PC-Minutes-261015 - Caldbeck and Hesket Newmarket Parish

Minutes of the ordinary meeting held at Caldbeck Parish Hall on Monday 26th October 2015.
Cllrs Present: Norman Atkinson, Alan Tyson, Angela Glendinning, Alistair Macfadzean, Ian Shaw,
Richard Hellon & Paul Doherty.
Also Present: Elizabeth Clark (Clerk), Martin Powell & Diane Rushworth.
26/10-61 APOLOGIES
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Cartmell & Smithson, PCSO Harris & Cllr Fairbairn (County
& District Councillor)
26/10-62 MINUTES
The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 21st September 2015 were agreed and signed as a correct record.
a) No requests for dispensations were received.
b) No declarations of interests were received.
a) Martin Powell, who is campaigning to save the weekly winter bus to Keswick, (ref. 8 & 11/1) stated the
following; the 73/73A bus ends its summer service at the end of October, meaning there will not be a bus
to Keswick from Caldbeck. This bus is a life-line for people, people will be cut off from going to Keswick
and further afield. He has been in touch with numerous people including; Rory Stewart, The Lakeland
Walkers Magazine & Michael Sanderson (Stagecoach Manager) to voice his concerns. It costs
approximately £230.00 per trip to run the bus, less bus fares taken. He hoped that the parish precept could
be raised to cover this and has looked at other sources for money which included; Virgin Trains, Booths,
Co-op, Caldbeck Surgery, Cumbria Community Foundation, National Lottery & other parishes the bus
travels through. There are currently 280 signatures on a petition. He is looking to keep the Saturday
service even if it ran every other Saturday or once a month.
b) Cllr Fairbairn apologised for being unable to attend the meeting.
c) Report from PCSO 5326 Harris was emailed to councillors on the 22nd of November and stated that there
had been four incidents reported to the police since the last meeting.
d) There were no questions or matters of interest raised by residents.
Cllr Atkinson reported that he had been contacted by a number of residents concerned by the closure of the
shop, as had the Rev Malcolm Riches. Following discussion Reverend Riches agreed to organise a public
meeting is to be held on the 12th of November at 7.30pm in St Kentigern’s Church. The meeting is to be
advertised in the parish magazine and emailed to various groups like the Northern Fells, Young Farmers etc.
The meeting will be chaired by Malcolm Riches and will provide an opportunity to present the facts as they
are currently known. It will allow members of the community to express their views and suggestions in
providing post office and convenience store services in the future. The meeting is not intended to put any onus
on the Parish Council or the church to lead on or develop any of the ideas put forward by the community. The
current shop owners, have contacted the post office migration officer about moving the post office business to
another premises and it is anticipated the process will takes 6 months. Therefore the closure of the business
will now probably not take place until March 2016. The shop and post office is no longer being actively
marketed with an estate agent due to previous costs, however should anyone offer the asking price, then selling
it would still be considered.
Cllr Doherty gave the following broadband update; delays have been due to BDUK looking at alternative
suppliers and they have now approved Solway Communication which rules out Sebergham & Mungrisdale
from any second phase money. There is currently a map but it is not very detailed and of limited value.
a) Applications: 7/2015/2229 – Old Map Shop, Caldbeck. Conversion of the “Old Map Shop” into single
bedroom dwelling (resubmission of 7/2015/2139) – it was discussed that the application contradicted
itself by firstly stating that the building had stood empty for more than five years and then stating the old
map shop business ended on the 1st of September 2015. It was unanimously agreed to refuse the
application as it was an inappropriate site for a domestic dwelling, because it would essentially be a house
in the middle of a well-used car park. It was felt that it had the potential to lead to conflict between users
of the car park and the occupiers of the residential property. Councillors felt that its continued use as a
business premises was more appropriate. The suggestion in the application that it may become derelict
was disputed, as the onus is on the owner to maintain their premises.
T/2105/0131 – Fell 5 ash, 2 alder, 1 oak and 1 rowan – Midtown Farm, Caldbeck. Devolved decision by
clerk on 12th of October as response due by the 26th of October: No objection to application.
7/2015/2241 – Greensyke, Caldbeck, Wigton – Erection of sectional timber building comprising of
combination of two storage sheds and a central covered storage area – unanimously in favour of the
2/2015/0628 – Installation of a medium scale 500kw wind turbine – Roundhill Farm, Welton – application
forwarded from Sebergham Parish Council – No comment to be submitted.
Cllr Atkinson reported that on the 22nd of October the Footpath Working Group met to discuss progress to date.
It was agreed that the original specification for the path should be followed unless the landowner requires some
variation to this, in which case the amendment would be considered favourably where possible, subject to
budget constraints. Alick Grieve (Land Agent) is now to mark out the land, check specifications with land
owners and so costs may then be finalised. Following this a detailed land survey will be required from a
suitable provider and be of sufficient quality to produce detailed maps suitable for submission to the Land
registry, for legal contracts, and for the planning application. Other funding is being considered should costs
be more than originally anticpated.
It was noted last year the winter bus service stopped (Nov 2014 – March 2015). The parish council were proactive and contacted Stagecoach and were advised that it would cost £165.00 to run the Saturday bus. Other
parishes benefiting from the winter service were contacted about jointly subsidising the service, should there be
insufficient passengers. Responses were mixed and did not indicate clear support for the proposal, which in
part may have been due to short time constraints. Surveys of people using the service were carried out, a
number of meetings were held and it was decided that it was not feasible to support the winter service and
efforts would be directed to supporting and publicising the summer service. Unfortunately the summer service
for 2015 was also reduced but the feeling was that this service would continue, as it is likely to remain
profitable for Stagecoach.
It was agreed that a lot more information was required before an informed decision could be made with regards
to increasing the precept to cover the winter service. Nothing could be done for this winter’s service; it would
be for 2016 -17. Martin Powell was asked to supply the council with more detailed proposals showing; likely
usage (with bus pass & without), costs, details of grants, support from other parishes the bus goes through etc
before a decision on any future precept increase could be properly considered. It was discussed that other
expenses that may need to be funded by an increased precept and would need to be taken into consideration
would be the gritting of the roads & footway lighting.
a) No update report received with regards to the benches but it was noted that the bench at the Wath would not
be replaced by the family who originally funded it. The possible purchase of a replacement seat to be
considered at the next meeting.
b) No update received on the work to be carried out to the John Peel Shelter or the Fair World Shop.
c) i) Drain problems on Faulds Brow ii) Parkend culvert under road, iii) the Wath, field drain opened up
following previous repairs to look into if farmers or highways problem, iv) water problem below the school
& the white bridge at Riverside – new culvert top required to catch the water – Cllr Tyson advised that he
would contact Tim Shield of Highways for an update on these outstanding repairs.
d) Potholes on the road at the back of The Green – funding was previously secured for the Caldbeck area,
however due to budgetary constraints, the funding has been moved to roads that were deemed to be a
greater priority. The main potholes have been filled. The road at back of the Green is not deemed to be as
high a priority as others in the area.
e) Potholes on the road leading to Car Park – no update received from David Coxon (LDNPA).
f) Thistles overgrowing on Ratten Row opposite pond – Cllr Tyson to spray next year.
g) Allotments – the clerk advised that one allotment had become available and there was presently no won on
the waiting list, advert to be placed in the next parish magazine.
h) Caldbeck Parish Noticeboard – Cllr Smithson was not present to give an update.
i) Two overgrown trees on The Green – Clerk to advise Sam Lund of the LDNPA.
j) A yew tree in between the church & the rectory (The Straits) has a fungal growth which needs inspected –
clerk to advise Sam Lund of the LDNPA. It was confirmed with the owner of the new house on The Green
that the temporary hard-standing laid on the land opposite it, during its construction would be returned back
to its original state.
a) It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation as at the 8th of October 2015.
b) It was resolved to approve the monthly expenditure and record of income:
Receipts: Allotment Fees – S Robson - £16.00, A Johnston £6.00 & R Dickinson £12.00
Payments: M Binney, grasscutting £833.38
Eleanor Benson, monitoring & cleaning of toilet for disabled people
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, Wreath for Remembrance Sunday £ 18.00
c) The Council was notified on the current financial position.
HSBC Current A/C 8th Oct: £ 6,094.94
HSBC Deposit A/C 8th Oct: £109,463.43
Interest 7th Oct: £9.90
d) The first draft budget for 2016/17 was discussed. It will be reviewed again, amended as necessary and
approved at the next meeting on the 7th of December 2015.
e) The clerk advised that she had received a letter from the HSBC asking for confirmation of the parish
council’s tax status. CALC advised that it had contacted HMRC and parish councils were not required to
complete the form. Clerk to reply to HSBC accordingly.
The following correspondences were noted;
1. Save the weekly bus to Keswick (emailed Cllrs 22/9) (Ref 4a & 8)
2. Allerdale Borough Council – Conservation Areas Supplementary Planning Docs (emailed Cllrs 26/9)
3. CALC – Friday Round Up (emailed Cllrs 26/9)
4. Connecting Cumbria – Newsletter (emailed Cllrs 26/9)
5. CALC – the start of a new improvement strategy survey (emailed Cllrs 29/9)
6. LDNPA – Community Legacy Projects Meeting (emailed Cllrs 1/10)
7. LDNPA – September Report (emailed Cllrs 1/10)
8. Highways – Temporary road closure on U2151 Smithy Lane (emailed Cllrs 3/10)
9. CALC – AGM Information 14th November (emailed Cllrs 3/10) – clerk to forward apologies.
10. CALC – October Circular (emailed Cllrs 3/10)
11. LDNPA – Parish Forum Agenda & Minutes (emailed Cllrs 3/10)
12. Isabel Blythe – Parking at Village Shop (emailed Cllrs 3/10) (Ref 5) – clerk to reply advising that
councillors feel that using that part of the green would be detrimental to the conservation area.
13. Cumbria CVS – Annual General Meeting Info (emailed Cllrs 5/10)
14. NuGen – Green Grants (emailed Cllrs 5/10)
15. CALC – County Training Partnership Newsetter Sept (emailed Cllrs 5/10)
16. ACT – Community Buildings Event (emailed Cllrs 5/10)
17. European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development - Funding (emailed Cllrs 5/10)
18. CALC – Executive Committee Casual Vacancy (emailed Cllrs 6/10)
19. Cumbria Minerals & Waste Local Plan – Supplementary Sites Consultation (emailed Cllrs 9/10)
20. CALC – Friday Round-Up (emailed Cllrs 10/10)
21. Cumbria Constabulary – Change of Inspector (emailed Cllrs 12/10)
22. CALC – Notice of proposed changes to the CALC constitution.
(a) It was noted that the date of the next meeting would be the 7th December 2015 at the earlier time of 7pm for
a presentation on Affordable Housing from Andrea Smith of Allerdale Housing.
(b) The dates for the 2016 parish council meetings to be confirmed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm.