Primary National Strategy Speaking, Listening and Learning: Working with children in Key Stages 1 and 2. Education and Cultural Services Department 2002 – 2003 Community Legal Services Speaking, Listening and Learning Objectives: • Give an overview of the PNS materials. • Help colleagues to answer the question: how can we use these materials to support and improve speaking, listening and learning in our school? Speaking, Listening and Learning Context: • The materials have been developed jointly by the Primary National Strategy and QCA. • The objectives are underpinned by the National Curriculum programmes of study for speaking and listening. Speaking, Listening and Learning SPEAKING AND LISTENING. During key stage 1 pupils learn to speak clearly, thinking about the needs of their listeners. They work in small groups and as a class, joining in discussions and making relevant points. They also learn how to listen carefully to what other people are saying, so that they can remember the main points. They learn to use language in imaginative ways and express their ideas and feelings when working in role and in drama activities. National Curriculum Speaking, Listening and Learning BUILDING ON EARLY LEARNING GOALS. Pupils’ prior experience of speaking and listening includes: • using language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences • attentive listening and response • interacting with others in play and to get things done. National Curriculum Speaking, Listening and Learning SPEAKING AND LISTENING. During key stage 2 pupils learn how to speak in a range of contexts, adapting what they say and how they say it to the purpose of the audience. Taking varied roles in groups gives them opportunities to contribute to situations with different demands. They also learn to respond appropriately to others, thinking about what has been said and the language used. National Curriculum Speaking and Listening objectives need to be taught explicitly and systematically LEARNING SPEAKING LISTENING TEACHING CROSSCURRICULAR PLANNING DRAMA ASSESSMENT GROUP DISCUSSION AND INTERACTION CLASSROOM PRACTICE AND MANAGEMENT Speaking, Listening and Learning Where to begin: ‘These materials offer different starting points for teachers and schools who want to review their current provision and develop the teaching of speaking and listening.’ Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 1. • • • • • Audit What aspects of speaking and listening are taught well in our school? How do we know? What impact does this have on children’s learning? What aspects of speaking and listening do we want to improve? What shall we start with? Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 1. • • • ACTIVITY Use the progression poster, the cross-curriculum diagrams and the Planning Session of the CPD materials, to help your thinking on the following: How good is knowledge skills and understanding for different year groups? When and where are speaking and listening skills specifically taught? How good is teacher knowledge in each of the four strands? (e.g. are they all confident about teaching drama to through other subjects?) Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 2. • Adapt school planning to help staff in teaching speaking and listening as a tool for learning throughout the curriculum. Use cross curricular guidance and speaking and listening objectives. Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 3. • • Revise assessment procedures for speaking and listening. Can use advice on page 29 of the handbook. Can use advice from the assessment workshop. Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 4. • • • • Ask selected members of staff to try out some of the suggested activities and report back on what has been successful. Posters for the four strands. Example lesson plans Teacher talk (handbook). Video clips Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 5. • Identify specific issues that staff want help with and use the materials to support inset. E.g. managing group interaction in the CPD unit on organising and managing speaking and listening p49. Speaking, Listening and Learning Possible starting points 6. • • • Consider how effectively speaking and listening skills are learned and applied by children who have a special need in this area. Make changes as necessary: e.g. restructure groupings for different purposes, to benefit specific children. Consult experts if appropriate. Use criteria from this conference. Using the Speaking, Listening and Learning Materials KEY MESSAGES 1. 2. • • • • • • Speaking and Listening objectives need to be taught specifically and systematically Possible starting points for using the materials could be: Audit Adapt school planning to help staff in teaching speaking and listening as a tool for learning throughout the curriculum. Revise assessment procedures for speaking and listening. Ask selected members of staff to try out some of the suggested activities and report back on what has been successful. Identify specific issues that staff want help with and use the materials to support inset. Consider how effectively speaking and listening skills are learned and applied by children who have a special need in this area and change provision if necessary.