Crayfish Dissection Guide

By: Tricia Redburn
Internal Anatomy
 Encephalon: site of the mental functions of a crayfish.
Stomach: part of the digestive tract between the esophagus and the
Heart: blood-pumping organ of the crayfish.
Gonad: sex gland of a crayfish.
Extensor muscles: muscle that extends the tail of the crayfish.
Anus: outlet of the digestive tract.
Flexor muscle: muscle that bends the tail of the crayfish.
Digestive gland: glandular organ that produces digestive enzymes.
Ganglion of ventral nerve cord: budge related to a collection of nerves
of the abdomen of a crayfish.
Ventral nerve cord: collection of nerves in the abdomen of a crayfish.
Maxilliped: pair of appendages of a crayfish used for holding prey.
Esophagus: part of the digestive tract between the mouth and the
Mandible: lower jaw.
Mouth: entrance to the digestive tract.
Green gland: antennary gland.
Eye: sight organ of a crayfish.
External Anatomy
Antennule: used to sense things.
Compund eye: used to help the crayfish see.
Rostrum: protective plate between eyes.
Cephalic Groove: seperates head from chest.
Cephalothorax: the head and chest region.
Abdomen: tail region of the crayfish used for swimming.
Telson: Center of the tail.
Uropod: the tail.
Swimmerets: help the crayfish swim.
Walking legs: help crayfish walk.
Chelipeds: Enable crayfish to catch foods.
Maxillipeds: enable crayfish to taste and hold food.
Anntenae: helps to sense things.
 Kingdom: Animal
 Phylum: Arthropods
 Class: Crustacean
 Order: Decapods
 Family: Cambaridae
 Genius: Cambarus
Fun facts
 Crayfish can be found in just about any body of fresh
water which isn't overpolluted. This includes streams,
rivers, lakes, ponds, and sometimes even water-filled
 Crayfish are very common in Northern Virginia, but
they are difficult to identify. There are three common
genera : Cambarus, Orconectes, and Fallicambarus.
Most of our crayfish are Cambarus.
 Crayfish can usually be found by turning over rocks in
small streams and creeks; the larger the rock, the
larger the crayfish. Crayfish are nocturnal , so they do
most of their hunting at night.
Where I got my information