Test 13 Acts 22-28 (emphasis on people)

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Test #13
Acts 22-28
1. 25:24 Who petitioned Festus about Paul in Jerusalem and Caesarea?
A. The Jews from Asia
B. The whole Jewish community
C. The Roman commander in Jerusalem
D. Governor Felix
2. 26:26 Who did Paul say he could speak freely to?
A. King Agrippa
B. Governor Festus
C. Governor Felix
D. Gamaliel
3. 27:2 As Paul set sail for Italy, who was the Macedonian who sailed with him?
A. Aristarchus
B. Silas
C. Sopater
D. Secundus
4. 22:5 Who did Paul tell the crowd at the barracks could testify abour how he used to persecute the followers of the
A. The followers in Jerusalem
B. The Roman governor
C. The apostles
D. The high priest and all the Council
5. 24:24 Who was Felix’s wife and what nationality was she?
A. Bernice, an Egyptian
B. Drusilla, a Jewess
C. Candace, an Ethiopian
D. Lydia, a Roman
6. 25:12 When Paul appealed to Caesar, who did Festus confer with?
A. Governor Felix
B. Pontius Pilate
C. His council
D. The Jewish leaders
7. 22:12 After Saul (later known as Paul) was blinded by the bright light, who restored his sight?
A. Peter
B. Ananias
C. Barnabas
D. Apollos
8. 28:7 Who was the chief official of the island of Malta?
A. Julius
B. Augustus
C. Claudius
D. Publius
9. 23:24 After hearing about the plot to kill Paul, who did the commander of the garrison send Paul to?
A. King Agrippa
B. King Herod
C. Governor Felix
D. Governor Festus
10. 28:17 Whom did Paul call together three days after arriving in Rome?
A. The Roman guards
B. The priests of Zeus
C. The believers in Rome
D. The leaders of the Jews
11. 23:26 What was the name of the commander of the Roman troops in Jerusalem?
A. Julius Secundus
B. Claudius Lysias
C. Porcius Festus
D. Augustus Trophimus
12. 22:30 Who did the commander of the garrison order to assemble?
A. The chief priests and all the Sanhedrin
B. The entire Jewish nation
C. All the believers in Jerusalem
D. The apostles and elders in Jerusalem
13. 27:23 Who told Paul that none on the ship would die?
A. Julius
B. Silas, who was a prophet
C. An angel of God
D. Jesus
14. 23:2 Who was the high priest when Paul addressed the Sanhedran?
A. Caiaphas
B. Ananias
C. Annas
D. Apollos
15. 23:14 Who did the Jews, who formed a conspiracy to kill Paul, go to with their plan?
A. Claudius Lysias
B. Governor Felix
C. The Sadducees
D. The chief priests and elders
16. 22:8 Who spoke to Saul (later known as Paul) on the road to Damascus?
A. An angel of God
B. Philip
C. Peter
D. Jesus
17. 25:11 Who did Paul appeal to?
A. King Agrippa
B. Caesar
C. Governor Felix
D. Governor Festus
18. 28:28 In Paul's final statement to the Jews in Rome, who did he say would listen?
A. Those who were faithful
B. Caesar
C. The Gentiles
D. The leaders of the synagogue
19. 24:27 What was the name of the man who became governor after Felix?
A. Porcius Festus
B. Claudius Lysias
C. Herod Agrippa
D. Ananias Caiaphas
20. 25:13 A few days after Paul’s trial before Festus, who arrived at Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus?
A. Caesar
B. King Agrippa and Bernice
C. Claudius Lysias and Julius Secundus
D. The apostles and elders from Jerusalem
21. 27:1 When it was decided that Paul would sail for Italy, who was the centurion Paul was handed over to?
A. Claudius
B. Julius
C. Augustus
D. Trophimus
22. 27:9–10 Who warned the centurion that the voyage to Rome was going to be disastrous?
A. Julius
B. The ship’s captain
C. Paul
D. Aristarchus
23. 24:1 Who was the lawyer who went with the high priest to Caesarea?
A. Aristarchus
B. Tertullus
C. Publius
D. Gamaliel
24. 22:3 Paul told the crowd at the barracks that he was trained thoroughly under whom and in what?
A. Tertullus, in the traditions of Moses
B. Gaius, in the words of the prophets
C. Gallio, in the ways (teachings) of the Pharisees
D. Gamaliel, in the law of their fathers (ancestors)
25. 23:16 Who heard about the plot to kill Paul, and went to the barracks and told Paul?
A. The sister of Peter’s wife
B. The mother of Timothy
C. Barnabas and John (Mark)
D. The son of Paul’s sister