Spiders & Time - Dr. David Pierre Leibovitz


16 April 2020

Vision, Spiders & Time

David Pierre Leibovitz

April 16, 2020

David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Vision, Spiders & Time - 1


How is vision perception related to imagination and planning

What is the role of attention (saccades)

Can smart spiders shed light on human cognition?

– They have severe engineering restrictions

– They they take a long time to think

– How does that affect cognition

I will relate spider time to practical matters

Hopefully, you will also come to appreciate spiders as well 

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 2

Human Vision Like a Camera?

Static Camera vs. Video

– Do we process changes?

Process entire scene or saccade/attend to others

Is it process-interpret-act or a topdown/bottom-up iterative thing

What about imagination?

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 3


Movies @ 24hz (42ms/frame)

– But flicker at higher rates?

Major saccades @ 5hz (20-200ms/move)

– Can miss

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 4


16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 5








(Clinically observable)



° - 1.2°




(Hard to observe)

° – 2’

Micro/Trem or


Occurrence .05 - .3hz

Up to 5hz 40hz -

Time 200ms 20-200ms 10-20ms

- 200hz


Reason Head, Body



View other features of object, next character grouping






16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 6

Saccadic Eye Motion

Major Saccades

– Large Saccades

– Enables the building up of a high resolution mental map from “interesting” parts of a scene

– The fastest part of the human body (1000°/s).

Microsaccades (20 arc seconds @ ~90Hz) serve to refresh image on rod and cone cells which respond to changes in luminance (otherwise a fixed stare would cause an image to slowly disappear)

– It is possible that this also improves resolution

– Jitter camera

– 1 pixel camera

During saccade, details are masked (mirror experiment). Motion of eye, blur of image nor time gap are perceived.

– Can’t see flash of light during saccade

– Can’t see object moved during saccade

– However, masking stops if blur stops, i.e., when saccade follows a moving object. During a 1ms a “snapshot” can be taken (+250ms for later processing).

Suppressing (magnocellular) M-pathway responsible for motion responding to transient, highvelocity stimuli of low spatial frequency

Enhancing (parvocellular) P-pathway responsible for colour information

 tradeoff to differentially process changes over time due to motion

– Optokinetic reflex – ability to follow (slower) motion with eyes fixed

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 7

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 8

Jitter Camera

Same as interlacing

Related to micro-saccades

Jitter (which doubles the sensing time) doubles perceptual resolution

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 9

Visual Neglect

In Visual Neglect, Patients can only see, or imagine half a scene.

However, they can mentally rotate 180 ° and then imagine the other half (from the other perspective)

This lends credence to the view that each side

GENERATEs a view.

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 10

Scanning Tunneling Microscope

Gold (Au) showing individual atoms

Example of a

1 Pixel Camera

Not even optical! Not limited by diffraction

Highest resolution microscope (0.2 nm)

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 11

16 April 2020

Jumping Spider Portia labiata

“1” pixel animal

Cognitive Abilities

Scene building

– Route planning/plotting (15-60 minutes)

– Plan execution (several hours)

Goal may be invisible

– Lure via adaptive mimicry

Tickle web to mimic other animals (or try different patterns)

– Tactical Attack decisions

If prey carrying egg-sac, mount frontal assault (don’t worry about spitting spider)

Else backwards assault

Top assault?


– Jumping (venomous) spider

Eats other spiders

E.g., Scytodes pallida , a spitting (poison coated silk) spider that also eats other spiders

– 600,000 neurons

– Better vision than most mammals (but narrow)

David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 12

Brain Size

Neurons (not connectivity)

Humans: 100 billion

Mouse: 70 million

Honeybee: 1 million



½ million

¼ million

In Portia, limited size will force a lengthy and complex

(algorithmic) visual scan to convert scene into a more compact (plan oriented?) representation.

There just isn’t enough neurons to rebuild a visual scene

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 13

16 April 2020

Spider Eyes

Most spiders have 8 eyes and poor vision. Portia sees very well – it jumps far and makes long circuitous routes to distant prey

Postero-Lateral Eyes (PLE)

– Wide Angle

– Motion Sensing (Far)

– Blurry Vision

Postero Median Eyes (PME)

– Often tiny, Vestigial

Antero-Lateral Eyes (ALE)

– Judging Distance

– Blurry Vision

Antero-Median Eyes (AME)

– Narrow Angle

– Excellent Vision

– Colour

– Swivel

David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 14

16 April 2020

Spider Eyes – Fields of View

ALE overlap enables accurate judgement of distance

(binocular vision)

AME do not overlap

– Narrow telephoto systems

David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 15

16 April 2020


David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University)

Portia visual acuity is better than cats and pigeons

– Measured in angular resolution, not via light sensitivity

But slow…

Time Matters - 16

Spider – Field of View

Retina: several thousand photoreceptors

Layered for different colours (green, blue, ultraviolet)

Layer 1 (green) most acute, stacked for various focus distances. Swinging tube also helps

Fovea: several hundred photoreceptors (“1” pixel)

(human eye has 150 million photoreceptors; fovea less than 1% of retina but uses 50% visual cortex)

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 17

Spider – Route Scanning & Planning

Can see everything from the top of the dowel

– 15-60 minutes to scan and plan

(anticipatory maze learning)

Circuitous route (detour)

Simulate? its future movements or place memory?

– Adaptive (goal directed) scanning vs. onepixel camera (non-adaptive, entire scene)

Attend more to the correct route

Visually following tracks backwards from goal

Specific scanning patterns may be used for finding/resolving specific objects

– Can find previously eaten prey faster


– Up to several hours to execute (in wild)

– Lure could not be seen once down

– Correct route chosen 75%

Even when further away

Even if longer

Even if both routes had lures, but one had a gap

– Wrong route abandoned more often

– On par with in complexity with vertebra

– Select secondary objectives if needed?

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 18


Time can be used to accumulate smaller bits of information into larger bits


– Scanning may be algorithmic

However, to reduce scanning time (as compared to an actual 1 pixel camera) it must be adaptive, i.e. selective attention based on goals affected by memory

Moreover, to reduce representation size, scanning must be done in conjunction with planning

– It is possible that the “plan” is the representation of perception

– We “see” and attend to affordances

Perception and decision making (goal system) are part of a dynamic system and cannot be divorced

– It is only when the timescales of both are similar that this is made apparent

– Seeing the “big picture” is a more human example. Information needs to be synthesized in order to make good plans

Even in humans, visual neglect shows that perception is goal oriented – a visuomotor system

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 19

Spider Gallery

- portia africana, 10mm @ Kenya

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 20

Spider Gallery

- epeus flavobilineatu, 7mm @ Malaysia

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 21

Spider Gallery

- unknown species, 7mm @ Thailand

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 22

Spider Gallery

- myrmarachne plataleoides, 8mm @ Thailand

Ant or Spider?

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 23

Spider Gallery

- chrysilla lauta, 6mm @ Malaysia

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 24

Spider Gallery

- viciria praemandibularis, 10mm @ Malaysia

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 25

Spider Gallery

- thiania bhamoensis, 7mm @ Malaysia

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 26

Spider Gallery

- Lysomannes salticidae @ China

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 27

One Pixel Camera

Compressive Imaging/Sensing

– Rather than take mega-pixel images and then compress (which is extremely resource intensive), build up your image smartly

– Like our saccadic system?

Compressive classification

What we know (possible classifications) can influence what we are looking for, i.e., look quicklyfor distinctive salient features, look more at discriminants

Scanning is

Goal directed perception

Single pixel can be extremely specialized (sensitive, terahertz)

Initial designs are not adaptive (no memory).

– Quick scans of slowly (temporal & spatial) changing areas, more detailed elsewhere

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 28

Compression vs. Integration

Top Row

– 64x64 bit image with various wavlet compressions

(throwing data out)

Bottom Row

– 320x240 DMD with various random samplings

Existing system quite dumb. Previous sample (pixel) does not direct next one.

 Leads to cognitive/dynamic systems

Does it take longer to reduce a mega pixel image to an internal representation than to build one up pixel by pixel?

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 29


Travels in line of sight


(safe unlike x-rays)

Penetrates nonconductors

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 30



Although One-Pixel Cameras (perception) is not common (what about saccades?), what about generation (imagination)

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 31



Jitter & Interlacing can reduce bandwidth, but

They increase motion artifacts

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 32

How do Artists Draw?

Is it similar to how they eye-track?

16 April 2020 David Pierre Leibovitz (Carleton University) Time Matters - 33
