Respiratory, Circulatory, and Digestive system

• What is the job of the cytoplasm?
• Write the equation for cellular respiration:
• Put the following in order from smallest to largest:
tissue, organ system, organelle, organism cell, organ
• Why do cells have organelles?
• What is diffusion?
What is the job of the cytoplasm?
Transport materials in cell
Write the equation for cellular respiration:
O2 + C6H12O6 -------> CO2 + H2O + ATP
Put the following in order from smallest to largest: tissue,
organ system, organelle, organism cell, organ
Organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
Why do cells have organelles?
To perform all life functions
What is diffusion?
Movement from a high concentration to a low
concentration without energy.
Respiratory, Circulatory, and
Digestive system
• Organelles are the small
structures in cells that allow
them to perform all life
• Organelles do jobs that are
similar to organs in our bodies.
• Organ systems (body systems) are made of many
organs working together to do the same job.
Respiratory System:
• Respiratory system is for doing cellular respiration.
• Function:
– To get OXYGEN into the body
– To get rid of Carbon Dioxide WASTE
Gas Exchange:
• Gas exchange- a place where gases diffuse across a
• O2 diffuses into the blood from the alveoli
• CO2 diffuses out of the blood and into the alveoli
Circulatory System:
• Body’s transportation system
• Blood is the liquid that flows through our body
and transports materials
Circulatory System:
• Body’s transportation system
• Blood is the liquid that flows through our body
and transports materials
• Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to cells
• Blood takes away CO2 and other waste from cells
Digestive System
• Heterotrophs- Consumers
• Gets organic nutrients and breaks them down to
building blocks
Digestive System
• Heterotrophs- Consumers
• Gets organic nutrients and breaks them
down to building blocks
• Only SMALL molecules permeable to the
– Carbohydrates are digested into….
– Proteins are digested into….
Digestive System
• Heterotrophs- Consumers
• Gets organic nutrients and breaks them
down to building blocks
• Only SMALL molecules permeable to the
– Carbohydrates are digested into….
– Proteins are digested into….
Digestive System
• Heterotrophs- Consumers
• Gets organic nutrients and breaks them down to
building blocks
• Only SMALL molecules permeable to the
– Carbohydrates are digested into simple sugars
– Proteins are digested into amino acids
Digestive System
• Enzymes in the mouth, stomach, and small
intestine breakdown complex organic nutrients.
Digestive System
• Enzymes in the mouth, stomach, and small
intestine breakdown complex organic nutrients.
• The stomach is very acidic (pH 2)
Digestive System
• Enzymes in the mouth, stomach, and small
intestine breakdown complex organic nutrients.
• The stomach is very acidic (pH 2)
• Digestion, or breakdown, is completed in the small
• Organic molecules DIFFUSE into the blood stream
from the small intestines
• Digestive and Respiratory system ONLY exist for
the purpose of cellular respiration.
• One job of the circulatory system is to bring cells
what they need for cellular respiration.
Questions on the back of your paper