Curriculum Vitae DAVID ANTHONY MORGAN DMS, CBIFM, MIoD Introduction I am a highly motivated, professional Facilities and Projects Manager, comfortable operating at Corporate/Senior level. I am Degree level educated (Diploma in Management Studies (level 7) as well as being a certified (Qualified) member of the British Institute of Facilities Management (CBIFM) and a member of the Institute of Directors (MIoD) as well as being NEBOSH health and safety qualified. My continued development involves currently studying part time towards a Master’s Degree in Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Management (MSc CREFM) of which I am in the final stages. My personal view is that a motivated, structured and efficient facilities or operational team can develop and establish the corporate brand as well as reflect and ensure an organisations future strategic objective. I do not believe FM is simply a support function; it incorporates key support services, with vital asset management and can make or break a company’s brand and future financial sustainability. If you are looking for a Facilities Manager who can hit the ground running, look no further. Business Sector Experience Commercial Sector 34% Utilities Sector 30% Health Sector (NHS) Charitable Sector 9% 27% Jigsaw Group Ltd, SecEuro Guarding (UK) Ltd, Freelance Facilities/Project Consultancy (included projects for The Imperial War Museum, Coventry University and The British Museum) British Gas Trading, TransCo, British Gas (Eastern) Plc. London Electricity Board. East and North Herts NHS Acute Trust Wood Green – The Animals Charity Employment History Position(s) Held Company Date Self Employed Interim/Project Manager Dave Morgan FM Ltd 1 February 2013 - Present Current Client Supported Projects; Completion of £1.75m 500 Kw Wind Turbine Installation Project Undergrounding of Overhead HV Lines Completion of £3.5m Build Liquidated and ascertained Damages Claim (supporting client claim against main contractor) Acting on behalf of Client in Senior Management Grievance/Disciplinary Case Position(s) Held Company Date Director of Facilities Wood Green - The Animals Charity 23 June 2006 – Present31 January 2013 Direct Responsibilities (Full job description available) Accountability; Dam/Oct2013/v1 Page 1 Capital Expenditure £3.5million p.a. Revenue Expenditure £1.5million p.a. Direct staff 27.72 FTE’s Indirect Staff 7.00 FTE’s. Estate/investment value £23 million. Reports direct to the Chief Executive, Responsibility; (i) FM Strategy, Finance and Compliance (Planning and implementation of construction projects, planning and management of ad-hoc and planned maintenance ensuring compliance with legislation and regulation as well as best practice). (ii) Construction and Refurbishment Programmes (Acting as WGAS lead on all capital and revenue projects, procurement of consultants and contractors, preparation of JCT and similar contracts). (iii) Infrastructure, Upkeep, Maintenance and Pool Vehicles (planned and ad-hoc maintenance, SLA’s and FM help desk maintenance, acting as transport manager for pool vehicles, and event support and real estate management and upkeep). (iv) Health, Safety and Security (Ensuring site safety, the provision of work permits, activity risk assessments, and the safety of employees, visitors and contractors, plus 24 hour security and CCTV provision). (v) Support Services (including switchboard/reception services, stores and good inwards, reprographics, as well as corporate insurance, radio licensing, waste management and recycling etc.). Key Achievements Acted as Client Project Manager and supported the single-stage tender, traditional build design team in the creation of a new build 5,500 sq. ft. purpose built surgery and a five block (60 kennel) and puppy block (6 kennel) facility. Build included the inclusion of renewable options such as air source heating and cooling, solar hot water heating, solar voltaic panels and rain water harvesting. Project Budget £3.6m Acted as the Client Project Manager in the preparation of the project financial business case. Then responsible for the procurement, delivery and installation of a 102 metre high, 500 Kw, direct drive wind turbine. Project Budget £1.7m Developed and turned around a failing in-house facilities team, restructuring and delivering an efficient blend of in-house and contracted house service provision. Included, consideration of LEAN principles, rewriting job specifications and developing a revised structure, developing staff potential as well as managing TUPE and redundancy challenges. Created and developed FM policies including; Environmental and Sustainability Policy, Approved Contractor Policy, Tendering Policy etc. Position(s) Held Company Date Facilities Contracts Manager East and North Hertfordshire NHS Acute Trust 2 August 2004 – 23 June 2006 Direct Responsibilities (Full job description available) Accountability; Capital Expenditure £1.5million p.a. Revenue Expenditure £5.2million p.a. Direct staff 32 FTE’s Indirect Staff 450 FTE’s Authorisation per invoice £100,000 Accommodation and Residencies 420 units Dam/Oct2013/v1 Page 2 Estate/investment value £67million (Accommodation and residencies). Reports direct to the General Manager Responsibility; (i) Corporate (Deputising for the General Manager in his/her absence and to contribute to the corporate achievement of the Trusts business and strategic goals, provide expert advice on high value contractual matters and to support the Trust in complying with NHSE and legislative matters). (ii) Accommodation and Residencies (to manage all Trust accommodation and residencies serving, nursing, doctors and other employee’s requirements ensuring payment of rents and managing annual rent reviews). (iii) High Value Support Service Contracts (to manage and ensure competitive direct and indirect labour costs, outsourcing where the corporate or service need was identified). Key Achievements Developed and delivered a comprehensive specification including a penalty clause for the provision of cleaning/housekeeping to three acute hospitals (Lister, Queen Elizabeth II and Hertford County). Then responsible for the tendering, selection and award of a contract for cleaning/housekeeping for a team of 400 FTE’s contracted out personnel, valued at £26m over a five year period. To comply with NHS structural review directives, I was directly responsible for re-structuring and implementing revised efficiency savings encompassing a team under my direct responsibility which included 58 FTE Trust facilities employees and 450 FTE out-sourced personnel. Managed East and North Herts NHS Acute Trust real estate (accommodation and staff residencies) at 420 units (bedrooms), managing owned and rented accommodation for; doctors, nurses, ancillary staff and medical students. Position(s) Held Health, Safety and Facilities Manager (11/08/2003 – 02/08/2004) Facilities and Procurement Manager (02/01/2001 – 11/08/ 2003) Company Date Jigsaw Group ltd 2 January 2001 – 2 August 2004 Direct Responsibilities (Full job description available) Accountability; Capital Expenditure £1.2 million p.a. Revenue Expenditure £600K Direct staff 10 FTE’s Indirect Staff 25 FTE’s Estate/investment value 36 Units £32.4 million Reports direct to the Head of Operations and Chief Executive Responsibility; (i) Health and Safety Monitoring (ensure strict accident and H&S monitoring, accident investigation, provision of accident statistics and identification and resolution of trends) (ii) Tender Management and Auditing (to ensure the full remit of FM services were provided efficiently and cost effectively supporting the core objectives of the company). (iii) Security, Maintenance and Upkeep (to establish an FM service provision across a wide national geographical area encompassing England and Wales). (iv) Build Project and Management (responsible for the identification and procurement of commercial plots and the building of 6,000 square feet purpose built nursery units). Dam/Oct2013/v1 Page 3 Key Achievements Acted as Client Project Manager in charge of the design and build team in the identification and purchase of commercial sites for the development of the Jigsaw chain of children’s nurseries. This included leading as Project Manager for four 6,000 sq. ft. purpose built units at a value of £3.6m in total. Responsible for reintroducing in-house catering facilities to 36 (36 x 6,000 sq. ft. units) serving food cooked on the premises to high standards to 700 FTE employees and 3,500 children. Ensuring exceptionally high standards of cleanliness and control of food products avoiding cross contamination and separation of allergy risks. Created and developed FM policies including; Pool Vehicle Policy, Approved Contractor Policy, Waste Management Policy etc. Position(s) Held Company Date Head of Facility Services SecEuro Guarding (UK) Ltd 1 March 1997 – 1 January 2001 Direct Responsibilities (Full job description available) Accountability; Capital Expenditure £25,000 p.a. Revenue Expenditure £750,000 p.a. Direct staff 5 FTE’s Indirect Staff 25 FTE’s Estate/investment value £1.6 (HQ building only) Reports direct to the Managing Director Key Achievements As the lead support services role, supported the corporate team in company acquisitions and postacquisition support services restructuring. This involved working through strategic service delivery analysis and where necessary, reviewing and rewriting job descriptions. Involved working through redundancy and Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE) challenges. Developed and implemented a lean support structure maximising home based working and outsourced office based working (such as outsourced call answering), to deliver a cost effective, efficient support service provision. This involved 30 FTE personnel covering a national service provision supporting a growth in organisational employees of 120 FTE’s to in excess of 500 FTE’s. Created and developed FM policies including; Health and Safety Policy, Planned Maintenance Policy, Environmental Policy, Home and Lone Working Policy etc. Position(s) Held Company Date Freelance Facilities/Projects Consultant Various 31 December 1995 – 1 March 1997 Key Achievements Created and implemented security role (Static, Event and CCTV personnel), risk assessments. Created the security outsourcing specification and tender documentation for Coventry University. The outsource initiative resulted in a saving of approximately £300K for the University. Dam/Oct2013/v1 Page 4 As the team lead identifying British Gas billing system components, was responsible for identifying all stand-alone or indirectly linked I.T. systems ensuring the then billing systems worked. The tariff Gas Billing Project was the largest I.T. billing system project to that date. The project outcome joined together all regional billing systems into one national system. Created and developed FM policies including; Security and CCTV Policy, Planned and Preventative Maintenance Policy, Security Policy, Tendering and Approved Contractor Policy, Vehicle Policy etc. Undertook an outsourcing projects for the Imperial War Museum and the British Museum. Position(s) Held Special Projects Manager (01/071993 – 31/12/1995) Facilities Manager (RHQ) (19/07/1989 – 01/07/1993) Company Date British Gas (Eastern) Plc. British gas Trading, TransCo. 19 June 1989 – 31 December 1995 Accountability; Capital Expenditure £500,000 p.a. Revenue Expenditure £2 million p.a. Direct staff 47 FTE’s Indirect Staff 44 FTE’s Estate/investment value £8 million (HQ building only) HQ staff 700 Reports direct to the Regional Administration Manager (Company Secretary) Key Achievements As Faculties Manager (RHQ), the Regional HQ housed 700 staff and I held responsibility for Security, CCTV, Fire/Bomb Procedures, Electrical, Mechanical and HV Repairs and Planned Preventative Maintenance, Infrastructure, Secretarial Support, Reception, Switchboard, Photocopying, Post, Health & Safety etc. The building was 114,000 sq. ft. and the annual maintenance budget was £1 million. The facilities team numbered 40 direct staff and 24 contract staff. Special Projects included downsizing, efficiency/work studies, outsourcing (including process management and implementation, restructuring to fit organisational need, also sensitive investigations for the Director of Personnel. Qualifications 1. MSc in Corporate Real Estate and Facilities Management (Currently Studying In Year 2) University of Salford (A Greater Manchester University) 2011 - 2013 2. Modules; Strategic Facilities Management (including LEAN, Life Cycle Asset Management, and Six Sigma), Facilities Management Excellence, Buildings in Use Procurement in Construction Projects, Research Methods, Dissertation. Post Graduate Diploma in Management Studies DMS (with Credit) University of Bedfordshire (30 September 1993) Modules; Organisational Management, Marketing Management, Management and Financial Accounting, Strategic Management and Globalisation, Leadership and Change Management, Law. Dam/Oct2013/v1 Page 5 3. B/TEC National Certificate in Business and Finance (Pass) Hammersmith and West London College of Further Education (Edexcel) 1984 4. Modules; The Organisation in its Environment, People and Communication, Numeracy and Accounting, Data Processing, Accounting II, Administration in Business, Business Law National General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health (Pass) Northampton College of Further Education (NEBOSH Ref C60222) 3 August 2001 5. Modules; Foundations in Health and Safety, Health and Safety Management Systems – Policy, Health and Safety Management Systems – Organising, Health and Safety Management Systems – Measuring, Audit and Review. CBIFM Certification (British Institute of Facilities Management) British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) 2012 Modules required to satisfy accreditation; People Management, Communication, Working with Suppliers and Specialists, Property Portfolio Management, Understanding Building Design, Building Fabric Maintenance, Management Building Services, Managing Support Services, Project Management, Managing Customer Service, Environmental Issues, Space Management, Procurement, Risk Management, Financial Management, Quality Management, Information Management. 6. Member of the Institute of Directors (MIoD) 7. Short Courses • • • • • Harry Mitchell College – Time Study Practitioner Harry Mitchell College – Work Study Practitioner Harry Mitchell College - Value Stream Mapping Dale Carnegie - Effective Speaking and Writing CIEH Intermediate Certificate in Food Safety and CIEH Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene Hobbies When time permits, I like to push myself and have recently undertaken a walk of Ben Nevis via the CMD followed by walking from Fort William to Inverness and then turned around a cycled via the mountain bike trial back to Fort William. Also this year undertook a bonding walk with my son up Mount Snowden via the pyg track. I swim regularly but possible spend more time in the sauna relaxing! Contact Information Address: Contact: Email: Website: Twitter: NI Number: Dam/Oct2013/v1 83A Swinford Hollow Little Billing, Northampton, NN3 9UN Telephone: Home - 01604 245671 Mobile - 07773311443 @davidmorganfm WK802092D Page 6