Tuesday, 12-15-09 Road Salt & Electrolytes OPENER AT TOP OF BLUE SHEET: - RECAPPING THE GOOD & BAD OF SPORT DRINKS TODAY’S OBJECTIVE Students will compare conductivity between sport drinks and stream water containing road salt to identify safe levels of electrolytes in both substances. HOMEWORK Please write in your planner: bring in small unopened drink of juice to test Key Word Recap A measure of how a material or fluid can conduct electricity is known as __________________. A dissolved chemical in blood or water containing salts, acids or bases is known as an __________________. What’s The Connection ? Today we’ll compare what happens to your blood when You drink Gatorade and what happens to water quality when road salt floods into a stream Can TOO MUCH of a GOOD THING turn out BAD? Let’s investigate… The Electrolyte Connection Please read silently the half sheet article Complete the follow-up questions by writing in the missing terms from the article Storms, Road Salt & Streams Describe on your paper how the 3 pictures relate After the next rainstorm, what might happen to the electrolyte levels in the stream water? Why? Real Life Comparisons What electrolytes can do for you (measured with conductivity in uS/cm) When they’re GOOD When they’re BAD 0 200 250 300 = distilled water = your blood level = safe drinking water = acceptable stream (when testing blood/urine… +200 = dangerous levels) +300 = “hard water” +500 = polluted stream ?? = your sport drink ?? = your stream sample 2000= lethal injection So what’s a “safe” electrolyte level? Four-year comparison of Chloride concentrations at Gwynnbrook IN WINTER… 2004 2005 IN SUMMER… 2006 IF LEVELS DROP TOO LOW, THE STREAM GOES ON “IV” 1000.00 100.00 10.00 Weekly sampling data by BES researchers 12/7 11/7 9/7 10/7 8/7 7/7 6/7 5/7 4/7 3/7 2/7 1.00 1/7 mg/L expressed in Logarithmic scale TO A STREAM, THIS IS A LETHAL INJECTION OF ROAD SALT WASHOFF 2003 10000.00 Conductivity Lab Procedure 1. TURN TO BACK OF YOUR LAB SHEET 2. FOLLOW EXAMPLE ON SCREEN 3. TEAMS OF 3 EACH, 1 PER STATION NEW TEAM LEADERS ARE…? Reporting in: What did you discover? 1. Each team leader sends up ONE sample completed chart to show on the screen. 2. One member from each team explains results shown on chart 3. Then we’ll move to the CLOSER (on back of the half sheet) And tomorrow, we can… Test & compare conductivity of something SAFE you bring in: Juice or Milk Your favorite sports drink or soda NOT cleaning items/household chemicals