Adolescence - Helen Hudspith

TASKYou will be shown a slide, you
need to identify what you believe
we are learning today!!
Fastest Finger First
You have 5 minutes to put the life stages
in the correct order and match this to the
correct ages!!.
Life Stage
Age Range
Later Adulthood
Physical Changes
• Female Changes
Gains weight
Grows body hair
Periods start
Breasts develop
Shape changes
Skin and hair
Becomes taller
Male Changes
Gains weight
Grows body hair
Penis and
testicles develop
Voice ‘breaks’
Skin and hair
Becomes taller
Intellectual – Adolescence can usually work
things out logically. Decision making skills take
time to develop in adulthood
Emotional – hormones may be out of balance and
this can lead to mood swings or aggressive
behaviour. Lack of confidence and low self-esteem
can be a problem at this age
Social - become increasingly independent of their
families and more dependent on their peer group.
They also begin to explore their sexuality which
includes testing out relationships and sexual
behaviour with others
Decision making, hormones,
logically, independent,
peer group, mood swings,
Lack of confidence, low self
esteem, sexuality,
Adulthood 19 – 65 years
Physical Development – people are at the height of
their physical powers and at their reproductive
As people enter their 40s:
Men may start to lose their hair
Eyesight begins to deteriorate
Skin loses elasticity so wrinkles appear
Women continue to have periods until about 45 years
old when they reach the menopause (fertility
Sperm production in men declines although they can
continue to father children in to their 80s
Adulthood – Intellectual, Emotional
& Social Development
Intellectual skills may increase if given the
chance. Older people are meant to have wisdom
Emotionally adults look for steady and satisfying
relationships. This is the stage when couples
have children
There can be a variety of emotions including
anger, resentment and jealousy
There can be many changes in adults social life
especially when children come along. This is also
the period when many experience stress at home
or at work.
Later Adulthood (65+ years)
Some people think that getting older is a negative thing
but there are some positive things such as:
 Being able to retire
 Do more things that they want – travel, hobbies
 Enjoy more leisure time
 Enjoy their family especially grandchildren
The ageing process involves some changes to the body
and lifestyle such as:
 Having less physical strength
 Getting used to retirement
 Losing friends and partners
 Changing accommodation to something smaller or
residential care
 Adjusting to poor quality eye sight or hearing
Physical development
The ageing process is subtle and the changes are slow. If you are
with someone regularly you may not notice the changes.
However, by the mid 60s the changes are more noticeable:
Skin becomes thinner and less elastic – wrinkles appear
Bones become more brittle and more likely to break
Joints become stiffer and more painful
Height is reduced, the spine may become more rounded
Muscles become weaker
Sense of balance becomes impaired
 Sense of taste and smell deteriorates
 Hearing and sight deteriorate – cataracts can develop
 Skin is less sensitive and so are more likely to burns or
 Breathing is less efficient
 Blood pressure increases
 Insufficient insulin is produced therefore diabetes develops
 The glands do not function so well so then the
metabolism slows down which can lead to putting
on weight
Intellectual Development
People do not become less intelligent as they
grow older!
They may need more support when gaining new
abilities, new skills or knowledge
If older people are in good health and exercise
their minds they will retain their mental
Their thinking may slow down but their wisdom
may increase with age.
Emotional Development
People’s concept of themselves
continues as life progresses
Retirement can affect them as they
do not have a clear idea of who he
or she is anymore.
Apart from health problems they can
suffer from being stereotyped. They
can be regarded as less able
because of their age. This can affect
their confidence and self esteem.
The death or their partner or friends
can leave older people feeling
emotionally isolated
Social Development
Some older people lead very active
lives once they retire and they
make new friends and get about
Health problems and impairments
can create difficulties that mean
they are very isolated and lonely
Moral Development
Moral development changes throughout the
stages of life.
When children are young they know they
shouldn't do something because they will be
As they get reach the teenage years they
consider the options and try to understand
those around them
Once they are adults they form principles and
values that will affect the way he or she
chooses to live his/her life
Only able to see things from your own view
People of the same age
The end of a woman’s reproductive life
Losing someone close to you or well known to you
To do with thinking
Things not changing, remaining the same
Casual or social relationship
Forming a close relationship with someone
Physical features of becoming sexually mature
Person’s characteristics that they inherit or are born with
When a person’s development is complete
Means an increase in size
The way we organise things in our minds, an abstract idea e.g. time. Space, colour,
Chemical messenger in the body that affect our sexual development and activities
The stages of development throughout our lives infancy, young children, adolescence,
adulthood, later adulthood
Using the large muscles, such as legs, arms
Means an increase in skills, abilities and emotions
A working relationship, that has rules about how people should behave
Showing the possibility of achieving to the best of our ability
Characteristics that are influenced by our environment
Using the more intricate muscles such as the fingers
The part of us that makes us an individual, who we are
Chemical messenger that affects the way our bodies function