American Literature The Great Gatsby Chapter 7 Due Monday February 274th Active Reading Checklist Name: Date: Per: Directions This time, as you read Chapter 7, record important elements Plot developments Character descriptions Unusual dialogue Descriptions / imagery that call attention to themselves New characters Irony We will compare our results Monday. Leave the second column blank. Write the page number in the first column and the element you noticed in the third column. Chapter 3 – Due Monday February 24th. Page # Comment specifically on what you noticed. American Literature The Great Gatsby Chapter 7 Due Monday February 274th Active Reading Checklist Name: Date: Per: Directions This time, as you read Chapter 7, record important elements Plot developments Character descriptions Unusual dialogue Descriptions / imagery that call attention to themselves New characters Irony We will compare our results Monday. Leave the second column blank. Write the page number in the first column and the element you noticed in the third column. Chapter 7 – Due Monday February 24th. Page # Comment specifically on what you noticed.