approaches zero rT very similar to a forward contract with delivery price K. d lnSO/K r 2 / 2 T 1 T d lnSO/K r 2 / 2 T 2 T When volatility approaches zero When 0 the stock is riskless and the rT rT Call price = max S O Ke ,0 price grows at rate r to S 0e . put price=max Ke rT S 0,0 rT Ke S0 > ln(S0/K)+rT >0 d1,d2 + rT Ke S0 < ln(S0/K)+rT<0 d1,d2 Cumulative normal distribution function 1 N ( x)(a1k a2 k 2 a3k 3 a4 k 4 a5k 5 ) if x 0 N ( x) if x 0 1 N ( x) 1 k , 0.2316419 1 x a1 0.319381530 a2 0.356563782 a4 1.821255978 a5 1.330274429 1 x2 2 N ( x) e 2 a3 1.781477937 Example Example 13.6 The stock price 6months from the expiration of an option is $ 42 The exercise price of the option is $40 The risk-free interest rate is 10% The volatility of 20% per annum ln42/40 0.10.22 / 2 0.5 1 0.7693 0.2 0.5 d ln42/40 0.10.22 / 2 0.5 2 0.6278 0.2 0.5 d Ke-rt =40e-0.1*0.5 = 38.049 S 0 42 K 40 N(0.7693)=0.7791 r 0. 1 N(-0.7693)=0.2209 N(0.6278)=0.7349 0 .2 N(0.-6278)=0.2651 T 0.5 c= 42N(0.7693)38.049N(0.6278) p= 38.049 N(-0.6278)38.049N(-0.7693) Implied volatilities In the Black-Scholes pricing formulas Weof can’t find the volatility the stock price. calculated by option price observed in the market. Functions: a.Monitor the market’s opinion about the volatility of particular stock. b. From actively traded option on a certain asset,Traders use to calculate the appropriate volatility for pricing a less actively traded option on the same stock. c S0N(d1) KerT N(d2) European call option (No dividend) C=1.875 So= 21 K= 20 r=10% (per annum) T=0.25 Ask: σ =??Implied volatility How to do?? Iterative search σ=0.2 c=1.76 too low σ=0.3 c=2.1 too high σ=0.25 σ lies between 0.2 and 0.25. In this example, the implied volatilities is 0.235 too high C is an increasing function of σ Dividends Assumption: a.The amount and timing of the dividends during the life of an option can be predicted with certainty. b.The date on which the dividend is paid should be assumed to be the ex-dividend date. c.On this date the stock price declines by the amount of the dividend. European options Assumption riskless component Stock price risky component 1. the present value of all the 1. S0 is equal to the risky dividends during the life of the component of the stock option discounted from the price. ex-dividend to the present at the 2. is the volatility of the risk-free rate. process followed by the 2.By the time the option matures, risky component the dividends will have been paid and the this part will no longer exist. Example 13.8 European call option on a stock Ex-dividend dates in two months and five months The dividend is expected to be $0.5 The current share price is$40 The exercise price is $40 The risk-free interest rate is 9% The volatility of 30% per annum Time maturity is six months ASK:European call option price?? S 0 40 D 0.5 K 40 0.3 T 0.5 r 0.9 2/12 5/12 Calculate the present value of the dividends 0.5e-0.1667*0.09 + 0.5e-0.4167*0.09 = 0.9741 So minus the present value of the dividends 40 - 0.9741=39.0259 lnSO/K r 2 / 2 T d1 Use Black-Scholes pricing formulas d1=0.2017 N(d1)=0.58 d2=-0.0104 N(d2)=0.4959 d T lnSO/K r 2 / 2 T 2 T C S0N(d1) Ke rT N(d2) Call price: 39.0259 × 0.58 - 40e-0.5*0.09 ×0.4959 =3.67 American Option Assumption When there are dividends, it is optimal to exercise only at a time immediately before the stock goes ex-dividend. n ex-dividend dates are anticipated and they are at times t1,t2 …tn, with(t1<t2< …<tn) The dividends corresponding to these times will be denoted by D1,D2 …,Dn,respectively. American Option c S 0 D Ke rT (9.5) Final ex-dividend date(tn) The option is exercised S(tn)-K The option is not exercised S(tn)-Dn c S tn Dn Ke r (T tn) American Option S tn Dn Ke r (T tn) S (tn K ) If then Dn K (1 e r (T tn) ) Very It cannot be optimal to exercise at time tn large T-tn is small If Dn K (1 e r (T tn) ) It can be optimal to exercise at time tn Di K 1 e r (ti 1ti) It is not optimal to exercise immediately prior to time ti